Section 6. United Nations and its specialized agencies
6.5. UN-Water
In 2003, the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination established the inter-agency coordination mechanism UN-Water. It coordinates the efforts of UN entities and international organizations working on water and sanitation issues. Over 30 UN organizations carry out water and sanitation programs.
Activities in 2023
The UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 entered its third phase, with successful completion of the sufficient and credible data compilation campaign 2023 and setting priorities for increased efforts and investments to ensure global coverage.
The consultation webinars for promoting gender contextualization of the SDG 6 global indicators the held (14-16 ноября).
The following publications have been launched: (1) Blueprint for Acceleration: Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2023, which provides a "blueprint" to accelerate progress on water and sanitation (May 26); (2) UN World Water Development Report 2023 "Partnerships and cooperation for water" describing how building partnerships and enhancing cooperation across all dimensions of sustainable development are essential to accelerating progress towards SDG 6 and realizing the human rights to water and sanitation.
Source: www.unwater.org
6.6. UN Economic Commission for Europe
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations set up in 1947. Its main scope of work includes environment, transport, statistics, sustainable energy, trade, wood products and forests, housing and land use, population and economic cooperation and integration.
UNECE Water Convention and its Protocol on Water and Health and the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents
UNECE is hosting the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) and is providing the secretariat for the Protocol on Water and Health together with WHO/Europe (Protocol). In 2023, the Water Convention was working on implementation of its Program of Work for the period 2022-2024 and the Protocol was implementing decisions of its sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties (Geneva, 16-18 November 2022). In 2023 Kazakhstan was a Vice-Chair of the Bureau of the Water Convention. On 26 December 2023, Uzbekistan became the first Central Asian country to join the Protocol on Water and Health as a full Party.
UNECE is hosting the Secretariat of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents as well. The Convention aims at protecting human beings and the environment against industrial accidents by preventing such accidents as far as possible, by reducing their frequency and severity and by mitigating their effects. On issues related to the prevention of accidental water pollution, the Water and Industrial Accidents Conventions work closely together, including through their Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents and in the implementation of capacity-building projects and activities, e.g. in the Syr Darya River Basin (see further information on the joint study below).
Events. Under the Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health, as well as the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, UNECE organized: (1) Regional workshop on monitoring, assessment and information sharing in transboundary basins in Central Asia (February 1-2); (2) 7th meeting of the Global network of basins working on climate change adaptation (May 25-26); (3) 18th meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) (June 19-21); (4) Training workshop "From practitioner to practitioner: how to use the two global Water Conventions to promote cooperation on the ground (July 3-4); (5) Global workshop on conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater: national to transboundary level (October 16-17);(6) 18th meeting of the Working Group on monitoring and assessment (October 17-18);(7) Global workshop on the development of transboundary water cooperation agreements or other arrangements (November 7-8); (8) Strategic roundtable on increasing resilience to climate change in the water and sanitation sector under UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health (November 13-14); (9) 13th meeting of the Task Force on target-setting and reporting under the Protocol on Water and Health (November 14); (10) Global workshop on funding and financing transboundary water cooperation and basin development (December 5-6); (11) 8th meeting of the Task Force on the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus (December 7-8); (12) 2nd Inter-institutional Working Group on mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution (IIWG) meeting (Astana, Kazakhstan, March 15); (13) 2nd IIWG meeting (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, April 4); (14) Inception meeting on the establishment of the Inter-Institutional Working Group on Tailings Safety and Prevention of Accidental Water Pollution (IIWG) in Uzbekistan (April 27); (15) Sub-regional workshop on strengthening mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Central Asia (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 25-26).
UNECE Activities in Central Asia in 2023
Transboundary cooperation. In 2023, UNECE continued to support the Chu-Talas Commission and was in close contact with UNDP regarding the process of SAP approval that resulted in signing of the joint statement on SAP by the Co-Chairs of the Chu-Talas Commission at its 32nd meeting on December 22.
National Policy Dialogues on Water (NPDs).Since 2019, the NPD process in Central Asian countries has been supported through a regional NPD project, implemented by UNECE in cooperation with OECD, as part of the WECOOP programme which supports the EU-Central Asia Working Group on Environment and Climate Change (WGECC).
NPD in Kyrgyzstan. The 18th Steering Committee Meeting of the National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in Kyrgyzstan was held in Bishkek and online on February 3. One of the key points for the discussion was on the developments of the National Water Strategy and Water Code, on the economic and financial instruments, donors coordination.
NPD in Tajikistanе. The 16th Steering Committee meeting of the National Policy Dialogue was held in Dushanbe on February 15. The NPD provided a platform for a long-awaited presentation by the MEWR and discussion with the stakeholders on the progress in the implementation of the Programme of Reform of the Water Sector of the Republic of Tajikistan 2016-2025, on the National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme by 2030, a concept to support the higher education development for the water sector specialists training in Tajikistan by 2030. The meeting was also used for a dialogue between the donors and the authorities on then-planned commitments of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development" (2018-2028).
