Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.2. Kyrgyz Republic
Water Sector
Water resources. The total available water resources in the Kyrgyz Republic are estimated at 2,458 km3, including 650 km3 (26.4%) in glaciers, 1,745 km3 (71%) in lakes, 13 km3 (0.5%) as potentially usable groundwater and mineral thermal resources, and 44.5 to 51.9 km3 (2%) as average annual river runoff. The total annual volume of renewable water resources is estimated at 46.5 km?. The country has over 3,500 watercourses, including 30 large rivers. The average annual river runoff formed in the country is 44.5 km3 and reaches 47.2 km3 if return water is included.
Water management system. 956.3 million KGS was allocated for repair and rehabilitation of public water facilities that are under responsibility of the Water Resources Service (WRS). 125.7 km of 236.8-km canals and collector-drainage systems were repaired, 40.4 km were coated and 773.2 km were mechanically cleaned. 590 hydraulic structures, 307 gauging stations, and 105 pumping stations underwent repair.
The first stage of construction of the Algakadam irrigation canal (Kadamzhay, Batken province) was completed. The 27.8-km canal will irrigate 4,200 ha. The tentative project cost is 634.2 million KGS that will be covered by the republican budget and OO “Algakadam”.
Projects. Ongoing projects
• “Additional financing to the National Water Resources Management Project”/AF NWRMP (WB, SDC) – a number of trainings was held: (1) “Capacity building of personnel from CWA , BWA , and DWA in implementation of the 2TP-Vodkhoz water information system” (March 1-2, WRS, Bishkek; March 17-18, 29-30, Osh CWA); (2) Management, operation and maintenance (MO&M) of inter-farm systems of WUA Unions (March 17, Chu CWA, Bishkek); (3) “Improved water use efficiency” and “Determination of MO&M cost needs for the irrigation investment plan in 30 selected irrigation and drainage systems” - for personnel of the Water Use and Repair and Construction Departments of CWA and DWA in southern region, as well as Chu, Issyk-Kul, Talas and Naryn CWAs (May 25-26, Osh; May 31-June 1, Chu CWA); (4) “Capacity building of specialists from CWA, BWA, and DWA in implementation of an online database on water use” (May 25-26, May 30-June 1, November 3-4, WRS, Bishkek); (5) “Establishment and development of 30 public water councils (PWC)” (October 14, Chu CWA) and a series of trainings to build capacities of 30 PWCs established under the project (4th quarter, Taraz, Karaol, Naryn, Osh, and Kadamzhay cities); (6) “MO&M of inter-farm systems in the WUA Unions” (November 15, WRS and November 17, Osh CWA), etc. The following project activities were organized: (1) discussion on the draft national irrigation and drainage policy (June 23, Chu CWA); (2) technical meeting on installation of instrumentation and control of the irrigation system on the Western Big Chu Canal (July 21, WRS, Bishkek); (3) workshop “Capacity building of personnel at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic and specialized agencies on basin approach to water management” (November 29, Bishkek).
• “National Water Resources Management Project” (SDC, WB) – (1) the Water Resources Service developed a draft of 2040 National Water Strategy ; (2) territorial boundaries of the main Kyrgyz river basins were identified to implement the basin approach to water resources management.
• project “Climate change and disaster-resilient water resources sector” (ADB, $43.6 million, 2019-2025), which aims at improvement of infrastructure resilience to climate change and natural disasters and at water security. Project components: (1) modernization of irrigation infrastructure (four inter-farm irrigation canals – “Right branch” in Nooken Bazar-Korgon districts of Zhalal-Abad province, “Saparbaevo 1 and 2” in Nookta district of Osh province, “Kozho Kaiyr” in Kadamzhay district of Batken province, “Osmon” in Chu district of Chu province – and on-farm canals in the above locations); (2) enhancement of irrigation system and agricultural land management; (3) improvement of disaster risk management capacity at the national level (training of target WUA members and farmers in methods of crop storage and marketing, rational use of irrigation water, drip irrigation, greenhouse farming, administrative and financial management, etc.).
