Code |
PP00079 |
title |
of gypsum-bearing soil water-salt balance in South-East
of Hunger Steppe |
location |
Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, state farm 4 & 5 |
Rubric |
70.21.39 |
01.45 |
duration |
1972-1974 |
manager |
Uzgipromeliovodhoz (Sredazgiprovodhlopok), Uzbekistan, 700011, Tashkent, Navoy str.,
44 |
Summary |
are dedicated to: soil salinization and high content of
gypsum combat on background of drainage, leaching and leaching
regime of irrigation. Based on water use and water-salt
regime management on background of horizontal and vertical
drainage possibility of saline soils with high gypsum content
productivity increase in South-East of Hunger Steppe; possibility
of design decisions application to irrigated lands with
similar hydrogeological and soil conditions. Territory of
state farms relates to serozem ephemeral steppe. Climate
is characterized by high tension of hydrothermic regime
and wind of high intensity. Ground waters are shallow
with week outflow due to low permeability and slope gradients.
Field investigations of unsaturated zone and ground water
water-salt balance, irrigation regime parameters were conducted
on balance plots of state farm 4 on background of vertical
drainage over area of 70ha and in state farm 5 on background
of horizontal drainage over the area of 40ha. Regular
observations were conducted on soil and ground water water-salt
regime, water-physical constants and ability for leaching
of soils with high content of gypsum, ground water and drainage
outflow regime and salinity, gypsum impact on cotton growth,
development and yield. Plots were equipped with means of
water account and network for ground water observation.
In result of reclamation measures on saline soil productivity
increase and water effective use (leaching through
crops-developers -rice) and "pure" leaching on
background of perfect vertical and horizontal drainage and
leaching regime of irrigation soil desalinization and planned
crop yield has been achieved. |
words |
water-salt regime, soil salinization, gypsum content, ground
water level, evapotranspiration, leaching regime of irrigation |
Bibliography |
- T.A.Trunova, I.K.Vasilyev, G.M.Hasanhanova Title - "Methodology
of water consumption norm calculation in Amydarya and Syrdarya
basin". Publication: Methodological guidelines on water
requirement and disposal in irrigated farming, ЦНИИКиВР,
1984 Publication content: Methodology of agricultural crops'
water consumption norm and ground water depletion calculation
for design and planning irrigation water requirements in
Amudarya and Syrdarya basin. Methodology is based on results
of field investigations in different soil-hydrogeological
conditions with grounding leaching component, unsaturated
zone water and salt regime forecast. |