Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.5. Republic of Uzbekistan
Water Sector
Water resources. The average annual quantity of water used in Uzbekistan is 51-53 billion m3, of which 80% (approx. 41 km3/year) is got from transboundary rivers. The estimated natural fresh and brackish groundwater deposits potentially yield 27.6 km3/year; however, they are unevenly distributed throughout the country. The water demand is met through a combination of surface water (50.9 km3/year), usable groundwater (0.5 km3/year), and the reused collector and drainage water (1.6 km3/year). The average water use by sector is as follows: 90-91% – agriculture; 4.5% – municipal sector; 1.4% – industry; 1.2% – fisheries; 0.5% – thermal power; 1% – other sectors.
Latest developments in legislation.
• The Strategy "Uzbekistan–2030" (UP-158 of 09.11.2023) outlines the following key areas for water-saving reforms: (1) fostering a culture of rational water use and enhancing water use efficiency across the nation; (2) guaranteeing the responsible utilization of water resources in the agricultural sector; (3) developing irrigation systems and water-saving technologies, actively promoting their adoption by the private sector and encouraging public-private partnerships; (4) reducing electricity consumption by pumping stations through the widespread implementation of green energy technologies;
• "The State Program for the implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the Year of Human Care and Quality Education" (UP-27 of 28.02.2023). To ensure stable agricultural water supply in 2023, the document outlines the following objectives: (1) reduce natural water losses in the water supply system by 10% through the establishment of a well-coordinated system and the implementation of water-saving digital technologies; (2) save at least 7 billion cubic meters of water and utilize it for irrigating secondary crops on 300,000 hectares of land by through widespread adoption of digital technologies, employing water-saving technologies, timely implementation of necessary irrigation and land reclamation measures.
Several decrees and laws have been adopted: (1) Decree "On urgent measures to improve the water use efficiency" (PP-107 of 04.01.2023) outlines the primary objectives for enhancing water use in 2023. Following this decree, a Resolution "On Measures to Digitalize the Water Accounting System in Agriculture of the Kasbinsky district, Kashkadarya province" (PKM No. 371 of 14.08.2023) was issued; (2) Decree "On Measures for the Effective Organization of Public Water Management within the Framework of Administrative Reforms" (UP-101 of 20.06.2023) established the Ministry of Water Management's priority areas, institutional setup, and a "Roadmap" for advancing water management reforms. In accordance with this decree, a Resolution "On Approval of Some Regulatory Documents Regulating the Activities of the Inspectorate for Control over the Safety of Water Management Facilities and Water Use under the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (PKM No. 500 of 27.09.2023) was adopted; (3) Law on the safety of hydraulic structures (ZRU-865 of 30.08.2023); (4) Decree "On measures for the organization of work on flood protection of coastal protective dams and structures on the Amu Darya River crossing Khorezm province" (PKM No. 365 of 08.11.2023).
Water management system. In the course of implementation of the "Strategy for water management and irrigation development in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2023", control of 58 large waterworks facilities have been fully automated, including installation of about 9 thousand Smart water devices and more than 6 thousand Diver devices. 1.5 thousand pumping stations were equipped with online water quantity monitoring.
In 2023, a total of 959.9 billion UZS was used for the systematic repair and restoration of the water management system. This investment was primarily used for irrigation facilities (711.6 billion UZS or 99% of the total) and land reclamation (248.3 billion UZS or 103% of the total). Key accomplishments under a State Program included infrastructure rehabilitation: reconstructed 392.9 km of canals, 57.7 km of flumes, 230.3 km of surface and 156.0 km of subsurface drainage system, 60 irrigation wells and 6 vertical drainage wells, 58 observation wells, 78 hydraulic structures, and 2 bridges. Additionally, 9.1 km of shorelines were strengthened.
Water-saving technologies. Uzbekistan ranks seventh in the world and first in Central Asia in terms of adoption of water-saving technologies against the total irrigated area. In 2023, water–saving technologies were adopted on 413.1 thousand ha of irrigated area, including drip irrigation - 77.3 thousand ha, sprinkling - 25.4 thousand ha, discrete irrigation - 13 thousand ha. Laser land planning was carried out on 222.8 thousand ha.
Projects. For development of the water sector, $116.0 million were spent as part of a number of international projects, including: $17.0 million - "Amu Bukhara irrigation system rehabilitation" (ADB), $12.3 million - "Fergana Valley water resource management - Phase II" (WB), $13.1 million - "Karshi pumping cascade rehabilitation-Phase-III" (SFD), $42.5 million -"Modernization of 95 pumping stations in Bukhara, Navoi, Kashkadarya, Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions" (VEB.RF), $20.1 million - "South Karakalpakstan water resource management improvement" (WB), $4.8 million - "Modernization of 118 pumping stations in Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana provinces" (EBRD) , $6.2 million "Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin" (ADB).
Other ongoing projects: (1) "Ferghana Valley water resource management - Phase II" (WB), modern equipment was purchased and transferred to water management organizations and training was conducted on its use; a 35 kW solar panel was installed; the Avval-Logon pumping station was built; work was completed on concreting the Akbuyra canal, reconstruction of the Robdon-1 and Savai-Akburasai canals; training programs were conducted for 1.8 thousand people, and more than 3 thousand farmers and water workers took part in various trainings and seminars (March, November); a delegation of women farmers had a study tour to agricultural and water facilities in Spain (July); (2) "National Water Resources Management Project in Uzbekistan" (NPWRM), Phase II" (SDC), special equipment, textbooks and laboratory equipment were transferred to colleges; a training seminar for women in water management was organized (February 17, March 14, August 31), as well as five-day trainings on the use of modern water measuring devices (April 10-14, May 1-5, May 8-13). A workshop on planning the 3rd phase of the project was held (June 15); (3) "South Karakalpakstan water resource management improvement" (WB), the ceremonial commissioning of the southern part of the Bustan Canal took place (March 7), a seminar on laser land planning was held (June 14); (4) USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity organized the national celebration of the Amu Darya River Day (April 25-26, September 27), a week-long training course for hydrometers on the topic "IWRM, hydrometry and metrology" (August, October). For other projects, see http://www.uzaifsa.uz/en/content/ongoing-projects.
According to the results of the tender for the project "Karshi pumping cascade rehabilitation-Phase-III" , a total of $34.6 million was saved. According to the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan (No. PP-382of 30.11.2023), at the expense of the saved funds, a proposal was approved for the modernization of additional 9 pumping units, the purchase of 7 brands of special equipment and 4 dredgers.
Capacity building. The following training events were held among many others: (1) seminars for water professionals on water-saving irrigation technologies (January 20; March 17; July 27); on the use of the CROPAGRO program (July 4), on ensuring the safety of GTS (July 22), on saving electricity at the national grid (August 1), on development of digital technologies in the water sector (September 12); (2) for hydrometers and dispatchers (February 4); (3) for women water workers on the topic "Gender and climate change" (March 9); (4) for employees of the Specialized Water Management Service (March 29); (5) for hydrometers on the topic "On-field use of modern water measuring devices" (April 10-July 14); (6) for heads of ministries and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basics of water use development strategy (September 29 – October 1).
For the effective agricultural water use, Suvchilar Maktabi/School of Water Workers was launched (May 29).
