Section 13. Publications in 2020
“Proceedings of SIC ICWC” (in Russian). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/sic-icwc_proceedings_2.htm. The 2020 series features:
Issue 5. Yu.Kh.Rysbekov, A.Yu. Rysbekov - Strengthening Water Cooperation between Regional and National Organizations in Central Asia
Issue 6. Institutional Aspects of Water Resources Management in the Central Asian States
N.N.Mirzaev - Legal and Institutional Aspects of Water Resources Management in the Central Asian States
S.R. Ibatullin - Changes in the Organizational Structure of Water Governance, Management and Use in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Issue 7. V.I.Sokolov - Principles of Integrated Water Management in the Aral Sea Region based on the Zero Land Degradation Concept
Issue 8. V.A.Dukhovniy, N.N.Mirzaev - Establishment and Functioning of National Water Governance Structures: Theory and Practice
ВIssue 9. N.N.Mirzaev - The Water Charging System in Central Asia and Abroad
Issue 10. N.N.Mirzaev - Universal Method for Calculating Fees for Irrigation Services of Water User Associations and Water Management Organizations
Collection of SIC ICWC Scientific Papers, Issue 17 (in Russian). 2019-2020. URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/sb_tr_17.pdf
Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia (WUEMoCA) (in Russian). Collection of articles introducing a web-mapping tool for monitoring of land and water use efficiency in the Aral Sea Basin and the prospects for its application URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/wuemoca-2020-ru.pdf
Climate Change: Some Aspects (Parts 1 and 2) (in Russian). Collections of scientific and popular articles. URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/clim-ch-2020-ru.pdf; http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/clim-ch-2020-2-ru.pdf
G.V.Stulina, G.F.Solodkiy. Application of the Advanced FAO Methodology for Irrigated Crop Water Requirements Assessment in Central Asia (in Russian). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/stulina-solodky-2020.pdf
Aral Sea and the Aral Region. Review of work undertaken by SIC ICWC on monitoring and analysis of socio-economic and environmental situation in the period from 1994 to 2018 (econd edition, revised and supplemented by the data for the last 4 years). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/aral-sic-icwc-2020.pdf
Aral Sea and the Aral Region: Life Goes On (in Russian). Compiled from media reports. URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/aral_sea-2020.pdf
Inter-basin Flow Transfer: Implemented Projects and Those Untapped (in Russian). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/inter-basin-river-flow-transfer-2020.pdf
E.Simonov. Hydropower in Russia. An Epilogue (in Russian) URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/inf/54.pdf
Afghanistan in 2020: COVID-19, Climate Change and Development Issues (in Russian). 2019-2020 Digest URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/afghanistan_2020.pdf
Water Pricing: Prospects for Implementation in Central Asia (in Russian). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/paid-water-use-2020.pdf
Series of publications highlighting foreign and regional experience in improving irrigated agriculture (in Russian).
Water Use and Irrigated Agriculture: Global Experience. http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/agro-2020-ru.pdf
Improved Irrigated Agriculture: Global Experience. http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/agro-2020-2-ru.pdf
Improved Irrigated Agriculture: Global Experience. Volume 2 http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/agro-2020-3-ru.pdf
1992 and 1997 UN Water Conventions (in Uzbek). Translated texts of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (1992) and the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (1997). URL: http://cawater-info.net/library/rus/un-water-conventions-uz.pdf.
GEF Agency of IFAS
Irrigation and Drainage in the Republic of Uzbekistan. History and Modern State. Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID). URL: https://aral.uz/doc/NCID_book_web_ru.pdf.
Global Water Partnership's Support for Water Management Initiatives of Key Partners in Uzbekistan (in Russian). URL: https://aral.uz/doc/GWP_CWP_Uz_2020.pdf
SDG indicator 6.5.1 “Degree of Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan in 2020” (in Russian). Аналитический обзор. URL: https://aral.uz/doc/AN_ru.pdf
Издательство: VNIIGiM named after A.N. Kostyakov
Modern Problems of Land Reclamation and Ways to Overcome Them: Collection of scientific papers in two volumes (in Russian). Main results of research efforts made by VNIIGiM in 2019 URL: http://www.vniigim.ru/download/library/2020/vniigim2020_vol1.pdf; http://www.vniigim.ru/download/library/2020/vniigim2020_vol2.pdf
Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia
Water’s Way (in Russian). Illustrated book. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VBDlH5MOTSb61ORqjYDEXlcJzbBRl1L4/view
Precious Knowledge on Priceless Water (in Russian). Illustrated book for children. URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-NugivuX9E-0iUlD_1fDf9meKy0Qpu0S/view
Water Sector Development in Central Asia and Afghanistan: Status Review and Development Options. URL: https://carececo.org/upload/iblock/6cb/Региональный обзор водного сектора стран Центральной Азии и Афганистана_compressed.pdf
Rapid Assessment of Wetlands in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (in Russian). Results of rapid assessment of wetlands in Turkmenistan (Turkmenbashi Bay, Soltandag Lake), Uzbekistan (Dengiz Kul Lake) and Kazakhstan (delta of the Ural River, Karakol Lake, Kenderly Bay, in the area of the Tengiz field)). URL: https://carececo.org/publications/Экспресс-оценка_потенциальных_Рамсарских_ВБУ_в_Туркменистане.pdf; https://carececo.org/publications/Экспресс-оценка_потенциальных_Рамсарских_ВБУ_в%20Узбекистане.pdf; https://carececo.org/publications/Экспресс-оценка_потенциальных_Рамсарских_ВБУ_в_Казахстане.pdf
Издательство: Zoi Environment Network
Central Asia climate information products 2020:
Women, food and climate change in Central Asia;
Climate change in Central Asia. Illustrated summary;
Climate change in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Illustrated summaries;
Illustrated Russian–Tajik glossary on hydrometeorology and climate change. URL: https://zoinet.org/product/ca-climate-2020/.
