Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Land development under sprinkler irrigation (ДДН-70, ДДА-100M, ДА «Rosa-3») on background of permanent horizontal drainage

Project location

Kyrgyzstan, Chu oblast, Moscow rayon, state farm Besh-terek


70.21.35; 70.21.31

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

I.Duyunov,    Kyrgyz   NIIRI,    Kyrgyzstan,    720055,    Bishkek, Toktonaliev str.4


Study is directed to setting soil moisture regime, irrigation norm and depth perfection, soil salination dynamics and ground water salinity   under   sprinkler   irrigation   and   permanent  horizontal drainage, water-salt balance preparation, crops yield definition. Soils-sierozem-meadow and meadow; heavy and medium loam. Ground water salinity is 8.5 g/l. Lands are leached after development. Irrigation method-sprinklers. Crops-alfalfa, sugar beet. Plot area is 14.6 ha. Drainage-subsurface with depth 3.5m. In  result  of long-term  investigations  is  found that sprinkler irrigation   on   background   of  subsurface   permanent  drainage provides stable soil salt regime within layers 0-1 and l-2m. Non-saline and weakly saline soils prevailed, ground water salinity decreased, load on drainage during growing period was 0.15-0.32 of irrigation norm,  optimal pre-irrigation  moisture was recommended as 0.7-0.75 FFC.

Key words

Sprinkler irrigation; horizontal drainage; water-salt regime; ground water table; sugar beet; alfalfa


Authors: V.Golovanov, E.Shesler,S.Popova Title: "Solid desalination by sprinkler irrigation in Chu valley of Kyrgyzstan", 1985 Is shown that saline soil desalination is possible under sprinkler irrigation on example of Besh-Terek state farm (1981-1982)