Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.4. Turkmenistan
Water Sector
Water resources. The total volume of water resources of Turkmenistan is comprised of the surface runoff of the Amu Darya (88%), Murgab (6.5%), Tedjen (3.5%), and Atrek, Sumbar and Chandyr (1.4%) rivers, as well as the small watercourses of the northeast slopes of Copetdag (0.6%), and the insignificant groundwater resources and collector-drainage waters. All large rivers of Turkmenistan are transboundary, i.e. 95% of surface water in the water balance of Turkmenistan is formed outside the country.
Programs. The efforts under the Socio-Economic Development Program for 2019-2025, which envisaged measures for water saving, augmentation of water stock, prevention of salinization and reclamation of agricultural land, were continued. The focus is put on application of advanced irrigation and water use methods and on creation of additional water reserves. In particular, the second phase of the new 1.6-billion m3 reservoir which is to replace the heavily silted Zeyid reservoir - the largest one in the country - is under construction and the third phase is at design stage. The total capacity of the reservoir will be 3.8 billion m3.
Efforts are continued as part of implementation of the concept for development of the Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr region in 2019–2025.
Projects. In the course of the demonstration project “Tuyamuyun Hydroscheme” implemented by Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan within the framework of the EU-funded project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” (Phase 2, CAREC), the project’s technical working group held three meetings (February 15, October 26, December 5); consultants from «Deltares» and «Tipping Point Resources Group» offered technical solutions for utilization of silt in the Ruslovoye reservoir, the regional steering committee was presented with the results of comprehensive assessments (Urgench, Uzbekistan).
As part of the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity, the following events were organized: (1) a workshop on methods and software for long-term water and energy planning for representatives of Turkmenistan ministries; (2) training on an automated water monitoring system to be installed on the Karakum River, for experts of the State Committee for Water Management and other water agencies; (3) the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) Nexus simulation game; (4) training on legislative changes regarding water use and new water development strategies and how to ensure financial sustainability of Small Basin Council (SBC) of the Murghab River for the representatives of the State Committee for Water Management and members of SBC.
International cooperation. A regular meeting of the joint Turkmen-Uzbek Intergovernmental Commission for Water and a meeting of water ministers of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were held on July 1-2 in Dashoguz, Turkmenistan. As a result, a memorandum of cooperation was signed. See Bilateral Water Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia.
A bilateral Agreement between the governments of the two countries on management, protection and sound use of the Amu Darya River water was signed in the course of the state visit of President Serdar Berdimukhamedov to Uzbekistan (July 14–15, Tashkent). See Bilateral Water Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia.
The ICWC member from Turkmenistan participated at the 82nd meeting of ICWC (April 27, Turkistan, Kazakhstan). The 83rd meeting of ICWC was held in Ashgabat (November 22). Representatives of WG from Turkmenistan took part in the IFAS Board meetings. See International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.
Drinking water supply. Implementation of the “General Clean Water Program” is underway. A new water treatment facility capable of treating 20 thousand m3 a day was launched in Baherden etrap of Ahal province. The facility covers an area of 4.2 ha. The process of water treatment, disinfection and preparation for water supply is controlled and monitored automatically.
The hydrogeological field office of the "Turkmengeologiya" State Corporation explores groundwater, assesses its reserves, and observes conditions of operating wells. In 2022, the hydrogeological field office found drinking water deposits on the area of 130.8 km2 in Lebap velayat and registered them as Turkmenabad aquifer.
Events. The Turkmenistan delegation took part in: the 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit (April 23, online); the Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference «30 years of Water Cooperation in Central Asia: facing the future» (April 26-27, Turkistan, Kazakhstan); 2nd International High-Level Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 (June 6-9, Dushanbe, Tajikistan).
At year-end, farmers of Turkmenistan fulfilled the state order for wheat and rice production for 1.5 million tons and 82.5 thousand tons, respectively. The cost of 1 ton of wheat harvested above the state order was priced at 1,600 Turkmenistani manat. Local private producers have been receiving land plots for growing crops from the ‘state order’ list in line with the established procedure.
