Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.2. Kyrgyz Republic
Based on the latest data, Kyrgyzstan has a population of 7,376,000 people. Women make up 50.5% of the population, while men account for the remaining 49.5%. The country's population is divided into rural and urban areas, with 65.1% residing in rural areas and 34.9% in urban areas.
Water sector
Water resources. The total available water resources in KR are 2,458 km3, including 650 km3 (26.4%) in glaciers, 1,745 km3 (71%) in lakes, 13 km3 (0.5%) as potentially usable groundwater and mineral thermal water, and 44.5 to 51.9 km3 (2%) as average annual river runoff. Total annual volume of renewable water resources in Kyrgyzstan is 46.5 km3.
Kyrgyzstan has a complex hydrological network, consisting of over 3,500 water courses. Among these, 30 are considered large rivers. The average long-term river runoff within the country is estimated at 44.5 km³, which increases to 47.2 km³ when accounting for return water.
2023 Results. According to the data of the Water Resources Service (WRS): water withdrawal limit was 8364.2 million m3, while the actual water withdrawal reached 8081.6 million m3 (97% of the limit); irrigation water delivery plan was 6075 million m3, and the actual water delivery reached 5659.1 million m3 (93% of the plan); irrigated area plan was 3872.9 thousand hectares, of which 3526.5 thousand hectares were actually irrigated.
Public administration reforms. By Presidential Decree "On amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" (No. 354 of 25.12.2023) the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture was renamed as the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry (MWRAPI KR).
New appointments. Bakyt Torobaev was appointed as the Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry.
Latest developments in legislation. The Kyrgyz government has approved: (1) National Water Strategy 2023-2040 (Presidential Decree No. 23 of 10.02.2023), which focuses on protecting water resources from contamination, promoting their rational use, and reforming the water management system in Kyrgyzstan, and an action plan for its implementation for 2023-2025 (Order of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers No. 389-r of 03.07.2023); (2) territorial boundaries of the key river basins, based on their hydrography (Resolution of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers (hereinafter – PKM KR) of 17.02.2023).
Water management system. In 2023, 962.1 million KGS of allocated budget were used for: repair and rehabilitation of canals (675 km), 958 hydraulic structures, gauging stations, 105 pumping stations and cleaning of collector-drainage systems (223.6 km). The WRS procured special-purpose equipment worth 200 million KGS and dredging machines worth 199.4 million KGS.
Irrigation flumes (worth 9 million KGS) were installed in Yssyk-Ata district, Chu province. In addition, Luxemburg aiyl okmotu (local rural authority) completed overhaul of irrigation systems and built irrigation flumes with a total length of 2.314 km (9275 thousand KGS). The P-1 canal, spanning 4.4 km, was commissioned to supply irrigation water to the Ishak-Polotkhan aiyl aymak (municipal unit) in Batken province. The Shibe-Zhekendi canal was constructed in Osh province. In Talas province, reconstruction of the Sarymsak canal has been completed in Kara-Buura district and the commissioning of Kyzyl-Zhar and Zhalpak-Til canals is underway in Bakay-Ata district.
In the next decade, Kyrgyzstan plans to construct 64 reservoirs for 10-day regulation in all river channels.
Drip irrigation has been installed on an area of 13,223 thousand ha, of which 9,490 thousand ha – in Chu province, 1,678 thousand ha – in Issyk-Kul province, 142 ha – in Naryn province, 25 ha – in Talas province, 452 ha – in Osh province, 566 ha – in Batkent province, and 870 ha – in Zhalal-Abad province.
Projects and programs. Ongoing projects: (1) Climate change and disaster-resilient water resources sector (ADB, $43.6 million, 2019-2025) : rehabilitation of the "Osmon" channel (5,862 ha) was started in Chu province; (2) Climate-Resilient Water Services /CRWSP (IDA, $100 million, 2022-2028, Batkent, Zhalal-Abad and Osh provinces): training workshops were organized for project specialists (Bishkek, 1-2 August, 21 September); World Bank’s mission was conducted (14-23 November), as part of which meetings were held with the heads of the CWMA and the DWMA of Osh, Zhalal-Abad and Batkent provinces; a regional workshop "Stakeholder engagement for interaction during implementation" was organized (7 December, Osh);
(3) National Water Resources Management Project/AF NWRMP (SDC, WB, $12.24 million, 2015-2024): a draft of 2040 National Water Strategy was developed, assistance was provided to establish the boundaries of 5 river basins and prepare five basin water management plans in Kyrgyzstan; (4) USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity (USAID, $21.5 million, August 2022-July 2025), within the framework of which an expert group was formed to assess the current state of the Orto-Tokoy (Kasansay) reservoir, analyze conditions of control and measuring facilities and gauging stations, and develop safety and operating rules for the reservoir.
