Section 5. Key water developments in the countries of Central Asia
5.2. Kyrgyz Republic
Water Sector
Water resources. The total available water resources in KR are 2,458 кm3, including 650 кm3 (26.4%) in glaciers, 1,745 km3 (71%) in lakes, 13 кm3 (0.5%) as potentially usable groundwater resources, and 44.5 to 51.9 кm3 (2%) as average annual river runoff. There are about 3,000 rivers and streams, the catchment area of which covers 7% of the territory. The amount of annually renewable groundwater in major artesian basins is about 7.7 km3. The current glaciation accounts for 4% of the country’s territory.
The total water consumption in the republic is estimated at 10-12 km3 a year. The water transportation losses in river channels, canals and irrigation structures amount to 1.7-2.3 km3. Owing to natural (mainly relief) conditions, irrigation water is supplied mainly from small rivers serving about 800,000 ha or 76% of the total irrigated area: 80,000 ha (11%) are irrigated from regulated sources, while the rest of 720,000 ha, by natural flow.
Public administration reforms. By Decree 38 of 12.02.2021 “On institutional measures amid the adoption of a new Government structure and reform of executive authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic”, the following restructuring was undertaken: (1) the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation was transformed into the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development; (2) State Water Resources Agency was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development, except for the Department for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, which was transferred to the Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications; (3) State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry was transformed into the State Forestry Agency and transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Regional Development, except for functions on ecology and environmental protection that were passed to the Ministry of Emergencies.
IT-technology is promoted in the State Water Resources Agency's activities, including development of online information bases and integration with the e-system of interdepartmental interaction "Tyndyk". These measures will allow automating the water measurement system, increasing efficiency and transparency of implemented projects.
Water-saving technology. Over 2,450 economic entities on an area of more than 2,410 ha were equipped with drip irrigation. In 2020, 82 ha of agricultural land in Batken province were equipped with drip irrigation system, and water-saving equipment was installed on 18 ha of the Kara-Kuldja forest enterprise. As part of the Sustainable Energy Finance Facility Program (KyrSEFF), a number of projects for water saving has been implemented in the country. This included the installation of drip irrigation on an area of 3.15 ha in a farm in Issyk-Kul province that allowed reducing irrigation water consumption by 60% or more than 724 m3 annually.
Projects. An agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and IDA on the Swiss grant (additional financing for the National Water Management Project) was ratified for an amount of $4.5 million. The grant will be used for implementation of measures planned in the water sector under the original project, as well as for strengthening of the newly established water institutions and improvement of O&M of main canals at the inter- and on-farm levels.
A number of projects were implemented to improve the water supply of nearby lands, including in Uzgen (1.5 thousand ha), Kochkor (2.5 thousand ha), At-Bashy (2.3 thousand ha), Naryn (5.0 thousand ha), and Aravan (2.6 thousand ha) districts. One of large irrigation projects - construction of "Maksat" culvert in Leilek district, Batken province - will help to add 1,8 thousand ha of irrigated land in the border area and transfer about 3,0 thousand ha from pumped to gravity flow irrigation.
Under the WB Agriculture Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project: (1) 30 WUAs were included into a rehabilitation program as part of Rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure component and got equipment for maintenance of the on-farm network, and construction was completed on 6 pilot inter-farm system; (2) as part of the Agricultural Advisory Services component, 33 demonstration sites for drip irrigation and 32 sites for advanced surface irrigation were organized in 65 Aiyl Aimaks.
Within the framework of the National Water Resources Management Project Additional Financing: (1) Basin Plans for the Chui, Talas and Karadarya-Syr Darya-Amu Darya River Basins have been finalized; (2) the Talas and Karadarya-Syr Darya-Amu Darya Basin Water Administrations have been established and their provisions approved; (3) training in improving water use efficiency was held on 16 and 19 March 2021.
Drinking Water Supply
Drinking water supply – facts and figures (Source)
Latest developments in legislation. The Program for the development of drinking water supply and sanitation systems in settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2021, the Plan of measures for implementation of the Program and the matrix of indicators for monitoring and assessment of implementation were approved on 12 June 2020.
Projects and programs. Drinking water supply systems were constructed and rehabilitated in 107 out of 1,819 villages at the expense of the WB, the republican budget, international funds and local budgets.
Clean water projects were implemented in Issyk-Kul, Chui, Osh and Batken provinces. Besides, projects were undertaken for the construction and rehabilitation of irrigation systems and the improvement of water accounting.
