Experts and Partners
International Training Center for the Safety of Hydraulic Structures

The principal objective of ITC is building capacities in the water sector by training, re-training and upgrading skills in management and supervision in safety of hydraulic structures
Scope of activity:
- Assistance in addressing the acute issues of hydraulic structure safety;
- Strengthening of international cooperation in the area of safe operation of hydraulic structures;
- Support to UCECE, EC IFAC and GIZ programs aimed at provision of safety of hydraulic structures in the Aral Sea basin;
- Personnel training in emergency prevention and response on water bodies and facilities;
- Development and implementation of training curricula on control and monitoring of hydraulic structure safety;
- Development and implementation of regional and international programs and projects, as well as engineering efforts for the water safety and hydraulic structure safety;
- Development of projects for multipurpose use of hydraulic structures and reservoirs;
- Contribution to elaboration of regulations and laws in part of safety of hydraulic structures;
- Development of prototypes of equipment and devices for monitoring of the status of hydraulic structures;
- Transfer and adaptation of technologies and equipment from world’s leading countries on monitoring, control and operation of hydraulic structures;
- Drafting and publication of learning, scientific and other kinds of literature;
- Organization of conferences, trainings, workshops, etc.
The Director of the Center is the coordinator of the Platform, participates in research and mobilizes financial and other forms of support for the activities.