Section 7. International water organizations and initiatives
7.1. Asia Water Council
The Asia Water Council (AWC) is a global network focused in providing tangible solutions on Asian water challenges and facilitating multilateral discussions among stakeholders. It was established at the initiative of South Korea during the 7th World Water Forum in March 2015. AWC is composed of 147 organizations from 27 countries. The AWC action tools include the application of high-tech tools in all areas of water management and nature conservation through IWRM, the reduction of risks through better water security, especially as concerns prevention of floods and droughts. AWC is the main organizer and sponsor of the Asia
International Water Week (AIWW).
Activities in 2021
Asia International Water Week. The 2nd Asia International Water Week/2-AIWW under the theme “Sufficient and Sustainable Water for All” to be held in Indonesia has been postponed from 2021 to March 14-16, 2022. The AIWW program will include 24 thematic sessions, the Asia to World Statement Ceremony and Water Project Business Forum, as well as special sessions and an exhibition. The AWC Board of Council approved the composition and topics of the sessions: (1) Security and sustainable growth; (2) IWRM planning/pilot projects to introduce smart technologies and build capacity; (3) Water management policy and technology in the context of climate change; (4) Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus; (5) Water Security: responses to local, regional and global challenges; (6) Asian Dynamic Water Center – power of knowledge and information.
A series of virtual conferences - the AIWW On-Air - was organized as a preliminary event to raise global interest and encourage participation in the 2nd AIWW (kicked off on February 24). In the course of the year, a number of events were held, including: (1) 13th and 14th AWC Board of Council meetings (online, March 31 and November 30); (2) a webinar to discuss the draft Asia to World Statement as one of the main policy outcomes of 2-AIWW (April 27); (3) series of online webinars as part of preparation to 2-AIWW; preparatory conference before the 2nd AIWW (hybrid format, December 13).
Source: GEF Agency of IFAS, Asian Water Council
7.2. Geneva Water Hub
The Geneva Water Hub is a joint project of the Swiss Confederation (SDC, Global Program Water Division) and the University of Geneva. The Geneva Water Hub was established in 2014 to help prevent water conflicts at an early stage and to promote water as an instrument of peace and cooperation. The Platform for International Water Law (PIWL) was established by some members of the Department of Public International Law and International Organization of the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva in 2009. Later, it became a part of the Geneva Water Hub. The Geneva Water Hub serves as the Secretariat of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace.
Activities in 2021
Collaboration between UNDP-Iraq and the Geneva Water Hub. The Platform for International Water Law of the Geneva Water Hub completed a UNDP-Iraq project on «Possible areas of cooperation between the riparian countries in managing shared water resources to guarantee the water rights of the downstream countries in quantity and quality» in August 2021. This project included two components: 1) an analytical report on the legal frameworks applicable to the Tigris and Euphrates basin with key recommendations; 2) an online training for Iraqi senior officials in June-July 2021. The activities carried out by the Platform were successful and have put the basis for further cooperation with UNDP-Iraq and the Ministry of Water Resources of Iraq. UNDP-Iraq is implementing some of the recommendations made by the Geneva Water Hub such as the visit to the Sava River Basin Commission as well as the participation of an Iraqi delegation at the World Water Forum in Dakar.
The Geneva Water Hub has also collaborated with IUCN in the context of the project «Water flows regulations in a fragmented world». The first output of this joint initiative is the development of an assessment of the legal tools applicable to dams planning, developing and monitoring. This assessment includes a compendium of references grouping and analyzing the main frameworks and principles to be considered when addressing the challenges of dams in general and large dams in particular. This first output should be viewed as a “living document” which will be further developed and completed with additional practice. This document was presented in a side event to the Ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Water Convention on 27 September 2021. Moreover, this initiative was also presented in the session on “Ensuring benefit sharing and joint management of dams: the role of international water law” organized during the World Water Congress in Daegu on the 1st of December 2021 and the conference on “International Cooperation & Experiences Exchange, Base & Starting Point for Enhancing Dams Safety in Iraq” on 14 November 2021.
Follow up of the Geneva Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure during Armed Conflicts. The Platform for International Water Law of the Geneva Water Hub has also continued its work on the Geneva Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure with the publication of an Annex on Cyber-operations and the protection of water. Moreover, the Platform has also drafted a preliminary report on the national frameworks protecting water and water infrastructure during armed conflicts. The Geneva Water Hub organized together with UNICEF an online session on «Water and Stability: Towards a Resilient World» during the Stockholm World Water Week.
Senegalese-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin. The Geneva Water Hub and its partners from UNECE Water Convention Secretariat and IGRAC center continued to facilitate the strategic dialogue on the Senegalese-Mauritanian aquifer basin (SMAB) aimed at establishing transboundary cooperation on this shared water resource. This dialogue is carried out in close collaboration with river basin organizations (RBOs), namely the OMVG and OMVS. As part of this cooperation, a Regional Working Group (RWG) was setup, supported by the four ministers in charge of water management, as well as the two high commissioners of river basin organizations. Its mandate is to induce transboundary cooperation and advise the SMAB states and the RBOs towards the establishment of a sustainable cross-border concerted management mechanism on the SMAB.