In the frame of the NPDs, the three investment concepts were developed and are further discussed with the authorities and IFIs: (1) water-saving irrigation technologies with elements of drip fertigation in the Chu-Talas basin (Kazakh side); (2) modernization of water distribution systems and water management infrastructure in the Chu-Talas basin (Kyrgyz side); (3) construction of riverbank protection and mudflow conducting structures in the Zarafshon River basin (Tajik side).
A study on the Syr Darya water quality and prevention of accidental water pollution. In the frame of the NPD, the following products were developed: (1) an in-depth report addressing the state of water resources, water quality issues and policies and institutions for water management, industrial safety and prevention pollution. The report contains concrete recommendations for riparian countries on transboundary contingency planning and reducing water pollution, including an executive summary with findings; (2) an inventory and map of 61 tailings management facilities (TMFs) – 9 in Kazakhstan, 30 in Kyrgyzstan, 12 in Uzbekistan, and 10 in Tajikistan – and 133 other hazardous industrial facilities, including 33 TMFs with potential transboundary effects in the Syr Darya basin; (3) the infographics visualizing key findings from the report.
Project reports and additional information are available here
3rd reporting exercise under the SDG indicator 6.5.2. UNECE and UNESCO are co-custodian agencies for the SDG indicator 6.5.2 on transboundary water cooperation. In 2023, all countries sharing transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers were invited to submit national reports in the third reporting cycle. In Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have submitted their reports. The national reports and the aggregated data will become publicly available in 2024.
2nd meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group on tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Kazakhstan. The meeting was dedicated to discussing recent industrial safety developments and challenges at stake for Kazakhstan, in particular the recommendations deriving from the projects implemented under the auspices of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, such as alignment of Kazakhstan's national legislation with the provisions of the Convention. The WG: (1) reviewed the results of project on "Development of joint measures to prevent and respond to pollution of the Syr Darya river in emergency situations (Phase I)" and agreed to develop a Joint Contingency Plan between riparian countries; (2) considered the newly adopted "Road map for action to strengthen mine tailings safety within and beyond the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region"; (3) agreed to work towards the development of its workplan for 2023, with concrete actions to strengthen mine tailings safety and reduce the risk of accidental water pollution in Kazakhstan by national authorities, in cooperation with operators, and representatives of NGOs and academia (March 15).
2nd meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group on tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Tajikistan. The meeting focused on the review of current issues and measures taken to reduce the risks of accidents at tailings management facilities and water pollution, the benefits of UNECE tools and regional projects, and the exchange of international good practices in the safe operation of tailings management facilities. Participants paid special attention to the benefits that Tajikistan would gain from acceding to the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, the recommendations of the UNECE projects on industrial safety and prevention of accidental water pollution, notably on harmonization of the national legislation with the Convention's provisions and "Development of joint measures for prevention and response to pollution of the Syr Darya River in emergency situations". As a result of the discussions, agreed proposals for further work of the Working Group were developed (4 April).
Subregional workshop on mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Central Asia. The subregional workshop is organized by the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, in cooperation with the Government of Tajikistan and with financial support from the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, GIZ, OSCE and the United Nations Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation. It is implemented as part of the UNECE Projects on strengthening mine tailings safety in Central Asia (2020-2023) and in Uzbekistan (2021-2023), which are financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment under the Convention's Assistance and Cooperation Programme (25-26 May).
SPECA program. The 26th Session of the Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) was hosted by the Kazakhstan-British Technical University. The focus of the session was to identify economic, investment, and policy opportunities in the water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus to support the achievement of SDGs 6 and 7. Additionally, the WG emphasized capacity building for sustainable natural resource management and exploring the feasibility of a water-energy consortium. Key discussions included presentations on the current status of the nexus in the region, highlighting challenges, ongoing initiatives, and recent developments, alongside country-specific case studies detailing national challenges, innovations, and success stories in implementing the nexus approach (November 7).
Source: UNECE
International Water Assessment Centerд
The International Water Assessment Center (IWAC) is the center for international cooperation on integrated water resource management, which has been established as a subsidiary body of the Water Convention in Astana in 2017. The main purpose of IWAC is to support the implementation of the Water Convention and its relevant work programs.
Activities in 2023
IWAC in cooperation with the UNECE organized: (1) the Regional Workshop on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Sharing in Transboundary Basins in Central Asia to assist countries in studying international experience in monitoring, assessment and sharing information in transboundary basins and discussing the possibilities of strengthening cooperation between the countries of Central Asia in the field of protection and use of water resources in transboundary basins (Astana, February 1-2); (2) the session "Promoting innovations in transboundary cooperation through the tools of the Water Convention" during the World Water Week. The aim of the session was the application of innovative tools for solving transboundary basin problems in transboundary cooperation (Stockholm, August 21).