Events. Several events were organized in the course of the year, including: (1) international conference "A close look at water in Central Asia" (Tashkent, May 18); (2) roundtable dedicated to the 30th anniversary of IFAS (Tashkent, May 23); (3) seminar "Improving the efficiency of water resources management and water use in the Lower Amu Darya basin" (Nukus, 16 August); (4) roundtable "Solving environmental and water issues in Uzbekistan: strengthening cooperation between the UN and the government to advance the SDG agenda" (September 29).
Representatives of Uzbekistan took part in the 25th ICID Congress and the 74th IEC meeting (India, November 5-8).
Regional and international cooperation. Uzbekistan has joined the Protocol on Water and Health of the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, signed on June 17, 1999 in London (Decree No. PP-362 of 19.11.2023).
The Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic: (1) signed the Roadmap for the Kambarata HPP-1 construction project on the Naryn River, (Bishkek, January 6) and the declaration on comprehensive strategic partnership, within which the parties advocated the integrated use of water and energy resources (Bishkek, January 27); (2) conducted the second meeting of the joint Water Management Commission (Tashkent, April 11).
The Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in: (1) the third meeting of the joint Uzbek-Turkmen intergovernmental water commission (Tashkent, April 23); (2) the fourth meeting of the IFAS Board (Dushanbe, June 5).
The first meeting on the establishing basin dialogues in the basins of the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya took place in Tashkent (November 30).
ICWC member from Uzbekistan Sh.R.Khamraev participated in the 84th (Dushanbe, May 10) and 85th (Tashkent, November 1-2) meetings of the ICWC. See IFAS and Other Regional Organizations in Central Asia.
Drinking Water Supply
According to the Central Public Utility Organization (AO Uzsuvta’minot), the coverage by centralized drinking water supply expanded from 74.4% to 77.2%.
Latest developments in legislation. The Resolution "On additional measures for the improvement of drinking water supply and sewerage system" (PP-343 of 24.10.2023) defines the following priority tasks for the phased reform of the drinking water supply and wastewater disposal sector: (1) adopt the effective drinking water supply system to the end user, record keeping of drinking water, digitalization of the sector, ensure the provision of uninterrupted, high-quality and secure services; (2) fundamentally improve the corporate governance system, providing for the independent performance of financial and economic functions by organizations of the system; (3) implement widely PPPs in the processes of drinking water distribution and mobilize private investment by creating an attractive investment environment; (4) establish full control of water volumes by installing water meters on existing facilities, networks and end users and reducing the net cost of production and supply costs through widespread application of energy-saving technologies and renewable sources; (5) improve the financial status of drinking water supply enterprises by establishing a systematic approach to enhance operational efficiency, reduce accounts receivable, and minimize accounts payable; (6) enhance tariff policy by incorporating best practices from international experiences, aligning capital investments and asset management with strategic objectives, and facilitating a gradual transition towards self-financing within the sector; (7) implement public awareness campaigns to promote responsible consumer behavior, including disciplined payment practices, the efficient use of water resources, and foster collaboration with media outlets. Simultaneously, update relevant regulations and standards to align with contemporary requirements.
The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a Resolution "On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of the Obod Kishlok and Obod Mahalla programs through proactive budgeting processes based on public opinion" (PKM No. 183 of 03.05.2023) to sets a number of measures for the improvement of drinking water supply and sanitation system.
Programs. 5.5 trillion UZS from the state budget and $225 million ($185.5 million in 2022) of foreign direct investment were allocated for provision of drinking water supply to the population.
Within the framework of: (1) targeted state programs, 11 207 km of water supply and 593 km of sewer network were laid, 1,740 drinking water supply and sanitation facilities were built and reconstructed at 2,598 facilities; (2) an investment program, 425 km of water supply and 100 km of sewer network were laid under 22 projects.
Projects. As part of the projects: (1) "Improvement of drinking water supply through the Tupalang reservoir", 1.4 trillion UZS were used for laying 147 km of the network, improvement of water supply quality for 1.1 million (40% of the population) living in 273 communities of the Sariasi, Denau, Shurchinsky, Kumkurgan districts; (2) "Improvement of drinking water supply in Jizzakh province through the use of waters from the Zarafshan River", residents of Dustlik, Pakhtakor, Mirzachul districts and the city of Jizzakh have got better drinking water supply.
In 2023, as a result of implementation of all projects, 1.1 million residents of over 2,000 local communities gained access to centralized drinking water supply and 2.5 million residents got improved drinking water supply. In 1134 settlements lacking centralized drinking water supply, water is provided by 214 specialized vehicles operated by water supply companies and 1112 specialized vehicles owned by other individuals and legal entities.
Resolution "On measures for the implementation of the project ‘Development and modernization of water supply and sewerage systems of Bukhara province (phase 2)’ with the participation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" (PP-266 of 07.08.2023) approved the allocation of a loan in the amount of $248.40 million. Another Resolution "On measures for the implementation of the project ‘Program of comprehensive urban development in the Republic of Uzbekistan" with the participation of the Asian Development Bank’ (PP-124 of 19.04.2023) set a preliminary agreement on signature of a loan agreement worth $59.0 million.
An agreement was signed with the French company "Suez" on the project "Modernization of the drinking water supply system in Surkhandarya province".
Capacity building. Seminars/trainings were held: (1) for specialists of the Central Public Utility Organization (AO Uzsuvta’minot) ; (2) for employees of the compliance control service of territorial water supply enterprises; (3) on the topics "Improvement of hydraulic component and implementation of geoinformation systems in the drinking water supply system of cities of republican and regional subordination" (February 24) and "Construction and operation of local structures" (March 15). The meeting of the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund and the "K-Water" company on the online training program "Uzbekistan: Water Academy and capacity building" took place on May 10-23.
Training seminars for specialists of the Central Public Utility Organization (AO Uzsuvta’minot) Source
The AO Uzsuvta’minot training center saw significant participation in advanced training courses, with 4,298 employees taking part. To enhance personnel capabilities and gain international insights, 117 specialists undertook training programs in South Korea, Austria, Brazil, and Iran. Notably, at the South Korean academy "K-Water," these specialists focused on "Capacity building in the field of drinking water supply and sanitation in Uzbekistan" (March 6-19) and "The process of water purification and water quality" (April 17-30).
20 laboratories have received certification for meeting national quality standards (O'zDst 3410:2019). The number of water quality analyses conducted has increased by 18%, indicating a greater focus on monitoring water safety.
In order to improve the quality and transparency of services provided to consumers, an automated unified billing system for accounting and control of drinking water supply and sanitation services "Uzwater" has been launched. The SuvniAsra system has been implemented. The opening of the "Suvta'minot" | Water supply" Telegram chat and bot provides convenient channels for customer communication and service inquiries. Map-a-thon was held in Uzbekistan for the first time (November 24-26).
International cooperation. In the course of the year, the national public utilities company had meetings with several international organizations and companies, including: AFD, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services, ADB, EBRD, French company "EIFFAGE", China Agency for International Cooperation and Development, WB, Deokmoon Engineering, German company NETZSCH, Ernst & Young Advisory LLC.
