Binding and Non-binding Instruments in Central Asia Region
Intergovernmental Agreements of Central Asia States
IFAS Documents
The Regulation of IFAS (Ashgabat, 9 April 1999)
The Agreement about the status of IFAS and its organizations (Ashgabat, 9 April 1999)
Almaty Declaration (Almaty, 28 September 1997)
Ashgabat Declaration (Ashgabat, 9 April 1999)
Dushanbe Declaration (Dushanbe, 6 October 2002)
ICWC Documents
Statute of the Scientific-Information Center of ICWC (SIC ICWC) (Tashkent, 19 January 1999)
Statute on SIC ICWC branches in the Aral Sea basin states (1999)
Statute of the Secretariat of ICWC (Nukus, 10 October 1993)
Statute of the Basin Water Association “Amudarya” (Ashkhabad, 6 April 1992)
Statute of the Basin Water Association “Syrdarya” (Ashkhabad, 6 April 1992)
Statute on Coordination-Metrological Center ICWC (Bishkek, 11 February 2000)
ICSD Documents
UN Documents