Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.4. Turkmenistan
Water Sector
Water resources. The total volume of water resources of Turkmenistan is comprised of the surface runoff of the Amu Darya (88%), Murgab (6.5%), Tedjen (3.5%), and Atrek, Sumbar and Chandyr (1.4%) rivers, as well as the small watercourses of the northeast slopes of Copetdag (0.6%), and the insignificant groundwater resources and collector-drainage waters. All large rivers of Turkmenistan are transboundary, i.e. 95% of surface water in the water balance of Turkmenistan is formed outside the country.
Water accounting As part of the Socio-Economic Development Program for 2019-2025, the efforts aimed at saving water and increasing water resources are made. In particular, water meters have been installed in 13 points along the Murgab River in Mary province . The automated water monitoring system allows the Mary water authority and the State Committee for Water Management control water level and irrigation water supply in real time for better water planning. The system is also important for early warning of local communities about floods.
Source: Official site of the Turkmenistan's State Committee for Water Management
Capacity building. A number of seminars and trainings were organized and held on water saving technologies (17 September); water diplomacy practices (7 October); water and energy cooperation (10 November); operation of pumping stations, audit of pumping units and planning of water use at the inter-farm irrigation systems (24 December).
International cooperation
Turkmenistan chaired the 79th meeting of ICWC (24 November, online). See ICWC of Central Asia.
The meeting between representatives of water management organizations of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan took place on 30 October (see Bilateral Water Cooperation between the Countries of Central Asia). At the 4th meeting of the Water Coordination Commission between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan (22 November), the parties discussed water sharing along the Amu Darya, Murgab and Tedjen rivers and signed the resulting protocol. During a work meeting on the regional water use, officials and experts of the State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan and EC IFAS considered the results of water use in the region, the analysis of water stock for 2021, and the forecast of flow in the main rivers (3 February 2021).
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 2 December between the State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan and the UNDP mission in Turkmenistan on sustainable water resources management.
Drinking Water Supply
Water treatment facilities were put into operation as part of the “General Clean Water Program”. Experts of exploration companies at the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” make efforts to explore groundwater, update groundwater stock, and determine the state of currently operational wells. In 2020, new sources of drinking water were discovered in freshwater lenses in Uchkepderi of Gurbansoltan-eje district and Dostluk of Gubadag district (Dashoguz exploration company), as well as in “Cukur” aquifer in Serdar district and “Arcaly” aquifer in Makhtumkuli district (Balkanabad exploration company).
Latest developments in legislation. In line with the Land Code of Turkmenistan and the Presidential Decree (14668 of 18.03.2016) "On governing land relations in Turkmenistan", an Order was adopted for abolishing the right of respective legal entities to use land on the basis of contracts for allocation of their land plots for enterprises and institutions, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
The President of Turkmenistan signed a decree, which sets the acreage of agricultural land fund, from which land plots will be allocated for stock companies, peasant farms, other legal persons and citizens in the country. The land will be leased for 99 years, provided that wheat, cotton and other crops from the ‘state order’ list are grown on contractual basis on, at least, 70% of the land area. Crop surplus can be used by owners of land plots on their own or sold by state purchase price to the state.
Strengthening of physical infrastructure and digitalization of agriculture. In January-September, machine-handling in crop production increased by 61.8% as compared to the similar period in 2019, mainly, through procurement of up-to-date agricultural equipment. 785 units of such equipment were bought from the American “John Deer” company. Modern ‘smart’ farms with automated production processes are in the process of establishment (e.g., a poultry farm, greenhouses in Balkanabat and Mary district).
• As part of the EU-funded Project “Support to Further Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Turkmenistan – SARD III”, the 7th work meeting of the Project’s Steering Committee (17 June), a seminar for farmers (27-28 August), and a webinar “Vegetables production in greenhouses and key aspects of greenhouse business management” (25 November) were held. The Project aims to develop small- and medium-scale business in the agroindustry and introduce international standards and best practices. One of the main aspects of the Project is the improvement of water and land use and contribution to environmental security.
• Under the UNDP/GEF Project “Supporting climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities in drought-prone areas of Turkmenistan”: the local adaptation plans were developed jointly with local authorities, farmers and livestock breeders to overcome the effects of climate change (droughts, floods, desertification, etc.); a webinar “Establishing agricultural advisory services and knowledge dissemination services in Turkmenistan” was held on 16 October. The Project supports 6 farm associations and 2 livestock farms in Lebap and Dashoguz provinces, continues providing grants in support of community projects and holds trainings on the development of grant-seeking proposals, introduction of agricultural innovations, including water accounting, laser land leveling, solar energy use and the modernization of water collecting facilities.