During the visit of the Chairman of the Board of AO Uzsuvta’minot to Germany, the following agreements were signed: (1) agreements on implementation of a number of projects aimed at further expanding international cooperation; (2) memorandum of understanding with KfW Bank to raise €200 million to improve drinking water supply and sanitation services in Surkhandarya and Ferghana provinces; (3) the "Road map"; (4) a grant agreement; (5) memorandum of understanding with Aqua Consult Ingenieur GmbH, providing for the joint implementation of the project "Construction of sewage systems in 6 district centers and towns of Samarkand province"; (6) memorandum of understanding with German Water Partnership. Agreements have been established with the German Federal Agency for Environmental Protection (UBA) to provide Uzbek environmental specialists with annual access to medium-term refresher courses and internships in Germany.
AO Uzsuvta’minot signed memoranda with: (1) the Spanish company "IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture SAU" on cooperation in developing a master plan for a project to improve drinking water supply and sanitation systems in Ferghana province (March 1); (2) the South Korean corporation "K-Water" "On strategic cooperation and technical assistance in the field of water resources" (October 5); (3) the German company "Bioworks" on mutual understanding and cooperation (October 27).
At year-end, agricultural production amounted to 404648.6 billion UZS, including crop production – 202679.1 billion UZS, livestock – 201969.5 billion UZS. The growth rate in crop production was 104.2%, in animal husbandry – 103.7%. The total volume of produce (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries amounted to 426.3 trillion UZS (+4.1% by 2022). The volume of agricultural produce was as follows: grain— 8.4 million tons, potatoes — 3.6 million tons, vegetables — 11.6 million tons, melons — 2.4 million tons, fruits and berries — 3.1 million tons, grapes — 1.7 million tons; meat - 2.83 million tons (+3.9% by 2022), milk - 11.97 million tons (+2.9%), and eggs - 8.49 million (+4.4%).
Uzbekistan ranked 73rd out of 113 countries in the annual ranking of the Global Food Security Index "Global Food Security Index 2022" (GFSI) (78th in 2021).
Latest developments in legislation. In the context of the "Agricultural Development Strategy in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030" , a number of resolutions were adopted, including: (1) "On measures to establish the International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering" (PP-22 of 26.01.2023); (2) "On additional measures to expand and support agricultural production and processing in 2023" (PP-113 of 05.04.2023), which included sub-resolutions "On measures for the introduction of advanced digital technologies in agriculture" (PP-257 of 02.08.2023) and "On measures to improve the system of subsidies to agroindustry and increase its efficiency" (PKM 331 of 03.08.2023); (3) "On additional measures to improve quality and efficiency through the integration of science, education and production in the agricultural sector" (PP-216 of 07.07.2023).
Other adopted governmental decrees and resolutions were focused on: protection and rational use of pastures (UP-24 of 16.02.2023); further development of the silk industry (PP-73 of 24.02.2023); modernization of agricultural facilities (PP-103 of 29.03.2023); development of viticulture in 2023-2026 (PP-260 of 03.08.2023); improvement of cotton production (PP-391 of 15.12.2023); combatting land degradation (PKM 50 of 02.02.2023); the National Program for the development of seed and seedling production in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2023-2026 (PKM 51 of 02.02.2023); supporting bee-keeping network (PKM 239 of 12.06.2023) and greenhouses and enterprises exporting fruits and vegetables (PKM 567 of 27.10.2023).
New appointments. Mr. I. Abdurakhmonov was appointed as the Minister of Agriculture.
Strategies and programs. As part of implementing the "Agricultural Development Strategy in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030," a pilot program was launched on April 15. This program introduces a new system of project financing for initiators through the State Unitary Enterprise "Agroservice Operator," utilizing funds from International Financial Institutions.
To enhance transparency and streamline the process of allocating preferential loans for cotton, cereals, vegetables, and fruits, the Agroplatform information system has been integrated into the "Digital Agriculture" Unified Integration Platform since September 1st.
Agroclusters. As of today, over 800 agricultural clusters operate in Uzbekistan, responsible for 100% of cotton and cereal production and more than 60% of fruit and vegetable production. To support this sector, the Presidential Decree "On measures to support the activities of cotton and textile clusters, fundamentally reform the textile and clothing and knitwear industries, as well as further increase the export potential of the sphere" (UP-2 of 10.01.2023) was adopted.
To foster mutually beneficial relationships between cotton and textile clusters and farms and enhance the efficiency of raw cotton production, the Presidential Decree "On additional measures to further support the activities of producers of raw cotton" (PP-23 of 26.01.2023) was issued. Furthermore, to advance free market principles in agriculture, strengthen collaboration between cotton and textile clusters and agricultural producers, and foster a competitive market environment, the Presidential Decree "On additional measures for the further development of free market relations in agriculture" (UP-205 of 12.12.2023) was adopted. Finally, the Presidential Decree "On additional measures to improve quality and efficiency through the integration of science, education, and production in the agricultural sector" (PP-216 of 07.07.2023) introduces a support system for agricultural clusters actively engaged in collaboration with scientific and educational institutions.
Projects. As part of the "Sustainable management of forests in mountain and valley areas in Uzbekistan" project (FAO/GEF), significant progress has been made in improving forest and pastureland conditions: drainage facilities have been established on over 2,000 hectares to enhance water management; degraded pastures have been restored across 20,000 hectares; 180 cultivated areas have been established, and technical work has been conducted on natural reforestation across 4,200 hectares; sustainable forest management practices have been implemented over 78,000 hectares. Trainings on forest and pastureland inventory utilizing innovative GIS technologies have been organized for forestry workers, farmers, and entrepreneurs.
Continued projects: (1) "Smart farming for the next generation" (FAO), which presented to small farmers modern and optimized agricultural production systems and transferred advanced technologies; (2) "Sustainable development and increased added value in the cotton industry" (GIZ): a training seminar was organized in November 23; (3) "Diversification and modernization of agriculture" (IFAD). Two veterinary clinics equipped with modern surgical and treatment facilities for pets have been established; projects for the construction of 25 irrigation wells have been developed; s training seminar for women in the agricultural sector was held in February; (4) "Integrated natural resources management in drought-prone and salt-affected agricultural production landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey" (CACILM-2, FAO/GEF): a new GIS laboratory was opened at the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resource Management at TIIAME; a side event dedicated to combating soil salinization on irrigated lands of Central Asia was organized; a seminar on planning integrated drought management in Central Asia was held; (5) "Support for an inclusive transition to a green economy in the agri-food sector and the development of a climate-optimized system of knowledge and innovation in agriculture in Uzbekistan (EU-AGRIN) (EU/UNDP)": a training seminar for specialists of relevant organizations, departments, representatives of science, education and farmers was held on January 30-February 4; a competition "Zamin yulduzlari" was initiated by the association "Women of the Agricultural sector of Uzbekistan" (March 3); laboratory and agricultural equipment was provided to five farms of the Akhangaran district, Tashkent province; (6) "Preparing the grounds for digital transformation of agriculture" (FAO). Workshops were organized on: transformation of agriculture in Uzbekistan through knowledge, innovation and digitalization" (March 1-2); digital agriculture (October 23-26); adoption of drip irrigation technology for crops grown in household plots using alternative energy in the context of water scarcity" (November 28).
The total number of joint projects between Uzbekistan and FAO reached 66 and amounted to $70.05 million. To date, 33 projects worth $15.03 million have been completed; work is underway on other 33 projects ($55.14 million); 4 projects ($41.3 million) are in the process of development.
