General Questions of Water Law
Allan A., Wouters P. What role for water law in the emerging “Good Governance” debate? (2004)
Bernauer T., Kalbhenn A. The Politics of International Freshwater Resources(2010)
Burchi S., Spreij M. Institutions for international freshwater management (2003)
Decker K., Sage C., Stefanova M. Law or Justice: Building Equitable Legal Institutions (2005)
Dellapenna J.W. The customary international law of transboundary fresh waters(2001)
Environmental Rule of Law. First Global Report (2019)
Hodgson S. Modern water rights: Theory and practice (2006)
Kolliopoulos A. Balancing different water uses in a transboundary basin (2011)
Paisley R. International watercourses, international water law and Central Asia (2018)
Stephan R.M. International water law for transboundary aquifers – a global perspective (2019)
Sindico F. Transboundary Water Cooperation and the Sustainable Development Goals (2016)
Teclaff L.A. Evolution of the River Basin Concept in National and International Water Law (1996)
Tignino M. Joint ownership of water infrastructure in international law (2016)
Transboundary Waters: Sharing Benefits, Sharing Responsibilities / UN-Water Thematic Paper (2008)
Transboundary River Basins: Status and Trends. Summary for Policy Makers / UNEP-DHI and UNEP. (2016)
Vinogradov S. International Treaties (2005)
Wouters P. International law – facilitating transboundary water cooperation (2013)
Zeitoun M. et al Transboundary water interaction III: contest and compliance (2013)