The following projects were launched in 2023: (1) a regional project "Climate-Sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia" (BMZ, SDC, GIZ, €12.9 million, 2023-2027), aimed to strengthen the capacity of organizations that are responsible for water management at the national and transboundary level, address effectively water issues that arise due to climate impact. As part of the project, a meeting was organized to discuss a draft Agreement on project implementation between GIZ and the Water Resources Service; (2) a pilot project on organization of integrated maintenance and development of irrigation and drinking water supply systems in Naryn province (January 2023 - January 2025) , as part of which an integrated system for collection, administering and distribution of fees to be charged for further operation, maintenance and development of irrigation systems, drinking water supply systems in rural areas and for improvement of pastures and pasture infrastructure will be established.
With the support of the "CAMP Alatoo" Foundation, a new water distribution system has been developed and tested in Chu province. This system, powered by software from the "SlySoft Community," empowers Water User Associations (WUAs) to efficiently manage water allocation and distribution. The project "Adapting and Strengthening Community-Based Water Management Approaches in the Kyrgyz Republic" (USFS/IP , METI , 2022-2023) has been completed. Activities included the assessment of WUA activities, establishment of an automated information system on water distribution, and public awareness raising about water management issues.
The Kyrgyz Republic has secured loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to modernize and reconstruct the Aravan-Ak-Buura canal in the Kara-Suu and Aravan districts of the Osh region: credit of €14 million 130 thousand and grant of €3 million 740 thousand.
The STREAM project, a USAID-funded initiative, aims to improve water resource management in the Kozu-Baglan, Ak-Suu (Shakhimardan), and Isfayram river basins. This $2.5 million, three-year project (2023-2025) focuses on an inclusive, gender-sensitive, and integrated approach to river basin management (Bishkek, 27 September).
The Coca-Cola Foundation has launched a $500,000 regional project aimed at enhancing economic independence and improving the situation of women in Central Asia through improved access to irrigation water and infrastructure. This initiative will focus on empowering local communities to implement sustainable water management practices.
Events. The following meetings were held: (1) 18th Steering Committee Meeting of the National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in Kyrgyzstan, during which the participants shared information about current events on water, food, energy and environmental security (Bishkek, February 3); (2) meeting of the National Water and Land Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, December 20).
The Kyrgyz delegation participated in: (1) UN 2023 Water Conference (New York, 22-24 March); (2) 1st Kyrgyz-Kazakh Interregional Forum and 11th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Kazakh Intergovernmental Council, on which water resources issues were addressed among others (Taraz, September 23); (3) international scientific-practical conference "Problems of monitoring, modeling and forecasting of water and energy resources of Central Asia in the context of Climate Change" (Bishkek, November 9); (4) high-level segment "One Planet Summit", as part of which the President of the Republic delivered a call to unite global efforts to preserve glaciers and protect the critical water resource formation zones (Paris, November 10); (5) meeting of the Asian Inter-Parliamentary Advisory Council on Water Resources (Seoul, November 16).
Regional and international cooperation. A high-level meeting was held between Kyrgyz and Kazakh officials to discuss the construction of the Chu-2 bypass canal. The meeting involved the Kyrgyz Minister of Agriculture, A. Janybekov, the Director of the Water Resources Service, A. Sokeev, and the Kazakh Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, N. Nurzhigitov (Bishkek, November 14).
The Kyrgyz delegation attended: (1) 11th meeting of the Working Group on environmental protection under the Secretariat of the Chu-Talas Water Commission (Almaty, November 21); (2) 32nd meeting of the Chu-Talas Water Commission, during which a joint statement on approval of the 2022-2030 Strategic Action Program for the Chu and Talas River Basins was signed (Almaty, December 22).
Several agreements have been signed, including: (1) framework agreement on strategic cooperation between the Naryn province of Kyrgyzstan and the Xinjiang Trade and Logistics Corporation and the Xinjiang Water Resources Investment and Development Corporation (Urumqi, China, August 19); (2) grant agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Japan on the grant aid for the project "Improved Equipping of Irrigation Canals" (Tokyo, 17-20 November).
Drinking Water Supply
Public administration reforms. The PKM KR No.84 of 17.02.2023 led to a reorganization within the State Agency for Architecture, Construction and Housing and Communal Services. The Department of Construction and Engineering Infrastructure was divided into two separate departments: Department of Residential and Civil Engineering Construction and Department for Development of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation. The newly formed Department for Development of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation is tasked with creating sustainable conditions for the development and operation of centralized drinking water supply and sewerage systems in Kyrgyz settlements.
Projects and programs. The Community Development and Investment Agency/KR ARIS is implementing the following projects: (1) Naryn Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Program/NRWSSDP (ADB, $32.9 million, 2020-2027); (2) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project for Batkent and Talas Provinces / RWSSIP BT (IsDB, Saudi Fund for Development), which plans: laying the water supply system, construction of a well and rehabilitation of a reservoir (500 m3), establishment of the municipal water operator and training for staff; (3) Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project/SRWSSDP (WB, IDA, $26 million 364 thousand+additional financing – $36 million 323.9 thousand, 2017-2025, Chu, Issyk-Kul and Osh provinces); (4) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (IsDB, $21 million, 2019-2023): the construction of water supply and sanitation systems in 16 villages and 24 schools of Zhalal-Abad province has been completed.
