Towards the 6th World Water Forum — Cooperative Actions for Water Security
International Conference
M.F. Abduraimov - Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Lower Levels of Water Users (pdf, 56 kB)
А.А. Alimdjanov - Daily planning based water distribution at the WUA level (pdf, 39 kB)
J.P. Alster - Can we develop a new paradigm for long-term water use sustainability in Central Asia? (pdf, 13 kB)
J.P. Alster - The usefulness of environmental water conventions for the CAR (pdf, 13 kB)
A.A. Aslanyan - Regarding sustainable water supply in the Republic of Armenia (pdf, 10 kB)
K.A. Anzelm - Application of water saving technologies in irrigation: Southern Kazakhstan case study (pdf, 15 kB)
A.J. Atakanov, А.О. Naloychenko - Regulation of nutrient status of soil - guarantee of obtaining stable crop yields (pdf, 55 kB)
A.O. Domran, V.P. Popova - Current water balance of Balkhash Lake (pdf, 14 kB)
D. Drumya - Transboundary Cooperation in the Lower Reaches of the Danube River Basin (pdf, 9 kB)
B. Fokkens - Eco-system based river restoration and a good ecological status of water bodies (pdf, 12 kB)
Yu. Gorshkov - International Cooperation and Problems in Area of Transboundary Water Sharing (pdf, 14 kB)
A.A. Grigoryants, M.G. Mitropolsky - Protection of biodiversity in Uzbekistan under climate change (pdf, 40 kB)
K.A. Hovhannisyan - Some aspects of water use in the Republic of Armenia (pdf, 10 kB)
M.G. Horst - echnical innovations in irrigation in the context of restructuring irrigated agriculture (pdf, 10 kB)
R.K. Ikramov - Results of the project “Research of sustainable land management” in Uzbekistan (pdf, 13 kB)
M. Reddy Junna - Approaches for improving water productivity towards global food security (pdf, 13 kB)
T.K. Kamalov - Large reservoirs and problems of their safety in Central Asian countries (pdf, 31 kB)
Yu.S. Kamalov - Natural sites have the right to exist (pdf, 10 kB)
M.Yu. Kalinin, M.J. Burlibaev - Analysis of natural hydrological phenomena in Belarus and Kazakhstan (pdf, 25 kB)
А.K. Kenshimov - Some issues of cooperation in transboundary river basins with the People's Republic of China (pdf, 68 kB)
M.Kh. Khamidov - Transboundary water resources management: the Syrdarya river case study (pdf, 10 kB)
М.D. Khodjaev - Green Energy and Conservation of Environmental Capacity (pdf, 45 kB)
L. Kothay, K. Papp - Hungarian participation in transboundary water management (pdf, 57 kB)
D.V. Kozlov - Water management and land reclamation in Russia: problems of education and science (pdf, 10 kB)
R. Kulmatov - Current water management and environmental problems of transboundary Zaravshan river (pdf, 58 kB)
Е. Kurbanbaev - Basic principles of ensuring water security in the lower reaches of the Amudarya river (pdf, 59 kB)
B. Libert - UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (pdf, 15 kB)
B. Libert - Capacity building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia (pdf, 17 kB)
B. Libert , G. Roll - EU Water Initiative National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in Central Asia and Caucasus (pdf, 10 kB)
A.V. Lineytseva, V.V. Golubtsov - Change of river flow due to degradation of glaciers (pdf, 59 kB)
A. J. Makela - Water quality monitoring - developing the use of indicators-based assessments in the Kyrgyz Republic (pdf, 12 kB)
А.S. Merkushkin - Hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena under climate change conditions (pdf, 56 kB)
E.А. Mesropyan - Some approaches to rehabilitation of urban water supply systems for improvement of their stability (pdf, 69 kB)
V.V. Mustafina, А.О. Bodauova - Capacity building in water resources management (pdf, 62 kB)
А.О. Orman - Water Resources Management in Kazakhstan (pdf, 102 kB)
I.A. Petrakov - Adoption of the integrated water resources management in the Republic of Kazakhstan (pdf, 21 kB)
Y. Pochon, A. Bernard - Key Performance Indicators for Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management (pdf, 13 kB)
T. Rashidov, Е. An - Seismic risk and water security (pdf, 38 kB)
P.P. Rutkovsky - Assessment of degree of meeting water requirements through water-management balance (pdf, 10 kB)
Yu.Kh. Rysbekov - Transboundary water cooperation in Central Asia: on the issue of contractual responsibility of ICWC (pdf, 59 kB)
Yu.Kh. Rysbekov - ICWC of Central Asia: limits of legal capacity (pdf, 62 kB)
Yu.Kh. Rysbekov - ICWC of Central Asia: some aspects of institutionalization as of an international organization (pdf, 64 kB)
Yu.Kh. Rysbekov - Transboundary water management in Central Asia and negotiation process: to be straight (pdf, 64 kB)
E.P. Sakhvaeva - Kyrgyzstan: Water Demands of Future Generations (pdf, 10 kB)
S.S. Sanginov - Application of innovative technologies to create jobs for rural youth (pdf, 10 kB)
V. N. Shedrin - Issues of water use for land reclamation purposes in Russia (pdf, 10 kB)
I.D. Trombitskiy - Transboundary water basin management: problems of implementation in CIS (pdf, 59 kB)