Selected bibliography / Papers

Breslin E.D. - Rethinking Hydrophilanthropy: Smart Money for Transformative Impact (2010)
Booher L.J., Huberty M.R. - Costs of Irrigation Water (1957)
Dukhovny V.A., Pinkhasov M. - Financial and Economic Instruments (2009)
Galioto F., Raggi M., Viaggi D. - Pricing Policies in Managing Water Resources in Agriculture: An Application of Contract Theory to Unmetered Water (2013)
Giraldo L., Cortignani R., Dono G. - Simulating Volumetric Pricing for Irrigation Water Operational Cost Recovery under Complete and Perfect Information (2014)
Hung M.-F., Shaw D., Chie B.-T. - Water Trading: Locational Water Rights, Economic Efficiency, and Third-Party Effect (2014)
Johansson R.C., Tsur Y., Roe T.L. , Doukkali R., Dinar A. - Pricing irrigation water: a review of theory and practice (2002)
Medeu А.А. - Economic assessment of water resources in the context of water charging (2016)
Mirzaev N. - Economic incentives for water saving in Central Asia (2009)
Mohayidin G., Attari J., Sadeghi A., Hussein M.A. - Review of water pricing theories and related models (2009)
Sattarov R.A. - Irrigation Water Use Payments and Policies in Developing Countries (2023)
Wichelns D. - Do Estimates of Water Productivity Enhance Understanding of Farm-Level Water Management? (2014)
Zeng X., Li Y., Huang G., Yu L. - Inexact Mathematical Modeling for the Identification of Water Trading Policy under Uncertainty (2014)