Selected bibliography / Monographs and brochures

Aureli A., Brelet C. - Water and Ethics: Women and Water - An Ethical Issue (2004)
Appelgren B. - Water and Ethics: Water in Agriculture (2004)
Acreman M. - Water and Ethics: Water and Ecology (2004)
Asmal K. - Water and Ethics: Water in Civil Society (2004)
Barraque B. - Water and Ethics: Institutional Issues (2004)
Delli Priscoli J., Dooge J., Llamas R. - Water and Ethics: Overview (2004)
Kadyrov A. - Water and Ethics (Thoughts of Professional and Citizen) (2005)
Porto M. - Water and Ethics: Human Health and Sanitation (2004)
Trondalen J. M., Munasinghe M. - Water and Ethics: Ethics and Water Resources Conflicts (2004)