Latest developments in legislation. In line with the laws amending and supplementing the Land Code (of 17.04.2022 and 05.12.2022), a new paragraph was added to Article 46 and stated that “The irrigated land of daykhan associations of at least 10 ha is transferred for a long-term rent for growing wheat and cotton under the state order” (para.4); Article 65 was re-written as “…The acreage of agricultural land transferred for a long-term rent is determined proceeding from the following conditions: the integrity of cultivated land and the effective sharing of land” (para.2). The law amending and adding the Law on plan quarantine was adopted on May 8.
Agroindustry reformation and modernization. The work is underway in line with the Resolution of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan (Khalk Maslakhaty) “On further reformation of the agricultural sector” (of September 25, 2018) and the Socio-Economic Development Program for 2019-2025. A new program “Revival of a powerful state: National program for socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052” was adopted.
Comprehensive measures are taken to re-structure agriculture, develop new rural economic relations, ensure sound use of land and water resources, and improve soil fertility and crop yields. In line with the presidential decree on economic incentives for producers of wheat, cotton and sugar beet (No.269 of 23.09.2022), the format of economic incentives (No. 524-O/314 of 7 October 2022) was adopted and the rules of seed production in Turkmenistan were approved.
Local researchers developed new types of fertilizers (bio- and NPS-fertilizer) and presented an innovative technology for soil bio-fertilization in order to reduce salinity of cultivated land. Medium-fiber cotton varieties, such as Akhal-5, Yoloten-52, Yoloten-54, Dashoguz-150, Ashgabat-140, and Garashsyzlyk-30, thin-fiber cotton "Yoloten-56", and soft and hard winter wheat, barley, soybeans, and grapes bred in 2018-2021 are tested in crop-breeding stations.
Projects. The project “Supporting climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities in drought-prone areas of Turkmenistan” (UNDP/GEF) has been completed. The following events were organized in 2022: (1) a workshop to build gender-sensitive adaptation capacities (February 21); (2) a working meeting to discuss the curriculum on IWRM (February 22, online); (3) concluding meeting, where the main project achievements were discussed (April). The analysis of the national strategic documents was published to determine opportunities for integrating gender aspects into planning of adaptation activities in water and agricultural sectors of Turkmenistan.
As part of the Project “Integrated natural resources management in drought-prone and salt-affected agricultural production landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey” (FAO/GEF): a training in salinized land mapping was held jointly with the Global Soil Partnership (April 26-28, online); agricultural equipment and machines were bought and shipped; modern hothouses were put into operation in the training farm polygon of the Turkmenistan Agricultural Institute, the forestry authority of Dashoguz province, the Daykhan association “Yerbent” (Bokurdak village, Central Karakum), and field laboratory equipment was procured for rapid analyses.
International cooperation. On August 5-6, a meeting was held between the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Committee for Water Management, representatives of relevant subdivisions of Turkmenistan and the Uzbek delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture with the purpose of further extending cooperation on agriculture and water (Ashgabat).
The delegation of Turkmenistan, as an observer state of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) took part in the 1st meeting of agricultural ministers of OTS and the Turk Agro-Forum (July 4, Tashkent, Uzbekistan).
12 state power plants, with the total installed capacity of 6,511.2 MW, are operated by the Ministry of Energy. In January-November, electricity production in the country grew by 110.1% and exports increased by 129.7%.
National strategies and programs. The work on implementation of the State Program for Energy Saving for 2018-2024, the Program of energy diplomacy development for 2021-2025 and the National Strategy on Renewable Energy Development in Turkmenistan until 2030 is underway. A Roadmap was approved for the development of international cooperation on hydrogen energy for 2022–2023. In this context, a Center for Hydrogen Energy was launched at the Ya. Kakaev International Oil and Gaz University.
Capacity building. The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat held workshops on the use of renewables (April 25-26), implementation of advanced technologies and innovative solutions for the development of hydrogen energy and the implementation of energy-efficient approaches (April 28-29), green energy diplomacy (October 26-27), and an online roundtable to discuss the draft of the roadmap for development of green hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan (May 11).
