Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Water use optimization and water salt regime management on a background of close horizontal drainage

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Khorezm oblast, Yangiarik rayon, “Pravda” collective farm.


70.21.39; 70.03.21

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

A.A. Rachinsky., TIIIMSX

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700000, Tashkent, Kary-Niyaz-39


Investigations related to definition of reclamation efficiency of operational-reliability drainage, its constructive elements in condition of stratific floating earth by means of systematic observations for water salt regime dynamic management on irrigated sites of experimental plot with different depth systematic drainage, distance between rows and constructive details.Territory is located in old river valley which is formed by sediments of AmuDarya river. Climate is continental, sharply dry.  Relief is hilly.  Soils are stratific floating earth, strongly saline. Ground water depth 2-2,5m (vegetation period 1-1,5m), salinity from 5-6 to 16-19g/l.Experimental plot area is 303,7 haIrrigation system is small distributors in earth canal. Drainage is close horizontal by depth 1,5-2,0-3,0 m, specific length about 30 m/ha. Irrigation methods: for cultivated crops - furrows irrigation, for grass - gravity irrigation,  for rice - flood irrigation. Plot is equipped by measurement and accounting means.

Investigations showed that necessary artificial drainability creation forces leaching effect of irrigation water and provides  ground water evaporation reduction at the expenses of ground water level lowering in the period of intensive evaporation, providing optimal agricultural crops irrigation and high efficiency of  maintenance leaching.  

Key words

irrigation regime; leaching; reclamation regime; desalinization; irrigation water; ground water level; cotton; rice; grass


1. Author - M.S. Merishensky Title - “ Investigations of close horizontal drainage”“Cotton production”, 1971 №12. Authors - Kh. I. Yakubov, M.S. MerishenskyTitle - “Irrigation and drainage influence on water salt balance of irrigated lands of Khorezm oblast” Scientific Collection of SANIIRI, № 156, 1978.

Soil water salt regime and balance elements formation under influence of intensive close drainage, leaching, leaching regime in conditions of  stratific soils and  water head are showed.