Sustainable Infrastructure for Low-Carbon Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Hotspot Analysis and Needs Assessment. URL: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/edba62eb-ru
UN Economic Commission for Europe
ТThird Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan. The report examines the progress made by the country in the management of its environment since it was reviewed for the second time in 2009–2010. URL: https://unece.org/DAM/env/epr/epr_studies/ECE.CEP.188.Rus.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions on the 1992 Water Convention URL: https://unece.org/environment-policy/publications/frequently-asked-questions-1992-water-convention
Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management. UNECE/FAO. The overview describes policies and institutions of forest sector in in the Caucasus and Central Asia and major challenges the sector faces as well as policy responses in place or planned.
Armenia – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-armenia
Azerbaijan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-azerbaijan
Kazakhstan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-kyrgyzstan
Tajikistan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-tajikistan
Turkmenistan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-turkmenistan
Uzbekistan – https://unece.org/forests/publications/overview-state-forests-and-forest-management-uzbekistan
Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the UNECE Region This report reviews the situation and trends in progress towards SDGs through the lens of 49 selected indicators under each of the 17 SDGs. URL: https://unece.org/statistics/publications/towards-achieving-sustainable-development-goals-unece-region.
Towards sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the environment URL: https://unece.org/environment-policy/publications/towards-sustainable-renewable-energy-investment-and-deployment
Asian Development Bank
Asian Water Development Outlook 2020: Advancing Water Security across Asia and the Pacific The Asian Water Development Outlook (AWDO) assesses national water security across the Asia and the Pacific, with a focus on five key dimensions: rural, economic, urban, environmental, and water-related disaster. URL: https://www.adb.org/publications/asian-water-development-outlook-2020
Using Artificial Intelligence for Smart Water Management Systemsи This brief introduces the principles of artificial intelligence for water utilities embarking on this digital transformation to improve their water distribution operation in general, and to address unaccounted-for-water problems in particular. URL: https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/614891/artificial-intelligence-smart-water-management-systems.pdf
UN World Water Development Report 2020 The Report focuses on the challenges, opportunities and potential responses to climate change, in terms of adaptation, mitigation and improved resilience that can be addressed through improving water managementи. URL: www.unwater.org/publications/world-water-development-report-2020/
UN-Water 2030 Strategy The Strategy represents a collective way forward to address the water and sanitation challenges over a ten-year period. URL: www.unwater.org/publications/un-water-2030-strategy/
UN-Water Analytical Brief on Unconventional Water Resources URL: www.unwater.org/publications/un-water-analytical-brief-on-unconventional-water-resources/
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020. Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets. The report complements the usual assessment of food security and nutrition with projections of what the world may look like in 2030, if trends of the last decade continue. URL: www.fao.org/publications/card/ru/c/CA9692RU
Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture and Ecosystem Services Thematic study for the state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture. URL: www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb0649en
United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health
UNU-INWEH Series of Reports for 2020: Strategic Foresight to Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Water-related Sustainable Development Goals; Ageing Water Storage Infrastructure: An Emerging Global Risk; Migration and Water: A Global Overview. URL: https://inweh.unu.edu/category/unu-inweh-reports/
Regional Climate Cooperation-Challenges and Perspectives The policy brief informs about existing players, thematic directions, and platforms on regional climate change interventions, as well as provides possible solutions to effective cooperation within CAREC. URL: www.carecinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CI-policy-brief-climate-cooperation-24-Dec-2020.pdf
Climate Vulnerability, Infrastructure, Finance and Governance in CAREC The research examines adaptation and mitigation strategies of CAREC countries in the context of COP21, the 2030 Agenda and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. URL: www.carecinstitute.org/publications/climate-vulnerability-infrastructure-finance-and-governance-in-carec/
Determinants of Vulnerability to Climate-Induced Water Stress in CAREC URL: https://www.carecinstitute.org/publications/policy-brief-determinants-of-vulnerability-to-climate-induced-water-stress-in-carec/
Economic valuation in the monitoring of ecosystems services: Methodical guide Corobov, O. Cazanteva, Gh. Sirodoev and I. Trombitsky; PROJECT BSB165 “HydroEcoNex”. – Chisinau: Eco-Tiras, 2020 (Arconteh) URL: www.eco-tiras.org/books/ES-book-Eco-TIRAS-2020-final.pdf
Hindu Kush-Himalaya Watersheds Downhill: Landscape Ecology and Conservation Perspectives (англ. Hindu Kush-Himalaya Watersheds Downhill: Landscape Ecology and Conservation Perspectives) / R.Regmi, F.Huettmann; Eds, 2000. URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36275-1
Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience Guide / International Hydropower Association (IHA)/ London, 2019 URL: www.hydropower.org
Rights of Rivers: A global survey of the rapidly developing Rights of Nature jurisprudence pertaining to rivers (англ. Rights of Rivers: A global survey of the rapidly developing Rights of Nature jurisprudence pertaining to rivers) / The Cyrus R. Vance Center, Earth Law Center, and International Rivers, October 2020. It presents the UN resolutions on the rights of rivers, legislative enactments and judicial decisions across Oceania (Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia); South America (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador); Asia (India, Bangladesh and the Philippines), North and Central America (USA, Costa Rica and Mexico) and Africa (Uganda). URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/...