The following projects are continued: (1) CRWSP (see above), subcomponent 1.1 Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure, which covers investments to increase climate resilience of drinking water supply and sanitation services and to enhance wastewater treatment capacity: 95,000 people in 31 villages around Lake Issyk-Kul and Batkent province will be provided with climate-resilient drinking water supply services, and 43,000 - with climate-resilient sanitation services; (2) Bishkek Water Supply and Wastewater Rehabilitation (Phase II, Government of Swiss Confederation, EBRD, €16 million): the 10.5-km sewage collector has been completed; (3) Issyk-Kul Wastewater Management Project/IWMP in Balykchy and Karakol (ADB): a Sludge Management Plan has been developed and a training on "Gender Equality and Integration in Water Resources Management" has been conducted (Karakol, October 31).
KR and EBRD have signed: (1) loan and grant agreements for the project "Kyrgyz Water Resilience Framework – subprojects in Kadamzhai, Tash-Komur, Kok-Dzhangak and Aidarken" (€18.6 million, including €10.6 million as a technical assistance grant), aimed at improving drinking water supply; (2) document "Bazar-Korgon Water Supply Rehabilitation" (€8.5 million).
Irrigated area. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the total crop acreage reached 1,232 thousand ha, which is 3.3 thousand ha more than in 2022. As to the cropping patterns, grain crops are grown on 585.4 thousand ha (47.5% of all crop area), legumes – on 53.6 thousand ha (4.4%), oilseeds – on 15.3 thousand ha (1.2%), cotton – on 17.6 thousand ha (1.4%), tobacco – on 0.5 thousand ha (0.04%), sugar beet – on 13.1 thousand ha (1.1%), potatoes – on 72.5 thousand ha (5.9%), vegetable and forage crops – on 54.8 thousand ha (4.4%) and 396.3 thousand ha (32.2%), respectively, and other crops (rice, cucurbits and others) – on 22.9 thousand ha (1.9%).
Agricultural production In 2023, the gross agricultural production amounted to 378.7 billion KGS, with a real growth rate of 100.6% as compared to 2022 (increase by 7.3% in 2022).
Grain production reached 1.6 million tons, which is 13% less than in 2022, due to a 14.6% decrease in yields of grain crops (with the exception of legumes, rice and buckwheat). The unusually high temperatures experienced during the 2023 growing season had a significant impact on agricultural yields in Kyrgyzstan. While certain crops benefited from the warmer conditions, others suffered due to the extreme heat (decreased yields: wheat -25.7%, barley -29.2%; increased yields: sugar beet +32.7%, tobacco +19.2%, grain maize +9.2%, vegetables +4.6%, cucurbits +4.2%, fruits and berries +1.2%.
Public administration reforms. State enterprises and institutions under the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture's jurisdiction have been merged to streamline operations and improve efficiency (PKM KR No. 267 of 18.05.2023). Amendments to Cabinet of Ministers resolutions have been made to optimize the size of the civil service staff and reduce state budget costs (PKM KR No. 358 of 12.07.2023)
New appointments. Aynura Tuybaeva was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Agriculture for agricultural policy, water resources, ecology and regional development, while Asylbek Satyvaldiev was appointed as the Director of the Land Resources Service at the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture.
Latest developments in legislation. A comprehensive "Program for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation for the period 2023-2027", an action plan for its implementation and a matrix of monitoring and evaluation indicators have been adopted by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers (PKM KR No. 418 of 23.08.2023).
The following laws and resolutions have been adopted as well: (1) "On amendments to Legislative Acts in the Field of Agriculture" (ZKR No. 11 of 25.01.2023); (2) "On the Progress of Preparations for the 2023 Spring Field and Agricultural Work in the Kyrgyz Republic" (PKJ 974-VII of 16.02.2023); (3) "On amendments to the Kyrgyz Government Decree on Approval of the ‘Agriculture Financing-9’ Project No. 34 of 04.02.2021" (PKM KR No. 549 of 12.10.2023); (4) "On amendments to Resolutions of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers that govern the Land Resources Service under the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture" (PKM KR No. 696 of 22.12.2023).
The Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan have approved a draft agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of agriculture (Resolution of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers No. 22-r of 25.01.2023).
Projects. The following projects have been completed: (1) "Support to Development of a Green Agriculture by Local Communities"/"GoGreen" (EU, €1.1 million, December 2020 – June 2023), as part of which a mobile application "Birlik" was developed for farmers and potential buyers of agricultural products. The project outcomes were summarized at the final conference in Bishkek on May 23-24; (2) "Agriculture Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project"/APNIP ($38 million, GAFST, WB, 2015-2023) aimed at increasing food security among rural households in specific areas across the country. The project outcomes were presented at the final conference on June 22; (3) "Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction with the Involvement of Local Communities in the Management of Nut Forests and Pastures in Southern Kyrgyzstan" (BMZ, GIZ, 2021-2023, Bazar-Korgon and Aksy Districts, Zhalal-Abad province).
