Selected bibliography / Papers

Bakker M.H.N. - Transboundary river floods and institutional capacity (2009)
Bogdanovic S. - International Law of Water Resources: Contribution of the International Law Association (1954-2000) (2001)
Building River Dialogue and Governance
Dellapenna J.W. - The customary international law of transboundary fresh waters (2001)
Ezcurra D., Indij D. - Water Education in Schools: a holistic approach based on Integrated Water Resources Management to met Educational Goals
Grzybowski A. - Innovations in transboundary water management (2013)
Jansson M., Ferguson C.D. - Building a New Foundation with Yemen: An International Science Partnership (2012)
Kreamer D.K. - Hydrophilanthropy and Education (2010)
Naschetnikova O.B., UranzayaB., Lesmes-Fabian S., Krupkin A.V., Shabunin A.F., Nikiforov A.F., Pyrkova T.A. Competence-oriented approach in training masters for water management (2022)
Paisley R. - Adversaries into partners: international water law and the equitable sharing of downstream benefits (2002)
Rieu-Clarke A., Spray C . - Ecosystem services and international water law: towards a more effective determination and implementation of equity? (2013)
Salokhiddinov A. - Education for Water Professionals in Uzbekistan (2015)
Wouters P., Tarlock D.A. - The third wave of normativity in global water law. The duty to cooperate in the peaceful management of the world's water resources: an emerging obligation erga omnes? (2013)
Wouters P. - 'Dynamic cooperation’ in international law and the shadow of state sovereignty in the context of transboundary waters (2013)
Wouters P. - 'Dynamic cooperation’ in international law and the shadow of state sovereignty in the context of transboundary waters (Part 2) (2013)
Yoffe S., Fiske G. - Use of GIS for analysis of indicators of conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources (2002)