Selected bibliography / Reports

Analytical review of biodiversity and significant ecosystems conservation priorities in Central Asia (2023) 

A Blueprint for Resilience: Charting the Course for Water Security in Europe and Central Asia: Diagnostic Report / C.L. Cordoba, R. Mair, C. Fenwick, R.K.Sahu, B.A. Willaarts, and others. World Bank (2024) 

Confronting scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth (2012) 

E/ESCAP/CED(2)/5 Emerging and persistent issues in water resources management. Note by the Secretariat 

Energy and Water: The Vital Link for a Sustainable Future (2014) 

International cooperation for sustainable land and water management / E. Nkonya, N. Cenacchi, C. Ringler and D. Lantieri (2011) 

The State of Food and Agriculture 2020 

Global food security index 2015: An annual measure of the state of global food security (2015) 

Global food security index 2014: An annual measure of the state of global food security (2014) 

Global food security index 2013: An annual measure of the state of global food security (2013) 

Global food security index 2012: An assessment of food affordability, availability and quality (2012) 

FAO: Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kazakhstan (2022) 

FAO: Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kyrgyzstan (2022) 

FAO: Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Tajikistan (2022) 

FAO: Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan (2022) 

Measuring water use in a green economy / UNEP (2012) 

National Report on integration of the "Green Growth" tools in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Securing Water, Sustaining Growth (2015) 

The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective (2012) 

The Prospects for “Green” Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic 

The United Nations World Water Development Report 2014: Water and Energy (2014) 

Water Security and Peace Conference Proceedings (2013) 

National reports, strategies and action plans 

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Climate Change

Initial National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2013)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2017)

Biological Diversity

Afghanistan’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2014)

Afghanistan’s Third National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2007)

Afghanistan’s Fourth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2009)

Afghanistan’s Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014)

Sustainable Development

Voluntary National Review of Afghanistan: SDGs’ Progress Report (2017)

Republic of Kazakhstan


First UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Kazakhstan (2000)

Second UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Kazakhstan (2008)

Third UNECE Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan (2019)

Climate Change

Initial national communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1998)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2009)

Third–Sixth National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2013)

Seventh National Communication and third Biennial report to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (2017)

Biological Diversity

National strategy and action plan on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999)

The First National Report on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998)

The Second National Report on progress in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002)

The Third National Report on progress in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2005)

The Fourth National Report on progress in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2009)

The Fifth National Report on progress in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014)

The Sixth National Report on progress in implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2018)


The Program on Combating Desertification in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2005-2015 (2005)

Sustainable Development

Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan (2002)

Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan (2005)

Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan (2007)

Millennium Development Goals in Kazakhstan (2010)

Voluntary National Review of Kazakhstan (2019)

Voluntary National Review of Kazakhstan (2022)

Kyrgyz Republic


First UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Kyrgyzstan (2000)

Second UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Kyrgyzstan (2009)

Climate Change

First national communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (2003)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2009)

Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2017)

Biological Diversity

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic (1998)

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic (2016)

The Third National Report on conservation of biodiversity of the Kyrgyz Republic (2005)

The Fourth National Report on conservation of biodiversity of the Kyrgyz Republic (2008)

The Fifth National Report on conservation of biodiversity of the Kyrgyz Republic (2013)


The National Action Plan (NAP) and the Activity Frameworks for Implementing the UNCCD in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2015-2020 (2014)

Third National Report of Kyrgyz Republic on United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Implementation (2006)

Sustainable Development

The Kyrgyz Republic: First report on progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (2003)

The Kyrgyz Republic: Second report on progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (2010)

The Kyrgyz Republic: Third report on progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (2013)

Voluntary National Review of Kyrgyz Republic (2020)

Republic of Tajikistan


First UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Tajikistan (2004)

Second UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Tajikistan (2012)

Third UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Tajikistan (2017)

Climate Change

National action plan of the Republic of Tajikistan for climate change mitigation (2003)

The first national communication of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2003)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2008)

Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2014)

Fourth National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2022)

Biological Diversity

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2003)

First national report on biodiversity conservation of the Republic of Tajikistan (2003)

Second National Report on Preservation of Biodiversity (2005)

Third National Report on Preservation of Biodiversity (2006)

Fifth National Report on Preservation of Biodiversity of the Republic of Tajikistan (2014)

Sustainable Development

Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals Tajikistan (2003)

Millennium Development Goals Achievement Progress Report: Tajikistan (2010)

Voluntary National Review of Tajikistan (2017)

Voluntary National Review of Tajikistan (2023)



First UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Turkmenistan (2012)

Climate Change

Initial national communication on climate change under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2001)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2010)

Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2015)

Biological Diversity

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Turkmenistan (2002)

Country study on the status of biodiversity of Turkmenistan (2002)

Third National Report on implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity at national level (2006)

Fourth National Report on implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity at national level (2009)


National Action Programme to Combat Desertification in Turkmenistan (1997)

Sustainable Development

Millennium Development Goals Report Turkmenistan (2004)

Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan (2019)

Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan (2023)

Republic of Uzbekistan


National State of the Environment Report Uzbekistan (2023)

First UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Uzbekistan (2001)

Second UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Uzbekistan (2010)

Third UNECE Environmental Performance Review - Uzbekistan (2020)

Environment Situation and Utilization of Natural Resources in Uzbekistan: Facts and Figures 2000-2004 (2006)

Climate Change

Initial communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1999)

Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2008)

Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016)

Biological Diversity

First National Report on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity (1998)

Third National Report on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity

Fifth National Report of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Conservation of Biodiversity (2015)

Sixth National Report of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Conservation of Biodiversity (2018)


National Action Programme to Combat Desertification in Republic of Uzbekistan (1999)

Sustainable Development

Millennium Development Goals Report Uzbekistan (2006)

Millennium Development Goals Report Uzbekistan (2015)

Publication of statistical indicators of achievement of national SDGs in the Republic of Uzbekistan (2019)

Voluntary National Review of Uzbekistan (2020)

Voluntary National Review of Uzbekistan (2023)