• “USAID regional water and vulnerable environment activity” (USAID, $21.5 million, August 2022-July 2025) aimed to strengthen regional capacity to manage shared water resources and mitigate environmental risks in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River basins. The following events were organized: (1) Syr Darya River Day in the republic (August 25, Osh); (2) a meeting of the Network of Academic Societies, where the opportunities for integrating concepts of IRWM and the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) Nexus into curricula were discussed and a Community of Practice that will serve as an online knowledge repository and discussion platform for water specialists in the region was launched (November 10, Bishkek).
Agreements were with (1) EBRD (€17.87 million) for the “Climate-resilient water supply in the Kyrgyz Republic” project, which envisages modernization and reconstruction of the Aravan-Ak-Buura canal in Osh province; (2) WB to support the “Climate resilient water services” project (WB, $100 million, 2022-2028) , , , which envisages rehabilitation of three existing irrigation and drainage systems in the Kara Darya-Syr Darya-Amu Darya River basins (Osh, Batken and part of Zhalal-Abad provinces); rehabilitation of existing and construction of new water supply, sewerage and treatment facilities in Kyzyl-Suu, Bokonbaevo and Kadzhi-Say villages (Issyk-Kul province), and construction of water supply systems with connection of households in 38 villages of Batken province.
In January 2023, a pilot project will be launched on organization of integrated maintenance and development of irrigation systems, drinking water supply systems, as well as pasture management in aiyl aymaks in Naryn province (PKM KR No.713 of 26.12.2022). Implementation is also considered in aiyl aymaks of other provinces.
International cooperation. The draft agreement between the Government of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Uzbekistan on joint water management of the Kempirabad (Andizhan) reservoir (Resolution of KM KR No.596-p of 02.11.2022) and the conclusion of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers to the Agreement (Resolution of KM KR No.615-p of 11.11.2022) were approved; the relevant law of the Kyrgyz Republic on ratification of the agreement was adopted later (ZKR No.111 of 28.11.2022). The draft cooperation agreement was adopted between the Kyrgyz and Uzbek water agencies (Resolution of KM KR No.593-p of 02.11.2022).
Events. The Kyrgyz delegation participated in the: (1) 2nd high-level international conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” (June 6-9, Dushanbe, Tajikistan); (2) World Water Week “Seeing the unseen: the value of water” (August 23-September 1, Stockholm, Sweden, online); (3) IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition (September 11-15, Copenhagen, Denmark); (4) 7th meeting of the Task Force on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus (December 12-13, Geneva, hybrid format).
Drinking Water Supply
According to the State Agency of Architecture, Construction and Housing and Communal Services , 82 treatment and drinking water supply facilities were put into operation; drinking water supply systems were constructed in 39 villages in Chu, Issyk-Kul, Zhalal-Abad, Osh, Batken, and Naryn provinces, and 90,808 people were provided with drinking water. Nevertheless, water supply problems remain in 1,873 villages, in particular, 346 villages lack drinking water supply pipes, the latter need to be replaced in 470 villages and require partial rehabilitation in the remaining villages.
Public administration reforms. The Department of Construction and Engineering Infrastructure was formed at the State Agency of Architecture, Construction and Housing and Communal Services. This is the legal successor of the Department of Housing and Civil Construction and the Department of Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage under Gosstroy (PKM KR No.260 of 20.05.2022). The new Department is responsible for construction, reconstruction, overhaul and operation of centralized drinking water supply, water disposal and sewage treatment facilities in rural areas and cities of district significance, etc.
Latest developments in legislation.Draft Government resolution on drinking water supply and sanitation was put out for public discussion.
Projects and programs.In Bishkek, it is planned to implement the “Digital Water Utility” project, which will implement a unified system for management and optimization of operation of urban water supply facilities through installation of water meters and GIS system at the central dispatch center.
