Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.3. Republic of Tajikistan
Water Sector
Water resources. Tajikistan has got water resources from glaciers, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater. There are 14,509 glaciers with the total glaciation area of 11,146 km2 (approx. 8% of the country’s area) and the total glacial volume of about 845 km3. 947 rivers stretching to more than 28,500 km flow across the country. The main watercourses are the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya and their tributaries. The average annual runoff generated in Tajikistan is 64 km3/year (62.9 km3/year in the Amu Darya basin and 1.1 km3/year in the Syr Darya basin) or 55.4% of the average annual surface runoff in the Aral Sea Basin. Tajikistan possesses about 1,300 lakes covering 705 km2. The lakes contain over 46.3 km3 of water, including 20 km3 of freshwater. The potential groundwater stock is 18.7 m3/year, while usable groundwater resources are estimated at 2.8 km3/year.
Latest developments in legislation. A number of regulatory documents were adopted in 2020, including: (1) the law on Water User Association, which sets economic, institutional and legal framework of WUA activities and aims at water conservation and efficient operation of waterworks facilities in WUA’s service area (1668 of 02.01.2020); (2) the Water Code of Tajikistan (1688 of 02.04.2020 ), which governs public relations in the area of water ownership, use and exploitation and aims at conservation and rational use of water resources and legal protection of water users; (3) the governmental decree (241 of 29.04.2020 ), which assigns the Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the Government of Tajikistan the coordinating function of WUA activities; (4) the governmental decree on assignment of an authorized state body for regulation of water use (548 of 27.10.2020) in the face of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources; (5) the governmental decree on the procedures for development, approval and fulfillment of basin water plans (680 of 31.12.2020); (6) the governmental decree on the procedure of establishment and functioning of river basin councils (681 of 31.12.2020).
New appointments. Mr. Daler Shofakir Jum'a was appointed Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan in connection with the appointment of Mr. Usmonzoda as Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan.
Mr. Orif Khamid Amirzoda was appointed Director of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).
Projects. ADB approved a grant of $15 million for the Water Resources Management in the Panj River Basin Project. This will be used for the construction of a sediment tank in the Chubek irrigation system, which is the largest one (50,160 ha) in the basin. Due to deterioration of the system, including sedimentation, the system’s flow capacity decreased to 80 m3/s in 2013 against the design capacity of 150 m3/s (1950).
In December 2020, GEF approved a grant for the FAO’s “Institutionalizing transboundary water management between Tajikistan and Afghanistan for the Panj River Sub Basin” project worth $7.9 million. The project objective is to establish new operational mechanisms and foster effective transboundary water management between Tajikistan and Afghanistan to manage nexus trade-offs in the Panj River basin. The Project is comprised of 4 components: (1) jointly agreed transboundary diagnostic analysis considering climate change, environmental flows, and development related nexus trade-offs; (2) transboundary water management strategy and action program and underpinning institutional arrangement for the Panj River basin; (3) demonstration projects to pilot interventions for improved transboundary water management (focused on climate change, drought and flood mitigation, sustainable water and land management, policies, practices and technologies); (4) enhanced capacity of key stakeholders, reinforced participatory processes, mainstreamed gender equality focus, and effective project progress monitoring.
Events. The Republican Research-to-Practice Conference “Accounting, formation, distribution and use of water resources as the main factor of sustainable development in Tajikistan” was organized by the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and TajikNIIHiM and held on 21 October in Dushanbe.
Water sector reform. As part of the Program for water sector reformation in Tajikistan for the period of 2016-2025, the following results were achieved:
• Legislative and regulatory development: (1) adopted a new Water Code, the laws on drinking water supply and sanitation and on Water User Associations, nine bylaws and 10 draft ones are in process of approval; (2) developed drafts of the National Water Strategy until 2030 and the basin water plans for the Syr Darya, Zarafshon, Panj, Kofarnikhon, Isfara and Isfana River Basins; a Program of water supply rehabilitation in the industrial sector and equipping with water meters is in process of approval; a methodology for tariffication of irrigation water supply services;
• Institutional reforms: (1) determined basin zones (territorial units of water management); (2) established five river basin organizations; (3) formed four Basin Dialogues on IWRM in the Syr Darya, Zarafshon, Panj and Kofarnihon basin zones and held their scheduled meetings; (4) started the process of establishing river basin councils in the Syr Darya, Zarafshon, Panj and Kofarnihon basin zones; (5) work on developing a draft State Program on water supply and sanitation for the period until 2030 and improving the governance structure in this sector is underway.