The ongoing projects include: (1) "Kyrgyzstan Pasture and Natural Resource Management" (US Forest Service, 2021-2025, Naryn and At-Bashy Districts, Jerge-Tal aiyl aymak, Naryn province); (2) "Additional Financing for the Third Village Investment Project (AF VIP-3)" (IDA, $17 million, 2022-2024, Chui Region), which aims to build local capacity for participatory development and improve access to improved community infrastructure services in targeted rural communities.
The expert support was provided to the Pastures and Livestock Breeding Department (PLBD) of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture in the development of a unified methodology for monitoring and assessment of pastures (BMZ, GIZ, 2023).
The "Agriculture Financing-11" project has been approved. The project is to provide public support to Kyrgyz farmers for timely performance of agricultural operations in 2023. The Ministry of Finance allocated 3.3 billion KGS as planned to support the project.
ADB has approved the "Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural Development and Food Security in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation" technical assistance project ($3 million). Loan and grant agreements have been signed for the "Climate-Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development" Project (ADB, $40 million)..
Events. The Kyrgyz delegation took part in the 1st meeting of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Working Group for agricultural cooperation, which resulted in signature of a MoU (Tashkent, 16 March), and the 35th meeting of the Intergovernmental Council on the CIS Agro-Industrial Complex (November 16, video-conference).
Regional and international cooperation. The number of documents were signed: (1) a "Roadmap" for agro-industrial cooperation between Kyrgyz and Uzbek ministries of agriculture (Bishkek, January 26); (2) 2023-2025 cooperation plan on agriculture between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Xi'an, China, May 18); (3) 13 documents between Kyrgyzstan and Qatar, including a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of agriculture and food security (Bishkek, June 7); (4) an agreement on agricultural cooperation between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of Mongolia, and a memorandum of understanding between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia for the development of forest ecosystems (Ulan Bator, July 9); (5) a memorandum of understanding between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia in the field of development of forest ecosystems (Bishkek, October 12).
2023 Results. In 2023, according to the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, reconstruction of the second hydrounit of Toktogul HPP (capacity increased from 300 MW to 360 MW) and of At-Bashi HPP (capacity increased from 40 to 45.7 MW) were completed. Planned overhauls, current repairs, and maintenance were conducted across all hydroelectric power plants (HPPs); 261 units of special-purpose equipment were purchased for regional power plants. The total electricity generation capacity reached 72.73 MW. Notably, the reconstruction of HPP hydrounits contributed to a significant increase of 65.6 MW in power generation. Construction of new solar power plants added a total capacity of 430 kW and the commissioning of small hydropower plants contributed an additional 6.7 MW to the overall electricity generation capacity.
In 2024, Kyrgyzstan plans to increase its hydropower capacity by 69 MW through the reconstruction of the Toktogul and Uch-Kurgan HPPs. The commissioning of 50.6 MW of small hydropower plants will contribute an additional 119.6 MW to the country's energy mix.
Since August 1, 2023, a state of emergency has been declared in the country's energy sector.
Public administration reforms. OJSC "National Energy Holding" has been liquidated by government’s decision PKM KR No. 482 of 18.09.2023.
Latest developments in legislation. In June 2023, the government approved the "Implementation of Policy of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023-2027" Program (PKM KR No. 328). Furthermore, in July 2023, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Electric Power Industry" was amended (Law No. 147).
Hydropower construction and modernization. Electric Power Plants JSC has completed its annual work schedule for 2023, focusing on the Kambarata-2, At-Bashi, Tash-Kumyr, and Toktogul HPP cascades. Additionally, the company has initiated preparatory work for the construction of the Kambarata-1 HPP . The rehabilitation of the Toktogul HPP (Phase 3) and the modernization of the Uch-Kurgan HPP are ongoing projects.
The draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On ratification of the agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and the World Bank" was approved in its second reading on February 16, 2023. This agreement will provide grant funds for the following initiatives under the "Electricity Sector Modernization and Sustainability" project: digitization of the distribution network, implementation of an automated power accounting and a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems.
Alternative energy
OJSC Chakan HPP, which includes 9 small hydropower plants (1) implements a pilot project (ADB) on the construction of a floating solar power plant at HPP-5 reservoir; (2) signed an agreement with the China National HEAVY Machinery Corporation on the construction of a small HPP at the Orto-Tokoy reservoir of 21 MW (January 13).
The construction of small 25 MW Bala-Saruu HPP (downstream of the Kirov reservoir, Manas district, Talas province), with an average annual electricity generation of 92 million kWh, is almost complete.
A credit agreement with EBRD and a grant agreement with EBRD and OJSC Chakan HPP were ratified on June 20, 2023 (ZKR No. 120) for the reconstruction of the Lebedinovskaya HPP (€13.8 million).
The Kyrgyz Government has approved financing of $88 million for the construction and operation of the Kulanak HPP on the Naryn River (through EDB and the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund on a parity basis). The total project cost is $127.9 million. The project capacity is 100 MW and an average annual generation is 435 million kWh. Its commissioning is planned by the end of 2025.
