Section 1. 2021 Calendar of events
January 21 – International conference “New Trends in Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy: State and Prospects of Cooperation with the Central Asian Countries and Afghanistan”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
January 27 – Online seminar “Joint Working Group on International and EU Water Diplomacy - In Focus: Central Asia”, Brussels, Belgium
January 27-28 – 7th meeting of the Roundtable on Financing Water, online
February 2– World Wetlands Day
February 2 – Online consultations “Water Related Disaster Risk Reduction under the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
February 4-5 – Seventh Meeting of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Water Resources, Geneva, Switzerland
February 11 – International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 26 – Fifth Meeting of the Global Network of Basins working on Climate Change Adaptation “Climate change adaptation strategies and plans: elaboration, financing and implementation”, online
March 2-3 – International Conference of EECCA NWO “Transboundary Water Cooperation in the EECCA countries: Lessons Learned and Future Directions”, online
March 3 – World Wildlife Day “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”
March 3-4 – International Forum “Meeting New Opportunities: Green Recovery of Uzbekistan after the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic”, online
March 3-4 – International Conference “Facilitating Regional Water Cooperation and Dialogue in Central Asia through Knowledge Exchange, Partnerships and Educational Initiatives” as part of the Central Asian Water-Energy Program, online
March 10 – Roundtable “Towards the IWRM Implementation Strategy of Uzbekistan”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
March 11-12 – International Scientific-Practical Conference “Water Resources Management in the Context of Globalization” on occasion of the 105th anniversary of Prof. Tadjibayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
March 14 – World Rivers Day
March 21 – International Day of Forests “Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being”
March 22 – World Water Day “Valuing Water”
March 23 – World Meteorological Day “The Ocean, our Climate and Weather”
March 26 – Day of the Aral Sea
March 29-31 – Global workshop on building climate resilience through improving water management and sanitation at national and transboundary levels, Geneva, Switzerland
March 31 – Kick-off workshop of the USAID Regional Water and Environment Project, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
April 14-15 – Twelfth meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health, Geneva, Switzerland
April 15 – Day of Environmental Knowledge
April 22 – International Mother Earth Day
April 22 – Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks
April 26-28 – Conference on Transboundary Waters in International Relations, Budapest, Hungary
April 29 – IWRA’s Second 50th Anniversary High Level Panel “A Conversation on Water: The Past Informing Water Futures”, online
May 11 – 80th meeting of ICWC Central Asia, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
May 12 – Day of Environmental Education
May 17-20 – XVI International Scientific-Technical Symposium and Exhibition “Clean Waters of Russia -2021”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
May 20-21 – Thirteenth meeting of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Water Resources, Geneva, Switzerland
May 22 – International Day for Biological Diversity
May 25 – Regional dialogue “Policy and Governance Issues to Transform Food Systems in Europe and Central Asia”, online
May 25 – International Conference “Enhancing Regional Water Cooperation in Central Asia”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
May 28-29 – III International Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern Technologies and Achievements in Water Engineering”, Kherson, Ukraine
June 5 – World Environment Day “Ecosystem restoration”
June 8 – World Oceans Day “The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods”
June 15-16 – Online Capacity Building Seminar and Meeting of National Experts on Water and Energy Cooperation, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
June 16 – Online conference “Uzbekistan-Tajikistan: Prospects for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation”
June 17 –Desertification and Drought Day “Restoration. Land. Recovery”
June 21 – International scientific-practical conference “Land Reclamation and Desertification” (LRAD 2021), online
June 21 – July 2 – Singapore International Water Week
June 21-23 – VIII World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (8WCCA), Bern, Switzerland
June 28-30 – 24th Session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council, Paris, France
June 29-30 – Third Regional Conference ”Education and Awareness for Climate Action in Europe and Central Asia”, online
June 29 – Meeting of the Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
June 30 – 11th APWF webinar “Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible”
July 1 – Regular meeting of the EU – Central Asia High-Level Dialogue, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
July 1-2 – 5th Eurasian Green Energy & Waste Recycling Forum, Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan
July 6-15 – High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, New York, USA
July 7-9 – Seventy-first meeting of the Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention, Geneva, Switzerland
July 26-27 – Fourth Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2021), Dushanbe, Tajikistan
July 29 – Earth Overshoot Day
August 12 – Day of the Caspian Sea
August 23-27 – World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden
August 24 – First Youth Conference on Climate Change (LCOY Kyrgyzstan 2021), Bishkek
September 3-11 – IUCN World Conservation Congress, Marseille, France
September 19 – World Cleanup Day
