Section 14. Central Asia Awards in Water-Related Fields
Awards of the Heads of Central Asian States
On September 14, 2023, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, was presented with the "Badge of Honor," the highest award conferred by the Heads of Central Asian States, during a ceremony at the Palace of the Nation in Dushanbe.
Source: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan
Awards in connection with the 30th anniversary of IFAS
On the sidelines of the International Conference “Central Asia: Towards a Sustainable Future through a Strong Regional Institution,” held from June 5 to 7 in Dushanbe, an award ceremony took place to honor IFAS labor veterans for their significant contributions to the development of the Fund's activities.
On behalf of the IFAS President, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, the following individuals were recognized during the award ceremony:
• IFAS Board Members from each Central Asian country: Awarded the breastplate “30th Anniversary of IFAS” and a diploma.
• Representatives of Central Asian governments, structural subdivisions, veterans, ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of IFAS founding states, development partners, and others: Presented with the jubilee medal “30th Anniversary of IFAS.”
A letter of thanks from the Executive Committee of IFAS was presented to IFAS veterans, representatives of the ICWC, ICSD, structural subdivisions, IFAS bodies, employees of relevant ministries and agencies, international development partners, and others actively engaged in water resource management and environmental protection in the Aral Sea basin.
Source: EC IFAS
As part of the jubilee events organized by the Nukus branch of EC IFAS on April 20-21, an award ceremony was held on behalf of the Jokargy Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The following individuals were recognized:
• Z. Doshchanova, Chief Accountant: Awarded the “Honored Economist of Karakalpakstan” sign.
• B. Doshtimov, Leading Expert, and V. I. Sokolov, Head of the IFAS Agency: Presented with the “Vatan Fidoyisi” sign.
• J. Priniyazov, G. Kalimbetov, K. Baizhanov, and L. Eshimbetova, Employees: Honored with Diplomas from the Jokargy Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Source: IFAS Agency
State awards of Kazakhstan
In celebration of Republic Day, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. N. Nurzhigitov, presented state and departmental awards to distinguished workers and veterans of the water sector. The honorees included:
• R. Tolepbergenov, Head of the Tausugur Division of the "Big Almaty Canal named after D. Kunaev" branch of RSE "Kazvodkhoz": Awarded the Order "Kurmet".
• R. Imanbet, Head of RGU "Balkash-Alakol Basin Inspection on Regulation of Water Resources Use and Protection"; M. Imangaliev, Deputy Head of BWO Syr Darya; M. Nazhimedenova, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the RK; and G. Sarsenbaeva, Labor Veteran: Awarded the Medal “Eren Eңbegi Ushin”.
• Zh. Uashpaev, Chief Expert of the Water Resources Regulation and Accounting Department of the Water Resources Committee, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Awarded the Badge “Su Sharuashylygygynyң Үzdіgі”.
• Darya Abu, Chief Expert of the Department on Control and Protection of the Water Fund of the Esil Basin Inspection on Regulation of Use and Protection of Water Resources, and A. Sultanova, Head of the Department of Planning and Tariffication of RSE "Kazvodkhoz": Presented with Certificates of Honor.
• E. Ismailov, Hydraulic Engineer of the Department of Normative and Analytical Support of RGU "Republican Methodical Center 'Kazagromeliovodkhoz'," and Sh. Shymyrbekov, Head of the Warehouse of the Production Complex "Sabyndy" of RGP "Nurinsk Group Water Supply": Presented with Letters of Thanks.
Source: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan
State awards of Kyrgyzstan
In August 2023, the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the Law “On State Awards, Honorary Titles, and State Prizes of the Kyrgyz Republic.” This legislation defines the legal status of state awards, honorary titles, and state prizes, as well as the rights and obligations of recipients. It also establishes regulations governing the awarding of state honors, the conferral of honorary titles, and the granting of state prizes within the Kyrgyz Republic.
Source: Information legal system “Centralized databank of legal information”
On Independence Day, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic awarded S. Satarkulov, Chief Expert for Hydraulic Construction at the Design and Engineering Institute “Vodavtomatika and Metrology,” with the Order “Manas” of the II Degree in recognition of his significant professional achievements. Additionally, a group of citizens was granted the honorary title of “Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic” by presidential decree.
Source: Kaktus Media
State awards of Tajikistan
In celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Tajikistan's independence, the President of Tajikistan presented awards and conferred honorary titles to individuals from various professions, recognizing their contributions to the nation’s development and progress.
Source: «ASIA-Plus»
State awards of Turkmenistan
To commemorate the 32nd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, a Presidential Decree issued on September 24, 2023, conferred state awards on individuals who have made significant contributions to strengthening the nation's independence and sovereignty, enhancing its economic potential and international prestige, and advancing state programs aimed at the development of key economic sectors, including agriculture and water management.
On the occasion of the Harvest Festival, several individuals were awarded the Turkmenistan medal “Watana bolan soygusi ucin” (For Love of the Homeland) by a Presidential Decree dated November 10, 2023.
State awards of Uzbekistan
In connection with the Day of Workers of the Mahalla (Local Community) System, a Presidential Decree issued on March 22, 2023, honored several compatriots with state awards.
On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, by the Decrees of the President:
• dated 25.08.2023 a group of foreign investors was awarded with the order “Dustlik” (Friendship);
• dated 27.08.2023, a group of civil servants and workers from production and socio-economic sectors received with state awards.
On the 32nd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A. Orynbayev, Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, honored several public servants with awards. Among them, P. Toreshov, Head of the Crop Diversification Laboratory at the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin, received the prestigious “Vatan Fidoyisi” award.
Source: International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin
By the decision of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan dated August 30, 2023, A.O. Mambetkarimov, Head of the Nukus Branch of EC IFAS, was awarded the title of "Honored Irrigator of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.".
Source: IFAS Agency
Governmentwide awards
By the Order of the Minister of Water Management of Uzbekistan, D.R. Ziganshina, Director of SIC ICWC, and A.R. Uktamov, Head of the Water Allocation and Water Balances Department at BWO Syr Darya, were awarded the badge of “Excellent Worker in Water Management of Uzbekistan.”
Source: SIC ICWC
The National Institute of Deserts, Flora, and Fauna of Turkmenistan was honored with the Anniversary Medal of A.N. Kostyakov, the founder of reclamation science in Russia, in recognition of its fruitful Russian-Turkmen cooperation in ecology, water management, and desertification control.
The diploma and medal, issued by the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov, were presented to the Institute's Director, Mr. P. Kepbanov.
Source: News Central Asia
New awards
By Resolution No. 467 of the Uzbek Cabinet of Ministers dated September 13, 2023, the “Excellent Seismic Safety Officer” badge was established. This badge honors individuals who have made significant contributions to advancements in seismology, earthquake-resistant construction, and ensuring the seismic safety of the population and territories.
The badge and its accompanying certificate are ceremoniously presented by the President of the Academy of Sciences, or designated representatives, each year on the eve of October 13, in commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Reduction.
Source: Norma.uz