Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme

Brief description of the projects
Central Asia
A Source of Peace — Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia (pdf, 378 kB)
Data management to support IWRM in selected basins and irrigation systems (pdf, 437 kB)
Sustainable drinking water supply in remote rural areas (pdf, 283 kB)
Joint management of Isfara and Khodzha-Bakirgan river basins (pdf, 427 kB)
Isfara headwork regulation gate automation and flow metering (pdf, 318 kB)
Rehabilitation of the Tortgul dam safety system (pdf, 247 kB)
Alternative irrigation water supply for Garauti (pdf, 302 kB)
Community-based power supply in remote rural areas (pdf, 309 kB)
Re-using drainage water at Khanhovuz Irrigation Scheme (pdf, 362 kB)
IWRM and infrastructure renovation at Khanhovuz Irrigation System (pdf, 311 kB)
Rehabilitation of the Bad Bad irrigation canal and its headwork (pdf, 325 kB)
Safety monitoring system at Ravatkhodja headwork (pdf, 292 kB)