Latest developments in legislation. The internal regulations of the Ministry of Energy and the structure of its headquarters have been approved.
The energy sector continues increasing the generating capacities. Two, 70 MWh each, gas turbine energy blocks will be constructed and an existing power station at Turkmenbashy oil processing complex will be reconstructed by the Turkish Calik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. A 432 MW gas turbine power station is under construction in Charjew district, Lebap province. The work is carried out together with Sumitomo Corporation, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (Japan) and Turkish Ronesans Holding. Energy Equipment Maintenance and Service Centre will be opened in 2022. The construction is carried out by the consortium of Calik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S (Turkey) and Calik Enerji Swiss AG (Switzerland).
International cooperation. A Program of energy diplomacy development in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 was approved. It sets the key areas of cooperation with UN agencies, the International Energy Agency, the Secretariat of the Energy Charter and other relevant organizations (5 December). A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Energy and UNDP on cooperation in the field of sustainable development of the electric energy industry on 11 December.
Energy Charter. On April 28, a videoconference meeting with the Secretary General of the Energy Charter Dr.Urban Rusnak was held in the premises of the MFA of Turkmenistan. The parties discussed a number of issues related to further development of bilateral cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Energy Charter, modernizing the Energy Charter Treaty, transit of energy carriers. Turkmenistan took part in meetings on the modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty. The participants discussed the issues related to energy transit, access to infrastructures, principles of tariff setting, sustainable development, corporative social responsibility, dispute settlement, and transparency of actions of the parties in energy deals and agreements (2 June, 8 July, 8 September).
Events. A number of seminars and conferences were held in Turkmenistan in the energy sphere, in particular: a webinar on net energy consumption as a new ecological and energy-saving system (14-17 October); online seminar on energy diplomacy (11-12 November, Ashkhabad); International science-to-practice conference “Stable energy cooperation as an essential condition for global development” (1 December, Ashkhabad).
Alternative Energy
National strategies and programs. There is ongoing transition to green economy and to modern environmentally safe and resource-saving technology in industry and social sectors under the State Program for Energy Saving for 2018-2024. A National strategy on renewable energy development in Turkmenistan until 2030 was approved on 5 December.
Solar energy. The “Taze energiya” company installed solar panels to supply electricity to: (1) three settlements in Akhal province (total capacity 10 kW) and large livestock farm in Dashoguz province ; (2) cell towers in the same province and for street lighting on Ashkhabad-Mary and Bugdaily road. It is also planned to install 11 stations of 4.3 MW in remote settlements. In addition, a software called "Digital Photovoltaic Solar System Design" was developed in this context.
International cooperation. СIn order to further develop renewable energy, Turkmenistan cooperates with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) , EU, OSCE and UN agencies. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the UAE S.S. Garadjaev was appointed Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to IRENA (26 June). It is planned to nominate Turkmenistan for election to the IRENA Council for 2021-2022.
Environment and Climate Change
Latest developments in legislation. The Law "On Environmental Information" was adopted on 14 March (227-VI). This law defines the legal, institutional, economic and social frameworks for access to environmental information and is aimed to ensure rights of legal entities and individuals to full, reliable and timely information on the state of the environment and natural resources. The law provides for the establishment of a State Fund of Environmental Information. On 23 October 2020, the Intersectoral Commission on Environmental Protection was established.
The following resolutions of the Mejlis (Parliament) were adopted: "On ratification of the amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer", "On accession to the Agreement on the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds", "On accession to the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals", "On accession to the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity".
Implementation of national strategies and programs. The implementation of the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change is underway. The Strategy provides for a gradual shift of all major industries to more environmentally friendly mode, including energy efficiency and energy conservation, rational use of energy and natural resources, adoption of innovative technologies, advanced scientific and technological solutions, alternative energy sources, etc.
Forests. Turkmenistan joined the UNECE’s Trees in Cities Challenge to plant more than 2.2 million trees in the cities of Turkmenistan in 2020. As part of the National Forest Program (2013-2020), 10 million (21 March) and 15 million (7 November) seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees and grapes were planted.
• Within the framework of the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) (Greifswald University, German/FAO), a workshop was held on 28-31 January on the Island of Vilm and the 3rd Steering Committee meeting took place on 13 November. The rationale for revision of functioning and expansion of the Bereketli Garagum nature reserve and for the creation of better habitats for wild ungulate animals was developed; the preparation of the series of transnational World Heritage nomination “Temperate Deserts of Turan” was underway. On the basis of the Vilm Declaration , national working groups of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have developed draft lists of national nominations. In Turkmenistan those included Bereketli Garagum, Kaplankyr and Repetek nature reserves.
