Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Complex hydrogeological survey S 1:25000 of Beshkent valley to reveal reasons of reclamation state aggravating and development of recommendations on their restoration.

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Skvaletsky E.N., Rakhmonov B.R. The Republic of Tadjikistan, Dushanbe


Field studies of irrigated lands, reclamation structures as well as collector-drainage network were carried out. Archives and fund materials of past studies were considered. Complex program on natural conditions study and irrigated lands reclamation improve­ment was developed. Effectiveness of deep plowing and other rec­lamation measures was studied to increase soil productivity. Con­ditions of ground water formation, ways of recharge and discharge, irrigation role in ground water recharge were established. Elements of common ground water-salt balance on irrigated lands.

Key words

Reclamation; drainage; irrigation; salinity; ground waters


Authors - Rakhmonov В., Ergashev M. Title - "Irrigation impact on soils salinity in Beshkent valley" Papers of Soil Science TNII, Dushanbe, 1998