Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study of soil water-salt regime within the zone of artesian water and influence of South-Ferghana canal on the territory of state form 3A in Hunger Steppe

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Mehnatabad rayon, state farm 3 A


70.03.21; 70.21.39

Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration

1 stage-1976-1979; 2 stage - 1979-1982

Project manager

F.V.Serebrennikov, Uzgipromeliovodhoz (Sredazgiprovodhlopok), Uzbekistan, 700011, Tashkent, Navoy str., 44


Studies are dedicated to: assessment of existing design decisions efficiency and verification of forecast calculations on drainage work and land reclamation state during the  period of their development. Continuous field investigations included cycle of observations on water supply, collector-drainage network operation, ground water regime and salinity, soil water-salt regime and other indicators of land reclamation state. Assessment is made for existing design decisions and forecast methods verification. According to climatic conditions lands are located in ephemeral steppe. Salinity type is sulfate-chloride. Lands are salinized and contain high concentration of gypsum. Field observations were conducted on two plots (УДН-1, area 23.4 ha and УДН-2 with area 25.9 ha) and over all area of state farm during 1976-1979 and 1979-1982. Plots and all territory of farm were equipped by means of water and salt account and piezometric network. Obtained experimental information about land reclamation state dynamics proves  accepted design  decisions   on  rehabilitation measures: due to leaching regime of irrigation on background of drainage  negative   salt  balance   and   soil   and   ground  water desalinization process take place. Deviation of land development from "optimal" is explained by organizational reasons.

Key words

Irrigated lands, reclamation state, water supply, drainage outflow, ground water, salinity


Authors - F.V.Serebrennikov Title    -    "Reclamation-engineering    grounding    econoOmically expedient duration of land development period" Publication:   Perfection  of hydro-reclamation   systems'  design methods, Sredazgiprovodhlopok, 1983