Gender analysis

Gender is a socially constructed definition of women and men. It is not the same as sex (biological characteristics of women and men) and it is not the same as women. Gender is determined by the conception of tasks, functions and roles attributed to women and men in society and in public and private life.
Source: Gender in practice
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
The Gender approach s distinct in that it focuses on women and men and not on women in isolation. It highlights:
- the differences between women’s and men’s interest even within the same household and how these interact and are expressed.
- the conventions and hierarchies which determine women’s and men’s position in the family, community and society at large, whereby women are usually dominated by men
- the differences among women and among men, based on age, wealth, ethnic background and other factors
- the way gender roles and relations change, often quite rapidly, as a result of social, economic and technological trends
Source: Wijk and Francis, 1999
Gender equity requires equal enjoyment by women and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards. Gender equity does not mean that women and men become the same, but that their opportunities and life chances are equal.
Gender Analysis takes into account social and economical differences between women and men at each stage of policy development for the purpose of:
- Revealing potential different impact of policy, program and law on women and men;
- Ensuring equal results for women and men, boys and girls, in measures design and implementation
Source: CIDA
Selected bibliography

Agreements at the Global and Regional Levels
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979)
Monographs and brochures
Gender Aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management (GWP CACENA, 2005)
Advisory Documents and Guidelines
Resolution UN GA A/RES/50/104 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/52/195 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/54/210 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/56/188 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/58/206 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/59/248 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/60/210 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/62/206 Women in development
Resolution UN GA A/RES/64/217 Women in development