Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Agricultural crops irrigation regime in system of all the year - round use of irrigated cropland.

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Gyssar rayon, Karl Marx's collective farm


70.21.33;  70.03.11;  70.03.15

Rubric (SIC ICWC);;

Project duration


Project manager

Pulatov Y.E., SPA "Zemledeliye" The Republic of Tadjikistan, Gyssar rayon, Sharora vil..


Studies are dedicated to improvement of water use by optimizing irrigation regime and estimating agricultural crop water require­ments in all the year round irrigated cropland system, development of biologically optimal agricultural crop irrigation regime (winter wheat, barley, maize for grain and silage) providing maximum crop yield and high water-land efficiency. EPP is located in Gyssar valley at the altitude 960 m. Climate is subtropical. Soil - meadow-gray soil, brown-carbonate soil. Ground water - fresh, salinity degree up to 1 g/1. EPP area - 2.0 ha. Irrigation source - Big Gyssar canal. Irrigation network - open, in earthen channel, canal efficiency - 0.85-0.90, specific length 55 m/ha. In result of studies it is established that optimal winter barley irri­gation regime (1-st crop yield) on meadow-gray soil is irrigation with soil humidity 70%. Total barley water consumption under optimal water availability 3848 m3/ha. Optimal irrigation regime of .    stabble maize for grain (2-nd crop yield) - soil humidity irrigation 70% normal humidity. Bioclimatic coefficients are established for calculation. Results of production testing and introducing optimal cereals irri­gation regime in farms of the republic on the area 2140 ha showed that following above mentioned maize crop grain yield capacity increases on average 1.15 t/ha, wheat - on 14 t/ha, barley - 1.12 t/ha.

Key words

Water consumption; agricultural crops; irrigated lands; irrigation regime; soil humidity; water balance.


1 . Authors - Pulatov Y.E., Shodmonov S. Title - "Optimal irrigation regime of winter wheat and stabble maize on brown-carbonate soils of Central Tadjikistan" ТИПИЦ Bulletin,   #2, 1996 Studies results are given on optimizing agricultural crops irrigation regime in all the year round irrigated cropland system. Recom­mendations for production are given.