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Conflicts Resolution: Types of Conflicts and Mechanisms of Their Resolution at the WUA’s Level

N. Mirzaev., M. Pinkhasov: Conflicts Resolution: Types of Conflicts and Mechanisms of Their Resolution at the WUA’s Level (2009) (pdf, 8 kB)

N. Mirzaev., M. Pinkhasov: Conflicts and Disputes among Water Users, between Water Users and WUAs, and between WUAs and Water Management Organizations (2009) (pdf, 58 kB)

N. Mirzaev., M. Pinkhasov: Analyzing the Existing Mechanisms for Settling Disputes and Conflicts between Water Users, between Water Users and WUAs, between WUAs and Water Management Organization Coupled with National Legislations in Force in the Fergana Valley (2009) (pdf, 32 kB)

N. Mirzaev., M. Pinkhasov: Recommendations and Proposals on Developing Additional Legal Instruments for Dispute Resolution in Fergana Valley’s Countries (2009) (pdf, 173 kB)

Conflicts on Irrigation Water in the South of the Kyrgyz Republic (2013) (pdf, 3,38 MB)

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