The construction of the Kun-Bulagy solar power plant is currently underway in the Toru-Aygyr aiyl aymak of the Issyk-Kul province. This $35 million project aims to generate 50 MW of clean, renewable energy.
Regional and international cooperation. The following documents were signed: (1) Roadmap for construction of the Kambarata-1 HPP between energy ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (January 6); (2) agreement on the construction of 100-150 MW solar power plant on the basis of PPP between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) (January 18); (3) framework agreement on implementation of the project "Construction of a solar power plant with a total capacity of 400 MW in the Kara-Talaa area of Kok-Moynok aiyl aymak situated in Ton district of Issyk-Kul province", between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Energy and the Chinese company "Molin Energy" (October 25); (4) memorandum of understanding between the Kyrgyz Ministry of Energy, the French energy company Électricité De France (EDF), and the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC (Masdar, UAE). The MoU aims to foster cooperation between the two parties to explore and develop hydropower and renewable energy projects within the Kyrgyz Republic, with a combined potential capacity of up to 3.6 GW (December 2).
The World Bank has approved financing for the first phase of the "Kyrgyz Renewable Energy Development Project" project. The project aims to support an increase of hydropower generation, meet the growing demand for electricity and attract private investments to the energy sector. It will be implemented using a multi-phase programmatic approach with a total financing of $125.7 million over 10 years.
Environment Protection and Climate Change
On the initiative of the President of Kyrgyzstan, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2023-2027 the "Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions." Kyrgyzstan presented the Global Framework for the Five Years of Action, which addresses key issues like climate change adaptation, environmental conservation, infrastructure development, and improving the living conditions of mountain communities (New York, July 19). In this context, the following documents were approved: Presidential Decree No. 237 of 15.09.2023 "On the declaration of the period 2023-2027 as the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions", the Concept for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions and the Roadmap for implementation of the Five Years of Action. Kyrgyzstan will host the Second Global Mountain Summit in 2027.
Public administration reforms. The Environmental Research, Consulting and Auditing Center was removed from the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic (PKM KR No. 360 of 12.07.2023).
New appointments. Melis Turgunbaev was appointed as the Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, and Azamat Temirkulov - as Deputy Minister.
Latest developments in legislation. The following laws were adopted: "On amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Hydrometeorological Activities in the Kyrgyz Republic" (ZKR No. 67 of 23.03.2023) and "On restricting the circulation of bags made of polymer film and plastic products in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic" (ZKR No. 177 of 09.08.2023).
Projects. The "Advancing regional cooperation on integrated land use through strengthened the regional expert networks of Green CA" project launched in 2023 (BMZ, GIZ, 2023-2024) has facilitated several events: regional meeting of GREEN CA specialists (Tashkent, April 11-13); 1st international conference on enhancing the effectiveness of expert services in addressing environmental and related issues in the region (Almaty, September 25-26); training in "Deep Analysis of Land Degradation Economics: How to Assess Ecosystem Services for Better Recognition of Nature’s Value in Land Management" (September).
Events. Kyrgyzstan hosted: (1) international conferences "Environmental and Socio-Economic Security as a Factor of Sustainable Mountain Development" (Bishkek, January 19-21) and "Actual Issues of Environmental Research for Sustainable Development in Arid Zones" (Chok-Tal, Issyk-Kul, August 16-17); (2) roundtables on "UNESCO Global Geoparks: Opportunities and Potential in the Kyrgyz Republic" (February 9) and "Restoration of Mountain Ecosystems" (December 15); (3) Climate Week (September 16-23); (4) Caravan of Climate Events (October 19 – November 10); (5) National Forum on Climate Change (November 10); (6) Green Economy Forum 2023: Common Goals for Sustainable Development of the Central Asian region (Bishkek, November 16).
The Kyrgyz delegation took part in: (1) 7th "EU-Central Asia" high-level conference on environment and water resources (Rome, February 23-24); (2) 9th meeting on climate change of representatives of foreign ministries and members of parliaments from the Central Asian countries (Tashkent, April 19); (3) international forum "Children and Youth in Action - Climate Change in Central Asia" (Tashkent, November 9); (4) "One Planet: Polar Summit" (Paris, November 10); (5) COP-28 (Dubai, November 30 – December 12).
Kyrgyz President delivered a speech at the COP-28, during which he: (1) called on the international community to support the efforts of mountain countries aimed at solving the climate and environmental problems of mountain ecosystems; (2) noted that "by 2050, on the platform of green development, Kyrgyzstan plans to achieve carbon neutrality"; (3) called on the world community, primarily developed countries, to do "more targeted work on accumulating climate finance, simplifying the mechanisms for obtaining it and creating new mechanisms to support developing countries"; (4) hoped that "the issues of mountain ecosystems will be included as priority on the agenda of COP-28".
Regional and international cooperation. The MNRETS signed: (1) a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of environmental protection and natural resources (Bishkek, October 12); (2) a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of environmental protection with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (Bishkek, October 20).
SDG in Kyrgyzstan
In 2022, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the UN signed the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023-2027 (UNSDCF). The UNSDCF is fully aligned with the national development strategies and plans of the Kyrgyz Republic. According to the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040, the country strives to achieve the adopted SDGs.