• Infrastructure rehabilitation: (1) 11 projects worth $180 million in the water supply and sanitation sector; (2) 5 projects worth $149 million in the sector of land reclamation and irrigation (+bank enforcement) are ongoing;
• Supporting instruments of the water sector reform: (1) developed a Concept on the National water information system and a methodology for coding water bodies and catchment basins in the Republic and completed coding of water bodies; the State water cadastre, Water budgets, and Irrigation database applications are under development; (2) work on the establishment of an IWRM Innovation and Research Cluster on the base of the Tajik Agrarian University is underway with the support of CAREC Tajik branch and SDC; (3) held workshops and trainings to build capacities of those, who work in the water sector.
Drinking Water Supply
Latest developments in legislation. The following regulatory documents were approved: (1) Procedure of accounting and reporting in the drinking water supply and sanitation sector (117 of 27.02.2020); (2) Procedure of establishment of trust funds for drinking water supply and sanitation.
Projects and programs. The first stage of the "Water Supply Line from Dehmoy Spring of Jabbor Rasulov District in Khujand" was commissioned to provide clean drinking water for more than 15,000 residents. The Project was implemented at the expense of the republican budget, with the cost of the first stage of more than 16 million somoni.
The construction of a 15,282 m long water pipeline was completed and now provides water for 537 households of the Guliston community in Kulkand Isfara Jamoat. The total cost of the facility is 1,162,972 somoni, of which 861,372 somoni - grant contribution, and 301,600 somoni - contribution from local residents.
As part of the “Strengthening the Water Service Management of Pyanj and Khamadoni Vodokanals in the Republic of Tajikistan” Project, the JICA Tajikistan Office provided assistance to the "Khojagii Manziliu Kommu" utility company in the amount of 9,555 thousand somoni for purifying drinking water.
Under the “Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Management Project” (SWSMT), the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat in Tajikistan (AKAH) successfully completed technical feasibility, hazard and environmental assessments for water supply systems in 75 targeted villages. It also established a water quality testing laboratory. The piped water supply systems were constructed in 10 districts and more than 6,000 households across the target villages were benefited from this water supply.
In 2020, the agricultural production reached 33.6 billion somoni or over $2.9 billion. This is by 8.8% more than in 2019. The rates of crop and livestock production growth amounted to 8.2% and 10.7%, respectively. The country’s agricultural sector produced more than 842,300 tons of grain (excluding corn), 656,500 tons of potato, 404,000 tons of cotton, etc.
The per capita gross domestic product (GDP) was a little over 8,740 somoni ($773) in 2020. The total GDP was 82,543 billion somoni (more than $7.3 billion). Agriculture accounted for 22.6% in GDP.
Agricultural export. As of 21 October 2020, Tajikistan exported a little over 120,400 tons of agricultural produce (more than 90,800 tons of vegetables, 12,100 tons of fruits, 95 tons of melons and gourds, more than 15.4 tons of dry fruits, and 1,900 tons of other products) for more than $17.1 million. This is 41.7% or 35,400 tons more as compared to 2019.
Latest developments in legislation. The following regulatory documents were approved: (1) Governmental decree (566 of 28.10.2020) on the Concept for establishment and development of agro-industrial clusters in Tajikistan for a period up to 2040. The Concept sets objectives of agro-industrial clusters and institutional, organizational, methodological and administrative bases of cluster development; (2) Governmental decree (386 of 25.06.2020) on the Program of food security in Tajikistan for 2020-2024. The Program’s objective is to supply population and processing enterprises with safe and nutritive local agricultural produce.
New appointments. Mr. Sulaymon Rizoi Ziyozoda was appointed Minister of Agriculture by Presidential Decree on 3 November 2020.
International cooperation and projects. As part of the “Agriculture Commercialization” Project, a new agricultural information platform “Tajik produce” was launched. The online platform containing the necessary information on local agricultural produce is to expand cooperation between Tajik businessmen and importers from CIS countries.
Power production and export. In 2020, Tajikistan generated about 19.8 billion kWh, which is 4.4% (906 million kWh) less than in 2019. About 95% of electricity in the republic was generated by hydroelectric power plants, and the remaining part - by thermal power plants. Electricity export amounted to more than $ 56.4 million, which is 40% less than in 2019.
An agreement was signed between Uzbek and Tajik (OJSC “Barki Tojik”) energy agencies for electricity supply from Tajikistan to Uzbekistan in the period from May to September (2 May). Because of reduced inflow to the Vakhsh River and water shortage in reservoirs, the average daily supply was reduced from 12 to 0.3 MkWh (25 July). In early August, to supply the population and national economy with electricity, OJSC “Barki Tojik” terminated the agreements of electricity export to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. In September, the agency informed on filling the Nurek reservoir and the resumption of exports to Afghanistan.
A single Republican command center was established to ensure rational use of electricity and detect illegal connections to electrical grids (10 December). The Center will raise awareness on the rational use of electricity and check consumption in households, factories and institutions irrespective of their ownership form.
New appointments. Mr. Jamshed Shodi Shoimzoda was appointed first Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources on 3 November 2020.
HPP modernization
Kairakkum HPP. The Government of Tajikistan has ratified a grant agreement between OJSC “Barki Tojik” and EBRD for the project on modernization of Kairakkum HPP (08.04.2020). Under the Project second phase it is planned to complete the rehabilitation of HPP that will increase the current installed capacity from 126 to 174 MW, prevent water losses through spillways, and provide an opportunity to generate more hydropower using the same flow.
Nurek HPP. he WB Board of Directors approved additional grant for $50 million from IDA for the “Nurek HPP Rehabilitation Project”, phase II. The total cost of the Project phase II is $192 million. It is planned to rehabilitate the remaining six aggregates and the Nurek bridge and repair HPP building and other key structures. Upon completion, electricity generation will increase almost by 300 MkWh.
Sarband HPP. Aggregates 2 and 6 of 39 and 49 MW, respectively, were commissioned on 22 September. Rehabilitation of aggregate 3 has been started.
HPP construction
Rogun HPP. By October 2020, two aggregates of Rogun HPP generated 1.7 billion kWh of electricity for the national energy system. In 2020, 1.872 billion somoni were allocated from the state budget for the pre-contract construction-assemblage work, procurement of equipment, construction materials and services. The construction-assemblage work was continued in the site of spare and main fourth gate. The Webuild is to ensure timely construction of the dam up to a level of 1,110 m and focus on reinforcement of the dam and prevention of flooding. To ensure safety of HPP and organize technical and technological monitoring at 53 structures of HPP, 4,000 measurement devices were installed. Eleven digital satellite seismic stations have been set up around the Rogun and Nurek reservoirs with connections to the seismic centers of the Rogun HPP and the Geophysical Service of the Tajikistan’s National Academy of Sciences.
Sebzor HPP. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has signed a trilateral grand agreement with the German Development Bank for construction of Sebzor HPP worth €18.6 million (22 July). For the construction of 11-MW HPP and its infrastructure in Roshkala district, GBAO $55.2 million were mobilized in total.
Shurab HPP. A feasibility study for the construction of 8th stage of the Vakhsh cascade – Shurab HPP – was started. The HPP of 862 MW will be located between Rogun HPP and Nurek HPP, 110 km far from Dushanbe. $ 1 billion will be needed for the construction. It is planned that the Tajik Aluminum Company will take care of the preparation, with the involvement of authorized agencies and consulting companies.
HPPs on the Zarafshan River. The Tajik and Uzbek delegations negotiated the joint construction of two HPPs on the Zarafshan River in Tajikistan (28 January, Tashkent). At the first stage, it is planned to build Yavan HPP with the estimated cost of $282 million. The 140-MW HPP will generate 700-800 MkWh. At the next stage, the parties will consider the construction of a 135-MW hydropower plant on the Fandarya River with the estimated cost of $270 million to generate 500-600 MkWh. The HPPs will produce up to 1.4 billion kWh "exclusively for the needs of Uzbekistan" (see Bilateral Cooperation).
CASA-1000. As part of the project, excavation and concrete work have been completed in Tajikistan, and metal structures, anchor bolts, and drainage pipes have been delivered to the construction site. By agreement with the MEWR, negotiations have been concluded between the Kalpataru contractor and Nokili TALCO for the procurement of 1,780 km of cable at 9.7 million somoni. Construction of the transmission line will be completed by the end of 2021. The contractor was selected for the supply and installation of equipment at Isfara-1 substation and the improvement of 110/10 kV distribution networks, transmission line and substation.
Alternative Energy
The world's tallest new solar power plant of 220 kW was put into operation with the assistance of USAID in Murghab district, GBAO. The plant will increase the available daily electricity by 50%. The project also includes a hybrid pumped storage hydro of 180 kWh. With the commissioning of the power plant, more than 6,000 people in the city of Murghab now have access to electricity.
Climate Change, Glaciers and Environmental Protection
New appointments. Mr. Dilovarsho Saidakhmad Dustzoda was appointed Director of the Hydrometeorology Agency at the Committee for Environmental Protection on 8 June 2020.
International cooperation and projects
Tajikistan and Afghanistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on protection of mountain ecosystems in the Panj and Amu Darya river basins (1 October). The Memorandum was signed for 5 years and implied measures for (1) counteraction to climate change; (2) biodiversity conservation; (3) water quality monitoring; (4) environmental assessment; (5) exchanges in ecosystem management.
The Government of Tajikistan signed an agreement to launch a climate change adaptation project titled “Building Climate Resilience of Communities through Capacity Strengthening and Livelihood Diversification in Mountainous Regions of Tajikistan” funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Events. The Tajik delegation took part in the International Conference “Green Central Asia” (28 January, Berlin). The Green Climate Action Month was launched as part of the partnership to strengthen action on climate change and biodiversity conservation (since 24 October, Committee for Environmental Protection and GIZ). The International Science-to-Practice Online Conference “Integrated use of water and land resources in Central Asia in the context of global climate change” was organized on 3-4 December by the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology at the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Emergencies and Disasters
Emergencies. In 2020, 213 natural emergency situations (680 - in 2019) were recorded in the territory of Tajikistan. 25 of them caused material damage to the population and the national economy in the amount of 58.9 million somoni. Eight people died, 141 residential buildings, 14 bridges, 89 km of roads, over 18,817 ha were damaged.
Prevention measures. The Committee of Emergency Situation of Tajikistan has signed a contract for delivery and installation of weather radar to detect hail and other weather phenomena. The radar is to be put into operation in March 2021.
Capacity building. As part of the EU-funded project “Stabilization of Tajikistan’s southern border region with Afghanistan”, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in co-operation with the Committee of Emergency Situation organized the first round of training course to improve skills of rescuers in conducting field-based emergency response operations under challenging conditions.
International cooperation on transboundary disaster risks. An agreement was signed on cooperation between the Institute of Seismology of the Uzbekistan’s Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geology, Antiseismic Construction and Seismology of the Tajikistan’s Academy of Sciences. The Parties agreed to exchange methodologies and geological-geophysical and seismological information in the field of earthquake prediction and seismic zoning.
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
Working and official visits. In 2020, the President of Tajikistan paid a working visit to the Russian Federation to take part in special events dedicated to 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (26 June). Official visits were also paid to the Russian Federation by the Minster of Foreign Affairs S. Mukhriddin (24-25 February), Chairman of Parliament R. Emomali (24-25 November). The Russian delegation headed by Deputy Chairman of the Government visited Dushanbe.
Visits of the Tajik Minister of Foreign Affairs to Brunei, South Korea, Qatar, Germany, Russia, Serbia and Uzbekistan and meetings with his colleagues from India, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and US allowed discussing priority areas of bilateral cooperation in economic sector, trade, investments and infrastructure.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. Despite complex situation due to the pandemic, bi- and multilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and partner countries, international and regional organizations continued developing. A Tajik-Uzbek Investment Forum took place on 29 September and resulted in signature of contracts worth $50 million.
Foreign investments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FDI flow to Tajikistan fell by 53% in 2020. Investment in the economy of Tajikistan amounted to $428 million, including $162 million of FDI. According to the State Investment Committee, 70 investment projects worth more than $3.5 billion are implemented in the country. About 50% is loans, more than 45% is grants, and the remaining percentage is the Government’s contribution. The projects are designed for rehabilitation and development of transport, energy, municipal sector, agriculture, land reclamation, as well as for health protection, education, social protection, state governance.
УReinforcement of the country’s image. The UN General Assembly has adopted its resolution 72/212 “United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018–2028”, which was offered by Tajikistan and the Netherlands together with the vast majority of UN member countries – 190 countries (21 December).
Tajikistan assumed the responsibility of chairmanship in the SCO (10 November) and the CSTO (2 December). Speaking at summits of these regional organizations, Emomali Rahmon voiced priorities of his country chairmanship.
Tajikistan also has been chairing IFAS since 2019 to 2022. See IFAS and Other Regional Organizations in Central Asia.
Participation in high-level events
The President of Tajikistan spoke at (1) the UNGA 75th session, noting that Tajikistan intends to take active efforts for the promotion of its constructive initiatives on water and climate change together with other countries (22 September, online); (2) the meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State, where Dushanbe was declared the cultural capital of the Commonwealth in 2021 (18 December).
The virtual participation of the Tajik Minister of Foreign Affairs S. Mukhriddin was organized at the High-Level Forum “Accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda through water, sanitation and climate action” on 29 May, the International Conference of Foreign Ministers within the “Belt and Road Initiative” on 18 June, the Annual Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) on 23 September, the Special Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) on 24 September and the 27th Session of Ministerial Council of OSCE on 3 December.
Official sites of the: President, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation, Agency for Hydrometeorology, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture
Information agencies and sites: khovar.tj; dialog.tj; east-fruit.com; tajikta.tj; avesta.tj; tj.sputniknews.ru; fergana.agency; sugdnews.com; eco.uz; spinform.ru