Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study of irrigation technique of secondary crops in rice crop rota-tion

Project location

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent oblast, Chordarya rayon, "50 years of October" state farm.


70.21.31; 70.21.35

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Zhdanov G.N., KazNIIGiM The Republic of Kazakhstan, 484022, Taraz, K.Koigeldy str., 12


Studies are dedicated to grounding of alfalfa irrigation effective methods in rice crop rotations and establishment of optimal irriga­tion technique elements providing opportunity of high alfalfa crop yields obtaining under maintaining and improving irrigated lands reclamation state. Climate is continental. Soils - meadow-gray desert, medium saline. Ground water table is 1.2-1.5 m (in vegetation period), 2.7-3.0 m (in autumn-winter period). EPP with area 35-40 ha are represented by rice irrigation system structure of maps of Krasnodar type. Alfalfa irrigation - ordinary checks' flooding, in checks over stripes, over furrows, by overflow irrigation with the help of ППА-165. According to results of stud­ies for application on Kzylkul rice irrigation system alfalfa furrow and overflow irrigation with the help of ППА-165 was recom­mended. Recommended methods allow to reduce irrigation depth to 850-900 m3/ha that is 40-50% less than under ordinary checks' flooding and gives proper uniformity of soil wetting, reduces irrigation time significantly, creates favorable water-aerial conditions for alfalfa, high norm of profitability as well as the most efficiency of men­tioned costs.

Key words

irrigation methods; water discharge, irrigation regime; irrigation technique, alfalfa


1.   Authors - Zhdanov G.N., Goryunov N.S. Title - "Alfalfa irrigation in rice crop rotations and rice system structure" "Hydro-engineering and reclamation", 1972. Results of studies are given on grounding alfalfa irrigation meth­ods in rice crop rotations. Their influence on aggregate and micro-aggregate soil composition, ground water table dynamics, crops' physiology was defined. Irrigation system parameters and possibil­ity of different irrigation methods application were given. 2.   Authors - Zhdanov G.N., Bykov V.G. Title - "Alfalfa in Shymkent oblast" "Forage", 1974. Different alfalfa irrigation methods in rice crop rotation were con­sidered. Irrigation regime and soil productivity was given.