Events. Turkmenistan hosted the following events: the international conference entitled “Development of construction, industry and energy sectors in Turkmenistan” (August 6-7, Ashgabat) on the sidelines of the international exhibition “Construction, industry, and energy of Turkmenistan 22”; conference “Green energy and EU strategies on the use of hydrogen and reduction of methane emissions” organized jointly with EU (November 22-23, Ashgabat).
Regional and international cooperation. Following the negotiations between Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, a package of bilateral documents, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the energy ministries of the two countries, was signed (October 15, Astana, Kazakhstan). See Bilateral Water Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia.
The Turkish company Calik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S started constructing the first 10-MW solar-wind plant in Serdar district of Balkan province. Thus, new settlements adjacent to Lake Altyn Asyr will be provided with clean energy.
Environment and Climate Change
Latest developments in legislation. As part of the Governance Support Program, USAID in partnership with national stakeholders and legal experts has drafted a law on environmental monitoring and organized a roundtable for the government agencies and organizations responsible for environmental monitoring (June 7, Ashgabat). The draft law reflects the requirements of international conventions and agreements as well as the Government of Turkmenistan’s strategic priorities such as conservation of biological diversity, effective use of natural resources and the protection of ecosystems. In particular, the draft law supports national policies on environmental protection and safety.
National programs and strategies. Some provisions in the current National Strategy on Climate Change have been integrated into the national sectoral programs and socio-economic development plans.
The Government has approved the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) for submission to the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. This document is a plan of actions for mitigation of climate change, including the long-term goal to keep the global average temperature well below 2°C of preindustrial level and make efforts to limit the temperature growth to 1.5°С in line with the Paris Agreement.
The following programs are implemented successfully: (1) the National Forestry Program of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 (approved on 25.06.2021), as part of which tree planting campaigns are conducted to expand green spaces in cities and around settlements. The city of Ashgabat has got a UNECE certificate for the active green space expansion and for contribution to the Trees in Cities Challenge; (2) National Program for the Aral Sea for 2021-2025 (approved on 22.10.2021), which is the main document determining a set of measures for socio-economic and environmental improvement in the Dashoguz province in the context of Aral Sea disaster. The Program makes preparation for the construction of a big artificial lake between the Shasenem and Turkmen rivers that flow from the Dueboyun reservoir.
Projects. “Sustainable cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Awaza”, (UNDP/GEF): a Plan for the contemporary environmental system in Ashgabat is developed with the support of UNEP. The following events were organized: (1) a webinar on the intermediate results of the preparation of the Fourth National Communication on Climate Change (NC4) and First Biennial Update Report of Turkmenistan under the UNFCCC and the briefing on the development of the updated draft NDC of Turkmenistan under the Paris Climate Agreement (March 4, online); (2) a seminar entitled “Introducing international experience in the development of regulatory and technical documents for the promotion of renewable energy sources in Turkmenistan” (May 30, online); (3) an educational session themed "Only One Earth" for children (June 7, Turkmenbashi).
A new project “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Land Resources and High Nature Value Ecosystems in the Aral Sea Basin for Multiple Benefits” funded by GEF and to be implemented by UNDP and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan was signed. The project is aimed at the conservation and effective use of key ecosystems, land and water resources, and biodiversity in Lebap and Dashoguz provinces in the Turkmen part of the Aral Sea basin. Also, the project will support the implementation of the National Aral Sea Program for 2021-2025. A national workshop on water diplomacy was held as part of the project on December 15 in Dashoguz.
Capacity building. (1) a meeting with young eco-activists (February 25, Ashgabat); (2) a training for personnel of weather stations in Balkan province (April 4-8, Ashgabat); (3) a seminar on international experiences and best practices of the OSCE participating States in accession to and implementation of the UNECE Espoo Convention (May 30-31, online).
Events. The following events were organized in 2022: (1) 3rd and 4th coordination meetings of the Climate Group of Development Partners, where an update on the climate change agenda, Turkmenistan’s priorities under the recently approved NDC, and the initiative of Turkmenistan to establish the Regional Center for Climate Change Technologies for Central Asian countries in Ashgabat were discussed (May 31, September 6, Ashgabat); (2) scientific and practical conference “State environmental policy – the basis for sustainable development and green economy” on occasion of the World Environment Day (June 5, Ashgabat); eco-festival “Let’s save Earth together” (October 9, Ashgabat).