Events. The Geneva Water Hub participated in a number of events: «Water and International Humanitarian Law» on 15 November 2021. The Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN Office and other international organizations organized this event at the Delegation of the European Union in Geneva; the EU Working Group on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) also organized an event on the 10th of November 2021 where several humanitarian organizations participated, including ICRC and the Geneva Water Hub; “Water Scarcity: A Challenge to Sustainable Development in the Arab Region” on the 17th November 2021 in Cairo. This event was part of the 13th session of the Arab Ministerial Water Council in Cairo, with the participation of ministers of water resources from the Arab States.
Capacity building. The Geneva Water Hub carried out the online course on «International Water Law and the Law on Transboundary Aquifers» from October 11 to December 12, 2021. Eighteen participants attended the course. Fifteen participants were from least developing countries and non-OCDE countries and most of them were representatives from national governments. Two webinars have been organized during the online course. The first webinar was co-organized with DiploFoundation and UNECE on “Insights on the 9th MOP of the Water Convention” on the 8th of November 2021”. The speakers included the Director of DiploFoundation, Dr Jovan Kurbalija, and the Executive Secretary of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), Ms. Sonja Koeppel and Prof. Alistair Rieu-Clarke from Northumbria University. The webinar was attended by around 70 participants and the recording is available here. A second webinar was organized on “Business, Human Rights and the Right to Water” on the 9th of December 2021. The speakers included Prof. Angelica Bonfanti from the University of Milano and Prof. Roberta Greco from LUMSA University in Rome. The webinar was attended by around 50 participants and the recording is available here.
Tailor made module developed in collaboration with SDC for the German-Kazakh University (DKU). On November 15-26, 2021, the Geneva Water Hub organized the second edition of the tailor-made module on Water Diplomacy for the DKU MSc in Integrated Water Resources Management. This module aims to provide students with some key understandings of water resources’ co-existing conflictual and cooperation dimensions.
In 2021, OSCE selected the Geneva Water Hub for the development of an e-learning course on water diplomacy. This course aims to increase awareness of water practitioners, professional negotiators and university students in the field of water management on the importance of integrating sustainable water norms in peacebuilding processes.
Platform for International Water Law (PIWL)
The Platform for International Water Law also carries out a research project «Water, private companies and the furtherance of the public good» founded by a private foundation. The aim is to develop a code of good practices on water protection and management for private companies. The proposal of a code of good practices relies on a recommendation of the Global High-Level on Water and Peace. Laurence Boisson de Chazoournes and Haoua Savadogo presented a first draft of the code of good practices during the 2021 Seminar on Business and Human Rights organized by the Human Rights Commission of the “Ordre des avocats de Geneve”.
Publications. In the context of its work on international water law, some members of the Platform have contributed to the publication «Practical Guide for the Development of Agreements or Other Arrangements for Transboundary Water Cooperation» developed by the Secretariat of the Water Convention. This document was presented during the 9th Meeting of the parties to the water convention that took place between 29th September and 1st of October 2021.
A White Paper will be launched on the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Declaration in 2022. The document serves to fuel reflections at the political level on the role of the environment in peacebuilding. The Platform also contributed together with the University of Helsinki with a chapter to the White Paper entitled « Strengthening the Thin Green Line: A call for an international monitoring mechanism for environmental peacebuilding law».
Capacity building. The Platform also collaborates with the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University on the research project on “The ecosystem services of forests and specially protected areas and the effectiveness of local self-governance in Armenia. Interdisciplinary perspectives”. A visit of the Armenian research team is planned during the spring of 2022.
Moreover, the Platform also supported the Capstone project of a group of Master students of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies on the topic «Financialization of Water, Human Rights and Environmental Protection: What are the issues at stake?». To support the work of these students, the Geneva Water Hub also facilitated an online safe space on the 11th of November 2021 to meet with key experts on the human right to water and international economic law. This report investigates what threats the financialization of water may pose to the human right to water and offers policy recommendations regarding how to safeguard this fundamental right. The report concludes there remains a pressing need for water to remain a public resource and within the confines of democratic processes.
Global Observatory on Water and Peace (GOWP)
Following its launch, the GOWP program “Digital transformation, water, peace and basin agencies for the 21st century” is well under way with the realization of six round tables / webinars and 15 virtual working meetings bringing together more than 1000 participants. The relevance of the program has increased in view of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The lessons of this program will enrich a strategic reflection document prepared under the aegis of the Global Observatory for Water and Peace.
Publications. The GOWP will be producing an annual analytic report on the developments and trends in relation to the global water architecture of the 21st century. The report will be compiled by the Geneva Water Hub, as Global International node, from the individual reports provided by the partners.