September 21-23 – 5th Arab Water Forum, Dubai, UAE
September 22-23 – International conference Seymartec Ecology 2021, Chelyabinsk, Russia
September 27-29 – WEFE Nexus Science Advances Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus
September 29 - October 1 – Ninth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention, Geneva, Switzerland
September 29 - October – 2nd International and 15th National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation (ICASI 2021), Diyarbakir, Turkey
September 30 – World Maritime Day
October 6-8 – Forum dedicated to digitalization and innovation in the water industry (Accadueo-H2О 2021), Bologna, Italy
October 12-14 – International specialized exhibition GETCA 2021, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
October 12-15 – International specialized exhibition Water and Air Technologies 2021, Minsk, Belarus
October 15 – International Day of Rural Women
October 18-19 – 18th Session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators, Geneva, Switzerland
October 18-21 – Seventy-second meeting of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee, Geneva, Switzerland
October 18-23 – IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark
October 19-20 – Central Asian Sub-regional Preparatory Conference for the 9th World Water Forum, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
October 19-21 – International Exhibition SMAGUA 2021, Zaragoza, Spain
October 24 – Cairo Water Week 2021
October 27-30 – 13th International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Sacramento, USA
October 31 – November 12 – XXVI Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), Glasgow, Scotland
November 3-5 – 27th session of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Geneva, Switzerland
November 8-14 – International Week of Science and Peace
November 22 – International Conference “The Aral Sea Region – a Zone of Environmental Innovations and Technologies”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
November 23-25 – International Scientific-Education Forum “Strategic Targets of Central Asia Development: History, Trends and Prospects” dedicated to 30 years of independence of CA states, Yekaterinburg, Russia
November 25 – Roundtable in memory of Prof. V.A. Dukhovniy “Water Security in the Central Asian Countries”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
November 24-26 – 2021 European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction, Matosinhos, Portugal
November 24-30 – 72nd meeting of the ICID International Executive Council, Marrakesh, Morocco
November 29 – December 3 – IWRA XVII World Water Congress, Daegu, Korea
November 29 – December 5 – Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit, Budapest, Hungary
December 2-3 – Second Eurasian Congress, Moscow, Russia
December 5 – World Soil Day
December 7 – 81st meeting of ICWC Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, online
December 8-10 – 19th Europe-INBO International Conference, Malta
December 10 – Central Asian Conference “ARAL Issues Conference 2021”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
December 11 – International Mountain Day
Major Events in Central Asia
International Online Forum “Meeting New Opportunities: Green Recovery of Uzbekistan after the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic”, Tashkent, March 3-4
The purpose of the Forum was to initiate a dialogue between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international development agencies, donors and investors, the private sector, and the civil community about the country's transition to a green economy and sustainable development of Uzbekistan.. The Forum was organized in the format of thematic sessions, such as: (1) Building Forward better: Green Recovery and way forward; (2) Identifying Gaps and Opportunities for Green Recovery in Uzbekistan; (3) Deep Dive on Green Financing Instruments; (4) Enabling Environment for the Digital Transformation in the Private Sector.
The discussion was held on the UNDP’s Policy Brief: Green Recovery and the Transition to Green Economy in Uzbekistan. The Forum concluded with a Declaration.
International Conference “Enhancing Regional Water Cooperation in Central Asia”, Tashkent, May 25т
The International Conference was organized by the International Institute for Central Asia and the UNESCO Office in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The participants discussed how to enhance the regional water and environment dialogue and cooperation in Central Asia. Particular attention has been paid to the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly upon initiative of the President of Uzbekistan entitled Declaring the Aral Sea region a zone of ecological innovations and technologies.* The participants supported the proposal to declare the day when the Resolution was adopted an International Day for Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration.
* Resolution (A/75/L.83) adopted at the 75th UN GA on May 18, 2021
Fourth Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2021), Dushanbe, July 26-27
The Conference was organized by the Government of Tajikistan and the CAREC as part of the World Bank project “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin” (CAMP4ASB) under the motto “Regional Cooperation for Climate-Resilient Future”. Two plenary sessions were held in the first day: (1) National climate policy and the role of civil society; and, (2) Climate financing: opportunities and prospects for CA. The Fourth Meeting of Representatives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Members of Parliaments of the Central Asian Countries on the issues of climate change and two thematic sessions on the progress in national legislations and climate policy implementation in CA states and the regional climate cooperation initiatives were conducted in the second day. The High-level segment, where the heads of the national environmental authorities participated, also took place that day. Finally, the Conference resolution was adopted.