Kyrgyzstan was ranked 45th out of 163 countries in the annual sustainable development rating published by the UN and BertelsmannStiftung.
In 2023, the SDI Public Foundation was established in Bishkek, building upon the "YLSP" Public Platform. Its mission is to empower youth and advance the SDGs in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia across social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
Capacity building. Kyrgyzstan hosted: the seminar "Statistics of the Sustainable Development Goals", with the support of GIZ (Bishkek, June 26-27); the workshop on the development of a country initiative on the "Education for Sustainable Development" Framework Programme until 2030 (Bishkek, October 27).
The "Sustainable Development Initiatives" Public Foundation and members of the UN Youth Advisory Council held an intellectual quiz "Youth Quiz" within the International Youth Day in the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, November 10).
Events. The Kyrgyz delegation participated in: (1) the high-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, during which Kyrgyzstan presented a Global Framework developed jointly with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat to support the implementation of the "Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions 2023-2027" (New York, July 10-20); (2) the SDG Summit, on which the head of state emphasized that "Kyrgyzstan is ready to commit for SDG acceleration", specifically through: initiative 1 – "Transforming the system and reforms for inclusive and quality education" (goal 4) and initiative 2 – "Promoting an inclusive green economy" (goals 7, 12, 13 and 15) (New York, September 19-20); (3) the Global Forum on Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation in achieving the SDGs (Tashkent, November 30).
Cooperation. The SDI Public Foundation in the Kyrgyz Republic and the "ASAA" youth public association in Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation aimed to promote sustainable development in the CA countries and across the region (November 24).
Publications The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic prepared and published: "Sustainable Development Goals and Gender in the Kyrgyz Republic"; "Sustainable Development Goals and Youth in the Kyrgyz Republic"; "A Tutorial on Statistics of the Sustainable Development Goals".
The Kyrgyz Republic is taking steps to implement the "Concept for comprehensive protection of the population and the territories of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergencies for 2018-2030" in alignment with the Sendai Framework Program.
Latest developments in legislation. The following laws and regulations were adopted: (1) "On amendments to the Government Order of the Kyrgyz Republic ‘On the Concept for comprehensive protection of the population and the territories of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergencies for 2018-2030’ (PKM KR No. 1 of 10.01.2023); (2) "On amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic ‘On Civil Protection’" (ZKR No. 71 of 27.03.2023); (3) "About the emergency situation in the energy sector of the Kyrgyz Republic" (Presidential Decree No. 178 of 24.07.2023); (4) "On ratification of the agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of emergency prevention and response signed on 27.01.2023 in Bishkek" (ZKR No. 4 of 10.01.2024), which is aimed at organizing cooperation in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations, reducing the risk of natural disasters, ensuring the readiness and response to potential emergencies, and rendering mutual assistance in addressing their consequences; (5) "On issues of prevention and risk mitigation of disasters due to riverbank erosion in the Kyrgyz Republic" (Resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 1278-VII of 15.06.2023).
Natural disasters. In 2023, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) reported a total of 57 emergencies and over 4,000 individual incidents, leading to tragic consequences: 347 fatalities and 783 injuries. The economic toll was also significant, with material damage estimated at 1.707 billion KGS. Floods and mudslides accounted for 7 of the 57 emergencies and 109 of the incidents. These events caused over 40 million KGS in damage, primarily affecting the Issyk-Kul, Naryn, and Chu provinces.
Preventive measures. As of 01.12.2023, 5396 meters of protective dams were built and strengthened along the coast lines of transboundary rivers in the territory of Kyrgyzstan (Chu, Kara-Darya, Kok-Art, Kara-Unkur-Sai, Sokh). Also, 118 meters of reinforced concrete fences and 2 bridges were built for 120 meters of flood channels.
The MES KR branch for Batkent province took flood protection measures in Orozbekov aiyl aymak of Kadamjay district (Tash-Bulak canal). In Suzak district of Jalal-Abad province, flood control dams were erected in Changyr-Tash village of Kara-Darya aiyl aymak, and the strengthening of fences of Changet-Say canal in Besh-Moynok village of Barpin aiyl okmotu have been completed.
The MES KR has also bought 3 helicopters and upgraded 700 units of special-purpose equipment.
Projects. (1) "Landslide Risk Management in the Kyrgyz Republic" (ADB): the Atlas of Landslides in the Kyrgyz Republic was prepared and published. It provides a consolidated overview of evidence, risks and control of landslides in Kyrgyzstan. This atlas draws data from the national and international literature, analytical data and results from the ADB technical assistance; (2) "Climate Risk Management in Central Asia" (GIZ): study trips were organized (1) along the Danube (Munich-Passau, Germany; Linz, Austria, November 6-10), (2) to Germany, with the visits to the German Committee for Disaster Reduction and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the purpose of which was to explore approaches, best practices and technologies related to climate risk management and transboundary early warning systems on hydrometeorological disasters in Germany and Europe (Bonn, December 3-8); (3) "Enhancing Resilience in Kyrgyzstan" (ERIK, WB): the cultivation of the insurance market in Kyrgyzstan and the development of an earthquake risk model are ongoing; the system for actuarial loss valuation in the insurance portfolio is still continued to be created. The plans under the project include risk-based pricing for the compulsory disaster insurance program in the country. Works aimed to improve the performance of the national fire service were finalized. Specialists from the Department of monitoring and forecasting of emergencies under the MES KR studied areas that are prone to dangerous landslide. 15 territorial offices of the MES KR received suitable equipment for organization of the distance training on civil protection.