Source: Geneva Water Hub
7.3. Global Water Partnership
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is a global network of action including over 3,000 partners in 179 countries. GWP is comprised of 13 Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs) and 69 National Water Partnerships (NWPs), with the mission to advance governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.
Activities in 2021
GWP’s 25th anniversary. 2021 marks 25 years since GWP was founded. On this occasion, more than 470 participants, from 73 countries, joined the GWP Network Meeting 2021 under the theme “Leading Change and Innovation through our Partners” (online, December 1-2). Being innovative in the face of an ever-changing world, delivering GWP’s strategy despite the challenges of COVID, and connecting water communities across the globe – these were some of the key messages during this year’s GWP Network Meeting.
One of the highlights of GWP’s 25th anniversary year came with the 'family' launch of the revitalized GWP ToolBox – IWRM Action Hub – a combined product of the efforts, ideas, and input from the whole GWP network. The new GWP ToolBox features 87 tools, 222 case studies and 1,500 resources. It also includes a new Connect area, where people can become members and connect with each other. It will allow users to form their own online communities of practice – finding answers to questions, gaining support from those with experience in implementation, and sharing lessons learned from projects.
As part of the anniversary celebrations, GWP organized Regional Days (online, May 31 – June 3) focused on concrete tasks of the new GWP’s strategy, especially in the context of COVID-19.
Transboundary cooperation. Despite the limitations of COVID-19, GWP continued facilitating regional dialogues which focused on policy and technical instruments to address transboundary water management. Five regional organizations and more than 10 transboundary water management institutions were supported by GWP, including the Volta Basin Authority, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD).
As part of its work on this component, GWP: provided technical support to the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and UNDP in the framework of a training of trainers on the implementation of IWRM at transboundary level; advanced cooperation between the two riparian countries, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe for the elaboration of the hosting agreement for the tri-basin management, the completion of the data sharing protocol and the design of the transboundary hydrometric network for the three basins; coordinated the development process of the Lake Ohrid Transboundary Management Plan, approved by the responsible authorities of Albania and North Macedonia in 2021.
GWP was a drafting member of UNECE’s Practical Guide for International Water Law, with a contribution on the chapter related to conservation of marine environment focused on the incorporation of the source to sea aspect in the development of international freshwater agreements.
Caucasus and Central Asia. The Regional Water Partnership for Central Asia and Caucasus (GWP CACENA) organized the competition under the motto “Partnership as a driving force for achieving water security.” The aim of the competition is to popularize partnerships in water resources management in Central Asia and Caucasus at the regional, interstate and national level and, in particular, promote activities of GWP CACENA
GWP and Cap-Net UNDP under the guidance of UNEP have made significant progress in 2021 on the pilot project "Integrating freshwater data into sector-wide decision making to improve the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems." The partners completed the first component of the project, training over 250 people in three countries, and are now engaging in the development of action plans to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems with stakeholders. The pilot project supports and promotes the integration of environmental data into relevant decision-making processes through multi-stakeholder engagement to improve the preservation, management, and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. The objectives are being met through the implementation of pilot projects in Argentina, Kazakhstan, and Kenya. Moving to Kazakhstan, approximately 120 people attended the online course in November 2021. After a public awareness event in September 2021, the project will be presented to the governmental high-level Working Group Panel in December 2021. The Balkhash-Alakol Water Basin Council is engaged in the action planning process and the plan is expected to be finalized in January 2022.
In May 3-10, 2021, GWP-Georgia and GWP-Kyrgyzstan held a meetings round to exchange experience on two topics: SDG 6.5.1 implementation and transboundary rivers management. The Kyrgyz partners shared their experience in creating joint commissions for water management, which is of particular importance for GWP-Georgia involved in the water law improvement. For GWP-Georgia part, representatives briefed in detail on the experience of conducting assessments on IWRM implementation in terms of SDG 6.5.1 and 6.5.2 indicators started in 2017, given the start of similar assessments in Kyrgyzstan in 2020.
The High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) with the support from the Government of Japan, has developed and is promoting a Guideline for addressing water-related disaster risk reduction under the COVID-19 pandemic. The HELP Group through the GWP network launched an initiative to hold consultations on those Guidelines in three CACENA countries (Uzbekistan, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan).
Capacity building. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on transboundary freshwater security, which was launched in 2020, continued to expand in 2021 – attracting over 2,300 participants from 150 countries. The course is confirmed for another year on the same platform – with more language versions in the making to reach an even greater audience, and with more interactive events to engage participants. Following up on the post-course survey, which showed that the monthly interactive online sessions were the key to attract participation in the MOOC, a series of nine events called ‘transboundary freshwater security governance train’ were organised in collaboration with the Wuhan International Water Law Academy (IWLA), as well as SIWI who collaborated on the last event. See MOOC report that summarizes key achievements and impacts from this MOOC.
