Section 13. Publications in 2021
“Proceedings of SIC ICWC” (in Russian), URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/sic-icwc_proceedings_2.htm
Vol. 11 Stulina G., Gorbacheva M. - Study of microbial communities in the soil of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea
Vol. 12 Eshchanov O. - Analysis and assessment of water quality in the Amu Darya River
Vol. 13 Rysbekov Yu. Kh., Rysbekov A. Yu. - On definiion of "Central Asia" and its centrality
Vol. 14 Rysbekov Yu. Kh., Rysbekov A. Yu. - On ambiguous definition of the Aral Sea Basin.
Series of publications highlighting foreign and regional experience in climate change and advanced irrigated agriculture (in Russian):
Climate change: dimensions of the problem (parts 3, 4 and 5);
The Water Crisis is approaching...;
Irrigated agriculture: international practices. Part 3.
ICWC Bulletins: № 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/icwc9_e.htm.
SIC ICWC's Legal Collection (in Russian), URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/legal3.htm:
Regulations on matters related to agriculture, water management and international cooperation (2020-2021), Vol. 52;
Concept and Strategy of water sector development in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Vol. 53;
Selected documents of international and national water law in Central Asia (May- December 2021), Vol. 54.
EECCA NWO publications (in Russian):
Collection of scientific papers: Lessons of Transboundary Water Cooperation in the EECCA countries;
Selected Practices on IWRM and Transboundary Water Cooperation in the EECCA Countries.
Results of the Aral Sea bed monitoring:
Monitoring of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea: monograph / Prof. V.A. Dukhovniy, Dr. G.V. Stulina, Dr. Sh.M. Kenjabaev (Eds.)
On the results of expeditions to the dried bed of the Aral Sea in 2019-2020: Resume / Dukhovny V.A. et al.
Report on monitoring expedition to lakes and wetlands in the South Aral Region / Kenjabayev Sh.M., Ruziev I.B., Zaitov Sh.Sh., Ergashev I.
Research "Statements made by the Central Asian countries in the UN General Assembly in 1992-2020: Key highlights and priorities" / D. Ziganshina, A. Galustyan, D. Abasova et al., URL: http://cawater-info.net/expert-platform/un-ga-1992-2020_e.htm:
Republic of Kazakhstan at the UN General Assembly: Highlights of the statements made at the general debates from 1992 till 2020;
The Kyrgyz Republic at the UN General Assembly: Highlights of the statements made at the general debates from 1992 till 2020;
Republic of Tajikistan at the UN General Assembly: Highlights of the statements made at the general debates from 1992 till 2020;
Turkmenistan at the UN General Assembly: Highlights of the statements made at the general debates from 1992 till 2020;
Republic of Uzbekistan at the UN General Assembly: Highlights of the statements made at the general debates from 1992 till 2020.
Research "Environment and Transboundary Cooperation in the Statements made by the EECCA countries at the UN General Assembly in 1992-2020" / D. Ziganshina, A. Galustyan, D. Abasova et al, URL: http://cawater-info.net/expert-platform/eecca-un-ga-1992-2020_e.htm:
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the UN General Assembly: Highlights on Environmental Matters in 1992-2020;
Republic of Belarus at the UN General Assembly: Highlights on Environmental Matters in 1992-2020;
The Republic of Moldova at the UN General Assembly: Highlights on Environmental Matters in 1992-2020;
The Russian Federation at the UN General Assembly: Highlights on Environmental Matters in 1992-2020;
Ukraine at the UN General Assembly: Highlights on Environmental Matters in 1992-2020.
Synthesis report (in Russian). Highlights on the environmental matters and international cooperation in the statements made at the general debate of the UN General Assembly by the countries from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in 1992-2020 / D. Ziganshina, A. Galustyan, D. Abasova et al.
INBO Network Newsletter, No. 28 (in Russian).
GEF Agency of IFAS
Aral Sea: History of drying and Uzbekistan’s actions for restoration and development of the South Aral Region. Illustrated album / V.Sokolov, A. Tulyaganov, D. Toirov, I. Gayfullin
Aral Sea Realities: Illustrated album / V.Sokolov, I. Gayfullin
Zoi Environment Network
European Union Water Initiative Plus. Results of cooperation with EU Eastern Neighbours.
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Handbook on Water Allocation in a Transboundary Context.
Water resources allocation in a transboundary context to strengthen water cooperation between the countries of Eurasia
Agreements for Transboundary Water Cooperation: A Practical Guide.
Funding and financing of transboundary water cooperation and basin development.
UN-Water analytical brief on Water-use efficiency.
Progress on Wastewater Treatment – 2021 Update.
Progress on Ambient Water Quality – 2021 Update.
Progress on Water-Use Efficiency – 2021 Update.
Progress on Level of Water Stress – 2021 Update.
Progress on Integrated Water Resources Management – 2021 Update.
Progress on Water-related Ecosystems – 2021 Update.
Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation – 2021 Update.
Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2021.
The State of Food and Agriculture 2021.
The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture – Systems at breaking point (SOLAW 2021).
A Guide to Forest-Water Management.
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2021-2030.
Development of WASH Systems in Rural Areas of the CAREC Region.
International Hydropower Association
How-to Guide on Hydropower Infrastructure Safety.
San Jose Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower.
IHA Good Practice Guide: Hydropower and Protected Areas.
Hydropower 2050: Identifying the next 850+ GW towards Net Zero.
World Bank
Multilingual dictionary of water sector terminology
Ministry of Nature, Russia; MSU of M.V. Lomonosov
The Russian Federation Environmental Report for 2020.
Russian Research Institute for Integrated Water Use and Protection (FGBU RosNIIVH)
Proceedings of XVI International Science-to-Practice Symposium “Clean Water of Russia - 2021”.
German-Kazakh University
Tomorrow was too late. Environmental risks of Kazakhstan.
Environmental organizations of Kyrgyzstanа
Dairov I. Ecology and Climate: Kyrgyzstan in XXI.
Strategic priorities of climate change education in the Kyrgyz Republic.