Code |
PP00115 |
title |
of pumped water salinity and chemical composition change
regularities during irrigation |
location |
of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya, Bukhara, Ferghana oblast; Republic of Kazakhstan,
Shimkent oblast |
Rubric |
70.03.21 |
Rubric (SIC ICWC) | |
duration |
1965-1985 |
manager |
VNIIGiM, Russia, Moscow, B.Akademicheskaya str.44 |
Summary |
was devoted to definition of pumped water salinity increase
rate under long term vertical drainage operation; expedience
of water use for irrigation and leaching without soil productivity
decrease and water resources efficiency increase at on-farm
level. Climate is continental; soils are made of sandy loam,
loam with salinity 1.5-3.5%. Ground water level is 1.5-3.
5m, salinity-5-20g/l. In Bukhara and Ferghana oblast conditions
are more favorable to compare with Hunger Steppe. Easy solvable
salts in Ferghana valley are concentrated in aeration zone.
Soils are slightly and medium saline, sulfate type. In Bukhara oblast soil salinity is superficial within 0-lm, sulfate. Ground
water salinity is 1.2-10g/l. Total area of introduction
in Hunger steppe is 374.6th.ha, well number is 1660, well
depth is 65-80m, dischsrge-100-1501/s. In Ferghana oblast
area of introduction is 43.2th.ha, well number is 5333,
depth-20-60m, discharge-8-901/s. In Bukhara oblast area of introduction is 51.9th hа, well number is 250,
depthr-25-45m, discharge-25-401/s. Studies show that
depending on salt storage distribution and drainage
system operation conditions several types of pumped
water salinity changes could be distinguished: a) salinity
rise; b) salinity gradual decrease; c) stable type. It is
found, that in Hunger Steppe active water exchange zone
is one half of well depth (up to 100m), salt exchange zone-on
thickness of fine-grained deposits -25-3 Om; in Ferghana
and Zerafshan valley, where conditions of desalination
are more simple, active water exchange reaches well depth
(25-70m) and salt exchange-8-16m. |
words |
drainage, drainage outflow, desalination, ground water,
salt exchange |
Bibliography |
C.Ya.Soyfer Title: "Study of drainage water salinity
dynamics in arid zone", "Melioratsia and oroshaemoe
zemledelie", 1977 Conditions of pumped water salinity
and chemical composition depending on initial salt storage
in fine-grained deposits, ground water as well as on pumping
regime. Study was regional one encompassing vertical drainage
systems in Hunger Steppe, Ferghana and Zerafshan valley. |