Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.2. Kyrgyz Republic
Latest developments in legislation. The following legal documents were approved in 2021: (1) Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic in new edition (ZKR No.59 of May 5); “National Development Program of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2026” (UP No. 435 of October 12). The Constitutional Law “On the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic” has been adopted as well.
Water Sector
The total available water resources in KR are 2,458 km3, including 650 km3 (26.4%) in glaciers, 1,745 km3 (71%) in lakes, 13 km3 (0.5%) as potentially usable groundwater resources, and 44.5 to 51.9 km3 (2%) as average annual river runoff. There are about 3,000 rivers and streams, the catchment area of which occupies 7% of the territory. The amount of annually renewable groundwater in major artesian basins is within 7.7 km3. The current glaciation accounts for 4% of the country’s territory.
The total water consumption in the republic is estimated at 10-12 km3 per year. The water transportation losses in rivers, canals and irrigation structures amount to 1.7-2.3 km3. Owing to natural (mainly relief) conditions, irrigation water is supplied mainly from small rivers serving about 800,000 ha or 76% of the total irrigated area: 80,000 ha (11%) are irrigated from regulated sources, while the rest of 720,000 ha, by natural flow.
Public administration reform. By the Decree “On institutional measures amid the adoption of a new Government structure and reform of executive authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic” of February 12, 2021, the following restructuring was undertaken: (1) the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation was transformed into the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development; with the transfer of regional development functions from the Ministry of Economy and Finance ; (2) the State Water Resources Agency was transferred from the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development, except for the Department of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, which was transferred to the Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications; (3) the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of Kyrgyz Republic was transformed into the State Forestry Agency with the transfer under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development, except for functions in the field of ecology and environmental protection that were passed to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
In 2021, by government decrees, the following organizations were renamed: (1) State Water Resources Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development into the Water Resources Service under the Ministry of Agriculture; 2) State Land and Water Inspection under the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development into the Service for Land and Water Supervision under the Ministry of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan.The Department of Development of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation under the Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications has become part of the State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Communal Services under the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan.
Latest developments in legislation. Amendments have been made in the Water Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Law on gatherings (associations) of water users and unions of Water User Associations”.
The procedure for calculation and charging of fees for the use of surface water, particularly the tariffs for industrial users, has been approved by the relevant decree of the Cabinet of Ministry of October 18.
Water-saving technology. A new leasing project valuing 426.7 million KGS has been developed to disseminate modern irrigation technologies, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems. Agricultural producers can get agricultural and processing machinery, as well as equipment for drip irrigation on preferential terms for 10 years with the interest rate of 4.5%.
Projects. The following projects continued in 2021: (1) Additional financing to the National Water Resources Management Project (AF NWRMP, SDC, State Water Resources Agency ), providing for the establishment of 30 community water councils (in addition to the 73 established under Phase 1) . A number of trainings was organized and held for specialists from State Water Resources Agency, Main and Regional Departments for Water Resources and BWAs of Karadarya-Syrdarya-Amudarya basin in GIS mapping, Public Water Councils, WUA management plans for on-farm irrigation and drainage infrastructure, water use improvement, etc. (2) “Improvement of agricultural productivity and nutrition” (APNIP, $38 million, GAFSP, WB): 31 WUAs of the southern and northern regions were included into a rehabilitation program as a part of Rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure component (Component 1).
Rehabilitation works were completed in 8 WUAs, including in "Kur-Tash" of Aravan district, Osh province in 2021. The work in WUA “Khodja-Ariq” is underway in Nookatsk district, Osh province.
Projects aimed at increasing and improving water availability were implemented in the following districts: Kadamjaysk (1.5 ha), Batken (1.5 thousand ha), Leylek (2.5 thousand ha), Panfilov (3.6 thousand ha) , Jaylik (0.7 thousand ha), Keminsk (2.6 thousand ha).
Drinking water supply
Projects and programs. In 2021-2023, development of irrigation, water supply and social infrastructure were among the most important priorities of state investments. More than 16.4 billion KGS have been allocated for drinking water supply projects.
According to the plan of “National Development Program until 2026”, it is planned to allocate $470 million for provision of clean water to 95% of settlements in the country within the next 5 years at the expense of external donors and republican budget. It is planned to connect about 100 villages to clean and safe drinking water facilities every year. To ensure sustainable water supply, the financial model of drinking water operators functioning is developed.