Delegations from Turkmenistan participated in a number of major regional and international events, including: (1) the regional conference "Central Asian Dialogue on Readiness for Climate Finance through Collaboration and Partnership" (April 12-13, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan); (2) the 15th World Forestry Congress at the ministerial level (May 2-6, Seoul, Korea); (3) 33rd session of the CIS Interstate Council on Hydrometeorology (September 14, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan); (4) 4th Berlin Conference on Climate and Security (October 11-12, Berlin, Germany); (5) 27th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC /COP27, (November 7-18, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt); (6) SPECA Economic Forum (November 16-17, Almaty, Kazakhstan).
The Government of Turkmenistan is making progress in building the country's disaster risk management capacity and in fulfilling its commitments under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
Projects. As part of the project "Strengthening disaster resilience and accelerating implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia" (EU/UNDRR), an inter-agency working group for disaster risk reduction (DRR) has been established to serve as a national platform on DRR. In 2022, meetings of the Group (February 16, February 23, Ashgabat) and a workshop on the disaster risk management capacity assessment and development process (May 16, Ashgabat) were held.
International cooperation. Turkmenistan ratified an agreement with Kazakhstan on civil defense and emergency prevention and recovery (January 14).
Russian JSC "Vozrozhdenie" built and put into operation a 49-km long complex of mudflow drainage structures in Ashgabat. The complex was awarded 4 international certificates.
The Turkmenistan’s delegation took part in the regional forum of emergency ministers of the Central Asia republics. The participants discussed how to coordinate actions for strengthening regional cooperation on DRR, combating climate change, and implementation of the Sendai Program and the Strategy for development of DRR cooperation in CA for 2022-2030 and the matters related to formation of early warning systems and emergency information sharing (October 4-6, Dushanbe, Tajikistan).
SDG in Turkmenistan
The Government of Turkmenistan and the UN are monitoring regularly the process of achievement of SDGs. The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 signed by Turkmenistan is closely connected with the country national socio-economic development programs and reflects Turkmenistan’s commitments to the sustainable development agenda. Turkmenistan ranked 99 among 163 countries in the annual sustainable development rating.
The national SDG Working Group of Turkmenistan and UN held an online meeting to review the progress in implementation of SDGs in Turkmenistan and to agree on the next steps towards presenting its Voluntary National Review (VNR) in June 2023 (June 23). UNDP in Turkmenistan and “Turkmenportal” (https://turkmenportal.com/) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen its partnership for accelerating the implementation of SDGs in Turkmenistan and beyond (September 7, Ashgabat). The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in high-level event “2022 SDG Moment” (September 19, New York, USA).
As part of: (1) the project “Partnering for SDG acceleration”, UNDP provided server equipment for the National SDG Database; (2) “Young SDG Ambassadors”, the third cohort of young ambassadors was selected (April 4 – May 30, Ashgabat); they were introduced to the work of UN agencies, MFA and ministries of economy and finance of Turkmenistan (August 29-30, Ashgabat). The young ambassadors are expected to promote SDGs among youth.
Cooperation on the Caspian Sea
The Sixth Caspian Summit was held on 29 June in Ashgabat. Presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan discussed the matters of pentalateral cooperation on the Caspian Sea and adopted a Communique. Before the Summit, a meeting of foreign ministers of the Caspian states was held on 28 June.
In the course of the year, Turkmenistan hosted: (1) the regular meeting of the Inter-departmental Commission of Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea (February 1, Ashgabat); (2) a workshop “The Caspian Sea – Sustainable Development and Stewardship” (March 4-15, Turkmenbashi); (3) the International Day of the Caspian Sea and the scientific-practical conference “The Caspian Sea – the sea of friendship and harmony” (August 12, Turkmenbashi).
Turkmenistan participated in the International Assembly "Caspian Dialogue-2022" (May 11, Moscow, hybrid format); Forum "Caspian 2022: Sustainable Development Paths" (May 22-24, Astrakhan, RF); meeting of working groups on science and aquaculture of the Commission on Conservation, Rational Use of Aquatic, Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea and Management of their Joint Stock (June, online); Caspian Media Forum-2022 (September 8-11, Astrakhan, RF); and, 2nd Caspian Economic Forum (October 5-6, Moscow, RF).