A number of loan and grant agreements have been ratified between the Kyrgyz Republic and international partners, in particular:
• with EBRD on (1) “Rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage system in Kerben town” for €6.5 million, including: €2.5 million – EBRD loan; €3 million – EU grant from IFCA funds; €1 million – EBRD grant from technical cooperation funds; (2) “Rehabilitation of the water supply system in Isfana town” for €5 million, including: €1.6 million – EBRD loan; €2.4 million - EU grant from IFCA funds; €1 million - EBRD grant from technical cooperation funds. Implementation period – 3 years.
• with Saudi Fund for Development on “Rural water supply and sanitation project” for an amount of $30 million. Co-financing from the Government of Kyrgyzstan will be $10 million. Implementation period – 4.5 years.
• with ADB on the “Program for rural water supply and sanitation in Naryn province” for an amount of $32.9 million, including $13.7 million – ADB grant; $13.7 million – ADB loan; $5.5 million — co-financing by the Government of Kyrgyzstan; and, the agreement on the financing mechanism of $10 million for the construction and rehabilitation of water supply and sanitation systems in Osh and Karakol, as well as villages in Naryn province and Bazar-Korgon district of Dzhalal-Abad province.
Additionally, (1) the draft law on ratification of the Loan agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and EBRD on “Water supply and sewerage system rehabilitation in Naryn”, Phase 2, and a grant agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and EBRD on the investment grant provided by the Government of Swiss Confederation and the European Union for this project, and (2) decision of the Government on the Loan agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and EBRD were approved by Decree 422.
Irrigated area. According to the State Statistical Committee of the Republic, in 2020, the total crop acreage was 223.6 thousand ha or 6.9 thousand ha more than in 2019.
Latest developments in legislation. The Decree of the President "On measures for the development of the agro-industrial sector in the Kyrgyz Republic" has been signed. The Government was recommended (1) to develop and submit for consideration a draft Concept of Agrarian Sector Development in the Kyrgyz Republic and an action plan for its implementation; (2) to improve the efficiency and market turnover of agricultural land; (3) to consider the possibility of transferring a part of land from the State Agricultural Land Fund to an authorized agriculture body for the development of cooperatives, seed production and breeding farms, etc.
Development trends. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation continued reforming agriculture and increasing its competitiveness through (1) consolidation of farmers, producers and suppliers into a “hub” of high-quality “halal” products; (2) digitalization by introducing electronic document management in the ministry to provide accurate and timely information to farmers and developing an information system for agricultural services to citizens; (3) processing. The Ministry signed an Agreement on cooperation with the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange in order to support farmers and create opportunities for products to enter the world markets. The Agreement sets the following: creation of a list of exchange commodities; assistance for domestic producers to enter the commodity markets of EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) member states; and, identification of promising directions of business.
In 2020, production of main crops was increased in the republic as a whole. Over 1.8 million t of grain were milled. This is 4.2% more compared to 2019. The harvest of vegetables amounted to more than 1 million t but was 0.2% lower than in 2019.
Projects. The Governmental Decree No.81 of 14.02.2020 approved the Agriculture Financing-8 Project, for which 1,250 million soms were allocated. The following interest rate was set for agricultural producers: 10% for small producers, including physical persons; 8% for large ones; and, 6% per annum for food and processing businesses.
The WB Agriculture Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project under its Agricultural Advisory Services component allocated a small grant for 30 WUAs in the amount of $30 thousands with 10% of joint contribution by WUAs for the implementation of WUA development plans and provided agricultural machines, seeds and fertilizers; concluded contracts with agricultural consultants to improve knowledge and skills of farmer-water users; conducted training in agronomy and irrigation; established 1077 support groups that received certified vegetable and forage crop seeds and small equipment.
International cooperation
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Rural Development Authority of Korea. The parties will jointly study and coordinate activities for the development and dissemination of agricultural technologies of mutual interest. Within the framework of this Memorandum, the Center of Korea Project on International Agriculture (KOPIA) was to be established in Kyrgyzstan. Director of the Sixth Political Department / Department of Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic E.Omuraliev met with the Head of KOPIA Mission and discussed the possibilities of developing joint projects for building capacities of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of agriculture (27 October).
An agreement has been reached with IDB to provide the Kyrgyz Government with a $20 million loan for the "Development of Irrigated Agriculture in Issyk-Kul and Naryn Provinces" project, which aims to improve rural livelihoods through agricultural development and water management adapted to climate change.
