Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Agricultural crops water consumption for establishing norm and schedules of cotton irrigation (state farm Al)

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Illich rayon, state farm №A1 "Gafur Gulyam"



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

O.P.Inchenkova, SPA SANIIRI, Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Study  is  devoted  to  definition of cotton  water consumption regularities, reclamation and weather parameters and parameters of cotton development during vegetation for preparation of model to predict   cotton   irrigation   schedule   in   Hunger   Steppe   new development zone. Climate-continental;   relief-hilly   alluvial   plain;   soils-loess-like loam, slightly saline. Ground water table is 1.5-3. 5m. Irrigated area under cotton is  ISOOha, area of plot is  lOha. Irrigational canal is lined by concrete slabs. Plot is equipped with means of measurement. Multiyear study allowed to calculate average for decade air temperature and humidity, wind speed, soil temperature, total evaporation, radiation balance, turbulent heat exchange and heat influx into the soil as well as cotton development parameters that allows   to   predict   moisture   distribution    in   root   zone   by mathematical model and operative regime of irrigation for one-two decades. Results are recommended for practical application.

Key words

Cotton, total evaporation, water balance, mathematical balance, ground water table, water consumption


1. Authors: O.Inchenkova, E.Cholpankulov Title: "Creation of reference water-balance stations and water consumption forecast", UN courses, 1986 Principles of water-balance stations creation and operational forecast of agricultural crops water consumption are described. 2.Authors: M.Baklushin, O.Dudko, V.Dukhovny "Forecast of soil moisture distribution with regard to hydro-meteorological information", Academyof Science, 1 986 Methodology of soil moisture, total evaporation and transpiration on cotton field forecast is described.