Knowledge Base


Agreements and Documents at the Global Level

Resolutions of the UN General Assembly

Agreements and Documents at the Regional Level

National Documents

Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Tajikiistan


Republic of Uzbekistan

Publications of Different Organizations

Articles / Papers


    Arnageldiev A., Kostyukovsky V.I. Ecosystems of Karakum - Ashgabat: Ilim, 1988 – 309p.

    Arnageldiev A., Kostyukovsky V.I. Deserts: rational use and protection - Мoscow: Agropromizdat, 1990. - 222 p.

    Babayev A.G. Combating desertification in arid zone // Collection of lectures: "Water resources development in arid zone problems". - Tashkent: SANIIRI, 1986. - 96-110p.

    Babayev A.G. Assessment of action plan for desertification combating // Problems of desert development. - 1991. - Issue 2. - 3-10p.

    Babayev A.G. Strategy of desertification combating in Central Asia // - 1994. - Issue 4-5. - 9-13p.

    Babayev A.G., Zonn I.S. Desertification in Asian countries: assessment and combating. Problems of deserts development - 1983. - № 2.

    Babayev A.G. Orlivsky N.S. Ecological types of deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan and perspectives of their development // Issues of desert development in USSR. - Ashgabat, 1981.

    Babayev A.G. Freikin Z.G. Desert transformation in USSR. (New in life, science and technics. Serie "Science about Earth"). - Moscow, 1976. - Issue 1. – 56p.

    Babayev A.G. Freikin Z.G. Deserts of USSR : yesterday, today, tomorrow. - Moscow, 1977. – 351p.

    Desertification combating in Australia // Desertification problems. - UNEP, 1981.

    Desertification combating through integrated development: Theses of International Simposia. - 1981. – 252p.

    Drought characterization and management in Central Asia Region and Turkey. FAO, 2017

    Victorov S.V. Aero-landscape indication of human activity in desert. - Moscow.: Nedra, 1973.

    Vonogradov D.V. Aero-cosmic methods of desert nature study // natural conditions and resources of deserts in USSR, their rational use. - Ashgabat, 1984. - 97-105p.

    Vonogradov D.V. Cosmic methods of environmental study. - Moscow: Misl, 1976.

    Vonogradov D.V. Desertification forms according to aero and space imaginary // Problems of desert development. - 1976. - № 3-4. - 35-44p.

    Zaletayev V.S. Peculiarities of modern development and degradation of desert natural systems // Problems of desert development. - 1991. - №3-4. -56-64p.

    Study of human activity impact on nature of Central Asia through remote sensing / Sumarokova, V.A. // IAHS-AISH Publ. (GBR). - 1985. - Issue 145. - 659-666p.

    Integrated control of desertification in USSR / Babayev, A. G.; Orlovsky, N. S.; Kharin, N. G. // Arid lands: today and tomorrow. - USA: Westview Press, 1988. - 825-839 p.

    UN Convention for desertification combating in those countries which experience draught or desertification, especially in Africa. - 1995. – 78 p.

    Korshunova V.S., Trofimova G.Yu. Micro-source desertification in sandy deserts // Micro-sources processes-indicators of destabilized environment. - Moscow, 2000. - 113-130p.

    Kust G.S. Desertification: principles of ecological-genetic assessment and mapping. Moscow: MSU, 1999. - 362 p.

    Nechayeva N.T. Problems of desertification indicators development // Problems of desert development. - 1979. - № 4. - 18-24p.

    Desertification in Uzbekistan and its combating. - Tashkent, 1988. – 156p.

    Arid areas development and desertification combating: integrated approach. - М., 1986.

    Action plan for desertification combating. UN Conference for desertification combating. - Moscow., 1977.

    Problems of desertification and nature protection // Babayev A.G. and others. Deserts. – Moscow, 1986. - 296-309p.

    Deserts / Babayev A.G., Drozdov N.N., Zonn I.S., Freikin Z.G..; Editor. Murzayev E.M. - Moscow: Misl, 1986. – 318p.

    Rafikov A.A. Desertification of AmuDarya delta natural complexes desertification processes forecast // desertification combating through integrated development: Theses. - Tashkent, 1981. - 174-176p.