Local Conference of Youth - LCOY Kyrgyzstan 2021, Bishkek, August 24
The First Youth Conference on Climate Change was organized by the public association "Students of Kyrgyzstan for a Green Economy" together with representatives of other youth organizations and university students in the country within the framework of the “Policy Action for Climate Security in Central Asia” project, implemented by UNDP in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan with the support of UK Aid.
This was the final event in the series of LCOY Kyrgyzstan conferences 2021. June conferences were held in the cities of Osh and Karakol, with participation of youth from Osh, Batken, Jalal-Abad, and Issyk-Kul provinces. The third and final event in Bishkek brought together youth from Talas, Naryn and Chui provinces.
Objectives of LCOY Kyrgyzstan 2021: (1) improve knowledge and build capacities of youth in climate change and ecology; (2) show multiple opportunities for youth to participate in climate security actions; (3) prepare a youth communique from Kyrgyzstan for the global 16th UN youth conference on climate change, which took place before СОР26.
The participants have learned about the global climate crisis, the causes and consequences, in particular for Kyrgyzstan; got acquainted with the global negotiating processes on climate.
Central Asian Sub-regional Preparatory Conference for the 9th World Water Forum “Water security for peace and development”, Dushanbe, October 19-20
The Conference was organized by EC IFAS jointly with the Government of Tajikistan and international development partners to determine and agree upon the regional agenda of the 9th World Water Forum in line with the Forum’s thematic priorities and the topical issues for the Central Asian region. The Conference was also aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and partnership at all level to facilitate the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028.
The plenary session and six thematic sessions were held in the context of achievement of SDGs: (1) Ensure universal access to safe water and adequate sanitation to respond to new challenges, including COVID-19; (2) Transboundary water cooperation for sustainable development; (3) Effective water resources management for higher agricultural production and more employment opportunities in rural areas; (4) Water, energy, food and environment nexus; (5) Climate adaption and water related disaster risk reduction; (6) Financing water.
International Conference “The Aral Sea Region – a zone of environmental innovations and technologies”, Tashkent, November 22
The Conference was held by the Ministry of Innovations of Uzbekistan to draw attention to the actions aimed to transform the Aral Sea region from environmental and humanitarian crisis area into a zone of environmental innovations and technologies. The plenary and parallel sessions were held on the following themes: (1) Nature resource management in the context of climate change in the Aral Sea region: current challenges and future horizons; (2) Sustainable business model of circular agriculture in the arid Aral Sea region; (3) Transboundary environmental cooperation; (4) Innovative technologies and sustainable agriculture in the Aral Sea region.
A documentary film describing the work undertaken by the Government of Uzbekistan to overcome the negative consequences of desiccation of the Aral Sea was presented during the conference. On the sidelines, the Uzbek Ministry of Innovations has signed cooperation agreements with CASIB (Germany) for a joint competition as part of the CLIENT III Program and with JICA (Japan) for research under the SATREPS.
International Scientific-Education Forum “Strategic Targets of Central Asia Development: History, Trends and Prospects” dedicated to 30 years of independence of CA states, Yekaterinburg, November 23-25
The Forum was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Government of Sverdlowsk oblast, the Ural State Pedagogical University and the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia, B.N. Yeltsin. The key aspects of scientific and education cooperation between the CA countries and Russia, facilitation of socio-economic and policy research, and development of inter-cultural dialogue were addressed during the Forum. The Forum’s agenda included a plenary session (November 23), thematic sessions (on history and present development in the CA countries, security in the Central Asian region, and socio-cultural adaptation of migrants from the CA countries in the present context of Russia) (November 24), and interactive platforms, roundtables and panel discussions (November 25).
The roundtable in memory of Prof. V.A. Dukhovniy “Water Security in the Central Asian Countries” was held during the Forum on November 25. The most pressing issues of water security and key actions to be taken at the national and regional level were discussed. The participants suggested holding regularly similar meetings in the format of a “Kostyakov’s readings”.
#ARALIssues Conference-2021, Almaty, December 10
The Conference was organized by the International Center for Journalism MediaNet and DW Akademie with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office . Representatives of government agencies, diplomatic missions, international organizations and universities, journalists and bloggers took part in the Conference. The event was organized in the format of four sessions. The floor was given to experts from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations. Also, Kazakh and Uzbek journalists and bloggers, who visited the Aral Sea region in September 2021, presented their multimedia stories on the current challenges and opportunities in the region. They addressed such issues as the restoration of flora and fauna in the region, the lives of fishermen in the Aral Sea region, an impact of chemical pollution on population’s health, the development of ecotourism, etc. The documentary film of the Kazakh filmmaker, K. Suvorova “The Sea tomorrow” was demonstrated finally.