IWAC took part in: (1) the 2nd meeting of the Working Group on tailings safety and the prevention of accidental pollution of water bodies in Kazakhstan (Astana, March 15) and the Subregional workshop on mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Central Asia (Dushanbe, May 25-26); (2) sub-regional workshop on supporting accession of Central Asian countries to the Protocol on Water and Health (Belgrade, June 26-27); (3) Eighteenth Meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment under the Water Convention (Geneva, October 17-18); (4) Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater: National to Transboundary Level (Geneva, October 16-17); (5) Eighth meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus. The aim of the meeting was to take stock of 10 years of work on the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus under the Water Convention, facilitate the exchange of experiences and update information on progress made, lessons learned and best practices in applying the nexus approach, financing and implementing strategies and plans for energy transition to clean energy (Geneva, December 7-8).
Source: IWAC
6.7. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Established in 1947, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is one of the five regional missions of the UN. ESCAP works to overcome some of the region's greatest challenges by providing results-oriented projects, technical assistance and capacity building to member States in the following areas: macroeconomic policy and development; trade and investment; transport; social development; environment and sustainable development; information and communications technology and disaster risk reduction; statistics and sub-regional activities for development.
SPECA program
ESCAP in cooperation with UNECE manages SPECA, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023. A joint statement made by ministers and high-level representatives of countries participating in the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) endorsed the proposal to initiate a UN General Assembly resolution to highlight the 25th anniversary of SPECA and encourage the UN Member States, UN regional commissions and specialized agencies to continue extending support to efforts of the SPECA participating States (April 18).
The following events took place in Baku: (1) the 2023 SPECA Economic Forum on "Transforming the SPECA Region into a Connectivity Hub with Global Outreach", which focused on the increased significance of connectivity, in the face of new challenges, in the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (Middle Corridor) between Europe and China (November 21-22); (2) first Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the SPECA participating States, the key topic of which was the regional transformation into a global logistics center connected to the rest of the world. The summit supported the creation of a Multilateral Trust Fund under the auspices of the UN. The Baku Declaration adopted at the summit underscores the high political commitment to sharing the region's enormous potential (November 24).
6.8. The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia
The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) is a special UN political mission established on the initiative of the five Governments of Central Asian in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in 2007 to support national authorities in identifying and addressing existing and potential threats to regional peace and security. In implementing its initiatives, UNRCCA interacts with regional and international organizations. The Centre began operations in 2008 and is led by a Special Representative of the Secretary General.
Key priorities for 2021-2025
The current UNRCCA Programme of Action for 2021-2025 focuses on five key priority areas, which correspond to the Centre's mandate: (1) promoting preventive diplomacy among the Governments of Central Asia; (2) monitoring and early warning in support of conflict prevention; (3) building partnerships for prevention, including with regional and sub-regional organizations; (4) strengthening the United Nations preventive diplomacy in Central Asia; (5) encouraging cooperation and interaction between Central Asia and Afghanistan in close cooperation with the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.
The "Strategy in support of cooperation between the states of Central Asia in the field of water, energy, environment and climate for 2022-2025" (hereinafter referred to as the "Water Strategy") was adopted in 2021 with the active participation of all five CA states and focused on four main fields of activities, including: (1) preventive diplomacy and capacity building; (2) strengthening institutions and legal frameworks; (3) ensuring transparency, strengthening relationships and promoting partnerships; and (4) working on cross-cutting issues of the peace and security agenda.
Activities in 2023
As part of "Water Strategy", UNRCCA organized: (1) an online meeting of experts from the Central Asian States on the situation in the region with the shared water-related resources, where the participants exchanged on the state of cooperation in water and environment sectors in the Aral Sea basin, including in such areas as rational use of water resources, mitigating implications of the climate change, and taking into account different external factors (December 7); (2) a capacity-building event on climate risks in CA and a meeting of national experts. The participants (1) discussed such topics as international best practices and the experience of the Central Asian states on mitigation of and adaptation to the climate risks and the outcomes of the UN Water Conference; (2) exchanged on recent developments in international water law and policy, including the recent decisions of the International Court of Justice in this field; (3) reviewed the Early Warning Bulletins on the state of transboundary water resources in the Aral Sea Basin. A separate session was devoted to exchanges on challenges and opportunities to cooperation between Central Asia and Afghanistan in the field of water resources (Almaty, April 18-19).
The UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Turkmenistan, organized a training session for the participants and graduates from the countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan on the topic of "Climate Change". The purpose of the training session was to raise awareness among youth about climate change's impact on people's stability and security, as well as about the possible participation of young people in processes to overcome this challenge. Participants gained an understanding of the linkages between climate change and conflicts and became familiar with international regulatory mechanisms based on the UNFCCC and learned in more detail about the annual Youth Conference, which is a negotiating platform for young activists in climate change (Ashgabat, September 5).
UNRCCA has published a brochure entitled "United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia: 15 years of engagement in the region" On the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary. In cooperation with SIC ICWC, it published four Aral Sea Basin Transboundary Water Early Warning Bulletins.
Source: UNRCCA