• As part of the Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Awaza (UNDP/GEF), a work plan for 2020 was signed; campaigns for plastic waste collection in exchange for young plants took place in March and August; dedicated equipment was installed to measure and monitor atmospheric air by the Environmental Control Service and laboratories of provincial environmental offices; a training in monitoring environmental state in cities was also held.
Events. A number of events were held in 2020, with the key ones including: a seminar on the outcomes of the high-level conference “Green Central Asia” and the 9th meeting of the EU-CA working group on the environment and climate change (28 February); a science-to-practice conference dedicated to the World Environment Day (5 June); a science-to-practice conference “Environmentally safe habitat is the basis of life” (5 June); a video conference “Preservation of the unique nature and ecological system of Turkmenistan is a key to sustainable development” (2 December).
Turkmenistan took part at the high-level Conference “Green Central Asia” (28 January, Berlin, Germany), the 3rd Central Asia Climate Change Conference (19 October, Dushanbe, Tajikistan); a meeting of the Technology Executive Committee of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (17-20 November, Bonn, Germany).
Floods. A break of the Sultan Bent dam on the Murgab River caused damage to more than hundred houses and farmland in Iolant district of Mary province (June). Flooding was also recorded in the south of Lebap province near Gabshal, Novruz, Ussatlar, and Khatap villages in the south of Kerki, as well as in Dashrabat, Bozarik and Khatap villages due to the outflow of the Amu Darya (June).
Fires. Every year, steppe fires occur in Badkhyz and Karabil in the south of Turkmenistan. In 2020, fires were recorded from May till August.
Preventive measures. As part of the project "The set of mudflow protection structures in the southern part of Ashkhabad city", the Russian company "Vozrozhdenie" started the construction of 7 mudflow collectors. These structure will be capable to collect simultaneously the maximum volume of mudflow and withstand the design seismic activity of 9-9.5 points.
Since May, fire-fighting activities, including arrangement of trench strips and clearing of vast areas from grass vegetation, patrolling of areas, have been carried out in the country. There are fire-fighting checkpoints equipped with rapid response facilities at the Department of Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.
International cooperation. Meetings were held (1) between the Deputy Minister of Defense Mr. Durdiyev and UN representatives to discuss possible expansion of disaster prevention activities (9 July, online); (2) between the heads of ministries and agencies of the central civil defense and emergency services and the heads of UN agencies to discuss priority areas of cooperation for 2021 (16 November).
In 2021, the governments of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan plan to sign an emergency cooperation agreement.
SDGs in Turkmenistan
SDG targets and indicators are integrated into the Socio-Economic Development Program of Turkmenistan for 2019–2025.
United Nations and the Government of Turkmenistan signed the new Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SDCF) for 2021-2025 (14 March). It envisions that the country, by 2025, will make a significant progress in achieving the following three strategic priorities: people-centered governance and rule of law; inclusive, green, and sustainable economic growth; good quality, inclusive and affordable health, education, and social protection. The successive session of the National Leading and Coordinating Committee of the Partnership Framework Development Program between Turkmenistan and the UN for 2016-2020 (14 February) and the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of SDCF for 2021-2025 were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (16 December).
As part of SDG-related events, the Global Session “National Indicators and the National Voluntary Reviews on the Sustainable Development Goals” (27 April); an international seminar “Financing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: the role of integrated national financing mechanisms” (28 May); a webinar “Building robust data ecosystems for achieving the SDGs” (17 November); and, a webinar "Review and guidance on global, international and regional funds to finance the SDGs in Turkmenistan" (18 December) took place in Turkmenistan.
Cooperation on the Caspian Sea
Turkmenistan scales up cooperation on the Caspian Sea. The development of the international treaty framework of the riparian country partnership is underway. Turkmenistan hosted:
• meetings of authorized representatives of the Caspian riparian states to discuss (1) the draft Protocol on cooperation in the field of securing maritime safety in the Caspian Sea (27-29 January); (2) the draft Agreement between the Governments of the Caspian States on Cooperation in Conducting Search and Rescue Operations in the Caspian Sea (30-31 January);
• meetings of experts of the Caspian riparian states to discuss (1) the draft of the Protocol on cooperation in the area of combatting illegal extraction of biological resources (poaching) in the Caspian Sea (3-5 February); (2) the draft Agreement between the governments of the Caspian states on cooperation in the field of scientific research on the Caspian Sea (6-7 February).
