
Articles and papers

Abakanov T., Dyussembayev I.N., Abakanov A.T. - Dynamic (physical and mechanical) characteristics finding of the Kapshagai Hydro Power Plant (HPP) lair dam in different buried levels

Dao N. - Dam Development in Vietnam: The Evolution of Dam-Induced Resettlement Policy

Environmental Flows for Hydropower Projects Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets

Ibrayev T., Li M. - Safety of hydraulic engineering constructions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Krutov D.A. - Improving the Regulatory and Methodological Documents for the Safety of Concrete Dams

Ledec G., Quintero J.D. - Good Dams and Bad Dams: Environmental Criteria for Site Selection of Hydroelectric Projects

Maunula M. - Dam Safety Legislation in Finland

Menga F. - Power and Dams in Central Asia

Olmstead S.M., Sigman H. - Damming the Commons. An Empirical Analysis of International Cooperation and Conflict in Dam Location

Savino M., Todaro V., Maranzoni A., D’Oria M. - Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs