Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.3. Republic of Tajikistan
Water Resources. Tajikistan has got water resources from glaciers, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater. There are 14,509 glaciers with the total glaciation area of 11,146 km2 (approx. 8% of the country’s area) and the total glacial volume of about 845 km3. 947 rivers stretching to more than 28,500 km flow across the country. The main watercourses are the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya and their tributaries. The average annual runoff generated in Tajikistan is 64 km3/year (62.9 km3/year in the Amu Darya basin and 1.1 km3/year in the Syr Darya basin) or 55.4% of the average annual surface runoff in the Aral Sea Basin. Tajikistan possesses about 1,300 lakes covering 705 km2. The lakes contain over 46.3 km3 of water, including 20 km3 of freshwater. The potential groundwater stock is 18.7 m3/year, while usable groundwater resources are estimated at 2.8 km3/year.
Latest developments in legislation. The resolution (PPRT 26 of February 25) was adopted on the procedure of development, coordination and approval of the reservoir use rules, the list of which had been determined in Article 25 of the Water Code of Tajikistan. The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan is set responsible for the development of these rules.
Projects. ADB approved grants (1) for modernization of the Yavan irrigation and drainage systems in the lower basin of the Vakhsh River (US$30 million). Technical assistance (US$1 million) is also envisaged to improve operation, maintenance, and financial management in the irrigation sector. The project will help to increase agricultural productivity, improve water use, and empower women in land and water management; (2) to improve climate resilience in the Panj River Basin (US$1.3 million). The River Basin Management Plan will be complemented by climate risk considerations, taking into account possible climate mitigation at the local level. This will support future planning, development and sustainable management of water resources.
The Government of Tajikistan and the ADB signed a grant agreement under the “Water Resources Management in the Panj River Basin Project, Second Additional Financing” for US$ 15 million (PMN MO RT 355 of April 7). Provisions have been made for the construction and commissioning of a hydraulic structure for cyclic flushing of sediments (silt) at the Chubek canal’s dam in Khamadoni district. As a result, the water management system and irrigation situation in the region will be improved and agricultural production growth will be ensured in the Panj River Basin.
USAID has launched a new water and vulnerable environment project to strengthen regional cooperation in transboundary water management in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River Basins.
Regional cooperation. Given the complicated water-related situation in the Syr Darya River Basin, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Naturlal Resources of Kazakhstan have reached an agreement to supply additional 315 million m3 of water from the Bakhri Tojik reservoir for the needs of Turkestan and Kyzylorda provinces during the period from June to August. In this context, Tajikistan has increased water delivery to the Kazakh part of the transboundary Dostyk canal from 80 to 100 m3/sec.
Drinking Water Supply
Latest developments in legislation. The following Governmental Resolutions have been approved in 2021: (1) "On the procedure for forming and use of financial, material and technical reserves for rehabilitation of water supply and sanitation system adversely affected by emergency situations" (PPRT 502 of November 25); (2) "On the Order of state control in the field of drinking water supply and sanitation system", which determines the procedure, main tasks and the competence of the authorized state agency in this field (PPRT 519 of December 3).
Projects and programs. The project agreement was signed between the GUP "Housing and Communal Services", GP "Water supply and wastewater system of Kulob" and EBRD on the project " Kulob Water and Wastewater Project” (total cost - €15 million, of which €7.5 million - EBRD credit and €7.5 million - EU grant for 2021-2024).. The aim of the project is to construct and rehabilitate existing reservoirs, improve drinking water quality and decontaminate and provide safe drinking water to population in the Kulob city.
As part of the Japanese program “Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects” (US$86.1 thousand), a project was implemented for the improvement of drinking water quality in five villages of Rudaki district. As a result, 7,000 people have gained access to safe drinking water.
New water mains were commissioned in villages of Tajikistan with the support of the Aga Khan Habitat Agency, EBRD, Caritas Germany, USAID and Aga Khan Foundation. Within the framework of the International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028», the first stage of new water main has been completed for the rural community in Oksu Dangara district.
Agricultural production reached 39.7 billion somoni in 2021. This is 6.6% higher than in 2020. The production growth rate in crop growing and livestock sectors was 5.9% and 8.4%, respectively.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita was over 10,052 somoni (US$890) by the end of 2021. GDP amounted to almost 99 billion somoni (over US$8.7 billion).
Agricultural Export In 2021, Tajikistan exported 208.9 thousand tons of agricultural products for US$36.6 million (this was US$16.6 million more than in 2020). The key export commodities were onion (95.8 thousand t), grapes (51.2 thousand t), dried fruits (42.4 thousand t), peanut (2.4 thousand t), plum (2.6 thousand t), fresh apricot (2.15 thousand t), persimmon (1.6 thousand t), peach (1.4 thousand t), cherry and bird cherry (1.25 thousand t). The agricultural products were exported mainly to Russia, Kazakhstan, China and EU countries.
Latest developments in legislation. The "State Program for development of the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences for 2021-2025" approved by Government Resolution (PP RT 171 of April 30) aims at improving the quality and effectiveness of research, promoting and adopting research results in practice, researchers training and strengthening cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific and educational institutions.
New appointments. A. Satorov was appointed Director of the Public Agency "Agricultural Entrepreneurship Development" (PP RT 471 of November 5).
International cooperation and projects. In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture of Tajikistan signed MoUs with the Ministry of Agriculture of Iran and with the Ministry of Agriculture of Palestine on agricultural cooperation.
The WB approved grant financing of US$58 million for the Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project aimed at strengthening the foundations of sustainable agriculture in order to accelerate its diversification.
JICA and FAO launched a pilot project to provide small farmers with access to critical agricultural inputs and extension services to improve their livelihoods by increasing crop yields and promoting market-oriented agriculture.
FAO, in close collaboration with the MoA of Tajikistan, handed over seeds of white and golden beans, maize, carrot and cucumber to flood-affected farmers in the southwest of the country. The initiative reached over 787 households and about 312 dehkan farms that cultivate 850 ha of arable area in Kulob, Vakhsh and Jom districts, Khatlon province.
Energy production and export. In 2021, more than 20.6 billion kWh of electricity were produced. This is 853.8 million kWh (4.3%) more than in 2020. Thermal energy production was 1.2 million Gcal or 46.7 thousand Gcal (4%) more than in previous year. Electricity exports reached almost 2.5 billion kWh or 911.6 million kWh more than in 2020. In just eleven months, the country raised more than US$93.5 million through energy supplies to neighboring countries. This is 1.8 times more compared to the same period in 2020.
Latest developments in legislation. The following legal documents were approved in 2021 among others: (1) "Action plan for the improvement of energy investment climate in Tajikistan for 2021-2023" (PP RT 252 of June 26); (2) “Regulation on the State Energy Supervision Service” (PP RT 441 of October 22).
New appointments. A.A. Kurbonzoda was dismissed from the position of the Head of the State Energy Supervision Service ar the MEWR of Tajikistan (PP RT 63 of March 5) and G.H. Ubaidullozoda was appointed the Head of the State Energy Supervision Service (PP RT 70 of March 5).
Projects. Grant agreements between Tajikistan and ADB on the project "Energy Sector Development Program" were ratified by Resolutions 334 and 335 of March 3, 2021.
The WB approved an additional financing of US$10 million to the project aimed at providing access to electricity to remote mountainous areas in southern Tajikistan and supporting efforts to export electricity to Afghanistan. Grant assistance has been provided from IDA to help build 63 km of 110-kV transmission lines connecting the Khorog city with Kozideh village in Ish-Kashim region.
A new five-year USAID Power Central Asia program has been launched (US$39 million) to assist the CA countries in achieving their national energy priorities. In addition, the Program is aimed at gaining economic benefits from cross-border energy trade and improving energy security through the greater regional integration.
EBRD and ADB have provided a US$110 million financing package (US$25 million - EBRD loan and US$85 million - ADB grant) to improve performance of the state-owned power company “Shabakahoi Taksimoti Bark”. The project is expected to reduce the company's energy losses by about 30 GWh and cut CO2 emissions by almost 2 thousand t per year.
Hydropower modernization
Nurek HPP. The Government of Tajikistan ratified the Agreement on financing the second phase of the Nurek Rehabilitation Project (US$148.6 million, implementation period 2024-2028). It is planned to reconstruct the remaining 6 units and renovate hydroturbine units, replace high-voltage transformers, switchgears and loading mechanisms, etc. The WB Board of Directors approved additional financing for the second phase in the form of a US$65-million grant.
Hydropower construction
Rogun HPP. By early June, 2.92 billion kWh were generated at HPP (1.3 billion kWh in 2020). The actual operating capacity of each hydroelectric unit was 94.2 MW. It is planned to bring the installed capacity of each unit up to the design value of 600 MW after their thorough reconstruction.
Construction of upper and lower parts of the dam has been continued. The dam height of the first stage was raised to 1,120 m above sea level.
OJSC "Tajikgidroelektromontazh" has become a subcontractor for the "Construction of the Right Bank Structures of the Rogun HPP" by Lot № 3. The contract is valued at US$1.64 billion with the duration for 13 years.
The Government of Tajikistan plans to allocate the equivalent of US$221 million from the state budget in 2022 to continue construction of the Rogun HPP. In December, a round table was organized by the Government and invited about 30 international organizations and foundations to attract external financing.
HPP on the Zeravshan River. An agreement was signed between the Governments of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on hydropower construction in the Zarafshan River Basin. The first phase will involve the construction of 140-MW Yavan HPP at a projected cost of US$282 million. and the plant will have an average production of 800 million kWh per year. The second phase would explore the possibility of constructing 135-MW Fandarya HPP at US$270 million to produce 600 kWh per year. New plants are to generate up to 1.4 billion kWh of energy for the needs of Uzbekistan. It is also planned to supply the generated hydropower to other regions in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on a parity basis.
CASA-1000. Tajikistan plans to sell 75 billion kWh within 15 years under the CASA-1000. The changes made earlier in the project would enable Tajikistan to increase power exports to Pakistan and Afghanistan. In line with the changes in the construction of 500-kV transmission line from Sangtuda (Tajikistan) to Peshawar (Pakistan), Pakistan will receive electricity directly from Tajikistan. 300 MW from the Geran substation will be delivered to Puli-Khumri (Afghanistan) through a 220-kV transmission line. Implementation of the Tajik part of the project was planned until the end of 2021. In December, it was reported that the deadline for import of equipment and auxiliary tools was extended until July 31, 2023
The CASA-1000 Community Support Project was launched to improve socio-economic infrastructure in the areas adjacent to the route of the international transmission line. The project is to be implemented in 65 villages, 22 communities, 12 districts and 50 border mahallas. It is expected that more than 200 thousand people will benefit from this project.
Climate Change, Glaciers and Environmental Protection
Latest developments in legislation. By the Government Resolution “On the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan", the regulations, central bodies and management structure and composition of the Committee were approved (PP RT 357 of September 9).
New appointments. D.S. Dustzoda was dismissed from position of the Director of the Agency for Hydrometeorology at the Committee for Environmental Protection (PP RT 278 of July 5) and A.H. Kurbonzoda was appointed the Director (PP RT 282 of July 5).
Projects. Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin: Tajikistan and the World Bank signed an agreement on additional financing from GCF funds (US$ 9 million); seven automatic weather stations were installed in Varzob district, Roghun and Tursunzade towns, Shamsiddin Shohin, Dangara, and Temurmalik districts in Khatlon province and Darvaz district of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous province.
The project "An integrated landscape approach to enhancing the climate resilience of small-scale farmers and pastoralists in Tajikistan" (UNDP, Committee for Environmental Protection of Tajikistan, with financial support of the Adaptation Fund, Kofarnigan River Basin). An inception workshop was organized to give an overview of the project, to highlight the economic benefits while reducing the environmental load (March 17).
New projects were launched: (1) "Participatory mapping in Tajikistan" on applying GIS to improve access to public information. The project is implemented by French cartographic NGO “CartONG” with the support of GIZ and in cooperation with the Tajik ecological NGO "Small Earth"; (2) US$-2.7 million project to boost climate change resilience in Tajikistan through National Adaptation Plan. It will be implemented during 3 years by UNDP jointly with the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan and with support of GCF.
Memorandum of Understanding was approved between the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan and the National Environmental Protection Authority of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on cooperation in the field of environmental protection (PP 87 of March 27). A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Forestry Department of Sughd province, Executive Committee of Logoisk district and Forestry Production Association of Minsk province to strengthen cooperation in the field of forest restoration, forest product processing, development of bee-farming, ecological tourism, exchange of information and experience.