Within the framework of cooperation between the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the SubRegional Eurasian Soil Partnership (EAPP), the FAO Country Office in Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, the project "Support for the promotion of sustainable soil management in the framework of the FAO Global Soil Partnership - Phase III" was signed.
The Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, in collaboration with the EU's ASK Facility project, has established a project management office. The initial phase involves systematizing agricultural activities.
Capacity building. Relevent Resolutions were adopted to (1) establish the Faculty of "Sericulture and Mulberry Farming" at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies (PP-73 of 24.02.2023); (2) PPRUz No. approve the "Roadmap" for the integration of science, education and production in the agricultural sector (PP-216 of 07.07.2023); a specialized international school will be established at the International Agricultural University on the basis of the UK education system, as well as the Samarkand Institute of Agricultural Innovations and Research, the interdepartmental center for Basic research in Agriculture and the directorate of the national research complex of field crops seed production.
The geographic information system of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan was awarded for achievements within the framework of the ESRI User Conference (San Diego, USA).
The Agricultural Product Quality Assessment Center has inaugurated a new laboratory complex, equipped with state-of-the-art testing devices. This complex enables, for the first time in Uzbekistan, the determination of the 'Gluten Index' according to the international standard ISO 21415.
The Global Soil Laboratory Network – GLOSOLAN, FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan conducted trainings on the analysis of saline soil for specialists from more than 30 countries.
Series of trainings were focused on: information systems in agro-industry (February 1); training of facilitators in agriculture (February); fruit and vegetable production (February 20), concept of food safety and healthy nutrition (April 7), mechanisms for creating intensive gardens and small agrologistic centers (April 8), high-quality corn cultivation (July 27), food safety (August 10-11); farmers of Mirishkor district (February 26); laboratory assistants of the testing laboratory of the State Unitary Enterprise "Soil Quality Analysis" (April); operation of the AKIS agricultural knowledge and innovation system (June 15); smart greenhouses (September 13); operation of control and measuring machine (CMM) (September 18); farmers and clusters (December).
Events. The Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan organized a number of events jointly with partners, including, among others: (1) seminar "Support for the inclusive transition of the agro-food sector to a "green economy" and the development of a climate-oriented system of agricultural knowledge and innovation" (UNDP, January 31); (2) seminar "Fruit gardening: Water resources management and business" (the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, March 16); second international conference "AgroInsurance 2023" (Swiss Re and Europa Re companies, March 25); (3) seminar "Diversification of aquaculture aimed at small farmers and workers of agricultural extension services" (FAO, March 28-29); regional seminars on the implementation of country projects in Europe and Central Asia (May 2-3), the development of "green" methods of growing certain types of agricultural products (May 2-3), which resulted in the adoption of a decision on the establishment of the regional Central Asian working group of the Global Action Program "OSOPP"; five-day camp "Digital Valley" (July 22-26); international conference on food security (September 7-8); (4) UNDP, FAO and GIZ International Forum "Combating Land Degradation in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions" (April 27); (5) FAO and ICARDA Scientific and practical conference "The importance and scientific foundations of innovative agrotechnologies in the development of rain-fed agriculture" (May 19); (6) GSP , EASP and FAO second meeting of the International Network on Saline Soils (INSAS) (May 22-26); (7) international conference "Sustainable Development Goals: Food security and water supply" (July 7).
International exhibitions in 2023 included: AGROPRO EXPO-2023 (February 21-23, Samarkand); "AGROWOLRD UZBEKISTAN-2023" (March 15-17) and "UzFood 2023" (March 28-30).
Regional and international cooperation. The Uzbek delegation participated in the XV "World Forum on Agriculture and Food" and the Berlin Conference of Agricultural Ministers within the framework of the 84th exhibition "Green week -2023". On the sidelines of the exhibition, the delegation had meetings with agricultural ministers of Germany, France, Georgia, Turkey, Latvia, Canada, Mongolia, Holland, Poland, Hungary, Kazakhstan, as well as with the heads of the World Bank, FAO and IFAD. Agreements have been reached on implementation of 12 projects worth $575.6 million, trade contracts worth $154.3 million (Berlin, January 19-21).
The Government of Uzbekistan has signed: (1) a Roadmap with the Kyrgyz Republic for the implementation of joint agro-industrial investment projects in and the increase of turnover of agricultural products in 2023-2025 (Bishkek, January 26) and a memorandum on cooperation and implementation of joint horticultural projects (Tashkent, March 14); (2) 6 agreements ($118 million) with Germany. These are aimed at developing of new technologies, education, and exchange in agricultural (May 2); (3) a cooperation agreement with China CAMC Engineering Co.Ltd (May 17); (4) 16 cooperation agreements with Italy (June 6); (5) MoU with South Korea (June 16); (6) MoU with Israel on application of innovative technologies in agriculture (September 8).
The Samarkand Declaration on Global Food Security adopted during the International Conference on food security had several focus areas, including: (1) agricultural development in the most environmentally friendly way, supporting biodiversity, with optimal use of water resources; (2) promotion of healthy nutrition of the population, especially children and adolescents, comprehensive school nutrition programs; (3) empowerment of rural women to increase their contribution to the transformation of agro-food systems; (4) state support of small and family farms, expanding their access to inputs, natural and financial resources.
A number of meetings were held, including: (1) meetings on cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan and FAO (January 10) and representatives of the American company Crown Iron Works (January 13); (2) 6th meeting of agricultural ministers of Central Asian countries (February 15); (3) meeting of the joint Uzbek-Hungarian working group on agriculture (March 2); (4) 2nd meeting of the Uzbek-Kazakh working group on monitoring the implementation of cooperative projects and import substitution for systematic supply of products (March 3); (5) 1st meeting of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz working group on agriculture (March 7); (6) 8th meeting of agricultural ministers of SCO member states (May 17); (7) 6th plenary meeting of the Sub-Regional Eurasian Soil Partnership (May 31); (8) 2nd Agribusiness Forum of the Turkic States (September 27).
The current power generation capacity in Uzbekistan stands at 12,900 MW, primarily sourced from: thermal power plants (TPP): 11,000 MW (84.7%); hydro power plants (HPP): 1,850 MW (14.3%); other Sources: 133 MW (1%). By 2025, the total capacity is projected to reach 25,600 MW, with the following breakdown: TPP: 18,800 MW; HPP: 2,500 MW; Solar and Wind Power: 4,300 MW. Further, by 2030, the total capacity is expected to increase to 29,200 MW, with a significant portion (40.4%) coming from renewable energy sources, including hydro, solar, and wind power.
In 2023, Uzbekistan generated 77.9 billion kWh of electricity, a 4.8% increase from the previous year. This included 69.6 billion kWh generated by TPPs. While the country exported 1.9 billion kWh of electricity in 2023, it also imported 4.9 billion kWh to meet domestic demand. A total of 71.2 billion kWh of electricity was transported through the main electric network.
By the end of 2026, Uzbekistan is set to commission 25 new power plants, totaling 11,954 MW. These include 9 thermal power plants, 9 solar power plants, and 7 wind power plants. Looking ahead to 2030, the projected electricity consumption in Uzbekistan is estimated to reach 120.8 billion kWh.
Latest developments in legislation. Several decrees were adopted, including: on enhanced State Control mechanisms and implementation of the Digital Energy Control system in the fuel and energy industry" (UP-77 of 24.05.2023) and on the next stage of reforming the energy sector (UP-166 of 28.09.2023).