Kyrgyzstan has sufficient hydropower potential, which is estimated at 18.5 million kW or more than 142 billion kWh. In practice, hydropower resources are used by no more than 10%. More than 90% of the country's energy supply comes from the Toktogul HPP and downstream HPPs of the Naryn cascade.
Latest developments in legislation. The "Regulations on the conditions and procedures for electricity production and supply with renewable energy sources" were approved by Governmental Decree No. 525 of 30.10.2020.
According to the Governmental Decree "On institutional measures amid the adoption of a new Government structure and reform of executive authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic", the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use was re-organized into the Ministry of Energy and Industry.
Modernization of HPPs. In 2020, Kambarata-2, Upper Naryn cascade, and Uchkurgan HPP have undergone modernization.
As part of the "Toktogul HPP Rehabilitation Project" Phase 2, the "ZMEC (China)& SMP (Korea)" consortium made underwater survey to detect defective places of a gate at the HPP and cleaning from water build-up. In general, as part of rehabilitation of Toktogul HPP, 4 transformers and 4 cable lines of VL-500 were replaced and the work on replacement of hydroelectric units of HPP has been started.
Reconstruction of At-Bashi HPP was continued: the third hydrounit was put into operation and the assembling of fourth hydrounit was started.
The Parliament approved an additional agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and EDB for $110 million on commissioning the second hydrounit of Kambarata-2. A loan and grant agreements between KR and ADB on the "Modernization of the Uch-Kurgan HPP" worth $100 million, of which $40 million as a grant and $60 million as a soft loan, were ratified. The project will increase the capacity of the plant from 180 to 216 MW (by 20%) and will ensure stable energy generation for the next 35-40 years.
Small hydropower. Just over 10 small HPPs are in operation in Kyrgyzstan. However, the hydropotential of small rivers is used by about 3%, and the country has capacities to build 100 small hydropower projects of 180 MW.
Regional and international cooperation. The following documents have been signed among others: (1) Protocols of negotiation between representatives of water and energy sectors of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan on the exchange of electric energy during the growing season 2020 and electric energy supplies from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan in 2020 (26 May); (2) a Memorandum of mutually beneficial cooperation between the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use and the Turkish company “CengizHolding” (10 July); (3) a Memorandum of mutual understanding and cooperation between the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use and “B&JCorporation”(19 August).
Additionally, the Chairman of the Board of the National Energy Holding had a meeting with representatives of the Japanese company “Yokogawa Electric Corporation” (February). And the 4th Annual International Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower: Central Asia and the Caspian 2020” was held on 19-20 February in Bishkek.
Environmental Protection and Climate Change
Latest developments in legislation. The staff size of the State Environmental and Forestry Agency at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic was re-considered, and the republican and local environmental and forestry development funds has been liquidated (Decree 154 of 13.03.2020). The following regulatory documents were adopted: (1) the law "On amending the legislative acts on protection of aquatic biological resources", including additions to the Code of Misconduct and the Code of Offences envisaging liability for the import, production, manufacture, sale and use of synthetic fish nets and electrofishing systems (No. 21 of 28.02.2020); (2) the law "On amending the Law of KR on biosphere territories" to remove existing shortcomings and drawbacks in the socio-economic development of biosphere territories, develop a single system of rules, regulations and restrictions on natural resource use and environmental protection, as well as to ensure sustainable development of the "Issyk-Kul" biosphere (No. 26 of 13.03.2020.); (3) the law "On amending the legislative acts on clean air and tax management" (No. 122 of 12.08.2020); (4) the law "On wastewater disposal and treatment facilities within the territory of "Issyk-Kul" biosphere to ensure the rights of citizens to a healthy environment and preserve integrity of the ecosystem, taking into account its inclusion in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (No. 133 of 17.08.2020).
International cooperation. The Kyrgyz Republic presented its Voluntary National Review (VNR) of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on 16 July 2020 at the High Level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF) of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOС). The National Review describes key directions in the Republican policy, main achievements and challenges in implementation of the Agenda 2030 goals and targets.
Agreements between the Governments of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on financial and technical cooperation for 2019-2020 have been ratified. The agreements envisage allocation of grants worth €41.8 million for a number of projects, including "Green Economy and Sustainable Private Sector Development" (€6 million); "Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction through Community-based Management of Walnut Forests and Pastures" (€2.9 million).
The Green Climate Fund approved a $2.6 million grant for the development of a national adaptation plan and sectoral adaptation action plans for emergency, health, agriculture and irrigation. Assistance will be provided for strengthening institutions, enhancing horizontal and vertical coordination, and improving scientific and technical support of adaptation planning.
A Coordination Council on Green Economy and Climate Change has been established. The Council combines the functions of former Commissions on climate change and green economy to make a comprehensive effort in planning and implementation of relevant activities.
EBRD launched a Green Technology Selector for the Kyrgyz Republic. This is a catalogue of high-performing green technologies that are pre-approved for green financing via local financial institutions. It is the largest international virtual-store like platform that helps manufacturers and vendors of green technologies find potential clients.
Natural disasters. More the half of the Republican territory is prone to avalanches. The area of 3,200 km2 is subjected to flooding. In May, destructive mudflows in Dzhalal-Abad and Batken provinces damaged residential buildings, roads, businesses and crops. The damage was estimated at about 130.5 million soms. Rising water in the Chon-Naryn Canal led to flooding of 30 home yards, household buildings and roads in Batysh, Alma-Bak, Ak-Korgon and Kotormo in June.
International Cooperation. The Kyrgyz Parliament has approved draft laws on (1) ratification of the Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and IDA on financing the Enhancing Resilience in the Kyrgyz Republic Project. The Project consists of five components, such as strengthening disaster preparedness and response systems, improving safety and functionality of school infrastructure, enhancing financial protection, and contingent emergency response (8 June); (2) ratification of the Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and IDA on financing the Social Protection Emergency Response and Delivery Systems Project worth $50 million (3 September). The World Bank’s Board of Directors approved Additional Financing for the Enhancing Resilience in the Kyrgyz Republic Project in the amount of $55 million from IDA on highly concessional terms.
Foreign Policy and International Cooperation
In 2020, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic paid formal visit to Hungary (September) and working visits to the Russian Federation (February, September, December). The country was visited by Foreign Ministers of Hungary (February) and PRC (September).
Meetings were also held with the Swedish Parliament delegation headed by the First Vice-Speaker (January), Ambassadors of the Russian Federation (October) and the Republic of Kazakhstan (November), Permanent representative of IMF (March), Heads of ADB and WB missions in the Kyrgyz Republic (March), Director of EBRD for Central Asia (March) and others. Telephone calls took place with leaders of a number of countries and heads of international organizations.
As a foreign policy priority in 2020, Kyrgyzstan built and strengthened bilateral relations with its closest partner countries and far abroad countries. 2020 was declared the Cross year of Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Significant efforts were made to mobilize external assistance for measures to prevent and combat COVID-19 pandemic and support the national budget. The total amount of the received assistance was more than $95 million, including over €36 million from EU as rapid and short-term emergency response and budget support. In total, agreements were reached with donors for allocation of $774.4 million, including $343.3 million as financial assistance, $271.3 million as loans and $72.0 million as grants. Additionally, it was agreed to temporarily suspend servicing of foreign debt before a number of countries.
Development of alliances and strategic partnerships. A Roadmap was signed for deepening and strengthening cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in order to intensify trade and economic relations, extend the range of exported goods, and revive joint projects in the industrial and agricultural sectors, the construction of logistics centers and free economic zones in the border areas of the two countries. An agreement has been also reached on establishment of permanent working groups between the ministries of economy, agriculture, transport and customs authorities of the two countries for quick handling of urgent matters. The mechanisms and technical details of formation of a joint Kyrgyz-Uzbek investment fund were discussed (See Bilateral Cooperation).
In 2020, representatives of Kyrgyzstan took part in a number of important international events, among which were: the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) and the Annual Agriculture Ministers’ Conference (January, Berlin); 7th meeting of Joint Kyrgyz-Austrian Commission on Bilateral Foreign Economic Relations (January, Vienna); meeting of the Eurasian intergovernmental council (January, Almaty); C5+1 Ministerial Meeting (February, Tashkent); 32nd session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (November, Tashkent); Joint meeting of the Governmental delegations of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on delimitation and demarcation of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border (December, Bishkek). Additionally, numerous meetings in the format of video-conference also took place at Central Asia, CIS and UN levels and were attended by representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Official sites of the: President, Parliament, Ministry of Justice, National Energy Holding, State Water Resources Agency, State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use/Ministry of Energy and Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation
News sites: barometr.kg; 24.kg; ru.sputnik.kg; kabar.kg