Nine international donors financed water supply and sanitation projects in Kyrgyzstan . In particularly, (1) WB allocated $62.6 million for construction of water mains in 95 villages of Chu, Osh and Issyk-Kul provinces: the work was completed in 54 settlements, including 14 settlements in 2022; (2) IsDB allocated $23 million for construction of water mains in 25 villages in Zhalal-Abad province: the work was completed in 21 villages, including 11 villages in 2022; (3) IsDB and Saudi Fund for Development allocated $60 million to provide drinking water to 44 villages in Batken province and 17 villages in Talas province; (4) ADB's $32.9 million will be used to provide drinking water to 43 villages in Naryn province ; (5) EBRD’s €192.012 million will be used to construct and rehabilitate sewerage treatment and drinking water supply facilities in 20 towns and 8 villages in 2023-2025. In 2022, funding was approved for the WB “Climate resilient water services” project (see details above). To repay the loans, the state intends to raise tariffs per 1 m3 of drinking water from 10.5 to 22.7 KGS in cities and from 8.8 to 30.8 KGS in villages.
The “Cholpon-Ata Water” project is underway (EBRD, €5.1 million).
The water supply systems were inaugurated in: (1) Kara-Zhygach village of Alamudun district, Chu province (project “Sustainable rural water supply and sanitation development”, WB, IDA); (2) Besh-Moynok, Toboy and Zhar-Kyshtak villages in Suzak district of Zhalal-Abad province (project “Rural water supply and sanitation improvement”, IsDB)
The Board of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development approved the conclusion ($30.8 million) on the preliminary application for an investment loan to finance the project “Improved water supply and sanitation in rural settlements of Osh province in the Kyrgyz Republic” and the concept of this project.
Irrigated area. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the total crop acreage reached 1,228.8 thousand ha, which is 2.5 thousand ha more compared to 2021. In the cropping patterns, grain crops are grown on 579.9 thousand ha (47.2% of all crop area), pulses – on 57.1 thousand ha (4.6%), oilseeds – on 17.9 thousand ha (1.5%), cotton – on 21.6 thousand ha (1.8%), tobacco – on 0.47 thousand ha (0.03%), sugar beet – on 9 thousand ha (0.7%), potatoes – on 74.2 thousand ha (6%), vegetable and forage crops – on 55.3 thousand ha (4.5%) and 390 thousand ha (31.7%), respectively, and other crops (rice, cucurbits, etc.) – on 23.3 thousand ha (2%).
Production. Compared to the same period of 2021, the gross yield of crops increased significantly: barley - 2 times, wheat - 1.6 times, sugar beet - 20%, cotton - 14%, tobacco - 10%, oilseeds - 10%, corn for grain - 5%, vegetables - 4%, and fruits and berries - 3%.
Latest developments in legislation. Amendments were made to: (1) Government Resolution PKM KR No.116 of 06.08.2021 “On subdivisions and organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development of the Kyrgyz Republic” (PKM KR No.114 of 04.03.2022, No.434 of 01.08.2022); (2) Land Code of KR, Forest Code of KR, Law “On transfer (transformation) of land plots”, Law “On pastures”, etc. (ZKR No.6 of 20.01.2022, No.22 of 01.04.2022, No.84 of 05.08.2022, No.85 of 05.08.2022); (3) Government Resolution PKM KR No.309 of 17.12.2021 “On agroindustry development in the Kyrgyz Republic” (PKM KR No.494 of 09.09.2022). According to Government Resolution PKM KR No.82 of 18.02.2022 “On development of agriscience in breeding livestock and irrigation”, the Kyrgyz Research Institute for Irrigation was transferred to the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture, its Charter was approved, changes were made to the structure and management of the Research Institute, etc.
The following laws and resolutions were adopted: Law No.21 of 01.04.2022 “On regulation of land relations”; Decree UP 109 of 08.04.2022 “On measures to prevent and suppress the facts of illegal unauthorized seizure of lands”; Resolution PKM KR No.291 of 31.05.2022 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for land amnesty”; Resolution PKM KR No.137 of 11.03.2022 “On measures to ensure food security and support domestic agricultural producers and peasant (farm) households in the Kyrgyz Republic” (read with PKM KR No.249 of 30.04.2022, No.479 of 01.09.2022, No.717 of 28.12.2022).
