The Expert Platform serves as a community of experts that conduct interdisciplinary research on water security, sustainable development, and future studies in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and adjacent regions.

The Expert Platform seeks to fill the gap in an integrated approach and expertise rather than replace or duplicate the activities of existing institutions.

Initiated and established by experts from the region, the Platform invites all interested to join forces!


Platform experts study issues related to financing the water sector in Central Asian countries and regional water cooperation. It is planned to prepare a scoping paper on various financing needs and looking for ways to attracht additional sustainable financing

Rethinking Institutional and Financial Mechanisms on Water and Energy Cooperation in Central Asia: Discussion paper

The Diagnostic Report on Rational Use of Water Resources in Central Asia as of 2019 reviews the use and management of water resources in Central Asia over the period from 1998 to 2019. It, particularly, (1) assesses changes in water and land use and management in Central Asia over the past 20 years; (2) identifies future water challenges, development trends and needs for the long-term rational use of water resources and irrigated land; (3) assesses the progress made with implementation of the “Fundamental Provisions of Water Management Strategy in the Aral Sea Basin”; (4) prepares a database of key information and indicators in support of the Diagnostic Report.

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Meeting on the development of a Regional Center of Excellence for the nexus approach on the base of the Expert Platform on Water Security, Sustainable Development and Future Studies

9 November 2024


Scientific-Practical Conference "Water in Central Asia: the Future in Cooperation"

8 November 2024


Roundtable in memory of Prof. V.A. Dukhovniy “Improvement of regional water and energy cooperation in Central Asia”

16 August 2023


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