Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Optimization of irrigation and feeding regime under concentrated irrigations and yield programming in "Pobeda" collective farm of Lenin rayon.

Project location:

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Lenin oblast, "Pobeda" collective farm (currently is named By Yusuf Radjab)


70.21.33; 70.03.11; 70.21.35

Rubric (SIC ICWC);; 01.30.03

Project duration

1982 – 1989

Project Manager

G. Yu. Sheinkin, R.R. Rakhmatilloyev,  TadjikNIIGiM SPA   

The Republic of Tadjikistan, 734001, Dushanbe, Shamsi Str., 5/1


Investigations directed at effective organization  of irrigations and agricultural works  for cotton cultivation on basis of irrigations technique optimal elements setting up, concentrated irrigations realization, irrigation regime and feeding planning according to yield planned, in-farm water use planning and management  improvement, increase of fertilizers and other resources use efficiency for cotton cultivation.  Plot is located in Gissar valley. Climate is sharply continental.Soils are made of old irrigated light sierozems and brown carbonate, non-saline, heavy, medium and light, slightly stony. Ground waters are at big depth, fresh and slightly mineralized. Plot irrigation is implemented from Great Gissar canal with mineralization less than 0.7 g/l. Plot area is 76 ha (net).Irrigation network is open, efficiency is 0.85-0.90, specific extent is 64 m/ha. As a result of investigations the algorithms are developed for coordination of irrigations, the pivot of which is irrigation schedule of each plot.

For the purpose of initial data collection, processing and storage automation special automatic system "Meliorator" which provided on 18000 ha cotton yield increase 0.2 - 0.4 t/ha, plant growth improvement, 1600 m3/ha irrigation water saving.

Key words

irrigation technology, yield programming; irrigation regime; cotton.


1. Authors: G. Sheinkin,  R. R. Rakhmatilloyev, S. I. Isomutdinov Title: “Cotton irrigation technology with yield programming" "Irrigation and yield programming technology" Collection, VNIIGiM, 1986Technological process of cotton irrigation, algorithm of concentrated  irrigations, setting of cotton optimal irrigation  and feed  regime, brigade irrigation time-table, results of irrigation technology elements realization and technical-economic assessment of results are given.2.  Authors: G. Sheinkin, G. Yu. Seliyev, R. R. Rakhmatilloyev, S. I. IsomutdinovTitle: "Operational management system of water saving technology of cotton irrigation under yield programming" "Water saving irrigation technologies" Collection, VNIIGiM, 1989 Results of advanced irrigation technology introduction with cotton yield programming are given..3. Authors: G. Sheinkin, R. R. Rakhmatilloyev, S. I. Isomutdinov, A.A. Akhrorov Title: "Furrow irrigation development perspectives" "Khlopkovodstvo", 1990, № 2 Results of investigations and advanced technology introduction of agricultural crops

Irrigation on basis of concentrated irrigations and yield programming are summarized