
Water Quality in Central Asia

Standards in the field of water quality

GOST 18963-73 Drinking water. Methods of sanitary-bacteriological analysis

GOST 24481-80 Drinking water. Sampling

GOST R 51593-2000 Drinking water. Sampling

GOST 4192-82 Drinking-water. Methods of determination of mineral nitrogen-containing matters

GOST R. 51871-2002 Water treatment units. General requirements and methods of efficiency determination

GOST 30813-2002 Water and water-preparation. Terms and definitions

GOST 27065-86 (ST CMEA 5184-85. ) Water quality. Terms and definitions

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Classification of water bodies

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Procedures for quality control of water in reservoires

GOST (ST CMEA 3077-81) Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for surface and underground water control against pollution by pesticides

GOST (ST CMEA 3077-81) Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General requirements for surface and ground water protection against oil and oil product pollution

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Devices and facilities for taking natural water samples, their primary treatment and storage. General specifications

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Generalities of sampling surface and sea waters, ice, and atmospheric precipitation

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Generalities of sampling bottom sediments in water bodies for pollution analysis

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Use and protection of water resources. Basic terms and definitions

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Criteria and indices of irrigation water quality

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Sea water quality control regulations

GOST 2874-82. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control

TDS-2761-84. Sources of centralized household-drinking water supply. Hygienic and technical requirements and selection rules

Standard RU О'z DSt 950-2011. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control

Standard RU О'z DSt 951-2011 Sources of centralized household-drinking water supply. Hygienic and technical requirements and selection rules

Standard RU RH 84.3.7.-2004. Procedure of elaboration and documentation of draft standards for maximum admissible discharge of pollutants into water bodies and onto the ground

ST RK R 51592-2003 Water. General requirements of the organization and methods of water quality control

ST KR MU 64-04. Maximum admissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking, and recreational purposes. 2004.

ST KR «Approximate permissible levels (APL) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking, and recreational purposes»

ST KR «Maximum admissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking, and recreational purposes in the protected area of chemical weapon storage and destruction»

ST RK Sanitary regulations. «Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for water sources, household-drinking water supply, recreation uses, and water body safety»

Guideline documents

RD 52.24.309-92. Organization and performance of monitoring observations over surface water pollution within Roskomhydromet’s network

RD 52.24.66-86. System of control over accuracy of pollution measurements in monitored environment

RD 52.24.508-96. Organization and operation of a subsystem for monitoring over status of transboundary surface water

RD 52.24.603-2002. Method of integrated assessment of surface water pollution by hydrochemical indicator

RND 01.01.03-94 Surface water conservation regulations in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Rules for development and adoption of standards for maximum permissible detrimental effects on water bodies

Rules for development, approval, and adoption of requirements for normative-technical, sanitary-epidemiological, and metrological provision of water control and metering

Procedural guidelines and recommendations

Procedural guidelines on organization of a system of observations and control over water quality in water bodies and waterways within the Goskomhydromet’s network of OGSNK (State service for environmental observations and monitoring).

Temporary procedural guidelines for hydrometeorological stations and posts on taking water and soil samples for chemical and hydrobiological analyses and making first-day analysis.

Procedural recommendations of Goskomhydromet on explicit integrated assessment of surface and sea water quality

Procedural recommendations on analyzing causes of extreme values of environmental pollution. Publ. by Gidrometeoizdat.


Manual on chemical analysis of surface water

Manual on sampling water and bottom sediments within the regional water quality monitoring network of the Aral Sea basin. SANIGMI.

Sanitary Regulations and Standards

SanPiN 4630-88. Sanitary regulations and standards of surface water quality protection against pollution

SanPiN Sanitary regulations and standards

SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control

SanPiN Drinking water protective areas

SanPiN Sanitary-epidemiological requirements of water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems

SanPiN Sanitary-epidemiological requirements of surface water protection against pollution

Other documents

Hygienic standards (approved by the Decree of the Head health officer of the Kyrgyz Republic):

  • Maximum admissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking and recreational purposes
  • Approximate permissible levels (APL) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking, and recreational purposes
  • Maximum admissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in water bodies used for household, drinking, and recreational purposes in the protected area of chemical weapon storage and destruction

Order № 506 of the acting Health Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 28 June 2004 «On adoption of sanitary-epidemiological regulations and standards for household-drinking water supply and recreational water use places»

Order № 63 of the Health Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 18 February 2005 «On adoption of sanitary-epidemiological regulations and standards “Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for maintenance of drinking water protective zones”

Order № 229 of the acting Health Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 13 May 2005 «On adoption of sanitary-epidemiological regulations and standards “Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for non-centralized household and drinking water supply”

Order № 147 of the acting Health Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 24 March 2005 «On adoption of sanitary-epidemiological regulations and standards for drinking water» Instruction «About permission procedure and approval of technical conditions for connection of facilities to water supply and sanitation systems in cities and regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (adopted by an order of the Chairman of

Committee for Housing and Building Policies at the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of Kazakhstan, 30 December 1997)
