Publications of Global Water Partnership on IWRM tools
V.A. Dukhovny, V.I. Sokolov: Integrated Water Resources Management: Experience and Lessons Learned from Central Asia Towards the 4th World Water Forum (2005) (pdf, 610 kB)
Gender Aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management (2005) (pdf, 1610 kB)
A Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins (2009) (pdf, 884 kB)
IWRM a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change (2009) (pdf, 2,54 MB)
Water supply and sanitation in the countries of Central Asia and Sourthern Caucasus (regional review) (2009) (pdf, 1220 kB)
IWRM Principles Implementation in the Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus (2004) (pdf, 637 kB)
GWP Policy Briefs
No. 1 Unlocking the door to social development and economic growth: how a more integrated approach to water can help (2005) (pdf, 580 kB)
No. 2 Water and Sustainable development: Lessons from Chile (2006) (pdf, 299 kB)
No. 3 Gender mainstreaming: An essential component of sustainable water management (2006) (pdf, 332 kB)
No. 4 How IWRM will contribute to achieving the MDGs (2006) (pdf, 482 kB)
No. 5 Climate Change Adaptation and Integrated Water Resource Management — An Initial Overview (2007) (pdf, 416 kB)
No. 6 How to integrate IWRM and national development plans and strategies and why this needs to be done in the era of aid effectiveness (2008) (pdf, 408 kB)
No. 7 Investing in infrastructure: The value of an IWRM approach (2009) (pdf, 420 kB)
No. 8 Triggering change in water policies (2009) (pdf, 417 kB)
No. 9 Lessons from Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice (2009) (pdf, 310 kB)
No. 10 Managing the other side of the water cycle: Making wastewater an asset (2009) (pdf, 335 kB)
No. 11 Social Equity: The Need for an Integrated Approach (2012) (pdf, 1012 kB)
No. 12 Rio+20: Water Security for Growth and Sustainability (2012) (pdf, 906 kB)
No. 13 Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM): Toward Diversification and Sustainability (2013) (pdf, 468 kB)
No. 14 International Law: Facilitating Transboundary Water Cooperation (2013) (pdf, 457 kB)
No. 15 The Economic Value of Moving Toward a More Water Secure World (2013) (pdf, 326 kB)
GWP Technical Briefs
No. 1 Checklists for change: Defining areas for action in an IWRM strategy or plan (2006) (pdf, 117 kB)
No. 2 Tools for keeping IWRM strategic planning on track (2006) (pdf, 215 kB)
No. 3 Monitoring and evaluation indicators for IWRM strategies and plans (2006) (pdf, 127 kB)
No. 4 Taking an integrated approach to improving water efficiency (2006) (pdf, 139 kB)
No. 5 Mainstreaming gender in integrated water resources management strategies and plans: practical steps for practitioners (2006) (pdf, 132 kB)
GWP TEC Background Papers
No. 1 Regulation and Private Participation in the Water and Sanitation Sector (1998) (pdf, 267 kB)
No. 2 Water as a Social and Economic Good: How to Put the Principle into Practice (1998) (pdf, 233 kB)
No. 3 The Dublin Principles for Water as Reflected in a Comparative Assessment of Instistutional and Legal Arrangements for Integrated Water Resources Management (1999) (pdf, 496 kB)
No. 4 Integrated Water Resources Management (2000) (pdf, 594 kB)
No. 5 Letter to my Minister (2000) (pdf, 510 kB)
No. 6 Risk and Integrated Water Management (2002) (pdf, 345 kB)
No. 7 Effective Water Governance (2002) (pdf, 2,16 MB)
No. 8 Poverty reduction and IWRM (2003) (pdf, 1,98 MB)
No. 9 Water Management and Eco Systems: Living with Change (2003) (pdf, 3 MB)
No. 10 IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans by 2005: Why, What and How? (2004) (pdf, 511 kB)
No. 11 Urban Water and Sanitation Services; An IWRM Approach (2006) (pdf, 768 kB)
No. 12 Water Financing and Governance (2008) (pdf, 846 kB)
No. 13 Managing the other side of the water cycle: Making wastewater an asset (2009) (pdf, 805 kB)
No. 14 Water Management, Water Security and Climate Change Adaptation: Early Impacts and Essential Responses (2009) (pdf, 805 kB)
No 15 Social Equity and Integrated Water Resources Management (2011) (pdf, 1178 kB)
No 16 Integrated Urban Water Management (2012) (pdf, 1205 kB)
No. 17 International Law – facilitating transboundary water cooperation (2013) (pdf, 797 kB)
No. 18 The Economic Value of Moving Toward a More Water Secure World (2013) (pdf, 2220 kB)
No. 19 Groundwater Governance and Irrigate Agriculture (2014) (pdf, 587 kB)
No. 20 Water Security: Putting the Concept into Practice (2014) (pdf, 961 kB)
No. 21 Promoting Effective Water Management Cooperation among Riparian Nations (2015) (pdf, 874 kB)
No. 22 Increasing water security: the key to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (2016) (pdf, 962 kB)
GWP Technical Focus Papers
Integrated water resources management in Central Asia: The challenges of managing large transboundary rivers (2014) (pdf, 2221 kB)
The role of Decision Support Systems and Models in Integrated River Basin Management (2013) (pdf, 774 kB)
GWP Perspectives Papers
No 1 Towards Integrated Urban Water Management (2011) (pdf, 1751 kB)
No 2 Increasing Water Security - A Development Imperative (2012) (pdf, 3278 kB)
No 3 Water in the Green Economy (2012) (pdf, 5998 kB)
No 4 Groundwater Resources and Irrigated Agriculture (2012) (pdf, 1331 kB)
No 5 Urban Groundwater - Policies and Institutions for Integrated Management (2013) (pdf, 5267 kB)
No 6 The Links Between Land Use and Groundwater (2014) (pdf, 1766 kB)