Projects. The “Agriculture financing-10” project was approved (PKM KR No.3-p of 12.01.2022) to provide domestic agricultural producers with concessional loans for the development of crop and livestock production and agroindustry. As of 24.11.2022, 8,336 rural commodity producers received loans for 4,774.77 million KGS.
Ongoing projects: (1) “Support to development of a green agriculture by local communities”/GoGreen (EU) to contribute to the climate change mitigation through the development of a model of agricultural value chain; (2) “Agriculture productivity and nutrition improvement”/APNIP (US $38 million, GAFSP , WB, 2015-2023) to improve food security of rural households in selected areas throughout the country.
For UNDP projects, activities of IFAD in rural development and FAO in agriculture and food in Kyrgyzstan, see “United Nations and its Specialized Agencies”.
Latest developments in legislation. The “Concept for restructuring the energy sector management system in the Kyrgyz Republic” was approved; it aims to ensure effective management of energy sector and reliable energy supply to consumers and to improve energy services (Resolution No.51-p of 08.02.2022). Law No.49 “On renewable energy sources” was adopted on 30.06.2022; it establishes legal, institutional, economic and financial framework, mechanisms for regulating relations between the state, producers, suppliers and consumers of RES.
The following documents were approved: (1) conclusion of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers on the draft law on “amendments to the law of the Kyrgyz Republic on electricity” (Resolution No. 391 of 02.06.2022); (2) draft financing agreement between Kyrgyzstan and IDA (WB) on the project “Modernization and sustainable development of the electricity sector” (Resolution No.528-p of 04.10.2022).
Hydropower construction and modernization. The “Electric Power Plants” JSC woks on the projects: (1) “Reconstruction of At-Bashi HPP” (Naryn province, Swiss Confederation Government); (2) “Commissioning of the second hydrounit of Kambarata-2” (Zhalal-Abad province, EDB); (3) “Toktogul HPP rehabilitation” (France III Switzerland Consortium) – the 4th hydro unit at a nominal capacity of 350 MW was commissioned. An agreement was signed on replacement of all hydrounits.
In Naryn province, the project “Construction and operation of 100-MW Kulanak HPP” was launched. The project will include a reservoir and a 27-m dam. The construction will last 4 years.
An Organization Committee was formed to study offers of potential investors for construction, commissioning and operation of the Kambarata-1 HPP on the Naryn River. The project envisages construction of a 256-meter-high dam, a 1,860-MW HPP to generate 5.6 billion kWh of power, and a 5.4-billion m3 reservoir. As of 06.01.2023, the Ministers of Energy of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan singed a roadmap to implement the project (Bishkek).
The “Electric Power Plants” JSC and Kazakh Orient Trade Investment Company signed a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation on the project “Construction and operation of Kazarman reservoir cascade on the Naryn River”, consisting of 4 HPPs (Alabuga HPP, Karabulun-1 HPP, Karabulun-2 HPP, Toguztorouz HPP) with a total capacity of 1,160 MW. The estimated cost is over $1 billion, and the implementation period is 5-6 years.
For the construction of power transmission lines under the CASA-1000 project , access roads were built to the construction sites of 1,217 (97.9%) poles, ditches were dug for poles, 1,202 (96.7%) poles were reinforced and concreted, 969 (78%) poles were installed, and 83.9 km (18.4%) of electrical wiring was installed as of 24.12.2022. A 500-kV substation is under construction at the Datka substation in Zhalal-Abad province.
Alternative energy. In 2022, 43 companies received 61 certificates of RES facilities for a total planned capacity of 1,059.3 MW (small hydro – 411.3 MW; solar – 298 MW; wind – 50 MW; geothermal– 300 MW) . These companies will be included in the public Register of RES facilities.
