Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Cotton water consumption norm establishing under new irrigated lands development

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya oblast, Ulyanov rayon, state farm № 24


70.21.33; 70.03.15

Rubric (SIC ICWC);

Project duration


Project manager

E.D.Cholpankulov, SPA SANIIRI, Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Study is devoted to definition of climate changes regularities and cotton water consumption during new irrigated lands development for irrigation norm and depth correction. Climate - continental subtropical; relief - inter-mountain hilly plain; soils - loam, sandy loam, sand and gravel. Soils are slightly saline, type of salinity is sulfate. Ground water table  is between 2.13m (February) and 1.28 (August) with salinity 10-20g/l. Area is l00ha (net), control site-l00 ha. Irrigation network-canal lined by concrete slabs. Plot is equipped by means of measurement. The following conclusions were made: -irrigation induces air temperature decrease on 2-5 degrees; -irrigation effect on thermic regime is found during all irrigation period; -absolute air humidity on  irrigated cotton field is higher to compare with fallow land on 5-1 1mb; -air temperature maximum is in June-July; -heat expenses for evaporation after irrigation increases by 2-3 times in the beginning of vegetation and insignificantly to the its end; -evaporation value since June to September in 1975 was 1236mm, in 1976-1 103mm, in 1977-1076mm; -cotton yield was:  in  1975-l.Ot/ha, in  1976-1.8t/ha, in  1977-2.8t/ha; -cotton   irrigation   norm   in   the   firsty   and   second   year   of development should be on 25-30% and 12-15% higher. Results are recommended for practical application.

Key words

Cotton, irrigation norm


Authors: E.Cholpankulov, V.Dukhovny, B.Milkis Title: "Water consumption changes during land development", SANIIRI, 1980 Field investigation results are described including cotton field water consumption during first-third year of development.