Construction and rehabilitation of drinking water infrastructure were planned in 96 villages for 2021 and in 645 villages up to 2024 through donor funds, republican budget and other sources.
Implementation of the following projects have been continued: "Improvement of water supply in Bishkek (Phase II)" (EBRD-SECO), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Talas" (EBRD-SECO), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Kant" (EBRD-SECO), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Batken city" (IFCA, EBRD), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Naryn city" (SECO-EBRD), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Osh”, Phase-2 (EBRD, IFCA, EIB), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Kara-Suu, Kyzyl-Kiya, Mailuu-Suu, Cholpon-Ata, Tokmok, Balykchy, Toktogul (EBRD, IFCA, EIB)" and others.
New projects have begun: "Water supply system rehabilitation in Karakol city" (EBRD), "Water supply system rehabilitation in local self-governance entities of Myrza-Ake, Don-Bulak and Kurshab" (EBRD), "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Zhalal-Abad city”, Phase-2 (EBRD), "Water supply system rehabilitation in Isfana town" (EBRD), "Improvement of rural water supply and sanitation in the Kyrgyz Republic" (IDB, WB, SFD).
A number of loan and grant agreements have been ratified between the Kyrgyz Republic and international partners, in particular:
(1) "Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Kerben city" (€6.5 million, including 2.5 million – EBRD loan, €3.0 million – EU grant from IFCA funds, €1.0 million – EBRD grant from technical cooperation funds). (2) "Water supply and wastewater disposal system rehabilitation in Nookat city" (€4.6 million, including €2.2 million – EBRD loan, 2.0 million – EBRD grant, 0.6 million – non-reimbursable technical assistance from the Japanese Government through the Cooperation Fund).
The work on development of the WB project "Climate Resilient Water Supply" has been started ($100 million, implementation period scheduled for late 2022). The project is aimed at (1) increasing access to climate-resilient water services in selected river basins; (2) strengthening institutional capacity for climate-resilient water management at local and national levels.
Agricultural production. Heat waves in summer and irrigation water shortage during the growing season have caused a decrease in cereal yields. Thus, the bulk yield of wheat and barley decreased by 42% 46%, respectively, compared to the same date last year. In addition, the bulk yield of oilseed crops decreased by 25.4%, sugar beet, by 19%, melons, by 14%, fruit and berry crops, by 3.9%, corn on grain, by 3.3%, potatoes, by 2.9%, and vegetables, by 1.3%.
Irrigated area. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the total crop acreage amounted to 1226.2 thousand ha, which is 2.6 thousand ha more compared to 2020. Grain crops (without pulses, rice and buckwheat) were cultivated on 580.8 ha (47.4% of all sown area), pulses – on 60.7 ha (5%), oilseeds – on 17.1 ha (1.4%), cotton – on 19.2 ha (1.6%), tobacco – on 0.4 thousand (0.03%), sugar beet (factory farming) – on 10.3 thousand (0.8%), potatoes – on 74.9 thousand (6.1%), vegetable and forage crops – on 54.3 thousand (4.4%) and 384.3 thousand ha (31.3%), other crops (rice, cucurbitsand others) – on 24.2 thousand (2%).
Public administration reform. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic has been formed according to the Presidential Decree of Kyrgyz Republic (№ 425 12.10.2021) “On structure and composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Presidential Administration Structure of the Kyrgyz Republic”. The Decree of Cabinet Ministers (№ 259 15.11. 2021). Amendments were made to the Presidential Decree (№ 83 9.03.2021) "On the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development of the Kyrgyz Republic".
A Coordinating Council of Development Partners in Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic has been established, which included national partners (key government agencies), development partners (foreign embassies in the Kyrgyz Republic, donors, and international organizations) and financial institutions. The main task of the Council is to coordinate existing technical and financial assistance, as well as to conduct a coordinated policy to strengthen cooperation and effective interaction of plans and actions aimed at the development of agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic.