The project “Renewable Energy Development in Kyrgyzstan” is at the preparation stage; it will focus on the development and reconstruction of small hydropower, preparation of a pilot solar project, including grid reinforcement, and technical assistance for preparation of the Kambarata-1 project.
Small hydropower. Construction of the small 25-MW “Bala-Saruu” HPP (Kirov reservoir, Talas province) was started for an average generation of 92 million kWh.
Kyrgyzstan signed: (1) an agreement with the Hungarian-Kyrgyz Development Fund and the Hungarian company “A-Hid” on the design of small hydro in Kyrgyzstan; (2) a contract with the Consortium of companies - Russian “IGHolding Rus” JSC, Kyrgyz CJSC Inkraft and Canadian i-Energy Power Expert Consulting Inc. on the design of Chon-Kemin-1 HPP on the Chon-Kemin River in Chu province; (3) a Memorandum of understanding and a roadmap for implementation of small Karakul project on the Kara-Suu River in Zhalal-Abad province with Japanese Muroo Systems Co. The construction cost is estimated at US $25 million, a design capacity at 18 MW and an average annual generation at 110 million kWh.
Nuclear energy. By the Resolution No.513-p of 27.09.2022 a draft roadmap was approved on the development of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Russia regarding the feasibility of construction of a low-capacity nuclear power plant on the territory of the Republic.
Environment and Climate Change
On the initiative of Kyrgyzstan, the 77th session of the UNGA adopted a resolution “Sustainable mountain development” (December 14, New York, USA) declaring 2023-2027 as the “Five-year action plan for the development of mountain regions”. The five-year action plan opens the opportunities to attract grants and investments in the economies of mountain countries, including Kyrgyzstan; will promote the development of a green economy and technologies, science and education for sustainable mountain development, biodiversity conservation and disaster prevention in mountain regions.
Public administration reforms. “Kyrgyzgeologiya”, “Central Laboratory” and the Interindustry Training Center under the State Agency for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Energy and Industry were transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision/MNRETS (PKM KR No.231 of 26.04.2022).
Latest developments in legislation. (1) UP KR No.17 of 31.01.2022 “On declaring 2022 the Year of Mountain Ecosystem Protection and Climate Resilience”. A roadmap was approved (PKM KR No.95-p of 01.03.2022), within the framework of which the national campaigns “Zhashyl Muras” (Green Heritage) were conducted (article 1), “Zhashyl Muras” Internet platform is developed (article 15); (2) UP KR No.131 of 26.04.2022 “On urgent measures to preserve the ecology of Lake Issyk-Kul”, which also entrusts the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers with development and approval of the comprehensive state program “Protection of Lake Issyk-Kul and socio-economic development of the Issyk-Kul biosphere zone for 2023-2026”; (3) UP KR No.305 of 06.09.2022 “On National Clean-up Day and the action plan for the creation of an effective infrastructure for household waste management for 2023-2025” aimed at implementing policies on environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, and improvement of sanitary and environmental conditions.
Projects. Kick-off workshops and meetings were held within the framework of the initiated projects: (1) “Climate change and resilience in Central Asia” (EU/UNDP) aimed at supporting climate-resilient development in Fergana Valley, the border areas of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (May 31); (2) “Climate services and diversification of climate sensitive livelihoods to empower food insecure and vulnerable communities in Kyrgyzstan” (GCF) (September 8); (3) “Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems and local communities” implemented with the support of the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) in Zhalal-Abad province, Chychkan gorge (March 22-24; July 23, December 9-10, Toktogul).
The Gosstroy and French company EGIS signed a contract to finalize the feasibility study and to develop design and estimate documentation for a project aimed at improving the infrastructure of Cholpon-Ata and nearby villages with the ADB support.
International cooperation. The MNRETS: (1) signed Memorandums of understanding and cooperation on environmental protection with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan (October 11) and the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (October 31); (2) held meetings with the Head of the EU Delegation and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to the Kyrgyz Republic (February 2); Head of the OSCE (February 4); Director of the UNEP European Office for Biodiversity Conservation in High Mountain Ecosystem in the KR-UNEP format (February 9); Swiss delegation (March 10); WB officials (March 18).