The decree "On measures to improve the effectiveness of State control in the use of fuel and energy resources" (PP-54 of 13.02.2023), instructs the Ministry of Energy to ensure implementation of SCADA system, as well as automated control and metering systems for electric energy (ASKUE) in all processes, starting from generation to delivery to end users.
Events. A number of events were organized, with the largest of them including: (1) conference "Energy Market of Uzbekistan" (March 30-31); (2) 2nd International Energy Forum of Uzbekistan (May 18-20); (3) 3rd international industrial exhibition "Innoprom. Central Asia" (April 24-26); (4) "International Forum of Women Power Engineers" (August 16-18); (5) 17th International exhibition "UzEnergyExpo-2023" (October 25-27).
Regional and international cooperation. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was elected Vice-President of the CIS Electric Power Council.
Memos and agreements signed in 2023 included, among others: (1) a memorandum between LONGi and KIUT University (Uzbekistan), which provides for the support of students and grants for the university, student exchange programs, and the partial establishment of solar panel production in Uzbekistan; (2) a memorandum between JSC AzerEnergy and JSC National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan; (3) a contract for the supply of basic electrical equipment worth $9.5 million as part of the investment project "Modernization and reconstruction of substations of main power grids with the participation of the World Bank"; (4) an agreement on the provision of financial and consulting services for an electricity distribution project in Tashkent in the amount of $300 million between the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade and the International Finance Corporation.
Representatives of the energy sector took part in: (1) the 3rd meeting of the Energy Ministers of the SCO member states (March 14, online); (2) trilateral meetings of the Ministries of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic (Tashkent, March 15; Astana, August 25); (3) 39th (Dushanbe, May 3-5) and 40th (Samarkand, October 26) meetings of the Central Asian Coordinating Electric Power Council; (4) 41st (Dushanbe, May 3) and 42nd (Samarkand, October 25-26) meetings of the Coordination Commission; (5) 62nd (Bishkek, August 22) and 63rd (December 1, online) meetings of the CIS Electric Power Council.
In Uzbekistan, the hydropower sector has 58 HPPs with an installed capacity of 2,233 MW, particularly 17 large HPPs and 41 small and micro HPPs.
AO Uzbekgidroenergo is investing $1.363 billion in 13 hydropower projects, adding 749 MW of capacity and generating 2.1 billion kWh annually. In 2023, $148 million was invested, and seven projects worth $1.4 billion are underway. This includes seven new hydroelectric power plants costing $124 million, generating 552 million kWh yearly and adding 200 MW of capacity.
Latest developments in legislation. Decree "On measures for further reformation of the hydropower sector" (PP-104 of 30.03.2023) sets the following: (1) bring the total capacity of hydropower to 4,999 MW by 2030; (2) construct Yukoripskem, Korongitugai, Toldiksoy HPP, the cascade of Oygain HPPs and the Yukoripskem HPP with a total capacity of 876 MW in the Bostanlyk district, Tashkent province; the cascade of Naryn HPPs with a total capacity of 225 MW on the Naryn River in Namangan province and the cascade of Yukoritupalang HPPs with a total capacity of 264 MW in the Saryasi district, Surkhandarya province; (3) implement a program of additional measures for further hydropower development in 2023-2030.
AO Uzbekgidroenergo's HPPs have started issuing green energy certificates since July 1, 2023, as per PPRUz 156. The first certificate was issued by I-REC.
Hydropower construction and modernization. In 2023, Uzbekistan commissioned eight hydro power plants, including three large and five micro-hydroelectric plants, in Tashkent, Andijan, Samarkand, and Surkhandarya provinces. These new plants have a combined annual capacity of 190 MW.
The following hydropower projects are planned for implementation: Tashkent province: Muloloik, Yukori Pskem, Korongi Tugai, Okbulok, Oigan HPP cascade, Huzhakent HPP (total capacity: 1734 MW); Namangan province: Naryn HPP cascade (total capacity: 229 MW); Surkhandarya province: Mizot HPP cascade, Kuchluk (total capacity: 75 MW).
Four pumped storage projects, totaling 1,600 MW and costing $ 2.1 billion, are planned as well.
Small hydropower. Recent water shortages in Uzbekistan have led the country to prioritize micro-hydropower plants. AO Uzbekgidroenergo has initiated 23 projects to construct micro-hydropower plants with a combined capacity of 27 MW. Two of these plants, Ispaisoy in Tashkent and Zavrok in Andijan, have already been commissioned, contributing 0.4 MW to the nation's power grid.
Capacity building. AO Uzbekgidroenergo held trainings on: PPP in the energy sector (July 24-27), modernization of the Tupalang HPP (August 17-19), safety of reservoir operation (September 13-14), innovative approaches in the field of renewable energy sources (November 15), transition to a green economy and ensuring green growth (November 28-29), network protection and automation and automatic process control (December 7).
Uzbekistan is pioneering a new approach to hydropower development with its first PPP-based hydroelectric power plant project. The project involves the construction of five new hydroelectric power plants: Dukentsai, Kamchik, Kizildarya, Kuyi Koksu, and Suvlisai, with a combined capacity of approximately 46.6 MW. Synergy Consulting has been appointed as the financial consultant, Dolsar Engineering as the technical consultant, and Unicase as the legal consultant.
Regional and international cooperation. The Ministries of Energy of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan have signed a roadmap to construct the 1,860 MW Kambarata HPP-1 (Bishkek, January 6).
AO Uzbekgidroenergo signed several agreements and MoU, including: (1) for the supply of floating hydroelectric units with a capacity of 50 MW with "MACLEC technical project laboratory pvt. LTD" (India) (February 8); (2) on the production of hydraulic units with a total capacity of 2-15 MW under the national brand "Made in Uzbekistan" with "Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanical Co., Ltd." (February 21); (3) with "China Southern Power Grid International" JDA (November 18).
The delegation of AO Uzbekgidroenergo had meetings with representatives of: (1) MACLEC technical project laboratory pvt. LTD (January 23), Elsewedy Electric (Egypt) (February 13), CAMCE (China) (February 15); Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanical Co. Ltd (China) (May 25); (2) Regional Center of Small Hydropower of the People's Republic of China (April 13); (5) China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC) and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) (May 17); (6) (7) Power Machines OJSC (September 8); (8) China Southern Power Grid International (October 17-18); (9) the World Bank within the framework of the CAWEP program (November 29).
Within the framework of the Uzbek-Chinese business forum , AO Uzbekgidroenergo has signed agreements and MoU for production of 15 MW hydrounits, design and construction of hydropower projects and supplies of equipment for HPPs.
Thermal power
AO Thermal Power Plants is the primary electricity producer in Uzbekistan, generating over 70% of the country's power. The company operates five thermal power plants, three combined heat and power plants, three service companies, and the Tashkent heat center.
In 2023, AO Thermal Power Plants generated 54.2 billion kWh of electricity and 5.1 million Gcal of thermal energy. The company aims to increase its total capacity to 14.7 thousand MW by 2030 . In 2023, AO Thermal Power Plants invested $622.63 million in various projects and localized the production of products for 35 projects, amounting to 48.1 billion UZS.
New appointments. Mr. B. Juraev was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of AO Thermal Power Plants.
