Objects of automation

The Fergana Valley Canal Automation Project is implemented for the following works:

  • Structures of the BWO Syrdarya’s Naryn-Karadarya branch
  • Aravan-Akbura canal (Kyrgyz Republic);
  • South Fergana canal (Republic of Uzbekistan);
  • Khojibakirgan canal (Gulyakandoz) (Republic of Tajikistan).

The structures of the Naryn-Karadarya branch of BWO Syrdarya are unique and located compactly in area of automated Uchkurgan waterworks facility. These structures receive water from the Toktoghul reservoir for multiannual regulation through the cascade of HEPSs located along the Naryn river and in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. In recent years, due to shift to energy-generation mode of the HEPS cascade, substantial variations in water discharge are observed in control points of the structures. In addition, this complicates water management.

South Ferghana canal is fed from the system of Andizhan reservoir for multiannual regulation and is very long (about 200 km). The canal supplies water to irrigated land in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Aravan-Akbura canal diverts water from the Akbura river, the flow of which is regulated by the Papan reservoir for seasonal regulation. The canal is 30 km long and distributes water between two rayons (districts) in Kyrgyzstan.

Khojibakirgan canal diverts water from the non-regulated Khojibakirgan river. It is 28 km and distributes water between two rayons (districts) in Tajikistan.

The following structures have been automated as a result of the project:

  • structures of BWO Syrdarya — 5 main structures (46 gates and 5 dispatching points);
  • South Fergana canal — 8 main structures и Karkidon reservoir structures (72 gates and 17 dispatching points), 10 gauging stations (1 head station and 9 balance stations);
  • Aravan-Akbura canal — 3 main structures (17 gates and 7 dispatching points) and 4 gauging stations (1 head station and 3 balance stations);
  • Khojibakirgan canal — 5 main structures (36 gates and 6 dispatching points), 3 gauging stations (1 head station and 2 balance stations) and 7 dispatching points.

About SCADA system