Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Investigations related to irrigation patterns and irrigation water use in farms of  Hungry Steppe

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Djizak oblast, Arnasy rayon, “№14a” farm. 


70.21.35; 70.21.33; 70.03.21

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

A.P. Voronov, "Uzgipromeliovodhoz" (Sredazgiprovodhlopok)

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700011,Tashkent, Navoi-44


Investigations related to furrow irrigation technique improvement on base of irrigation scheme optimization and more perfect irrigation equipment use, unproductive water losses reduction, cotton optimal water salt regime creation. Climate is sharply continental. Relief is hilly.     Soils structure corresponds to loam and clay. Ground water salinity is 10-10 g/l, with high concentration of chloride.Ground water salinity is 1-10g/l, predominates 1-3 g/l.Experimental plot  area is 51,3 ha. Land use efficiency - 0,95-0,97. Drainage system is close horizontal.

Experimental plot is equipped by parameters measuring devices of irrigation technique and technology and water salt regime. Irrigation technique used in investigations (lateral irrigation scheme, flexible hose, polyethylene pipes with controlled water outlet) in combination with recommended irrigation technique allowed achieves daily output increase in 3 times under leaching regime. Recommendations on further irrigation technique improvement are given. 

Key words

soil moisture; furrows irrigation; leaching regime; irrigation norm; discontinuity; cotton; melons and gourds 


Authors - A.N. Morozov; N.G. Luchinin; V.F. TolstovTitle - “ Instructions for irrigators ”, Tashkent, 1979

Recommendations on fields preparation for irrigation under different irrigation scheme (lateral and longitudinal), information about accepted project decisions on irrigation technique and technology, irrigation equipment. Recommendations on furrows length are given.