Draft Memorandum of understanding between the MNRETS and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia was approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 642-p of 23.11.2022.
Events. Kyrgyzstan hosted (1) the regional conference “Central Asian dialogue on readiness for climate finance through partnership engagement” (April 12-13, Bishkek); (2) a meeting on Environmental Performance Review III (EPR) (May 16, Bishkek).
As part of the environmental campaign “National Clean-up Day”, a nationwide clean-up day was organized throughout the country (October 8).
The Kyrgyz delegation participated in the: (1) 3rd meeting of the heads of the SCO environmental ministries and agencies (May 24, Tashkent, Uzbekistan); (2) COP27, where Kyrgyzstan, together with Iceland and Chile, co-founded the high-level international initiative “Group of Friends of Cryosphere” to protect and preserve glaciers of mountainous countries, Antarctica and the Arctic from negative climate impacts (November 7-18, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt); (3) 2nd Central Asian forum “Cooperation to foster low emissions and climate resilient development in Central Asia” (November 24-25, Almaty, Kazakhstan).
SDG in Kyrgyzstan
According to the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040 , the country will strive to achieve the adopted SDGs by 2030. Kyrgyzstan was ranked 48 among 163 countries in the annual sustainable development rating.
The “Statistics of Sustainable Development Goals in the Kyrgyz Republic” and “Sustainable Development Goals and Gender in the Kyrgyz Republic” were published.
The “Concept for comprehensive protection of the population and territories of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergencies for 2018-2030” , adopted to accomplish the Sendai Framework Program, is under implementation. A Mid-term Review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in the Kyrgyz Republic was prepared and discussed under the Kyrgyz MES with technical and financial support of WFP, UNISDR and UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic (October 13).
Latest developments in legislation. (1) Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.70-p of 17.02.2022 to strengthen the capacities of the Kyrgyz MES; (2) Law of KR No.116 of 07.12.2022 “On amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On granting privileges in the repayment of concessional long-term loans to people living in settlements in high mountainous and remote areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, affected by natural disasters, who received loans in the period from 2002 onwards”.
Natural disasters. The glacier collapse occurred in the mountains of Issyk-Kul province on the Zhuuku strait at the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. The estimated melted glacial mass is more than 2 million m3 (July 8).
In 2022, 59 emergencies were registered, including 23 mudflows and 2 floods. Due to heavy rains in spring and summer, mudflows flooded houses, and crops and roadbeds were destroyed in Naryn, Batkent, Talas, Issyk-Kul, Osh, and Zhalal-Abad provinces.
Preventive measures. To prevent emergencies related to groundwater level rise and reduce disaster risks, ditch systems and mudflow channels are cleaned, and dams and banks are strengthened.
Projects. Under the projects: (1) “Enhancing resilience in Kyrgyzstan”/ERIK (WB), 2 drones DJI Matrice 300 RTK were bought and trainings were held on their use for monitoring of natural hazards (March 4-6, Bishkek) and on modeling the movement of rockslides, landslides and mudflows using Flow-R software (June 1-6, Osh); support was provided for implementation of a distance learning system at the Center for Training and Retraining of Civil Protection Specialists under the Kyrgyz MES; a web portal of the Unified system for integrated monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations (www.ucmfs.mes.kg) was developed to provide the Kyrgyz population with access to forecast information on potential dangerous natural processes and phenomena in the country; (2) “Landslide risk management in the Kyrgyz Republic” ($39 million, ABD, implementation term – 6 years), the draft law was approved on ratification of loan and grant agreements with the ADB; (3) “Institutionalization of the methodology for damage and loss assessment in agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic” (FAO), the starting national technical workshop (February 11, Bishkek) and simulation exercises to test the methodology for assessing damage and losses associated with agricultural disasters (22-26 May, pilot sites) were held.