News in Legislation. A list of recommendations for the development of the agro-industrial complex has been defined to the Government of Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of agricultural development, food and processing industry, the market of agricultural products, raw materials, food, increasing of export potential of the agro-industrial complex, stimulating of agricultural sector as the basis of food security of the country (The Presidential Decree № 25 8.02.2021) In particular, to review the possibility of transfer the part of land of State Fund of agricultural land for the development of cooperatives, seed and breeding farms to the management of the authorized body for agriculture. In pursuance of Decree № 309 of 17 December 2021 "On the development of agricultural cooperatives, seed and breeding farms", the "Concept of Agricultural Development of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2025" has been developed, which plans to implement a number of reforms aimed at the sustainable and efficient use of land and water resources.
The Presidential Decree №547 of Kyrgyz Republic of 6 December 2021 "On measures to support entities engaged in agricultural activities" was adopted, aimed at drafting a law providing for exemption from paying land tax for the use of agricultural land for the period from 2022-2024 including compensation for losses of the local budget.
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic has proposed to approve the draft of veterinary and sanitary standards and requirements for the organization and management of aquaculture (pond, basin, pasture, cage) and the planning of pond, basin fish farms, the organization of buffer zones.
Implementation of projects. The project "Financing of agriculture - 9", providing favorable interest rates at the rate of 6.8 and 10% per annum with a crediting period up to 60 months based on the target sector, was approved by the Presidential Decree of the Kyrgyz Republic №34 of 4.02.2021. More than 9.5 thousand loans for 4.8 billion KGS were issued.
Implementation of the project "Improvement of agricultural productivity and nutrition" (APNIP, $38 million GAFSP, WB) has been continued, aimed at providing agricultural advisory services for selected WUAs to improve productivity of irrigated land and expand access to markets (Component 2), developing measures to improve food security and nutrition quality of beneficiaries (Component 3).
On the implementation of IFAD projects within the framework of FAO SME in the area of agriculture and food in Kyrgyzstan in 2021, see the section "UN and its specialized agencies”.
International cooperation. During the official visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic to Turkey a number of agreements were concluded, the following were proposed in the field of agriculture: (1) to organize a joint venture to attract investment in establishing resource-saving technologies – drip irrigation system; (2) to implement investment projects of agricultural products processing, as well as cooperate and develop the cooperative system in Kyrgyzstan (June).
Opened: (1) Centers of the Korean Program for International Agriculture (KOPIA) in the Kyrgyz Republic and the agricultural demonstration field established at the Botanical Garden of the J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University; (2) Fishery Demonstration Center at the K.I. Skryabin KNAU.
Public Administration Reform. Government Decree of the KR (No. 38 of 12.02.2021) State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of the KR was reorganized into the No. 247 Ministry of Energy and Industry.
In accordance with the Decree No. 425 of 12 October 2021 "On the structure and composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the structure of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic was determined as part of the CM of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Regulation on the Ministry of Energy and the management scheme was approved. (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 247 of 15 November "On issues of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic”).
The President outlined the main priorities of the energy policy of the Kyrgyz Republic. The state administration bodies were given orders to ensure energy security of the country. In particular, it was directed to: the Cabinet of Ministers (1) to resolve the issue of importing the necessary amount of electricity from neighboring countries for 2021 and 2022 to ensure the successful passage of the upcoming autumn-winter period; (2) Increase power generation and capacity at the Bishkek CHP; (3) identify priority measures and sources of funding to accelerate the construction of Kambarata HPP-1; (4) take necessary measures to rehabilitate Toktogul and At-Bashi HPPs, modernize Uch-Kurgan HPP, timely implement investment projects to rehabilitate Oshelektro and Vostokelektro, improve power supply to the Arka massif of Batken region and CASA-1000; (5) develop and approve long-term measures to strengthen the energy potential of the KR; (6) develop and implement effective mechanisms for energy conservation and energy efficiency in the consumption of energy resources at all facilities, regardless of ownership; (7) consider the possibility of comprehensive application of innovative technologies in the country's energy sector through the full-scale implementation of an automated system for remote control of transmitted and consumed electricity; To the Ministry of Energy: (1) to analyze and develop proposals to update strategic documents aimed at the development of alternative (renewable) energy sources and the development of small hydropower plants; (2) develop proposals to increase capacity and develop an updated state strategy for the management of water resources provided for rational use; (3) together with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Prosecutor General's Office to conduct an inventory of current energy legislation and possible gaps as well as contradictions in order to amend it in the liquidation part; (4) intensify the development and implementation of technical norms and standards applicable to the energy sector.