Events. The following events were held: (1) a series of trainings on climate diplomacy for the national delegation from Tajikistan as part of preparation to COP26 (May 25-27, UNDP); (2) Republican scientific conference "Biodiversity of Pamir mountain ecosystems in the context of climate change" (September 22-23, NAST, Pamir Biological Institute named after Kh. H. Yusufbekov, Authority of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous province).
Emergencies and natural disasters
New appointments. H.L. Latifzoda, I.N. Ibrohimzoda, and S.U. Isozoda were appointed the Deputy Chairmen of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of Tajikistan.
Emergencies. In 2021, 358 emergencies of natural origin, including 52 natural disasters, were registered (213 - in 2020). The population and national economy have suffered serious material losses estimated at 142 million somoni (over US$12.566 million); 2.4 times greater than in 2020. The Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense carried out 758 operations (781 in 2020) and rescued 188 citizens.
Preventive measures. The warning and monitoring system of highland Lake Sarez has been updated with the financial support from ADB to track the lake's hydrological and geological activity and transmit the data every hour.
A dam deformation monitoring system based on the Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system has been put into operation at the Usoi Dam to transmit timely warnings to Dushanbe and the National Time Service Center in Xi'an (northwest China).
The modern DMRL-C-5 radar designed to protect crops, orchards, vineyards and other crops from hail was put into operation in Gissar.
Capacity building. The following trainings were conducted: (1) fourth phase of the training course for 16 Committee’s rescuers (January) and 16-day interactive course for rescue divers (June-July) ; (2) a stakeholder workshop on disaster risk reduction (DRR), which presented the system approach to DRR, approaches and methods to build national capacity, and identified areas for improvement in DRR management (May).
International cooperation in disaster risk reduction. As a part of cooperation of Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of Tajikistan: (1) with OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe and the "National Disaster Risk Management Project" (ADB), the Committee was provided with two cars and 50 modern portable radio stations (February 5); (2) with UNICEF in Tajikistan, a joint “Plan for Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response, Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction, and Child-Friendly Climate Change Adaptation in Tajikistan for 2021-2022" was signed (June 18).
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
Working and official visits. The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon made official and working visits to the Russian Federation (May and December), Belgium (October), the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (June), France (October), and Turkmenistan (August and November). The Chairman of the Majlisi Milli Majlisi Oli of Tajikistan, Rustami Emomali paid an official visit to Kazakhstan in September 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan visited the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, China, the Republic of India, and the United States. The Minister met with his counterparts from other countries, including Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (online), Kuwait, China, Japan (online), Korea, India, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Italy. The priority areas of bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, energy, agriculture, water management and other sectors have been discussed.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Relations and cooperation with the CIS and Central Asia countries in economic, commercial, cultural and humanitarian fields are strengthened. 19 bilateral cooperation documents had been signed and a wide range of issues on regional and international agenda has been addressed during the official visit of the President Emomali Rakhmon to Turkmenistan (August 3-6). See Bilateral Water Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia and Central Asia Awards in Water-Related Sectors. During the visit, the President participated in the Consultative Meeting of CA Heads of State (August 6). The President Emomali Rahmon noted that trade, economy, investment, agriculture, industries, transport and communication infrastructure, rational and efficient water use are among important areaы of cooperation in Central Asia. He drew the attention of the Central Asian Heads of State to the global problems of climate change, melting of glaciers, disaster risk reduction and impact of COVID.
Dushanbe hosted the following conferences in 2021: (1) Ninth Ministerial Conference "Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" inaugurated by Presidents of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Finally, the Dushanbe Declaration defining the areas of joint cooperation was adopted (March 30); (2) the 14th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Central Asia and the Republic of Korea Cooperation Forum. A Joint Statement of Foreign Ministers was adopted at the end of the meeting (November 30).