Foreign policy and International Cooperation
In 2022, the President of Turkmenistan paid state, official and working visits to Korea (February), Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran (June), Uzbekistan (July and September), Kyrgyzstan (July), Kazakhstan (October), and Qatar (December).
A number of high level officials visited Turkmenistan: presidents of India (April), Tatarstan (April), Kazakhstan (June), Iran (June), Russia (June), Uzbekistan (October), Azerbaijan (December); prime ministers of Georgia (July), Kazakhstan (February).
Key developments in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan
The President of Turkmenistan has approved the Concept of Turkmenistan's foreign policy for 2022-2028 aimed at peace and security, permanent neutrality of the country, extended foreign economic ties, and sustainable development of international relations (July 8). The Concept also outlines the steps for the enhancement of regional environmental cooperation.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Within the framework of regional cooperation, Turkmenistan: (1) hosted the Central Asian Expert Forum "Topical aspects of regional cooperation on climate change, water use, food security and information and communication technologies in the Central Asian region" (December 10, Ashgabat). See 2022 Calendar of Events. Major Events in Central Asia; (2) participated in the 4th Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asia States (July 20-21, Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan), International Conference “Afghanistan: Security and Economic Development” (July 26, Tashkent, Uzbekistan), and the Central Asia-Russia Summit (October 14, Astana, Kazakhstan).
Turkmenistan took part in the CIS meetings of: (1) the Council of the Heads of State (October 14, Astana, Kazakhstan); (2) the Council of CIS Heads of Government (May 20, online; October 28, Astana, Kazakhstan); (3) the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (May 13, Dushanbe, Tajikistan; October 12, Astana, Kazakhstan); (4) the Economic Council (March 18, Moscow, RF; June 10, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; September 23, Moscow, RF; December 2, online), and in an informal summit of Heads of State (December 26, St. Petersburg, RF).
Within the framework of SCO, President of Turkmenistan met with SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming (September 15, Samarkand, Uzbekistan), participated in the meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State (September 16, Samarkand, Uzbekistan). Deputy Chairman of the Turkmenistan Cabinet of Ministers participated in the XXI meeting of the Council of SCO Member State Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) as an observer and as a guest of the presiding party (November 1, online). SCO conducted an Observation Mission during the elections of president in Turkmenistan (March 11-12, Ashgabat).
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country's image. Turkmenistan actively cooperates with the United Nations, EU, OSCE, OIC and ECO.
In 2022, Turkmenistan celebrated 30 years of membership in the United Nations. A regular meeting of the Joint UN-Turkmenistan Steering Committee for the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 was convened in a hybrid format (December 15). Turkmenistan initiated a number of resolutions: Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development , Zone of peace, trust and cooperation of Central Asia. Turkmenistan was elected a vice chair at the 77 UNGA (June 7). Speaking at 77th session general debates, the representative of Turkmenistan to the UN underlined that “…Turkmenistan is preparing for the establishment in Ashgabat Regional Center for Climate Technologies for Central Asian Countries …”, would “…strive to single out the Aral Sea issue as a separate area of the UN's activities. To this end, in May 2023, we intend to resume negotiations on the draft resolution of ESCAP on the establishment of the UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin …” (September 26, New York, USA). The 45th plenary meeting of UNGA 77 adopted the resolution “International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace” initiated by Turkmenistan (December 6).
A joint EU-Turkmenistan Conference on Green Energy and EU Hydrogen and Methane Emissions Reduction Strategies was held in Ashgabat on November 22-23. The delegation of Turkmenistan participated in the first meeting of the leaders of "Central Asia - European Union" (October 27, Astana, Kazakhstan), 18th EU-CA Ministerial Meeting (November 17, Samarkand, Uzbekistan), EU-CA Connectivity Conference: Global Gateway for Sustainable Development (November 18, Samarkand, Uzbekistan).
The official web-sites of: MFA, State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan
Information agencies: turkmenistan.gov.tm, tdh.gov.tm, turkmenportal.com, oilgas.gov.tm, orient.tm, arzuw.news, www.parahat.info