Climate conditions
Basic factors which determine climate conditions in the Surkhandarya province are as follows: location of the region in subtropical zone, atmospheric circulation, variety of highlands, and terrain shift. Topographic characteristics of the region influence the change in meteorological variables, temperature conditions, and frequency of local winds.
To describe climate characteristics, data of the Denau weather station are used.
Air temperature
Average annual temperature for Denau is 15.60 oС. In the coldest month (January), it is + 2.80 oС.
The highest values of average monthly temperature are in July (28.40 oС). Sharp changes in temperature occur not only by season but also within the day.
In the Surkhandarya province, precipitation is distributed differently. It depends on altitude and specific conditions on the windward and downwind slopes. At the Denau station, precipitation is 360 mm. During the year, precipitation distribution is uneven. Summer months are very dry, and sharp increase in precipitation occurs in winter and, especially, in March. Certainly, rainfall dominates over snowfall in annual precipitation. In piedmont, the number of rainy days is 2-3 times more than the number of snowy days. Precipitation intensity (daily precipitation peaks) are presented in the table:
Basic climate characteristics based on data by the Denau weather station (Н=516 m)
Basic meteorological parameters based on data by the Shurchi weather station
Maximum daily precipitation (mm) with various values
Snow cover
In the province, snow cover is unsustainable. Mean date of first snow cover falls on December in foothills. In case of early winter, snow cover may be formed one month earlier than the mean date. Snow cover decreases depending on the altitude. This takes place from the second half of February till the first half of April.
Formation of and decrease in snow cover