Tajikistan participated in the (1) CIS meetings: the Council of Foreign Ministers (April 2, Moscow; October 14, Minsk), the Council of CIS Heads of State (October 15, online), and informal summit of CIS Heads of State (December 28, St. Petersburg); (2) ECO meetings: 4th Business Forum of the ECO Member States (26 November, Ashgabat), 25th Meeting of the ECO Council of Ministers (November 27, Ashgabat), 15th ECO Summit (November 28, Ashgabat). Foreign investments. By January 1, 2022, 78 projects totaling 42 billion somoni (US$3.7 billion) are under implementation (39 grants, 7 loans and 32 combined loan-grant).
In 2021, inflow of foreign capital to the republic amounted to US$718.3 million; this is US$289.9 million (1.7 times) more than in 2020. US$342.2 million of the total foreign investments are direct investments allocated to the mining sector (56.9%), manufacturing (9.9%), construction (2.1%) and other sectors (31.1%).
For further improvement of the investment climate in the country, the International Forum "Dushanbe-Invest 2021" was organized on July 12-16. During the Forum, 11 contracts for US$450 million in total were signed for joint ventures in textile and pharmaceutical industries, energy and other spheres.
Chairmanship in international organizations. Tajikistan was the chairman country in SCO over the period of 2020-2021. The resolution on "Cooperation between the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization" was adopted by consensus at the 75th UNGA session. The resolution was drafted by Tajikistan in co-authorship with the SCO member states as well as with the Republics of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kiribati, Costa Rica and the Kingdom of Cambodia (March 25).
The following events were held under the chairmanship of Tajikistan in 2021: (1) regular meeting of the Council of National Coordinators of the SCO member states (April 27-30, Tashkent); (2) 16th meeting of Secretaries of the SCO Security Council ( June 23); (3) meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the SCO member states (July 13-14); (4) CSTO session (September 16); (5) high-level meeting of the SCO Heads of State, followed by adoption of the Dushanbe Declaration of the SCO (September 17).
As part of chairmanship in IFAS (2019-2022) , the following meetings were held: (1) meeting of the IFAS Board, where the draft Work Plan of EC IFAS, ASBP-4, and issues of the Working Group on institutional and legal improvement of IFAS were considered (June 29, Dushanbe); (2) Central Asian sub-regional preparatory conference for the 9th World Water Forum "Water Security for Peace and Development" (October 19-20, Dushanbe), see International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country’s image. Currently, the 4th initiative of Tajikistan - the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028" is implemented at the national, regional and global levels. It raises the issues of global climate change and the need for joint efforts to overcome effects and impacts of climate change. The President Emomali Rahmon participated and spoke at (1) the first meeting of the High-Level Panel on Water and Climate and proposed to declare 2025 as the "International Year of Glacier Protection" and set the date of the “World Glacier Protection Day” (March 3); (2) the high-level meeting on "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water" (March 18, New York, online); (3) the 77th ESCAP session (April 26-29); (4) the 5th UN Special Session on Water and Natural Disasters (June 25, online); (5) the UN High-Level Thematic Debate "Implementing Action on Climate" (October 27); (6) the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change High-Level Panel Briefing on Water and Climate (November 2).
The Permanent representation of Tajikistan to the UN in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Hungary, Pakistan, Nepal and Russia to the UN, as well as the UN Office for Economic and Social Affairs, the UN Environment Programme, the World Meteorological Organization, the UN Institute for Water Resources and the UNESCO Intergovernmental Programme on Hydrology organized a side event during the High Level Week of the 76th UN GA session on "How the change in water availability due to melting glaciers and snow will affect our society". The main topics were climate change impact, glacier protection from rapid melting, and relationship between climate and water availability (September 22).
While speaking at the general debate of the 76th UNGA session, the President Emomali Rahmon stressed that climate change challenges had been causing a serious obstacle on the way to achieve SDGs and noted that more than 1,000 of 13,000 glaciers in the mountains of Tajikistan had completely melted. He also noted that Tajikistan would host a high-level International Conference to review the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development" in 2022 (September 24).
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, S. Mukhriddin participated at the special session dedicated to SDG-6 "Clean Water and Sanitation" during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021/HLPF2021 (July 9, online).
Official sites of the: President, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation, Agency for Hydrometeorology, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture
Information agencies and sites: khovar.tj; dialog.tj; east-fruit.com; tajikta.tj; avesta.tj; tj.sputniknews.ru; fergana.agency; sugdnews.com; eco.uz; spinform.ru