    Rafikov A.A. Forecast of desertification in South Peiaralie // // Problems of deserts development - 1985. - Issue 5. - 42-48p.

    Kharin N.G. Remote sensing and desert nature protection. – Moscow: Nauka, 1980.

    Kharin N.G., Kalyonov G.S. Study of antrophogenic desertification from satellite imaginary // Problems of deserts development. - 1978. - № 4. - 25-28p.

    Brown G.W. (Ed.) Desert biology. Vol. 1-2. - New York-London, 1974.

    Cloudsley-Thompson J.L. The desert. Onbis Publ.Ltd. London, 1977.

    Clements Th.D. Geomorphic classification of desert types // Bull. Sec. America. - Vol. 65, no. 12.

    Desert Eco-system and its improvement. Ed. By HoS. Mann. ICAR, India, 1977.

    Desertification assessment and mapping in the Pre-Aral region / Kust, G.S. // Desertification Control Bulletin. - 1992. - Issue 21. - 38-43p.

    Golodnaya (Hungry) Steppe: a case study of desertification. //: Desertification. M.R. Biswas, A.K. Biswas (ed.) Environmental Sciences and Applications, 12: pp. 427-480. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1980.

    Golodnaya Steppe. An associated case study. United Nations Conference on Desertification, August 29-September 9, 1977, Nairobi, Kenya (Proceedings) A/CONF. 74/23; 76 pp. - New York, USA; United Nations, 1977.

    Leopold A.S. The desert. - Time-Life Books (New York), 1976.

    Lyu Y., Shi P., Han G., Liu L., Guo L., Hu X., Zhang G. Desertification Control Practices in China / Sustainability 2020, 12

    Mirzabaev A., Goedecke J., Dubovyk O., Djanibekov Uю, Le B.Q., Aw-Hassan A. Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia / E. Nkonya et al. (eds.), Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development, 2016

    Meigs P. World distribution of coastal desert // Coastal desert. Their Natural and Human Environments. Ed. By D. Amiran, A. Wilson. - Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson Arizona, 1973.

    Monod T. Les deserts. - Paris, 1973.

    Ochs W.J., Smedema L.K. Planning for drainage development in the Aral Sea basin // The inter-relationship between irrigation, drainage and environment in the Aral Sea basin. - 1996. - P. 27-33.

    Transnational Project to Monitor Desertification Processes and Related Natural Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of South-West Asia. A/Conf. 74/28 UN-Conference on Desertification, 1977. Nairobi, Kenya.

    Tsutsui H. Irrigation and Environment - Aral Sea Basin in Central Asia // Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning. - Tokyo, 1994. - Pp. 15-30.

    World irrigation IV. Irrigation and environment-Aral sea basin in Central Asia / Tsutsui, H. // Journal of Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning. - 1993. - Issue 25. - 42-57p.

    World irrigation IV. Irrigation and environment-Aral Sea basin in Central Asia / Tsutsui, H. // Journal of Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning. - 1994. - Issue 26. - 15-30p.


    Barikina V.V., Panfilov D.V. Natutal-biological potential of desert ecosystems and impact on it from antopogenic factors. // Problems of deserts development. - 1983. – Issue 4. - 31-36 p.

    Barikina V.V., Panfilov D.V., Timoshkina V.A. Modern trends in Priaralie biological complexes changes. // Problems of deserts development. - 1979. - Issue 2. - 34-40p.

    Priaralie biological resources - Tashkent, 1986. – 198p.

    Gerasimov I.P., Kuznetsov N.T., Kes A.S. Aral sea and Priaralie desertification problem. // Problems of deserts development. - 1983. - Issue 6. -22-33p.

    Zhollibekov B. Soil transformation in Amudarya delta due to desertification // Problems of deserts development.- 1987. - Issue 2. - 26-33p.

    Zhollibekov B., Kornienko V.A. Soil transformation in Amudarya delta due to aridization // Priaralie biological resources. - Tashkent, 1986. - 33-4p1.

    Zaletayev V.S. Irrigation and desertification: ecological contradictions // Problems of deserts development.- 1989. -Issue 3. - 45-48p.

    Zonn I.S., OrlovskyN.S. Desertification antrophogenic factors // Arid areas development and desertification combating: integrated approach. - Moscow, 1986. -17-23p.