Source: GWP
7.4. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) was established in 1950 as a scientific and technical organization with a view to develop scientific technologies in engineering, agriculture, irrigation and drainage, economy, ecology, and social sciences to increase food production, protect environment, improve water quality, improve land productivity, and manage floods and disasters. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are the members of ICID.
Activities in 2021
ICID has held its international activities physically and online this year.
The 5th African Regional Conference and 72nd Meeting of the International Executive Council took place in Marrakech, Morocco from 23 to 28 November. Morocco is a permanent member of ICID since 1959 in the face of ANAFIDE, non-governmental organization founded in 1970.
The 5th African Regional Conference themed “Sustainable Management of Irrigation for an Improved Resilience of Agriculture in Africa” covered a range of irrigation issues faced by the countries in Africa. The Conference opening ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests Dr. Sadiki in the presence of ICID President Dr. Ragab Ragab and ANAFIDE President A. Fertahi. Multiple people were able to follow the Conference’s sessions because of hybrid format of the event.
Dr. Sadiki in his opening speech underlined the importance of such a Conference for Africa by saying that the Conference’s theme was extremely relevant for the African continent and outside it in the context of Africa's adaptation efforts in agriculture. Mr. Fertahi in his turn said that the selected theme has been nurtured for a long period of time and rather was trivial. First, many African countries are facing similar problems in the agricultural sector, though in varying degrees. Irrigation offers a big room for greater agricultural sustainability in Africa and contributes to agricultural development. The 5th African Regional Conference will provide an opportunity to discuss this important theme, as well as associated topics.
ANAFIDE also organized side events, including the “Water-Energy-Food Nexus” in partnership with FAO and the “Management and technology for sustainable water-agriculture nexus in the context of climate change” together with WB.
A training program for young African professionals on micro irrigation systems was organized before the Conference. The training is an important contribution of the Moroccan National Committee to irrigation capacity building in African countries.
72nd Meeting of the International Executive Council. The event, which gathered together more than 150 delegates, was comprised of meetings of Permanent Committees and Working Groups. Relevant decisions were made based on the work of the work bodies, the results of election of new ICID office-bearers were announced, and the system of KHETTARAS was recognized by the World Irrigation Heritage. Several events were postponed. Bestowing of the awards was as follows: Technology Award to Dr. Abdrabbo Abdel-Azim Abdrabbo Shehata (Egypt) for his work "Hybrid Irrigation Method for Water Saving in Irrigated Agriculture"; Innovative Water Management Award to Mr. EL Bouari Ahmed (Morocco) for his work "First PPP Irrigation Project in the World (El GUERDANE Scheme) in South of Morocco" ; Young Professional Award to Dr. Alison McCarthy (Australia) for her work "Automated site-specific irrigation optimization using ‘VARIwise’".
Additionally: (1) Dr. Tsugihiro Watanabe (Japan), Mr. Aziz Fertahi (Morocco) and Mr. Ali Reza Salamat (Iran) were elected as Vice Presidents of ICID, for the term 2021-2024; (2) Vice-President Marco Arcieri (Italy) was elected as Chairman of the Permanent Finance Committee; (3) number of individual members of ICID was increased. A new Working Group on Land Drainage under the Scheme Strategy Scheme will be established to facilitate drainage development as part of IWRM, and a Working Group on Water-Food-Energy Nexus will be formed under the Basin Strategy Theme to exchange information, knowledge, and experience, as well as networking on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus topic in order to be up to date with new developments, methods and approaches.
In the course of the year, ICID organized multiple webinars, in particular on: (1) General Challenges of Irrigation Schemes Management Under Different Scales: With Special Consideration on Institutional and Organizational Aspects of System Management (January 21); (2) Learning from Historic Irrigation and Drainage Structures (February 19); (3) Irrigation and Drainage Developments in Canada to Expand Food Production and Achieve Water Security (March 3); (4) Role of ICT technologies for sustainable irrigation management and scheduling (April 7); (5) Dividing the Waters: A History of Litigation in the Truckee River Basin and the Hope for the Future (May 28); (6) Suitable water, crops and land management for water stressed regions (June 17); (7) COSMOS, Scintillometer & Eddy Cov new technologies to save irrigation water (June 23); (8) Sustainability of Agricultural Water Management under Difficult Circumstances (June 24); (9) Rainwater Harvesting vs Traditional Catchment Storage (July 15); (10) Organization of Irrigation Automation Systems (July 22); (11) Enhancing water security through improved agricultural water productivity: new knowledge, innovations and applications (August 4); (12) Climate Smart Agricultural Water Management Best Practices, Policy Framework and Way Forward (August 6); (13) Conservation Agriculture in the Context of Rice-Wheat Cropping System (November 1); (14) Geosynthetics to Reduce Seepage Losses and Improve Structural Integrity of Canals (November 15-17); (15) Introduction of Water Conservation Technologies in the Modern Agriculture and Digitization of Water Management in Uzbekistan (December 22).