Construction and modernization of hydropower plants
There are seven hydropower plants in Kyrgyzstan - Toktogul (1200 MW), Kurpsai (800 MW), Tash-Kumyr (450 MW), Shamaldy-Sai (240 MW), Uch-Kurgan (180 MW) and At-Bashi (40 MW) and one unit of Kambarata HPP-2 (120 MW) generating 3030 MW of electricity. The project of launching the second hydro unit of Kambarata HPP-2 is being developed, Toktogul and At-Bashi HPPs are being modernized, and projects for construction of Kambarata HPP-1 and Kara-Kul HPP are being developed.
The first of the three phases of At-Bashi HPP's large-scale reconstruction has been completed - 2 out of 4 hydroelectric units were replaced. Modernization will increase electric-power by 30%. Further on the plan is to upgrade distributors, power transformers, protection and control systems.
The relevant agencies of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have signed an agreement on joint preparation of the investment project "Construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 on the Naryn river" (capacity - 1860 MW, average annual power generation - 5.6 billion kWh, dam height - 256 meters, reservoir volume - 5.4 million m3, project cost - $2.9 billion).
Small HPPs. According to the Ministry of Energy, the development of hydro resources of small rivers in Kyrgyzstan is only 1.27% of the total volume, while the potential is about 1 billion kW. The Republic has 19 small hydro power plants with a total capacity of 54 MW, and there is the potential to build more than 100 small hydro power plants. An appropriate legal framework for construction of MHPPs has been created, subjects of RES are exempted from tax (VAT) on import of equipment, income tax (up to five years), a guaranteed repayment of generated electricity has been determined with the increasing factor for a preferential period of 10 years. The construction of small HPP in the active phase is carried out in the locations of Batken, Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul and Osh oblasts, it is planned in Chui and Talas regions. The total capacity will be over 100 MW.
The construction of a hydroelectric power station on the bank of the Kozu-Baglan river (cost - $7 million, capacity - 6 MW) is under way in the Leilek district of Batken region. Sokuluk HPP-2 (installed capacity - 2.4 MW; average annual power generation - 11.9 million kWh) was restored and launched in Sokuluk district of Chui region, which would reduce grid losses and improve reliability and stability of power supply to consumers.
A capsule was laid in the downstream of Kirov reservoir (Talas region) for construction of Bala Saruu hydroelectric power station (cost $22.9 million, three generators with total capacity of 25 MW, average annual power generation of 92 million kWh), which would meet 20% of the region's electricity needs. Bala Saruu HPP will become the state engine of small hydropower in the country.
It is planned to build Orto-Tokoi, Sary-Dzhaz, Kara-Kul, and Tort-Kul hydroelectric power plants.
Regional and international cooperation. In order to preserve the water resources of the Toktogul Reservoir, uninterrupted power supply to the population and economic sectors of the country and successful passing of the autumn-winter period 2021-2022.
The Agreements on the exchange of goods and electric power have been reached between Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the agreement, Kazakhstan will supply electric power to the Kyrgyz Republic in the amount of 900 million kWh (as of 8 December 2006, 616.4 million kWh has been received); Uzbekistan will provide electric power to Kyrgyzstan in the amount of 750 million kWh from March to November 2021; Under the agreements, Kyrgyzstan will supply up to 300 million kWh of electricity to Kazakhstan and up to 250 million kWh to Uzbekistan within 3 years from 2021 to 2023 from June to August. It is planned to increase the load of Bishkek CHP in summer to 155 MW and up to 420 MW in winter with annual generation of 2.5 billion kWh.
A branch of JSC "Hydroproject Institute" was opened in Bishkek. Priority plans for cooperation include creating a master plan for the development of hydropower resources, studying the current state of the GTS, researching promising sections, designing new facilities and advising the Kyrgyz government on energy development.