Thermal power construction and modernization. AO Talimardjan TPP has launched the construction of a 1065 MW combined-cycle energy-efficient installation. AO Thermal Power Plants is implementing several projects to boost its power generation capacity: (1) Tashkent CHP: Constructing two new gas turbine units (32 MW) to generate 515.6 million kWh of electricity and 690.3 thousand tons of thermal energy annually (JICA); (2) Talimarjan TPP: Expanding with a new combined-cycle gas plant (900 MW) to generate 7.2 billion kWh per year (ADB/EBRD); (3) Navoi TPP: Constructing the third and fourth combined-cycle gas plants (650 MW each) to generate 4.9 billion kWh of electricity and 931.4 thousand tons of thermal energy annually per plant (JICA).
Several projects have been launched to connect a 1,500 MW combined-cycle gas power plant to the grid in Syrdarya province; construct a pilot production of "green hydrogen" in Tashkent province jointly with ACWA Power . 9.6 MW of solar and wind energy capacity was added in 2023 to offset internal power consumption.
International cooperation. AO TPP and Siemens Energy signed contracts totaling €72 million for the installation of energy-efficient gas turbines in Bukhara and at the Mubarek Thermal Power Plant (May 2). Agreements have been also signed: (1) with TAQA energy company on the implementation of a 1,600 MW combined cycle gas turbine plant worth $1.2 billion (May 17); (2) the Italian credit agency SACE for the implementation of 4 major projects totaling more than €2.26 billion (June 9).
Alternative energy sources
Latest developments in legislation. Several resolutions were approved on: (1) accelerated adoption of RES and energy-saving technologies in 2023 (PP-57 of 16.02.2023); (2) implementation of the Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan project, with the WB’s participation (PP-106 of 30.03.2023); (3) implementation of the project "Application of innovative carbon resources for energy reforms", with the WB’s participation (PP-271 of 08.08.2023); (4) production of alternative energy from landfills (PP-335 of 16.10.2023).
A number of documents were adopted in fulfilment of resolution "On measures to improve the effectiveness of reforms aimed at the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a "green" economy by 2023" (PP-436 of 22.12.2022), including: (1) on adoption of green energy certification system (PP-156 of 12.05.2023); (2) on extended implementation of "Green Energy Certificates" and improvement of "Green Financing" mechanisms of (PKM 515 of 29.09.2023).
A new dispatch center, "Green Energy," has been established to manage alternative energy sources (November 3).
Carbon neutrality action plan for the energy sector of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, focusing on decarbonizing its electricity sector. Strategic documents outline the roadmap for this transition, including mechanisms and targets for economic transformation and CO2 emissions reduction.
The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the World Bank signed an agreement to allocate $46.25 million for financing the Innovative Carbon Resource Application for Energy Transition Project (iCRAFT).
Solar power. In 2023, solar power generation reached 253 MW. Uzbekistan aims to increase solar power's contribution to its electricity mix to 30% by 2030.
Two new solar power projects have been approved: a 250 MW plant in Bukhara and a 100 MW plant in Khorezm, both to be implemented as public-private partnerships.
The Ministry of Energy has signed agreements with several companies for solar power projects: 2,000 MW with CEEC Energy China in Kashkadarya, Bukhara, and Samarkand; 2,000 MW with Huaneng Renewables and Poly Technologies in Jizzakh and Tashkent; 1,400 MW and 1,200 MW energy storage systems with ACWA Power in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara; 500 MW each in Kashkadarya and Bukhara with China Gezhouba Group; 400 MW with PowerChina International Group in Andijan.
MASDAR has signed contracts totaling $396 million to build and operate SPPs in Surkhandarya, Samarkand, and Jizzakh provinces. Additionally, TrinaTracker will supply solar trackers for 510 MW of solar projects in Uzbekistan. Once operational, these projects will generate 1.1 TWh of renewable energy annually and reduce CO2 emissions by 110,000 MT per year.
Wind power. Resolutions were adopted in support of wind power project: a 500 MW wind power plant, a 100 MW storage system and overhead power lines in Kungrad district, Republic of Karakalpakstan (Kungrad Wind 1, 2 and 3) (PPs 325-327 of 05.10.2023).
A new 500 kV power transmission network will be constructed to connect three 500 MW wind farms in Bukhara to the national grid.
7 projects for the construction of wind farms with a total capacity of 3,100 MW are being implemented: (1) a 500 MW in the Tomdinsky district, Navoi province; (2) two 500 MW each in the Peshkun and Gijduvan districts, Bukhara province. As part of the projects , 158 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1.0 GW will be installed with an annual output of 3.6 billion kWh; (3) a 100 MW in Karauzyak district; (4) three 500 MW each in the Kungirat district, Republic of Karakalpakstan. By the end of 2027, 10 wind farms with a total capacity of 4,400 MW will be launched.
MOU was signed with Chinese companies for a 1,000 MW wind farm in Jizzakh province. EBRD will provide loan of $19 million for a 100 MW wind farm in Nukus. An agreement was signed with MASDAR on the joint development of 2,150 MW solar and 500 MW wind power projects totaling $2.6 billion.
Environment and climate change
Latest developments in legislation. Laws, decrees and resolutions were adopted to: (1) amend certain legislative acts in the field of ecology (ZRU-854 of 11.07.2023); (2) transform the sphere of ecology and environmental protection and govern activities of the authorized state body (UP-81 of 31.05.2023) and ensure environmental sustainability by further increasing the level of afforestation in the Republic and the consistent implementation of the national project "Yashil Makon" (UP-199 of 23.11.2023); (3) fulfill obligations under international treaties and membership of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international organizations in the field of environmental protection" (PP-172 of 31.05.2023); (4) reclaim damaged land, preserve fertile soil layer and organize its rational use" (PKM-169 of 29.04.2023); reduce the negative impact of wastes on the environment and public health and effectively use alternative energy sources (PKM-300 of 20.07.2023).
Strategies and programs. The "Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy" (UP-158 of 11.09.2023) outlines key environmental reforms, including: (1) drastic improvement of the ecological situation and elimination of environmental problems affecting human life; (2) expansion of the national "Yashil Makon" project aimed to stabilize the ecological situation; (3) increase in forest areas; (4) stabilization of the ecological situation in the Aral Sea region and mitigation of the negative environmental impact from the drying up of the Aral Sea; (5) prevention of climate change impacts; (6) sustainable conservation of biodiversity; (7) improvement of waste management services; (8) prevention of air pollution and implementation of measures to preserve air quality.
In line with New Uzbekistan's Development Strategy (2022-2026), Resolution PKM No. 362 of August 11, 2023, approved the National Climate Action Plan and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy for 2023-2030, including its implementation roadmap.
The Aral Sea region. During the UN Water Conference, a high-level plenary session featured S. Mirziyoyeva, who highlighted Uzbekistan's significant efforts to address the Aral Sea crisis and its role in galvanizing international cooperation on this issue (March 23).