Capacity building. MES specialists continue to conduct the mobile training sessions among the population. The training topics cover: how to protect themselves against hazards that are likely to arise during emergencies of various types; emergency preparedness; and, the rules of behavior in emergency situations.
MES KR held: an international diving training course sponsored by the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) at Lake Issyk-Kul (Cholpon-Ata, August 8-18); a training on the pilot drought information system for Kyrgyzstan, which is aimed at addressing the issue of "monitoring and forecasting" of the drought management cycle (Bishkek, October 31– November 2).
MES specialists took part in: (1) international drills "Kazkutkaru – 2023" on the use of UAVs for emergency response (training ground "Rock City - Astana", Kazakhstan, May 14-18); (2) sub-regional workshop on the mine tailings safety and the prevention of accidental water pollution in Central Asia (Dushanbe, online, May 25-26); (3) training on the use of GIS technologies and mapping in emergencies (Almaty, June 12-16); (4) regional consultation workshop on international disaster response law (Almaty, December 5).
Events. Kyrgyzstan hosted the following events: (1) 2nd high-level dialogue on climate change and resilience in the Central Asian region "Early warning systems for climate change resilience" (September 21-22); (2) Disaster Risk Reduction Day (October 4); (3) 56th session of the ICDO Council (October 18).
The Kyrgyz delegation participated in: (1) 14th meeting of the CSTO Coordination Council for Emergency Situations (Minsk, September 5); (2) 2nd meeting of emergency ministers of OTS (Baku, September 7); (3) 67th regular session of the IAEA General Conference (Vienna, September 25-29); (4) 14th meeting of the Council of the Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction, chaired by the Kazakh side, a meeting of the working group of the Regional Forum-Meeting of the heads of emergency departments of Central Asian countries (Almaty, November 9) and the Regional Forum - Meeting (Almaty, 10 November); (5) international scientific-practical conference "Mudflow Safety - 50 Years of Kazselezashchita’s activities: State and Prospects" (Almaty, November 22-24); (6) 8th meeting of the regional expert group of the Asian-Pacific Center for development of disaster information management (Dushanbe, December 7-8).
Cooperation. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan and the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) signed an agreement to establish the ICDO Regional Humanitarian Office for Central Asia and Asia in Bishkek (October 27). This new office will play a crucial role in improving emergency response efforts in the region. By providing rapid access to vital resources and expert knowledge, the office will facilitate more effective and timely interventions during crises. It will work closely with local authorities, NGOs, and international organizations to coordinate efforts, develop emergency response plans, and deliver essential humanitarian aid.
The Kyrgyz Ministry of Emergency Situations has been actively engaging with international organizations to strengthen emergency prevention and response capabilities. In September, the Minister met with the UNDP Resident Representative and the Head of the OSCE Programme Office to discuss potential collaborations. Later, in November, the First Deputy Minister participated in a high-level meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan, with representatives from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and GIZ.
A meeting was held between the First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan A. Mambetov and representatives of the Russian state corporation "Rosatom". The parties discussed the jointly implemented intergovernmental target program "Reclamation of territories affected by uranium mining operations", focusing on reclamation of tailing dumps in Kadji-Say settlement of Issyk-Kul province and in Min-Kush settlement of Naryn province, and also plans for remediation of other sites. The parties signed an agreement on the joint plan of remediation activities in Kyrgyz territories affected by uranium extraction and mining operations (Bishkek, August 23).
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
Working and official visits. In 2023, the Kyrgyz President paid state and working visits to Hungary (February, August), Turkey (March), Russia (May, December), China (May), Kazakhstan (June, November), Mongolia (July), Saudi Arabia (July, November), Tajikistan (September), USA (September), Germany (September), Uzbekistan (November), France (November), Japan (November), Belarus (November), Azerbaijan (November), and UAE (November).
Most significant events in the Kyrgyz foreign policy in 2023
The foreign policy of Kyrgyzstan focuses on strengthening and deepening cooperation with the countries of the Central Asian region, and also with Russia and China.
Kyrgyzstan hosted: (1) high-level summit in the "CA-EU" format (Cholpon-Ata, June 2); (2) CIS forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia (Bishkek, September 11-13); (3) meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of the EAEU (Bishkek, October 26); (4) 13th meeting of the deputy foreign ministers of the Central Asian states (Bishkek, November 27-28).