Environmental protection and climate change
Public administration reform. According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers (№ 11 of 19.05.2021), the State Committee on Environment and Climate was established on the basis of the State Agency of Environmental Protection under the Ministry of Emergency Situations. "On the structure and composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic and the structure of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision - the successor of the State Committee on Environment and Climate was established. Regulations on the Ministry and the management scheme were determined. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers № 263 of 15 November 2021 "On issues of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic”
By Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers № 338 of 24.12.2021 "On issues of subordinate units of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Regulations7 of several departments of the Ministry were approved1: (1) Department of Geology and Subsoil Use, (2) Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Specially Protected Natural Areas, (3) Environmental Monitoring Department, (4) State Regulation Department for Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety, (5) Environmental and Technical Supervision Service, (6) Center for Climate.
New legislation. The Decree of the President "On measures to ensure environmental security and climate resilience in the Kyrgyz Republic" (№ 77 of 19.03.2021), the most important tasks of state agencies, local governments, business entities, public and other organizations were determined to improve the environment, ensure sustainable use of natural resources and minimize the negative impacts of climate change
Project implementation. Implementation of the project "Support to development of "green agriculture" by local communities" (EU, €1.1 million, December 2020 - June 2023, implemented by the Rural Development Foundation of Kyrgyzstan in cooperation with the Greek NGO "Center for Social Assistance and Innovation KMOP") has started, aimed at mitigation of climate change through development of value chains in the agricultural sector, taking into account biodiversity conservation. The project will adapt production to environmental challenges, increase productivity and ensure the establishment of local agricultural enterprises.
The following were established (1) A unified online climate knowledge and information platform on climate change whose main purpose is to strengthen institutional capacity, provide information, and create a dialogue platform on climate change and climate finance for all stakeholders; (2) A map of environmental incidents9 that collects and displays 24/7/365 landfills, air, water and soil pollution, deforestation, shooting of red listed animals (poaching), illegal fishing (poaching), radiation and toxic chemicals;
The environmental organization “MoveGreen” launched an open environmental database to store and use data for the purpose of publishing analysis, research and journalistic materials indirectly or directly related to environmental issues in Kyrgyzstan.
An agreement was signed between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the UN World Food Programme on the implementation of the project "Empowerment of vulnerable communities with low food security through climate services and diversification of climate-sensitive livelihoods in the Kyrgyz Republic" ($8.6 million, grant from GCF). The project will cover more than 100,000 vulnerable smallholder farmers in Naryn, Osh and Batken oblasts and will strengthen the capacity of the Kyrgyz Government, line ministries, local authorities and communities to implement climate change adaptation activities in the food security and nutrition sectors as well as agriculture in the country. The technical support will be provided to the National Meteorological Service in establishing agrometeorological stations to collect, analyze and then disseminate weather data to farmers.
The grants will be allocated to finance projects in areas such as governance and digitalization, human development, green and climate-resilient economy until 2024 under the EU's Indicative Program for the Kyrgyz Republic for the period 2021-2027.
On the implementation of UNDP environmental projects in Kyrgyzstan in 2021, see the section "UN and its specialized agencies.
International cooperation. A resolution "Enhanced monitoring and research of mountain glaciers" was unanimously adopted at the meeting of the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO (November 23, Paris), initiated by the KR and voiced by the President of the KR in the framework of the General Debate of the 76th session of UNGA. The main goal of the resolution is to strengthen international cooperation on monitoring and research of mountain glaciers and permafrost through joint actions to ensure a safe and stable environment for future generations based on the principles of sustainable development and implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Emergencies and natural disasters
In 2021, 40 emergencies were registered, half of which were mudflows, floods and related floods and coastal erosion. Material damage from natural disasters in the republic amounted to more than 1.3 billion KGS. In particular, as a result of heavy rains in the spring-summer period in Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Issyk-Kul and Batken regions, houses were flooded, roadbeds of many public and internal economic roads were destroyed, culverts and bridges were damaged. In August in Issyk-Kul oblast, villages in Jety-Oguz and Ton districts were affected; in Karakol city, water streams flooded several houses and household plots, washed out roads, destroyed bridges and flooded the zoo.
Project Implementation. The regional project "Reducing human vulnerability to glacial lake outburst floods in Central Asia under climate change" (GLOFCA, $6.5 million, Adaptation Fund-UNESCO, 2021-2026) was launched, aimed at strengthening adaptation to climate change in Central Asia by reducing social risks and vulnerability. The kick-off conference of the project organized by the UNESCO Almaty office took place on 29 April 2021.