A number of initiatives are ongoing in this area, including: (1) Environmental Restoration of the Aral Sea II Activity (ERAS-II) (USAID): two expeditions were organized for young government employees along the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers, a round table "Aral Sea region - zone of environmental innovations and technologies" (June 23) and a meeting of the Uzbek-Kazakh working group on the development of a bilateral "Roadmap" outlining the main strategic areas and potential actions on the topic "Combating drought and sandstorms on the coast islands" (October 19) were held; the program "Business incubator for "green" startups Climate Smart" is underway; (2) Ecologically oriented regional development in the Aral Sea Region (ECO ARAL) (GIZ): a steering committee meeting (March 10) and a trilateral meeting of the of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Conservation of Turkmenistan met to discuss cooperation on the Ustyurt Plateau (May 18); the GIS laboratory at the Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies was opened (June 22); training usage of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Geo Spatial and Remote Sensing Data Applications (June 26-27), seminars on growing sesame (June 11) and rosehip as income source (August 11), on hydroponics and growing feed for livestock in the hydroponics method (November 20-21), and a workshop to exchange experience on cultivation of early maturing sort of mung bean "Durdona" in the Aral Sea region (December 5) were held; the Strategy for the sustainable growth of tourism in the Republic of Karakalpakstan 2023-2026 was developed; and a memorandum of understanding in the field of tourism was signed between Karakalpakstan and Mangystau (September 28); (3) My Garden in the Aral Sea: Siberian Health LLC, ERIELL Oilfield Services Middle East DMCC, NESTLE, and the French Association of International Solidarity and Education/ASIE invested in planting 500 ornamental trees and 16,500 saxaul seedlings; (4) Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to Address Impacts of the Aral Sea Crisis (KOICA/GGGI): the Insight Brief "Capital Expenditure for Infrastructural Adaptation Measures for Agriculture, Republic of Karakalpakstan" has been issued; the first training course on the module "Greenhouses and drip irrigation adapted to climate change" (November), training "Crop quality and yield increase through resource efficiency, climate-friendly water management, and input-saving technologies in winter-wheat and fruit production" (November 28-December 1) and "Karatal training: Economic, environmental, and social benefits" (December 2) were completed in 2023; (5) Green Space Project/Yashil Makon: 217 million tree seedlings were planted, including 1.73 million ones planted around 189 industrial enterprises having a high environmental impact, and "green belts" among 135 thousand seedlings were arranged.
The UNDP/GEF Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support initiative was launched on April 12. On June 1, the Ministry of Ecology and KOICA signed a memorandum for the Smart Greening Project in Tashkent province.
MPHSTF for the Aral Sea Region. In 2023, Germany contributed €700 thousand to the development of the Aral Sea region. The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) has joined the Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region as the eighth participating UN Organization (UNO) of the Fund.
MPHSTF financed 2 projects worth $4.4 million in such areas as youth employment, innovation, healthcare and "green" growth (March 2-3, Nukus).
For more information about the activities of the MPHSTF for the Aral Sea region, see United Nations and its Specialized Agencies.
Capacity building. The Central Asian University for Environmental and Climate Change Studies (Green University) has been established in 2023. A national strategy and roadmap have been adopted to foster a culture of sustainable development and engage Uzbekistan's youth in climate action.
In the course of the year, training workshops/courses were delivered for employees of the environmental sector and sanitary engineering enterprises, managers and experts of atmospheric air protection branches, and environmental protection workers on environmental audit. The training topics included: law enforcement and management of natural resources (January 25-27) and role of rivers and lakes in ecosystem stability (February 2); enhanced regional cooperation on climate change and security in Central Asia (June 20-21) and development of the Green City Master Plan (November 6).
In 2023, Sudochie Lake has been included in the list of Ramsar wetlands of international importance .
Events. The following events were held: (1) seminars and roundtables: on development of the National Report on the Environment (February 1), Aarhus Convention (June 2), Aral Sea - Zone of Environmental Innovation and Technology (June 23),; (2) meetings and dialogues: third meeting of the Regional Committee of the transnational UNESCO World Heritage Site "Western Tien Shan" (May 1); expert group of the Committee on the Development of the Aral Sea Region and Ecology (May 1); Regional Dialogue on Transboundary Nature Protection in Central Asia (November 28-30); regional dialogue "Expanding the practice of nature-oriented solutions to ensure the sustainability of landscapes in Central Asia" (June 15-16); (3) international conferences: Environmental protection and Ecological zoning: problems and solutions (June 8), Green Development: experience of New Uzbekistan and global trends" (July 6), on sustainable conservation and management of protected areas (OPT) (December 5); (4) other events: Assembly of the Environmental Rehabilitation Account for Central Asia (September 7); Central Asian Youth Environmental Camp and international dialogue "Strategy for Environmental Education of Central Asian Youth" (October 1-5); international eco-festival of landscape art "Green Art" (April 27-29).
In the course of the year, the delegation of the Ministry of Ecology participated in a number of important international events, including, among many others: (1) 7th high-level Conference "European Union–Central Asia" on environment and water resources (Rome, February 23-24); (2) 18th session of the UN Forum on Forests (New York, May 11); (3) OSCE High-level Conference on Climate Change in Europe (Vienna, July 7); (4) 61st session of the working group on the "Strategy on Transboundary Air Pollution" Program (Geneva, September 5); (5) 18th World Water Congress (Beijing, September 14-15); (6) Forum "Green and Low-carbon Development in the Asia-Pacific Region" (Changsha, China, October 20-23); (15) COP28 (Dubai, November 30-December 13).
For the first time, Uzbekistan took part in the international photo contest "Wiki loves Earth".
Regional and international cooperation. The following bilateral agreements were approved: (1) agreement between the governments of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan on environmental cooperation (PP-97 of 17.03.2023); (2) framework agreement between Uzbekistan and South Korea on climate change cooperation (PP-339 of 19.10.2023).
The Ministry of Ecology signed memoranda and agreements with: (1) South Korea’s Ministry of Environment (January 25); (2) Sejin G&E Co., Ltd. (South Korea) for a $55 million agreement (April 28); (3) KEITI for a $6.6 million grant project (May 24); (4) Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) (June 20); (5) Industrial Innovation Group for the creation of a National Carbon Credit System (December 2); (6) Tadweer for the implementation of modern, eco-friendly waste management technologies (December 4).
In the course of the year, the Ministry of Ecology held meetings with international organizations and national high-level officials, including: (1) UNECE, UNEP, FAO, UNECE, KfW, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), IUCN, EBRD, Central Asia Ecological Rehabilitation Assembly, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), GGGI; (2) Kazakhstan's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Chairman of the Environment and Labor Committee, National Assembly of South Korea, Minister of Environment of South Korea.
Tashkent hosted: (1) 4th meeting of the heads of environmental ministries of SCO member states (April 18); (2) online meeting of "C5+1" (Central Asia + USA) on environmental and climate change issues (August 16).
SDG in Uzbekistan
The country continued implementing the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-2025 . The statistical collection "Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Uzbekistan-2023" was launched. Uzbekistan ranked 69th out of 166 countries in the annual ranking of sustainable development.
In the annual Open Data Inventory (ODIN), Uzbekistan ranked 30th out of 195 countries in the world (40th in 2022) and 1st among Central Asian countries.
Uzbekistan launched its second Voluntary National Review (VNR) on SDG implementation, highlighting progress in market reforms, agriculture, infrastructure, education, health, green economy, social protection, poverty reduction, gender equality, and international cooperation.