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Kyrgyzstan has been actively working with its neighboring countries to resolve border disputes. As of December, approximately 90% of the disputed sections of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border have been defined. In January, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a protocol to exchange instruments of ratification for the Treaty on Certain Sections of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz State Border. This marked the completion of the border delimitation process between the two countries, paving the way for the demarcation process. See Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia on Water and Other Matters.
Chairmanship in international organizations. In 2023, Kyrgyzstan assumed the chairmanship of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In parallel, Kyrgyzstan chaired the Council of Heads of State, Council of Heads of Government, Council of CIS Foreign Ministers, CIS Economic Council, Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives, and Commission on Economic Affairs at the CIS Economic Council.
Within the framework of CIS, Kyrgyzstan participated in/held the meetings of: (1) the Council of CIS Heads of State (Bishkek, October 13); (2) the Council of Heads of Government (Sochi, Russia, June 8; Bishkek, October 26; Moscow, December 18); (3) the Council of CIS Foreign Ministers (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, April 14; Bishkek, October 12); (4) the CIS Economic Council (Moscow, March 17; video-conference, September 22; Moscow, December 8), (5) 56th plenary meeting of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (Bishkek, November 17); (6) informal summit of the CIS Heads of State (Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 26).
Within the framework of SCO, Kyrgyzstan attended the meetings of: (1) the Council of Heads of SCO member states (video-conference, July 4); (2) the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO member states (Bishkek, October 26); (3) the Council of SCO Foreign Ministers (Panaji, India, May 4-5).
CSTO. The Kyrgyz delegation participated in the meeting of the heads of CSTO member states in Minsk, Belarus on 23 November; the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, resulting in the Statement of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO member states on common approaches to ensuring the security of the Eurasian space and the Declaration (November 23).
Within the framework of the regional cooperation, the Kyrgyz delegation participated in: (1) expert meeting "Central Asia – 2030: Images of the Future" (Astana, January 20); (2) 1st inter-parliamentary forum of Central Asian states (Turkistan, Kazakhstan, February 9-10); (3) 6th ministerial meeting in the "Central Asia – Russia" format (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, April 14); (4) 4th meeting of foreign ministers in the "Central Asia – China" format (Xi'an, China, April 27); (5) XIV International Economic Summit: Russia - Islamic World: Kazan Forum 2023 (Kazan, Russia, May 18-20); (6) meeting of foreign ministers of the Central Asian states (Dushanbe, September 13); (7) 5th consultative meeting of Heads of Central Asian states (Dushanbe, September 14); (8) meeting of the Council of Heads of the IFAS Founding States (Dushanbe, September 15).
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country’s image in the global stage
UN. On March 24 the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the United Nations met under the auspices of the Joint Strategic Coordination Committee. The outcomes of the meeting were endorsement of joint work plans worth $223 million for 2023-2024. Cooperation will focus on: 1) quality social services; 2) green socio-economic development; 3) climate action and disaster risk management; 4) rule of law, human rights, gender equality and good governance under the Agenda 2030.
The Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN held a side event titled "Advocating for mountain women and girls’ education through student-engaged learning" within the framework of the 67th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (New York, March 8); and a meeting "Climate Science in Action" (New York, July 6).
Президент КР участвовал в работе Полярного саммита «Одна планета» и 42-й сессии генеральной конференции ЮНЕСКО (9-10 ноября, Париж, Франция), саммита глав государств и правительств стран-участниц СПЕКА (24 ноября, Баку, Азербайджан).
The Kyrgyz President during its speech at the General Debate of the 78th UNGA urged donors to revise their approaches towards a significant increase in climate financing for needy countries. He underlined that Kyrgyzstan supports the Bridgetown Initiative proposed at the last climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, and also the calls (voiced at the summit on global finance in Paris) to mobilize the necessary funding and structural reform of the international financial architecture. He also emphasized that Kyrgyzstan advocates the creation of a broad coalition of mountain countries, focusing on adaptation to climate change and transition to a green economy (New York, September 19).
The Kyrgyz President participated in the One Planet: Polar Summit and the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference in Paris on November 9-10 and also in the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the SPECA member states in Baku on November 24.
The Kyrgyz delegation attended: (1) meeting of foreign ministers of the Central Asian countries and the US in the "C5+1" format (Astana, February 28); (2) session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC (Nouakchott, Mauritania, March 16-17); (3) extraordinary session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OTS (Ankara, March 16); (4) summit "Central Asia - Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf" (Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, July 19); (5) first summit of Heads of State of "Central Asia and the US" (New York, September 19); (6) summit of Heads of State in the format "Central Asia + Germany" (Berlin, September 29); (7) 19th "Central Asia - European Union" ministerial meeting (Luxembourg, October 22-23); (8) meeting of foreign ministers of the Central Asian countries and the "G7" (videoconference, November 8); (9) 10th summit of Heads of the OTS member states (Astana, November 3); (10) 16th summit of Heads of the ECO member states (Tashkent, November 9); (11) 8th extraordinary summit of the OIC (Riyadh, November 11).
Official sites of the: President, Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Water Resources Service, Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction, Permanent Mission of the KR to the UN, National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan.
Information agencies: kabar.kg, knews.kg, akchabar.kg