Loan and Grant Agreements have been signed between the Kyrgyz Republic and ADB for a total amount of $39 million for the project "Landslide Risk Management in the Kyrgyz Republic", aimed at improving the country's capacity to manage landslide risks and reduce the risk of landslides. Implementation period is 6 years.
Preventive measures. The Plan on Cooperation in the Field of Emergency Prevention and Response between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 was signed.
FAO transferred server equipment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations10 of the Kyrgyz Republic for the creation of the Central Database of the Unified System of Comprehensive Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergency Situations at the national level, tracking the current situation of dangerous natural processes.
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
Working and Official Visits. In 2021, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic made state and working visits to the Russian Federation (February, May, December), the Republic of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (March), Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan (June), Turkmenistan (August), Tajikistan (September), Turkey (November), and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (November). The President of Tatarstan paid an official visit to the country (November).
Meetings were held between the president of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Prime Ministers of Armenia (August) and Hungary (November), the Vice President of Turkey (September), a member of the State Council - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC (September), Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the UAE (September), Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan (February), Turkey (March), Iran and Hungary (April), Austria (November), the EU Vice President, General Secretary of the World Customs Organization, Chairman of the Executive Committee - CIS Executive Secretary ( (November); Ambassadors of Saudi Arabia to KR, Turkey to KR, Qatar to KR (March), Azerbaijan to KR (April, October, December), USA to KR (May), Pakistan to KR, Uzbekistan to KR, Hungary to KR, Afghanistan to KR, Turkey to KR, Kazakhstan to KR (May), Germany to KR (July), Switzerland to KR and Mongolia to KR (December); with the heads of international organizations (Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, International Turkic Academy, TurkPA, TURKSOY, EU, CICA, CSTO, CIS Executive Committee, EEC Board, EBRD (January), Director of WHO Regional Bureau for Europe, Russian Minister of Education, CCTG Secretary General, Executive Chairman of Japan DX, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia and Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (March), Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, Head of the IFC Regional Office for Central Asia, Chairman-in-Office of OSCE (April), Vice President of WB for Europe and Central Asia (May), EU Special Representative, Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Charity Organization, Assistant UN Secretary General, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and Regional Director for Central Asia of the EBRD (June), Head of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek (August), Secretary General of the CSTO (September), President of the International Turkic Academy and Chairman of the EEC Board (December).
Meetings were held via videoconference with the Director General of UNESCO (April), President of the EBRD (July), UNESCO Regional Representative (September), the President of the Senate of Uzbekistan (September), Executive Director of the GCF (September), EU Special Representative for Central Asia and EU Special Representative for Human Rights (October), Director for Global Sustainability of Facebook (Meta) (November), the Secretary General of the CCTS (November).
Telephone talks were held with Presidents in 2021: Kazakhstan (1 February), Turkey (26 February, 13 May, 30 August, 23 December), Uzbekistan (1 and 13 May, 30 April, 24 July, 30 August), Tajikistan (30 April, 1 May, 3 August), Russian Federation (10 May, 7 October, 3 December), Kazakhstan (13 and 17 May), Afghanistan (13 May), Turkmenistan (13 May), Azerbaijan (24 December) as well as the President of China (22 February), Emir of Kuwait (23 February), Emir of Qatar (4 May), the acting Prime Minister of Armenia (17 May), the King of Saudi Arabia (14 June), the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi (16 August), the President of the European Council (30 August).
The priorities of the Kyrgyz Republic's foreign policy in 2021 include: strengthening interstate relations with neighboring countries, developing effective political and economic cooperation with EU countries; developing multifaceted relations with Tajikistan (including issues of delimitation and demarcation of the Kyrgyz-Tajik state border, and strengthening cooperation in the water and energy sectors); cooperation with member states within the CSTO; development and strengthening of bilateral cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and China in the fight against crime, terrorism and extremism, ensuring security in the region; continuation of cooperation within the UN, in accordance with the SDGs and major international programs to which the country is a party; further fruitful and long-term cooperation within the framework of the CCTS, TURKPA, Organization of Turkic culture TURKSOY and International Turkic Academy; development and strengthening of Kyrgyz-Turkmen political dialogue in the trade in the sphere of trade and economic relations, combating the COVID-19 pandemic coronavirus and other challenges of our time, such as terrorism and extremism, illegal migration and human trafficking, illegal arms trade, drug trafficking and cybersecurity, etc
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Joint communiques on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kyrgyzstan and Antigua and Barbuda (3 June), and the Republic of Palau (7 October) were signed.