Establishment of a reliable system of environmental protection of the Caspian Sea is among the tasks of Turkmenistan's environmental strategy. Mejlis of Turkmenistan at its tenth meeting of sixth convocation adopted a resolution "On ratification of the Protocol on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context to the 2018 Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea" (22 August).
The Institute of the Caspian Sea held: a meeting on the issues of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, including resource usage and collaboration in the Caspian, research, innovation and technological cooperation of the two countries within the framework of prior agreements (7 May); a roundtable on prospects of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the International Ocean Institute. During the meeting the parties discussed also training programs and courses of the Institute (30 October).
The preparation to the VI Summit of the Heads of Caspian Riparian States to be hosted by Turkmenistan was underway.
Turkmenistan took part in the informal meeting of environmental ministers of the Caspian riparian states (9 June), International science-to-practice conference on Caspian bioresources (14 September), fourth session of the Commission for conservation, rational use of aquatic bioresources and management of their joint stock (21-23 December).
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
In 2020, the President of Turkmenistan visited Azerbaijan (11 March), held 20 meetings with official representatives of other countries, heads of foreign corporations and companies, and had 40 telephone calls. Ashkhabad was visited by the Prime-Minister of Kazakhstan, who paid a working meeting on 17 September.
Key developments in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Turkmenistan extends mutually beneficial relationships with the CA countries based on the good-neighborliness and equality principles, both in a bi- and multilateral format. In particular, cooperation is developed in energy, transport, trade, ecology, water, etc. The country is a member of the Central Asia Regional Cooperation Program (CAREC) since 2010. Turkmen delegation took part in the Senior Officials’ Meeting in the framework of CAREC on 20 October. Partnership relations are enhanced under CIS umbrella. During meetings of the Council of CIS State Leaders Turkmenistan signed a number of documents, including the Strategy of CIS economic development until 2030, the draft Priority areas of CIS member states cooperation in the field of transport until 2030, etc. (29 May, 6 November). The President of Turkmenistan spoke at the meeting of the Council of CIS State Leaders on 18 December.
The partnership with Afghanistan is developed within the framework of a number of large projects (construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline and the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan transmission line) and socio-economic and humanitarian programs (Afghan students study in Turkmen education institutions, relief consignments are regularly sent to Afghanistan, and energy is delivered on preferential terms). The President of Turkmenistan approved the program of humanitarian aid to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for 2020-2022 on 20 February. Turkmenistan and Afghanistan signed a set of documents to facilitate further implementation of joint infrastructure projects on 30 September. Turkmenistan also participated at the high-level Afghanistan Conference that was held under the chairmanship of the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Finland jointly with the United Nations (23 November, Geneva). A meeting of cooperation “Central Asia + Afghanistan + China” took place on 9 December.
Promotion of the national interests and reinforcement of the country’s image
2020 was declared the year of “Turkmenistan as the land of neutrality”. In the course of the year, the events dedicated to Turkmenistan’s 25th neutrality anniversary were organized . Upon Turkmenistan’s initiative the political platform “Group of Friends of Neutrality” was established at the United Nations. The first states that became the members of the Group were Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Qatar, Iran, Ireland, Costa Rica and others. An international exhibition was organized just before the International Neutrality Day . Ashgabat hosted an international conference "Policy of neutrality and its importance in ensuring international peace, security and sustainable development" on 12 December. A session was held under the theme “International cooperation in environmental protection and climate change” within the framework of the above International Conference at the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli. The Final document of the International Conference was adopted and disseminated as an input to the UNGA 75th session and published in UN official languages.
Turkmenistan actively cooperates with the United Nations, EU, OSCE, and OIC. In 2020, Turkmenistan was elected Vice-Chairman of the 75th UNGA (29 June). The А/RES/75/28 resolution “The role and importance of a policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and sustainable development” was adopted by the GA (7 December). 2021 was declared the International Year of Peace and Trust by GA upon Turkmenistan’s initiative.
As part of cooperation between Turkmenistan and EU, a meeting under the Turkmenistan-EU dialogue on human rights (18 June), the 19th meeting of the Turkmenistan-EU Joint Committee (25 June), and a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the European Union to Turkmenistan, where the parties discussed the development of a Roadmap for cooperation in such priority areas as energy, transport, trade and education, took place.
The official web-sites of: MFA, State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Justice
Information agencies: turkmenistan.gov.tm, tdh.gov.tm, turkmenportal.com, oilgas.gov.tm, orient.tm, arzuw.news, www.parahat.info