Source: Mrs. Irena G. Bondarik, ICID Honorable Vice-President
7.5. International Network of Basin Organizations
The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) was established in 1994 in Aix-les-Bains (France) to promote integrated water resources management at the level of national and transboundary basins of rivers, lakes and groundwater aquifers to link economic growth, social equity, water and environmental protection, and civil society participation. Basin organizations, governmental administrations in charge of water, and bi and multilateral cooperation organizations are the members of INBO. INBO member organizations belonging to the same geographic region created 8 regional networks of INBO.
Activities in 2021
Projects. The Permanent Technical Secretariat of INBO signed a cooperation agreement with Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) in February 2021 to strengthen water data tools and water data acquisition, sharing and exploitation practices.
On 5th of November 2021, during COP26, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Mississippi River Cities & Towns Initiative (MRCTI) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) took place. It aims to multiply and sustain actions between MRCTI and INBO, and to engage them in joint climate change adaptation projects, in particular through the mobilization of nature-based solutions, and through a better dialogue between cities and their basin.
Events. The following events were held: (1) a webinar on the theme “City-basin dialogue for adapting to climate change: French and Mexican approaches” (January 28); webinar “Enforcing regulations in the water sector: the necessity and functions of a water law enforcement” (March 25); webinar “How to strengthen the sharing and pooling of data produced by the multiple actors of the water sector?” (June 24); webinar “Capacity building: Vocational training to improve water management” (July 6); (2) 19th International EURO-INBO Conference (online, December 8-10); (3) the XXIII National Meeting of Basin Committees of Brazil (October 4-7).
INBO actively participated in its partners’ activities, including: 5th working meeting of the Network of Basins, about twenty pilot basins shared their experiences on adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins, co-organized with the UNECE (February 26); webinar organized by CONAGUA and UNESCO, the Secretary General of the International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO) was invited as an international expert to give a testimony on the challenges related to planning at the river basin level (March 16); co-organized the European River Symposium 2021 (May 26-27); organized several events on the management of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as on the dissemination of SFNs and adaptation to climate change during IUCN - World Conservation Congress 2021 (September 3-11); 9th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention; COP26 (November 1-12); 17th IWRA Congress (November 29– December 3), etc.
The World Water Council, INBO, OiEau and the Nature Conservancy launched a call for signatures on the Declaration “No water security without ecological security / No ecological security without water security” at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille (September 4) for better integration of ecosystems and biodiversity into water sector activities.
Preparation to the 9th World Water Forum. 2021 also marked the acceleration of the preparation to the World Water Forum planned in Dakar in March 2022. INBO is leading the priority n°3 of the Forum on the topic of "Cooperation" (which covers IWRM) in partnership with a wide range of partners (Korea Water Forum, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, World Youth Parliament for Water, etc.). It also leads or co-manages several "action groups" on adaptation to climate change, data sharing and capacity building. Above all, INBO is piloting (in partnership with the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River, the Organization for the Development of the Gambia River and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) a new high-level segment dedicated to basins.
Publications. “Water Law Enforcement” - a manual on water policing, based on examples collected around the world (November 2021); INBO Newsletter (No. 29, January 2022).
Source: INBO, INBO Newsletter No. 29, INBO Activity Report 2019-2021
The Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia Network of Water Management Organizations (EECCA NWO)
EECCA NWO is one of the eighth regional networks of INBO. It was established in 2010 to exchange views, experiences, and information on various aspects of water management activity. The Network is administered by SIC ICWC, with the support of the Government of Russian Federation and the UNECE, and Network's activities are coordinated with those of INBO.
For the first time the EECCA Network of Water Management Organizations held its conference on “Transboundary Water Cooperation in the EECCA countries: Lessons Learned and Future Directions” in the format of a videoconference on March 2-3. The key conference topics were: (1) Water cooperation between Central Asian and neighboring countries; (2) Water cooperation between the Eastern Europe and neighboring countries; (3) EECCA NWO contribution to cooperation between Eastern Europe, Central Asia and neighboring countries. A new EECCA NWO collection of scientific papers “Lessons from transboundary cooperation development in the EECCA countries” and the collection of best practices “Selected IWRM and transboundary water cooperation practices from the EECCA countries” were prepared following the Conference.
The assessments of "Statements made by the Central Asian countries at the UN General Assembly in 1992-2020: Key highlights and priorities" and "Environment and Transboundary Cooperation at the Statements made by the EECCA countries at the UN General Assembly in 1992-2020" were conducted with the contributions from the Network’s members.
