Activities of international water organizations

World Water Council: An International Multi-Stakeholder Platform for a Water Secure World
The World Water Council was established in 1996 in response to increasing concern from the global community about world water issues. Its mission is to promote awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, to facilitate the efficient management and use of water in all its dimensions and on an environmentally sustainable basis. The WWC has been granted special consultative status by UNESCO and ECOSOC.

The goal of the APWF is to contribute to sustainable water management in order to achieve the targets of the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific by capitalizing on the region’s diversity and rich history of experience in dealing with water as a fundamental part of the human existence. Specifically, the APWF shall champion efforts aimed at boosting investments, building capacity, and enhancing cooperation in the water sector at the regional level and beyond.

KnowledgeHub of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum
KnowledgeHubs is the APWF’s network of regional water knowledge hubs. Each hub is a center of excellence committed to improving water security in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting knowledge sharing and championing feasible solutions for its priority water topic. Together, the hubs collaborate to generate and share knowledge and develop capacity in more than a dozen water knowledge domains.

International Network of Basin Organization
“Together for Integrated Water Resource Management over the World”

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
The Commission is dedicated to enhancing the worldwide supply of food and fibre for all people by improving water and land management and the productivity of irrigated and drained lands through appropriate management of water, environment and application of irrigation, drainage and flood management techniques.

International Office for Water
The International Office for Water is a non-profit-making Association under the French Law of July 1,1901, state approved by Decree on September 13, 1991.
Its objective is to gather public and private partners involved in water resources management and protection in France, Europe and in the world (bi- and multi-lateral cooperation organizations, ministries, water agencies, local communities, universities, engineering schools, research centers, land development companies, water suppliers and professionals, industrialists, professional associations, non governmental organizations) in order to set up a real partners’ network.

The Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management
The mission of INWRDAM is to foster closer cooperation among the countries of the Muslim Ummah in the field of development and management of water resources. In pursuit of this mission, it seeks to generate ideas and policy directions through intensive dialogue, studies and research on a continuing basis

International Water Resources Association
IWRA is an international network of multidisciplinary experts on water resources. We are a non-profit, non-governmental, educational organisation established in 1971. IWRA provides a global forum for bridging disciplines and geographies by connecting professionals, students, individuals, corporations and institutions who are concerned with the sustainable use of the world’s water resources.

International Commission on Large Dams
The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is a non-governmental International Organization which provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in dam engineering.