Towards the 6th World Water Forum — Cooperative Actions for Water Security
International Conference
The Aim of the Conference
The aim of the conference is to formulate and agree upon a regional agenda for the 6th World Water Forum which is addressed to meet the Millennium Development Goals regarding the guaranteed and sustainable access of the society, economy, and nature to water.
The conference program corresponds to thematic scope of the 6th World Water Forum main directions. The World Water Council has set 12 thematic key priorities, of which the following are the most important for the region:
- Guarantee access to water services for all and the Right to Water
- Contribute to cooperation and peace
- Balance multiple uses through IWRM
- Ensure food security
- Improve the quality of water resources and ecosystems
- Respond to climate and global changes in an urbanizing world.
For all of them the prerequisites for success should be Good Governance, Financing for Water and Enabling Environment.
Within the framework of this thematic program, the European preparatory commission has identified more specific priorities for a region, which also includes the countries in Caucasus and Central Asia:
- Transboundary water body management in light of European and other global water conventions on the first two positions
- Implementation of IWRM on a larger scale
- Reformation of agricultural policy, especially in part of irrigation
- Good environmental status of water bodies
- Prevention of floods and droughts and adaptation to their conditions.