In the context of SDGs, the following events were held: (1) international conferences "Sustainable Development Goals and the Constitution: SCO countries experience" (April 5) and "Expanding the participation of civil society institutions and persons with disabilities in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals" (November 24); (2) international forums "Experience of Central Asian countries in achieving Sustainable Development Goals: the role and significance of referendums and national constitutions" and "Ensuring dignity and human rights – the highest goal of constitutional reforms" (April 25-26); (3) international round table "National Sustainable Development Goals of Uzbekistan: progress and challenges in achieving the SDGs" (September 26); (4) II Global forum on interparliamentary cooperation in achieving the SDGs (November 30); (5) over 20 events dedicated to each of the SDGs adopted in Uzbekistan, within the framework of the "Sustainable Development Goals Month."
Uzbek delegations participated in: (1) the 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (Bangkok, Thailand, March 27-30); (2) UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development 2023 (March 29-30, online); (3) UNGA High-level Meeting "The Role of zero waste as a transformative solution in achieving Sustainable Development Goals" (New York, March 30); (4) international conference "Innovative Financial Methods and Action Programs for Unlocking Human Potential", organized by SDSN (July 13, online); (5) briefing on "Achieving the goals of sustainable development and strengthening regional security and stability: Uzbekistan’s view" (New York, December 4).
In 2023, Uzbekistan experienced 87 emergencies, a 34% decrease from 2022. Of these, 60 were man-made incidents (down from 76 in 2022) and 27 were natural disasters (down from 55 in 2022).
Latest developments in legislation. Resolutions were adopted to: (1) further improve the system for ensuring seismic safety of the population and territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (PP-158 of 16.05.2023); (2) approve the Roadmap for the implementation in 2023 of the public safety system development strategy in Uzbekistan for 2022-2025 (PKM 121 of 23.03.2023); (3) organize performance of the State system for prevention and response in emergency situations in Uzbekistan" (PKM 171 of 29.04.2023); (4) develop an automated emergency warning system (PKM 361 of 11.08.2023).
Strategies and programs. The Strategy for the Development of Cooperation between Central Asian countries in disaster risk reduction (2022-2030) continued to be implemented. Uzbekistan participated in a meeting of the Working Group (experts) of the Regional Forum - Meeting of the Heads of Emergency Authorities of Central Asian countries (Almaty, October 4). Subsequently, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan signed a cooperation plan for emergency prevention and response (2024-2025).
Preventive measures. Improved emergency response: 211 tactical exercises were conducted to prevent mudflows, 105 km of ditches and channels were cleared, and 16 new fire and rescue units were commissioned (12 built, 4 repaired).
Events. Seminars/trainings were held on: prevention of mudslides in the water sector (February 10), emergency prevention in hydropower (February 22), the use of unmanned aircraft for emergency tasks (May 14-18); the procedure for training on the specialized platform "Online school of unmanned aviation" (May 26); the use of GIS technologies and emergency mapping (June 5-9).
The University of California San Diego (UCSD) and the Republican Center for Seismic Forecasting Monitoring at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan jointly installed a new modern seismic station .
Regional cooperation. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan signed a cooperation agreement on emergency prevention and response (PP-136, April 26, 2023), followed by a specific action plan for 2023-2024.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan took part in: (1) 2nd meeting of the Emergency Ministers of the Organization of Turkic States (Baku, September 6-8); (2) 14th meeting of the Council of the Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (November 9); (3) regional consultative seminar on international disaster response law (December 5).
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
In 2023, the President of Uzbekistan made official and working visits to Singapore, the Kyrgyz Republic, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany, the Russian Federation, China, Italy, Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Hungary, Tajikistan, USA, Qatar, Kazakhstan, UAE.
In turn, the country was visited by presidents of foreign countries (Singapore, France, Qatar, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Italy), country delegations (Iran, Azerbaijan, USA, China, UAE, Turkey, Russia, Czech Republic, France, Korea, Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar), and heads and delegations of international organizations (Economic Cooperation Organization, OTS, UN, World Bank, AIIB, EU, OSCE/ODIHR, IDB, CIS, EBRD, SCO, UNWTO, FAO.
Most significant events in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan pursues an independent foreign policy focused on national interests, aiming to strengthen sovereignty, enhance international standing, secure the region, and promote economic interests.
The Strategy "Uzbekistan-2030", approved in 2023, outlines the following foreign policy goals: implementing a people-centered foreign policy; elevating Central Asian cooperation to a new level; developing mutually beneficial ties, expanding international cooperation, and joining the WTO; supporting compatriots abroad and fostering dialogue.
For the statements made by the President of Uzbekistan during summits and meetings, see.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Within the CIS, Uzbekistan participated in: (1) meetings of the: Council of the Heads of States (Bishkek, October 13), Council of Heads of Government (Bishkek, October 26; Sochi, June 8), Council of Foreign Ministers (Bishkek, October 12; Samarkand, April 14), Economic Council (December 8, September 22, June 23, March 17); (2) informal Summit of the CIS Heads of State (St. Petersburg, December 26).
Chairmanship in international organizations. In 2023, Uzbekistan chaired the ECO, within the framework of which the 16th ECO Summit was held under the motto "Together towards economic stability and development". The participants adopted the Tashkent Communique (Tashkent, November 8-9).
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country’s image
UN. Speaking at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, Sh.M.Mirziyoyev noted that the priority goal of Uzbekistan's foreign policy remains the transformation of Central Asia into a peaceful and prosperous region. He also raised the need to unite countries based on the fact that common interests are above existing contradictions and put forward a number of initiatives aimed at solving the most pressing issues on the global and regional agenda (New York, September 19).
The Uzbek delegation took part in the UN Water Conference, during which a joint statement of the Central Asian states was adopted (New York, March 22-24).
SCO. The President of Uzbekistan took part in a meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO Member States, during which the matters related to multilateral cooperation across the entire spectrum of SCO activities were discussed. Following the meeting, 14 joint documents were signed or approved, including the New Delhi Declaration, a Statement on Countering Radicalization Leading to Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, a Statement on cooperation in the area of digital transformation (July 4, online).
OTS. The President of Uzbekistan took part in: 2nd extraordinary summit of the OTS, during which the prospects of multilateral cooperation in the field of emergency management and humanitarian assistance, as well as coordination of efforts in preventing and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters were discussed (Ankara, March 16); 10th meeting of the Council of Heads of OTS States, during which an exchange of views took place on the state and prospects of multifaceted relations within the framework of OTS and a number of agreements and decisions were adopted on priority areas (November 3, Astana). ZRU-875 of 01.11.2023 ratified the agreement on the establishment of the Turkic Investment Fund (Ankara, March 16).
For his outstanding contribution to strengthening the unity of the Turkic family, actively promoting the interests and views of the Turkic countries in the international arena Mirziyoyev was awarded the "Highest Order of the Turkic World".
The second meeting of the Security Council Secretaries of the OTS member countries was held in October in Tashkent.
Events. Uzbekistan hosted also several events in the area of tourism (International Travel Bazaar 2023 Tourism Forum, 25th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization), investment (2nd Tashkent International Investment Forum), innovations and ICT (InnoWeek.Uz-2023, ICT Week Uzbekistan–2023), as well as the 32nd annual meeting of the EBRD Board of Governors and the 21st session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the UN Convention (CRIC 21).
Official sites of the: President; Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis; MFA; Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade; Ministry of Water Management; Ministry of Energy; Goskomecologiya; Ministry of Agriculture; National law database; Institute for Strategic and Inter-regional Studies; EC CIS; CIS Portal
News agencies: Uzdaily.uz, Norma.uz, Dunyo, Sputnik, Kun.uz