International cooperation. The draft Agreement was approved between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation on emergencies prevention and elimination (RKM No.346-р of 23.06.2022).
The MES of KR and RK conducted an online joint training on control alerting of on-duty services in response to emergencies on the example of cross-border wildfires for the CICA member states. Representatives of emergency services from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Iran, China, Russia, Tajikistan, and Thailand attended the event.
The evaluation mission of the UN “CADRI Initiative (CADRI)” international experts conducted a diagnosis of disaster risk management capacity in eight priority sectors of the Kyrgyz Republic: agriculture, environment, health, social protection, water and sanitation, education, transportation, telecommunications and tourism (February 21-March 3). A report was prepared based on the results of the evaluation. Recommendation on capacity diagnosis will inform the review and update of the national strategic vision for DRR, the 2023-2027 strategic cooperation framework document with the UN, and will be integrated into sector plans, national and local level strategic documents for DRR and CCA.
Events. The month dedicated to the “Disaster Risk Reduction Day” (September 6-October 5); safety lesson for schoolchildren (June); roundtable “Glaciers of the mountain regions of Central Asia in a changing climate” (November 25, Bishkek) were held.
The Kyrgyz delegation participated in the: (1) regional forum of emergency ministers of the Central Asia republics. The participants discussed how to coordinate actions for strengthening regional cooperation on DRR, combating climate change, and implementation of the Sendai Program and the Strategy for development of DRR cooperation in CA for 2022-2030 and the matters related to formation of early warning systems and emergency information sharing (October 4-6, Dushanbe, Tajikistan); (2) 8th Summit of emergency ministers of the OTS member states (December 21, Ankara, Turkey).
The Center for Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergency Situations conducted the training for officers of MES of the Kyrgyz Republic on the use of GIS technologies and mapping in emergencies jointly with the British non-governmental organization MapAction (May 23-27).
The 19th edition of the “Monitoring and forecasting of hazardous processes and phenomena in the Kyrgyz Republic” book was published.
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
Working and official visits. In 2022, the Kyrgyz President paid state and working visits to China (February), Azerbaijan (April), Russia (May, December), UAE (May, October), Uzbekistan (September, November), Turkey (September), Kazakhstan (October), Armenia (November), Qatar (December).
The President held meetings with the: Presidents of Kazakhstan (May), Tajikistan (July), Uzbekistan (September), Azerbaijan (October); Prime Ministers of Kazakhstan (April), Uzbekistan (September); Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC (December); Ministers of the Eurasian Economic Commission for Integration and Macroeconomics (February), Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (March), Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan (April), Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs of Hungary (May), Economy of UAE (June), Foreign Affairs of PRC (August), Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan (November), Internal Affairs of Turkey (November); Ambassadors of Germany (March), USA (December); UN Deputy Secretary-General (June); ADB Vice President (April); WB Managing Director of Operations (September); Directors General of the Asia Operations Department of the Saudi Fund for Development (February); Secretaries-General of the SCO (May), CSTO (September), and OTS (November).
Most significant events in the Kyrgyz foreign policy in 2022
The foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic is focused on active cooperation with neighboring states on: delimitation and demarcation of the state border; creation of indivisible security space and rebuilding of trust in the CA region; achievement of environmental security; adaptation to climate change and cooperation with international climate funds to initiate joint projects for preserving glaciers, forests and biodiversity; better preparedness for natural disasters; ensuring of access to clean drinking water; construction of RES facilities, primarily hydropower; promotion of water-energy diplomacy, etc.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. The Kyrgyz Republic strengthens and deepens cooperation with the CA states. Kyrgyzstan chaired the 4th consultative meeting of the Heads of State of CA, where: (1) a joint statement was adopted; (2) a Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighborliness and Cooperation for the Development of Central Asia in the 21st Century was signed. Among other things, it is said that: “…the Parties unite and coordinate efforts in environmental restoration in the Aral Sea basin and Aral Sea region, cooperate on development and implementation of international and regional programs in this field... Shall take necessary efforts to improve the legal and institutional framework of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, taking into account the interests of all Central Asian states” (Article 19); (3) a decision of the Heads of the IFAS Founder States was signed to extend E.Rakhmon's term as the IFAS President; (4) the Concept for cooperation of the CA states in multilateral format, the “Green Agenda for CA” and the roadmap for regional cooperation development for 2022-2024 were approved (July 21, Cholpon-Ata).