Turkey. It is planned to increase the trade between the Kyrgyz Republic and Turkey up to $1 billion. Eight documents between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey were signed at the international level in the field of health, agriculture, culture, sports, youth policy and copyright protection as part of the 5th meeting of the Supreme Council of Strategic Cooperation. It was agreed to open the Kyrgyz-Turkish Development Fund to support Kyrgyz businessmen and Turkish investors. Also, the Turkish side expressed its desire to provide military and technical assistance to the Ministry of Defense of Kyrgyzstan on a grant basis. A number of memorandums were signed as part of the joint business forum.
The 10th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation was held. A Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation was signed, as well as a final Protocol and Action Plan on Economic Cooperation (10 September Bishkek).
Hungary. The governments of the countries have ratified Hungarian-Kyrgyz Development Fund Agreement. It is assumed that the Fund, with an authorized capital of $16 million (with subsequent increase to $50 million), will finance self-sustaining projects in the priority sectors of the economy of Kyrgyzstan by providing loans, participation in capital and use of other financial instruments in relations with business entities registered and operating in the country. As part of strengthening relations with Hungary, the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan was opened in Budapest. The 1st meeting of the Kyrgyz-Hungarian Strategic Council was held (4 October, Budapest).
Uzbekistan. An agreement establishing the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Development Fund has been ratified. It is assumed that the Fund, with an authorized capital of $50 million (with subsequent increase to $200 million) will finance self-sustaining projects in the priority sectors of the economy of Kyrgyzstan by providing loans, equity and other financial instruments in relations with business entities registered and operating in the territory of Kyrgyzstan.
United Nations. Kyrgyzstan is a candidate for the UN Human Rights Council for 2023-2025 and as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2027-2028. At the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic and co-sponsored by more than 93 member states, the UNGA declared 2022 as the "International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development" by unanimously adopting a resolution of the same name (December 16).
Initiatives put forward by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. It was proposed at (1) the 8th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States to locate the headquarters of the Turkic Investment Fund in Bishkek (12 November); (2) the UNGA on behalf of the Friends of Mountain Countries to declare 2022 as the "International Year of Mountains," to approve a five-year program for sustainable development of mountain areas, and to convene a Global Summit "Bishkek + 25" in 2027 (21 September).
The President of the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the Fourth Asia-Pacific Water Summit "Water and Sustainable Development - New Generation and Best Practices" (April), the 5th meeting of the Supreme Council for Strategic Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey (June), the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asia (August), the 76th session of the UNGA (September), the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (November), the Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (November), the World Leaders Summit of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (November), First Economic Forum “European Union – Central Asia”(November), Informal meeting of CIS Heads of State (December).
The following events were held in videoconference format: 14th Summit of Economic Cooperation Organization (March); Turkic Council Meeting (March); informal summit of the leaders of the CIS countries (March); 77th UNESCAP session (April); meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (May, October, December); extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council devoted to the situation in Afghanistan (August); anniversary Council meeting of the CIS Heads of State (October); 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-15) (October).
Important international events with the participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2021, in particular: The 16th Meeting of the Secretaries of Security Councils of SCO Member States (June, Dushanbe); the Kyrgyz-Turkmen Economic Forum (June, Ashgabat); a joint meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Council of Defense Ministers and the Committee of the Secretaries of Security Councils of the CSTO (September, Dushanbe); the SCO Summit (September, Dushanbe); the CSTO Summit (September, Dushanbe); First International Economic Forum "Central Asia - European Union" (November, Bishkek); Meeting of the Secretaries of Security Councils of CIS Member States (November, Moscow); Meeting of the Third Regional Dialogue on the situation in Afghanistan (November, New Delhi); International Kazakh-Kyrgyz-Alashtan Scientific Conference (December, Almaty).
Official sites of the: President, Parliament, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Energy, State Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Emergency Situations
News sites: barometr.kg; 24.kg; ru.sputnik.kg; kabar.kg