Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Middle-size fibre cotton crop irrigation regime optimization in - conditions of Gyssar valley

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Gyssar rayon, TadjNII of Agriculture ЦЭХ


70.21.33; 70.03.11; 70.03.15

Rubric (SIC ICWC);;

Project duration


Project manager

Satiboldiyev.S.., TadjNII of Agriculture The Republic of Tadjikistan, Gyssar rayon, Sharora vil..


Studies are dedicated to the establishment of soil optimal design layer for soil-climatic conditions of Gyssar valley under cotton crop irrigations and accelerated method of soil humidity assess­ment, irrigation regimes scheduling and management, and irrigatec lands efficiency increase under conditions of water and other re­sources scarcity. EPP is located in Gyssar valley at the altitude 850-900 m. Climate is continental. Soil - mostly gray desert soil, meadow-gray soil, brown-carbonate soil. Semi-loam. EPP area - 2.0 ha. Irrigation source - Big Gyssar canal, water salin­ity degree is at least 0.7 g/1. Irrigation network - in earthen chan­nel, efficiency - 0.88-0.92. Plot is equipped by water account means. In result of studies it is established that under cotton crop optima irrigation regime design layer value variation leads to appropriate changes in irrigation regime parameters. Taking into account that main mass of active roots of cotton crop (75-85%) is in the layer 0-70 cm, main water discharge from the soil occurs from mentioned layer. Therefore irrigations by reducec norms on design layer (0-70 cm) are more effective. It provides  normal water supply of plants under irrigation water saving dis-   charge. Dependence of raw-cotton crop yield and total cotton crop water requirements. To calculate total cotton water requirement  biophysical and bioclimatic coefficients were found. Production  testing cotton crop irrigation terms according to soil water avail-  ability in the layer 0-70 cm, defined by accelerated method of Ka-  bayev V.E., showed high effectiveness.

Key words

Water requirements; agricultural crops; cotton; crop yield capacity;   soil humidity.


1. Authors - Kabayev V.E., Sotilbodiyev S.  Title - "Important approach of raw-cotton crop yields increase and   irrigation water saving" "Cotton crop production", #9, 1967 Cotton crop irrigation effectiveness is given on reduced design layer under accelerated method of soil humidity assessment. Rec­ommendations for production are given.