Effective scientific cooperation is needed to find solutions for current problems before the countries, and as stated by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the IFAS Summit in 2018, joint interdisciplinary research should be conducted, including at the platform of scientific information centers of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination and Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development. In this context, EECCA NWO, Water Partner Foundation (Netherlands) and SIC ICWC proposed to create a Central Asia Expert Platform on Water Security, Sustainable Development, and Future Studies. In early 2021, the Platform’s website and experts’ base were developed.
Source: EECCA NWO Secretariat
7.6. International Water Management Institute
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a research-for-development (R4D) organization, with headquarters in Colombo, Sri-Lanka, offices in 13 countries and a global network of scientists operating in more than 30 countries. IWMI is a Research Center of CGIAR, the global research partnership for a food-secure future. IWMI’s Vision reflected in its Strategy 2019-2023 is “a water-secure world”. IWMI leads the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems.
Activities in 2021
After a ten-year journey, the IWMI-led CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) came to an end in 2021. WLE was a global research-for-development program with over 200 projects in more than 60 countries, significantly contributing to enhancing our natural resources and directly benefitting millions of lives across the Global South.
IWMI continued to engage in the transition to One CGIAR. The formulation of One CGIAR’S portfolio of new research initiatives has strengthened collaboration and coordination among CGIAR centers. IWMI is closely involved in 32 initiative design teams across five impact areas that will support CGIAR to transform food, land and water systems.
Global research projects: Global Partnership for Sustainable Cooperation on Shared Waters (2021-2023/US Dept. of State). The program will develop an inclusive global ‘Transboundary Waters Cooperation Facility’ at the inter-governmental level. The Facility will support the coordination, prioritization, design, preparation and funding of cooperation initiatives for transboundary water management and partnership development at basin level.
Research projects involving Central Asian countries: Assessment of Transboundary Water and Land Resources in the Amu Darya Basin (2019-2022, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan/ EU-ISTC), H2020: Hydropower For You (2021 – 2026, Central Asia/EU), Increasing water use efficiency in the Aral Sea region (2021-2022, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan/GIZ), Implementation and conducting of Trainings on water efficiency technologies by cotton production in Uzbekistan (2021-2022, Uzbekistan/ BMZ).
New big projects. The Water Resource Accountability in Pakistan (WRAP) project (FCDO); Monitoring land and water productivity by Remote Sensing (WaPOR Phase 2) (Govt. of Netherlands); AL MURANA – Building climate resilience through enhanced water security in MENA (FCDO).
Work with partners. IWMI continues to work with many partners globally, regionally and at national level, with diverse public, private and civil society partners. These include research, implementation and outreach partners.
Awards. Two IWMI researchers Nafn Amdar and Arif Anwar were awarded the World Food Forum Transformative Research – Innovation Lab Award in line with IWMI’s work carried out under the Water Innovation Technologies project in Jordan. This award recognizes researchers and aspiring researchers who are committed to transforming agri-food systems.
Publications. Storing Water: A new integrated approach for resilient development, Scaling up Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) for agricultural resilience and flood-proofing livelihoods in developing countries, Transformation of water systems for climate change adaptation and resilience, Gender dimensions of solid and liquid waste management for reuse in agriculture in Asia and Africa.
Source: IWMI
7.7. International Water Resources Association and World Water Congress
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) is a global knowledge network of water experts. Since 1971, the Association has grown to become a preeminent key actor working internationally for the sustainable use and management of the world's water resources.
Activities in 2021
World Water Congress. Since 1973, IWRA holds a World Water Congress every three years in various locations around the world. Together with the Korean Ministry of Environment and K-water, IWRA held the XVII World Water Congress in Daegu, Republic of Korea from November 29 to December 3, 2021. A key main outcome was IWRA’s Daegu Declaration. The Declaration called for improved cooperation for coherent responses around water issues and recognized this resource as a fundamental element of building resilience and long-term sustainable development. This document was also acknowledged in the Dakar Declaration in the following 9th World Water Forum and in the road to the UN 2023 Water Conference. In partnership with the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources, IWRA started organization of the XVIII World Water Congress to be held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, from September 11 to September 15, 2023. It will identify major global issues concerning the water agenda under the overarching theme of “Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature”.
Projects and programs. The IWRA Mongolia Chapter was set-up to convey knowledge about urban water security in all sectors and across levels to facilitate open dialogue and engage in a series of activities about economic, environmental and social challenges seeking to promote solutions and best practices for the water community
The IWRA’s World Water Envoys Programme was launched officially during the XVII World Water Congress (November 29 – December 3, 2021, Daegu, Korea) with five representatives from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. The “World Water Envoys” are early career and young water professionals, and local ambassadors for the issues they and their communities face when it comes to water security and the related environmental, social and economic impacts. The Envoys are actively involved in IWRA’s Early Career and Young Professionals Task Force today, will contribute to Water International issues, and become peer mentors to the next round of World Water Envoys to be selected for the upcoming XVIII World Water Congress.
