Development of the International Water Law in Central Asian Countries
Aral Sea basin: a view from the inside
Akmansoy S., McKinney D.C. Aral Sea Water Rights (1997)
Barghouti S. Case Study of the Aral Sea Water and Environmental Management Project (2006)
Dukhovny V.A. Transboundary waters and their joint use — hydrological and political aspects (2005)
Dukhovny V.A. Issues of International Water Law (2005)
Chatterjee. Case Study 4. The Aral Sea Basin (2007)
Kabilov F. Building a Legal Regime for International Watercourses in Central Asia (2010)
Liiv H. Proposal for implementation of the river basin management approach in Turkmenistan (2013)
Sharipov S.D. Central Asia bilateral and multilateral agreements on water management (2016)
Rysbekov Yu. Legal Framework of Basin Management in Central Asia (2005)
Rysbekov Yu. Moslem Law and Interstate Water Resources Management in Central Asia (2007)
Roll G. et al. Aral Sea. Experiences and Lessons Learnt (2006)
Volovik E. Assessment of Water Sector in Turkmenistan (2010)
Ziganshina D. International Water Law in Central Asia: Commitments, Compliance and Beyond (2010)
Ziganshina D. Promoting regional water cooperation in Central Asia through international law (2014)
Aral Sea basin: a view from the outside
Alster J. Legal aspects of water management in the Aral Sea basin: a view from outside (2001)
Alster J. The Aral Sea Basin: Past, Present and Future (a legal view from the outside) (2005)
Siegfried T., Bernauer T. Measuring International Policy Performance (2006)
The Code of Regulations of Muslim Legislation /Shariah/ Concerning Water Use and Land Use