    Kovda V.A. Earth aridization and draught combating. –Moscow: Nauka, 1977.- 272p.

    Kovda V.A.., Rozanov B.G. Earth aridization, probability of draught and soil salinization under irrigation// Pedology problems - Moscow: nauka, 1978. - 3-14p.

    Kurochkina L.Ya., Kuznetsov N.T. Ecological aspects of antropogenic desertification in the Aral region. // Problems of deserts developmen. - 1986. - Issue 5. - 68-74p.

    Mabbut D.A. Climate cycles and landscape changes as environmental factor in desertification development // Desertification combating through integrated development. Theses of International Symposia (Tashkent, 1981). -Moscow, 1981.

    Mozhaitseva N.F. Lanscape evolution under Eastern coast of the Aral sea desiccation. //Problems of deserts development. - 1979. – Issue 3. - 18-24p.

    Modern Priaralie natural resources. Collection of papers. - Almaty, 1981. – 124p.

    Rafikov A.A. Ground water of desiccated sea bed and its impact on salt accumulation processes // Papers of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. - 1981. - Issue 4. - 49-51p.

    Rafikov A.A. Main stages of antropogenic desertification in South Priaralie // Problems of deserts development - 1994. - Issue 3. - 17-25p.

    Rafikov A.A. Salt accumulation proceses on desiccated Aral Sea bed // Papers of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. - 1980. – Issue 8. - 54-57p.

    Rozanov B.G. And again about desertification // Почвоведение. - 1991. - Vol. 5. - С. 5-14

    Uteshev A.S. Atmospheric draughts and their effect. On natural phenomena - Almaty, 1972.

    Khamdamov Kh., Khashimov F., Muminov K. Prevent erosion // Agriculture of Uzbekistan. - 1985. - № 5. - 49-51p.

    The Aral Sea desiccation and possible ways of rehabilitating and conserving its northern part / Aladin, N.V.; Plotnikov, I.S.; Potts, W.T.W. // Environmetrics. - 1995. - Вып. 6(1). - С. 17-29.

    Some trends in soil cover evolution as related to desertification. / Kust, G.S. // Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin. - 1992. - Vol. 47(2). - С. 13-16.

    Soil degradation in the lower Amou Daria / Kust, G.S. // Secheresse. - 1992. - Vol. 3(3). - С. 169-182.


    Bakiev A., Novikova N.M., Mamutov N. Pastures and forage production in Amudarya low reaches, Nukus, 1989. – 67p.

    Gruzdeva L.P. Vegetation mapping methodology using spatial information// ZNIIGAK, 1986. - 23-28p.

    Dolgushin I.Yu. Forecast of vegetation and soil changes. Moscow: Nauka, 1971. - 202-220p.

    Kovda V.A. Theory and practice of saline soil development in arid zone // Problems of soil and water sources salinization, Moscow, 1960

    Kovda V.A. Basic knowledge about soils. - Moscow.: Nauka, 1973.

    Kuzmina Zh.V. Amudarya delta vegetation classification // Botanic journal. - 1997. - V. 82. - № 1. - p.86-101.

    Irrigated lands water logging and salinization prevention and liquidation / VNIIGiM - Moscow, 1989. – 135p.

    Rabochev I. Amudarya middle reaches saline soil reclamation - Ashgabat, 1964. - 255p.

    Ramazanov A. Saline land leaching through rice rotation // SANIIRI. - 1971. - Issue132. - p. 128-154.

    Ramazanov A., Kurbanbayev E., Yakubov Kh. Amudarya lower reaches saline soil reclamation. - Nukus, 1978. – 216p.

    Reshetov G.G. New developed soils reclamation in Uzbekistan. - Tashkent, 1986. – 152p.

    Reshetov G.G., Shreder V.R. Soil bonitet evaluation for irrigation //Pedology. - 1977. - № 3. - p. 103-107.

    Stefankov V.R. Information specter of vegetative indices of aridization South Bug flood plain under flow regulation // Theses of International Simposia "Problems of ecoinformatics". 14-18 December 1992, Moscow., 1992. p. 167-169.

    Tursunov L. Soil conditions of irrigated lands in western Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1981. – 222p.