The Kyrgyz delegation participated in the anniversary meeting of the heads of CSTO member states (May 16); international conference “Afghanistan: security and economic development” (July 25-26, Tashkent, Uzbekistan); summit “Central Asia-Russia” (October 14, Astana, Kazakhstan); extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council (October 28, online).
Within the framework of CIS, Kyrgyzstan participated in the meetings of: (1) the Council of Heads of State, following which the Chairmanship will be passed to Kyrgyzstan in 2023 (October 14, Astana, Kazakhstan); (2) the Council of Heads of Government (May 20, online; October 28, Astana, Kazakhstan); (3) the Council of CIS Foreign Ministers (May 13, Dushanbe, Tajikistan; October 12, Astana, Kazakhstan); (4) the CIS Economic Council (March 18, Moscow, Russia; June 10, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; September 23, Moscow, Russia; December 2, online), as well as in the informal summit of the Heads of State (December 26, Saint Petersburg, Russia).
Within the framework of SCO, the President participated in a meeting of the Council of Heads of SCO member states (September 16, Samarkand, Uzbekistan). The Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers participated in the 21st meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the SCO member states (November 1, online).
The Kyrgyz Republic, as the chairing country of the EAEU in 2022, hosted the 1st Eurasian economic forum (May 26, Bishkek), a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council with the participation of the heads of EAEU state (May 27, December 9, Bishkek), CIS and EAEU Youth Forum (August 25-26, Cholpon-Ata), and a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council (August 25-26, Cholpon-Ata). Moreover, NGOs held an international forum “The Bishkek Initiative for closing biolaboratories in the EAEU countries, funded by non-aligned countries” (June 9, Bishkek).
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country’s image. The Kyrgyz Republic is actively engaged with the UN, EU, OSCE, OIC, and ECO.
On the initiative of Kyrgyzstan, the participants of the 76th session of the UNGA unanimously adopted a Resolution declaring 2022 the International Year of Mountain Development.
The Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN made a presentation of the concept of the “Five-year action plan for development of mountain regions” (May 24, New York, USA) . Ahead of the 77th session of the UNGA, the Kyrgyz delegation organized a high-level meeting on sustainable mountain development (September 19, New York, USA). The Resolution on “Sustainable mountain development” declaring 2023-2027 as the “Five-year action plan for development of mountain regions” was adopted at the 77th session of the UNGA (December 14, New York, USA).
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the ministerial meeting in the C5+1 format on the sidelines of the 77th session (September 22, New York, USA), the annual consultative meeting of foreign ministers of the OIC member states (September 22), the meeting of foreign ministers of landlocked developing countries, where in particular he emphasized a need to promote the principles of green economy and the RES projects, including hydropower (September 22).
For the first time, Kyrgyzstan was elected to the Steering Committee of the Mountain Partnership at the 6th Global Meeting of Mountain Partnership (September 26-29, Aspen, USA).
The Kyrgyz President took part in the: (1) summit “Central Asian States-China” (January 25, online); (2) 1st summit “India-Central Asia” (January 27, online); (3) 4th Asia-Pacific water summit “Water for sustainable development – new generation and best practices” (April 23, online); (4) 6th CICA Summit (October 12-13, Astana, Kazakhstan); (5) 1st EU-Central Asian leaders' meeting (October 27, Astana, Kazakhstan); (6) meeting of the 9th Summit of the Heads of State of OTS (November 10-11, Samarkand Uzbekistan).
Official sites of the: President, Parliament, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Energy, State Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Emergency Situations
News sites: barometr.kg; 24.kg; ru.sputnik.kg; kabar.kg