Overall project objectives:
The Project aims to address the challenges of the interdependence between energy, water and land use, the so-called nexus, that are exacerbated by climate change, in Central Asia. Through the Project, economic and financial analytical work at regional and national level will be enhanced and nexus-relevant financing opportunities will be explored and identified. The Project will demonstrate the “business case” for co-operation on the nexus, enhance capacity needed for operationalising the nexus approach, and create political momentum for action.

Project implementation period

Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection of Germany (BMUV) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Consortium Partners
I. Governments of Central Asian countries actively participate in policy dialogue and build political consensus on the benefits of cooperation on the energy, water and land use nexus;
II. Governments and non-state actors in the region have a robust knowledge base of challenges to and opportunities for operationalising the nexus approach in the face of climate risks;
III.Governments and non-state actors in the region have strategies, toolkits and guidance that promote cross-sectoral and regional co-operation on the energy, water and land use;
IV.Governments and non-state actors in the region benefit from sustainable financing opportunities for projects with an energy-water-land use nexus focus;
V.Regional capacity development activities are implemented in co-operation with regional and international institutions. Design of the activities are informed by results of the other output areas.
Participation of SIC ICWC in the project:
WP I: Activity A I.3 (Regional thematic conferences)
WP II: Activity II.4 (Regional Centre of Excellence), Activity II.5 (Improved access to data through digitilisation and automation)
WP III:Activity III.2 (A Central Asian Water and Energy Consortium or other acceptable mechanism), Activity III.3 (Modelling framework), Activity III.6 (Nexus Profiles - A Nexus Mainstreaming Toolkit), Activity III. (7 Toolkits with a focus on remote sensing data for water, land, energy use)
WP V: Activity V.1 (Capacity development activities for policy makers from planning and sectoral ministries in the region)