Working groups. A number of Task Forces are active under IWRA’s umbrella, including on: Early Career & Young Professionals, Groundwater, Land4Flood, Smart Water Management, Water & Climate Change, Water Quality, and Water Security. Provided the 2022 UN-Water theme focusing on Groundwater, the Association’s dedicated Task Force on this topic was very active in 2021 and the beginning of 2022 on multiple activities, including the publication of selected articles in Water International, a puzzle game, groundwater success stories webinar series, intergenerational conversations between experts, organization of webinars for World Water Day (March 22) and World Toilet Day (November 19), to help make visible the invisible and address the sustainability aspects of water.
Events. (1) preparation to the 9th World Water Forum, leading the sub-theme on water quality and waste management with four dedicated sessions with the support of the French Development Agency (AFD), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) of Japan, the OECD, etc. The XVII Congress of IWRA was officially announced as key milestone to the 9th WWF; (2) a special session on Water Re-use together with UNESCO i-WSSM, and a thematic session on “Water & Ecosystems” jointly with UNESCO-IHP and the United Kingdom’s Environmental Agency as part of the 2nd Asia International Water Week; (3) online conference “Water, Food & Public Health” in partnership with FAO (June 7-9); (4) Water Pavilion together with SIWI, as well as two dedicated sessions at the 26th COP (Glasgow, Scotland, October 31- November 13); (5) 12 webinars on themes of timely interest on water and the sustainability impacts also aligned with the international water and development agendas, and in close collaboration with key partners (i.e. SIWI, UN-Water, Women for Water Partnership, etc.).
IWRA representatives participated in: each of the UN-Water Regional Level Coordination Discussion Groups for UN’s General Assembly initiative on the Water Action Decade to mobilize action to transform water management for sustainable development in five regions (Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean); (2) UNESCO-IHP’s Second International Conference on "Transboundary Aquifers" - ISARM 2021 (December 6-9, online); (3) UN Water SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework meeting discussions and document exchanges; (4) UN Water bi-annual meetings and UNESCO-IHP’s Intergovernmental Council meetings.
10 online master-classes series on Water Cooperation & Diplomacy were launched in collaboration with the Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (July 1 – October 7).
Publications. Publication of eight issues of IWRA’s Water International, including on “Measuring the Impacts of Water Governance” in collaboration with the OECD. Publication of the first report of IWRA’s 2021-2023 Smart Water Cities project focused on the identification of Smart Water Cities case-studies in partnership with the Asia Water Council and K-water. Release of more than 12 Policy Briefs providing high quality analysis and practical recommendations for policy makers on important sustainable development issues. Support to the publication of the UNESCO Headquarters and UNESCO i-WSSM (International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management) Global Water Security Issues Paper Series on Groundwater, and Water Security and Cities. Contributions to UN’s World Water Development Reports (UNESCO-WWAP) 2022 on Groundwater, and the 2023 on Partnerships.
Source: IWRA
7.8. Stockholm International Water Institute and World Water Week
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a Swedish not-for-profit Foundation. The SIWI’s vision is a Water Wise World – a world that recognizes the value of water and ensures that it is inclusively shared and used sustainably, equitably, and efficiently for all. At SIWI, they believe that the best way to tackle water crises and help bring about lasting change – is to strengthen water governance among public and private actors alike. SIWI focuses on priority areas including transboundary water cooperation, international policy, WASH, and water governance and streamlines three cross cutting issues – gender equality, youth empowerment, and human rights-based approaches – throughout all programming. SIWI hosts the world’s premier annual water meeting and water dialogue platform, the World Water Week and awards the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize and the Stockholm Junior Water Prize. As a trusted convenor, SIWI is the host and driver of important initiatives such as the UNESCO Category II’s International Centre for Water Cooperation and the Shared Waters Partnership (SWP), hosted by SIWI’s Transboundary Water Cooperation Department.
World Water Week
World Water Week 2021 was a truly global event that brought the international community together to work towards a more water-wise world. World Water Week 2021 was SIWI’s biggest and most diverse event ever. Held as an online event on August 23-27, it brought knowledge about the global water crisis to all parts of the world, and it opened for an inclusive discussion on urgently needed solutions. Thanks to the generosity of the 566 session organizers, SIWI was able to make almost all the 418 sessions and other content available online for free. A record 13,000 participants from 188 countries participated, demonstrating not only the great concern for the world’s water, but also a determination to change things for the better. The sessions were organized around five water-related challenges: Building more resilient and fair societies, Working with nature, Transforming our value chains, Rethinking our cities, and Investing in systemic change. Read the detailed report on outcomes and important actions here.
Activities in Central Asia and Afghanistan in 2021
Programs. SIWI’s Shared Water Partnership program engaged in several key activities in Central Asia and Afghanistan supporting multi-track riparian dialogues, targeted capacity building, and networking opportunities to elevate regional water cooperation. SIWI, in partnership with the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) and the CAREC, launched the “Women in Water Management Central Asia and Afghanistan” network in September 2021 as a part of the OSCE project Women, Water Management and Conflict Prevention - Phase II. Through the Network, women water experts from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan engage in joint capacity building, experience sharing, knowledge exchange, and skills building activities, supporting development of women water experts in the region and enhanced regional water cooperation.
The initiative “Water as a Driver of Sustainable Recovery: economic, institutional and strategic aspects of water resources management in Central Asia”, in partnership with SDC, the University of Corvinus Budapest, and CAREC, within the framework of the Blue Peace Central Asia, continued in 2021.
Events. The following events were held: (1) Online negotiation simulation of transboundary river basin agreement, targeted at country representatives interested in establishing new transboundary water agreements, with participants from 14 countries, including Afghanistan, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan (February); (2) Virtual Meeting on Climate Change Impacts on Conflicts, where SIWI contributed on climate-related security risks with focus on Afghanistan, highlighted the role of water as an entry point for regional cooperation (February); (3) Presentation of the SIWI’s working paper “Making Waves: Youth engagement in water diplomacy” elevating case studies, best practices, and recommendations for elevating youth perspectives in water diplomacy, featuring case studies from SWP, CAREC, EcoPeace Middle East (April); (4) A focused session on water diplomacy within annual Central Asian Leadership Program on Environment for Sustainable Development (September).
Publications. SIWI published the working paper “Making waves: Youth engagement in water diplomacy” that explores youth engagement in water diplomacy processes as a key aspect of fostering sustainable and long-lasting transboundary water cooperation. The paper explores several case studies, including the Central Asia Leadership Programme.
Source: SIWI
7.9. World Water Council
The World Water Council (WWC) is an international multi-stakeholder platform. It was established in 1996 on the initiative of renowned water specialists and international organizations, in response to an increasing concern about world water issues from the global community. The World Water Council catalyzes collective action during and in between each World Water Forum – the world's largest event on water. Organized every three years with a host country, the Forum provides a unique platform where the water community and key decision makers can collaborate and make long-term progress on global water challenges.
9th World Water Forum “Water Security for Peace and Development”
Loic Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, in the first week of March went on an official trip to Morocco to meet the Head of the Moroccan Government, various Ministers and the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, who were actively preparing Morocco's participation in this event. Among the discussion topics was the preparation of the Grand Prix International Hassan II, one of the biggest awards at the Forum.
At the beginning of June, a delegation of the World Water Council led by its President Loic Fauchon visited Dakar, where the next World Water Forum will be held from 21 to 26 March 2022. Various meetings were held during this official trip, with a focus on the active preparation of the 9th Forum. Objectives: promote the event, intensify its preparation and share on the progress and challenges.
The 2nd stakeholders meeting of the 9th World Water Forum in Diamniadio, Senegal (October 14-15) was marked by a good level of participation, both in person and virtually. It allowed for the stabilization of the thematic process, an update on the Dakar 2022 initiative and the sharing of logistical information. International partners also took the opportunity to reiterate their commitment to the success of Dakar 2022. 42 countries were represented according to the World Water Forum Executive Secretariat.
Activities in 2021
Events. The WWC’s Board of Governors met three times virtually in 2021 to provide guidance on Council activities: (1) early April, 73rd Board of Governors meeting, to discuss various topics related to institutional matters, including advancement of the selection process for the 10th World Water Forum; (2) 74th Board of Governors meeting at the end of June, where the 2020 Activities Report was presented with a special focus on the strong mobilization of WWC during the pandemic period; (2) 75th Board of Governors meeting held in October was mainly divided in two parts: institutional and Forum matters.
WWC offered water an international platform through its booth and various events at the World Conservation Congress (September 3-11, Marseille). Loic Fauchon was invited to opening and closing of the plenary on Freshwater: "Our Freshwater Global Risk-Taking Actions to Reverse the Trend". On the occasion of the Congress, which brought together more than 1400 governmental, civil society and indigenous peoples organizations, WWC, IOWater, the Nature Conservancy (TNC) and INBO officially launched a call for the signing of the declaration "No water security without ecological security / No ecological security without water security". The World Water Council, GWP and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of Great Britain organized a hybrid side event at the COP 26 (November 6).
Representatives of WWC participated in a number of events (both physically and online): 4th Cairo Water Week (October 24-28), where WWC co-organized with the Senegalese Secretariat a special session on the 9th World Water Forum; 5th Arab Water Forum (September 21-23) focused on water security for peace and sustainable development, a common theme with the upcoming World Water Forum; Central Asian Sub-regional Preparatory Conference for the 9th World Water Forum (October 19-20); 4th Mediterranean Water Forum (December 6-8); ENEG conference in Portugal (November 23-26); XVII World Water Congress & World Water Cities Forum (November 29 - December 3); XXIV Brazil Symposium on Water Resources (November).
Publications. Water Security for World Health – 2020 Annual Report
Source: WWC